Vaccancy For Jobs

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File No. A-1 20241412021 -Secy-Estt.


Dated 17 j2.2021

1. The Principal Director (Staf0, Office of the CAG of lndia, pocket_g, Deen Dayal
Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi.
2. The Controller General of lndia, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
J. The Principal Director (Commercial), Audit & Ex Officio Member, Audit Board,
Pocket-9, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delht_110124.
4. The Principal secretary (Finance), Govt. of NCT of Derhi, Derhi secretariat,
Estate, New Dethi-l 1OOb2.
5. The Controller General, Defence Accounts, Ulan Batar l\ilarg, palam,
Delhi Cantt.,
New Delhi.
6. The Controller General, Defence Accounts, West Block,
R.K. puram, New Delhi.
7. The Directff General, postal Accounts, Department
of post, Dak Bhawan, Sansad
Marg, New Dethi.

subject: Filling up of ten (,10) posts of Assistant Audit officer (AAo)

in New Dethi
Municipal Council on deputation basis reg.


is proposed to fill up ten posts of Assistant

Audit Officer, in pay Level-g of 7rh CpC
Pay Matrix ({47,600-1 ,51 ,1 oo) in New Derhi
Municipar councir on deputation basis for a
period of three years The periodof deputation can be extended/curtaired as per
requiremenuperformance of the individuar.
The erigibirity criteria required for the posts
under:- are as

a) Hording anarogous post or-with 03 years

regurar service as section officer in Audit
Department or Jr. Account Officer in Accountl
b) Period of deputation in another ex-cadre p".iil; immediatery preceding this
appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the centrar Govt.
sha'ordinariry nor to exceed five years. maximum
age rimit for appointment by
deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years
as on the closing date of the receipt of
app cations.

2. The apprications of the erigibre and wiling

officers, who wourd be spared in the event
of their selection, may be fo*arded in tnJ enctoseO jrotorma (Annexure_l)
undersigned at Room No.8oo1,8'h Froor, parira to the
xendra, iaisao Marg, New Derhi-110001
latest by 31.'01.2022. The appricatior. shourd
be orrv.igneJ ov rne appricant and certified
of DepartmenuEmproyer' The canoioates appiying by
l!" l::o
to withdraw their candidature subsequenfly.
ior the post sha, not be arowecr
rn" apprication shourd be
superscribed "AppltCAT|ON FOR THE
POST OF"nr"ropu"aontaining
ASStsrnUf nUOtr OFFTCER (A.A.O.),,
The Departments/Organizations should forward the application along with following

(i) Vigilance/lntegrity Clearance Certificate certifying that no vigilance case is either

pending or contemplated against the officers, so recommended;
(ii) Cadre Clearance; and
(iii) Copies of ACRs/APARs for the last 5 years.

3. The circular along with the proforma (Annexure-l) can also be downloaded from the
NDMC website: www.ndmc.qov. in. (Public notice).

4. Applications received after the closing date or without any of the aforesaid
documents or otheMise found incomplete or not in the prescribed proforma are liable to be

5. While foruarding lhe application(s), it may be verified by the concerned

department(s) and certified that particulars furnished by the officer are correct. Incomplete or
application received without the documents mentioned in paa-2 above, will not be

6. The aforesaid departments (addressees) are requested to circulate the vacancy in

their attached/subordinate offices elc.

(Arvind G'aur)
Encls. : As above. ulreclor (Hersonnel- l)

Copy to :-
.1. Jt. Director (lT) is requested to upload the above vacancy circular on the website of
2. PS to Chairman - for information
3. PS to Secretary - for information
4. PA to Director (P-l) - for information


1.Name and Address

2.Date of Birth (in Christian era

3.i) Date of entry into service

ii) Date of retirement under

Central/State Government Rules
4.Educational Qualifi cations
5. Whether Educational and
other qualifications required for
the post are satisfied. (lf any
qua lification has been treated
as equivalent to the one
prescribed in the Rules, state
the authority for the same
Qualificatlons/ E^pEr
tErt{;e requtrgo
required as Qualtfications/ experience possessed by the offirer
mentioned in the advertisement/ vacancy

5,1 Note: This column r""O.

mentioned in the RRs by the Admlnlstratlve Ministry/Department/office
at the tim e of issue of circula r
and issue of Advertisement in the Employment News.
5.2 ln the case of Degree and post Graduate eualifications Elective/
main subjects and subsidiary
subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
6. Please state clearly whett ei in tt e tigtrtEintriE
made by you above, you meet the requisite
Essential Qualifications and work experience of

6'1 Note: Borrowing Depaftments to their specific comments/ views confirmint the
relevant Essential Qualificatlon/ work.are -provrde
experlence possessed by the candidate (as indlcated in the Bio-
data) with reference to the post apptied,
,y' -+
7' Details of Employment, in chronological
order' Enclose a separate sheet dury
signature, if the space betow is insufficient. authenticated by your

Office/lnstitution Post held on From iPay Band and

regular basis
To GraG Nature of
?ay/Pay Scale of the Duties (in
post held on regular detait)
basis highlighting .
required for
the post
applied for

tlmportant: pay-band
and eradeTifgr
therefore' should not be mentioned only Pay Band
and Grade pay/ pay scale of the post held on
regular basis to be mentioned. Details of
ACP/MACP with present pay Band and Grade pay
where such
benefits have been drawn by the candidate, may
be indicated as berow;

Office/tnstitution Pay, Pay Band, and Grade pay- From

drawn under ACP / MACP Scheme

8.Nature of present employmenli€. Ad_

hoc or Temporary or euasi-permanent
or Permanent
9.ln case the present employmeni i,
held on deputation/contract basis,
please state-

a) The date of initial b) Period of appointment c) Name of the d) Name of the

appointment o n dep utatio n/contract office/organization to 'post and Pay of
which the applicant the post held in
belongs. substantive
capacity in the

9.1 Note: ln case of Officers already on dep

should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department atong with
Cadre Clearance
Vigilance Clearance and lntegrity certificate.
9.2 Note: lnformation under corumn 9(c) & (d) above must be given
in a1 cases
where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/
organization but
still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/ organisation ., .
10. rf any po-t hi-td on D;puGti".
past by the applicant,
i, th;
date of ,utrrn
frorn the last deputation and
deta ils. I

Please state whether working
(indicate the name of your
against the relevant cotumn) "iri"r".
a) CentralGovernment
b) State Government
c) Autonorno us Orga nization
d) Government Undertaking
e) Universities
:.z. ptease@IE
working in the same Department
the Jeeder grade or. r".a".
il:# io I

y€s, give the date from
wf,i.t, 'if,,.
revision took place and
pre-revised scale
also indi;;;. ;;

aasis Pay in th-ffi Grade pay

15. ln case the appli

Pay-scales, the tatest not foilowinglE
sarary srij issued ;r";i;;;anisation Government
showing the following
ausic eay ,_ s may be
wr'iEEiieof- ^
Dearness paylintiffi-
Pay and rate of
rellef /other Allowa
increment nces
etc., (with break_up

16.4 Addit,fiat
)ost you applied ror in
support of ycur suitability
:he post. for
This among other
r -6-
.professional training and (iii) worli expeiience-over
above prescribed in the Vacancy
Ci rcu lar/Advertisement)

(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is


16.8 Achlevements:
The candidates are requested to indicate information
with regard to;
(i) Research publications and reports and special
p rojects

(ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation

(iii) Affiliation with the professional
bodies/institutions/societies and;
(iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the
(v) Any research/ innovative measure involving official
recognition vi) any other information.
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space ls
L7. Please state whether you are applying for
deputation (ISTC)/Absorption/Re-employment Basis.#
(Officers under Central/State Governments are only
eligible for
"Absorption". Candidates ofnon-
Government Organizations are eligible only for Short
Term Contract)

f (The option of 'STC' /

are available only if the vacancy circular specially
mentioned recruitment by "STC' or "Absorption" or

18, Whether belongs to SC/ST

I have carefully tone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the
information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential
Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the
time of selection for the post. The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best
of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/ withheld.

(Signature of the candidate)



CerUfication by the Employer/
Cadre Controlling Authority
The information/ details proviueo
correct as per the facts
in the above apprication by the
available on records. appricant are true and
He/she possesses educationar
quarifications and
circurar. rtsereaea, r,l/rr,"
;:'"''"T;rI::#lT,[J'vacancv wi, be ,uri"r.o irrediatery.

i) fnere is no vigitance or disciplinary

case pending/ contemplated
.'r'!Lvs against
s6orrr)L Jr
ii) His/ Her integrity is certified.
i'i) His/ Her cR Dossier in
original is enclosed/photocopies
attested by an officer
of the ACRs for the rast years
of the tant< or Under secretary 5 dury
of the Govt. of rndia or
iv) No major/ minor penalty
has been imposed on
ruor" are encrosed..
maior/ minor penalties him/her during the rast
imposed on trim/ rrer 10 years or A rist of
during tt. rrriro
r..r, is encrosed. (as the case may be)


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