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Updated 3/13

SUIT Come with us tomorrow. There’s an open seat. Room for one more to—

THEA COLLINS You’re very taken with me. Need I remind you I am 102 years old and a lesbian.

SUIT You think sex is the only reason a woman could interest a man?

THEA COLLINS I’m rarely surprised.

SUIT Thea, I want you on board because you bring something out in me I thought long dormant.


SUITNostalgia. I remember you…as a boy I remember you on the television. Before there
was…I remember you and the speeches and press conferences. Such a steady, stoic
presence. Un appable, really.

THEA COLLINS You remember that?

SUITI can’t get it out of my head. It would be a shame for you to die with this fragile planet. It
would be a shame to—

THEA COLLINS I remember that. I remember the calls of—

SUIT Action. Change. Of—

THEA COLLINS Did I say those things? Did I believe them? I didn’t write it down.

SUIT It doesn’t matter. I—

THEA COLLINS You believed them.

SUIT I did once. And now—

THEA COLLINS The rockets travel so fast. Away. Away but toward? Not toward. Just out. Out out
out. To run away.

SUIT To live. Come with us, Thea. Help build the foundation of the new human race.

THEA COLLINS You completely misunderstand me.


THEA COLLINS Yes. I’m going down with the ship. It’s my job.

SUITWhy would you leave it up to me to tell your story, to cobble together what I can
remember, when you could come and tell it yourself? Become your own primary resource?
You should consider it.

THEA COLLINS I—The holocene.


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