海员 面试英语

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Yes, I have served as C/E several years(times)


12.What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on?
Oh, several models, for instance, main engine: SUZER RND68, 6700KW; B&W5L45GA 3200KW;
MAN KZ70/1200 5300KW; B&W6L68GFCA 7570KW. Generator engine; YANMAR 6ML-

13. Could you tell the power of (M/E) generator/engine which you have ever worked on?
Ok, 6UEC52LS6500KW; (YANMAR 6ML-HTS270KW), on board ship M/V xxx.

14. What type of engine did you have on your last ship?
The vessel I worked on last time is a bulk carrier with SUZER RND68 engine.

15.Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments?
No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent. We kept the vessel in safe
operation. If I were employed by your company. I were also serve my duty with diligence.

16.Did you have a planned maintenance system(PMS) for your last ship?

Yes, I observed instructions from the shipowner and the system was controlled and
managed by computers.

17 . The ISM Code required preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your
maintenance schedules?
According to the ISM Code, the preventive maintenance plan is made based on the ship’s
“Planned Maintenance System” and the machinery running hours records. This plan should
be made on an annual basis(or a five-year basis). Usually, the monthly maintenance
schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic
occasional maintenance work.
根据 ISM 规则,预防维护计划是基于船舶的“ PMS”和机械运转时间记录来制定的。这个

18.What is the purpose of the ISM Code? What is DPA in ISM Code?
ISM 规则的目的是什么?ISM 规则中 DPA 是什么意思?
The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management
and operation of ship’s of ships and for pollution prevention.
DPA stands for Designated person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety,
pollution prevention aspects on behalf of the shipowner.
ISM 规则的目的是提供针对船舶安全管理和操作以及防污染的一个国际标准。
DPA 的意思是;岸上的指定人员。他的职责是代表船东负责防污染,安全操作方面的

19.What does DOC imply?

DOC 表示什么?

DOC stands for “Document of Compliance”. The marine shipping company should establish
and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS.
Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship.
DOC 表示符合文件。船舶公司应该建立和维护程序去控制所有与 SMS 有关的文件和数

20.What is SMC?
SMC 表示什么?

SMC means Safety management Certificate. It should be issued to a ship by the

administration or an authorized organization.
SMC 是指安全管理证书.他是由船旗国指定的机构和组织对船舶签署的证书。

21.What is the purpose of ISM Audit? What is the Critical Equipment and System?
ISM 审核的目的是什么?系统中的关键设备指什么?

Audit is the systematic and independent verification to determine whether ISM activities
and results conform to planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are
effectively preformed to achieve the objectives of the company and relevant maritime laws.
These are those where sudden loss of functional capability or where failure to respond when
activated manually or automatically may create high-risk situations or major accidents. For
example, main engine, steering gear and so on.
审核是系统地并且不受约束地去检验是否 ISM 活动和结果符合计划的安排,是否这些

22.What are the critical Operations and conditions?


Critical Operations and Conditions are those which have a significant risk of causing major
injuries or illness to people, or damage to ship, cargo, other property and/or the

23. What does Non-Conformity mean? What is Major Non-Conformity?


Non-Conformity means an observed situation where the objective evidence indicates the
Non-Fulfillment of a specified requirement. Major Non-Conformity is an identifiable
deviation which poses a serious threat to personnel or ship safety or serious risk to
environment. Which requires immediate correction the action. Lack of effective and
systematic implementation of the ISM Code is also a Major Non-Conformity.
此种违背要求立即去改正。对 ISM 规则缺乏有效的和系统的执行同样也是一个重大不

24.What is a near accident? Please give an example to show your understanding.什么叫险


The near accident is a kind of potential danger. If it is worse, it will become an accident. For
example, two ships are in close quarters situation. 险情是一种潜在的危险。如果恶化的

25.What should be paid attention to in the overhaul of cylinder?


Every operation must be complied with the preparation measures regulated in the safety
meeting or in the SMS. All safety measures must be observed, such as persons should not
stand under the engine room crane. The operator, who operated the E/R crane, must
operate carefully and smoothly.
每一个操作者都要遵守安全会议或 SMS 所要求的预防措施。切实遵守各项安全措施,

26.Before entering an enclosed space such as ballast tank, what action will you take? 在进
Prepare tools. Check all items in the checklist, such as test of content of oxygen, test of
explosion point, exploded-proof lamp, good ventilation. Communication means should be
available between operators inside and watchman outside and so on. Operators should
wear protective clothing a breathing apparatus, a helmet, working boots, lifeline. Also a
mark plate “Dangerous Operation in Progress” should be established at the entrance.

27.Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety of
the workers in an enclosed space.

More than 18% and no more than 23% of oxygen in an enclosed space will be ok for the
safety of the workers.
大于 18%,小于 23%的氧气含量是安全的。

28.Have you ever seen SOPEP? What is SOPEP?(Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan)
您知道 SOPEP 吗?什么是 SOPEP?(船舶油污应急计划)

Yes, of course. SOPEP stands for Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. 是 的 , 当
然。SOPEP 代表船舶油污应急计划。T

29.What information you could receive form SOPEP

从 SOPEP 中你能得到什么信息?

The SOPEP should contain (but not limited to )the following content;
Procedures to be followed by the Master or other crew in case of oil
Pollution reporting system and the authority or persons to be
contacted in the event of pollution including the telephone numbers
Detailed description of actions to be taken immediately by persons
on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil after the incident.
List of oil spill response equipment to be maintained and prepared on
board.(Removers, sprayer, oil absorbent, saw dust, sand, waste rags, scoop.
Shovels, buckets, bamboo brooms, portable pump, protective
clothing, portable containers.). The essence of the Plan is to avoid any
possible oil leakage and oil pollution.
Simply speaking, SOPEP should include such things as emergency
contacts (telephone and other communication means, address etc), the
equipment used in detailing with oil pollution, the muster list for oil
pollution, the report procedure when the accident happens etc.
SOPEP is compulsory on board most of the ships according to the ISM
IOPP is the certificate for the vessel that is qualified for the requirements issued by the class
on oil pollution prevention.
SOPEP 应该包括但不限于以下内容;
简单地说,SOPEP 应该包括像应急联系(电话和其它的通讯方法,地址等等),处理
根据 ISM 规则,SOPEP 在大多数船上是强制要求的。当船舶符合防污染要求时,船舶
会得到船级社签发的 IOPP 证书。

30.Could you list international conventions concerning marine shipping?


There are many conventions. For example: SOLARS, STCW95,


31.If you found an oil spill in the sea, how would you react?

Immediately report to the nearest competent port authority and take

positive action to control the pollution and make an entry in the
32.What is PSC inspection? Have you had inspection on board the ship? If you
have, what deficiency has been checked out?
什么是 PSC 检查?您在船上经历过吗?如曾经历过,发现了什么缺陷?

PSC inspection stands for Port State Control Inspection. I have the experience of PSC. But no
deficiency has been found.
PSC 检查表示港口国检查。我经历过 PSC 检查但没有被发现出缺陷。
33.Do you keep record while crew works?

Yes, of course. According to SMS, every event should be recorded as evidence. The general
rule is no record, no behaviors.
是的,当然。根据 SMS,没一个事件都应该做记录以作为证据。
34.What is the main duty of the C/E?(2/E, 3/E, 4/E, E/E)

The Chief Engineer is ultimately responsible for the safe and efficient running of all
mechanical and electric machinery shipboard equipment. He is responsible for….
The Second Engineer is responsible for watching at periods of 0400-0800 hours and 1600-
2000hrs. He is responsible to the Chief Engineer for the operation and maintenance of all
machinery and associated equipment. He is responsible for…..
2/E 在航行中负责值 4-8 和 16-20 班。在轮机长的领导下 2/E 负责操作及维护所有

35.How often should you test lifeboat engine? Who takes charge of the operation? Who
takes of maintenance and repair work?

One week interval. SMS requires that every crew on board is capable of operating it. The
fourth Engineer must take charge of maintenance and repair work.

36. Who take charge of repairing deck equipment if the deck equipment is out of order? 甲

The Fourth Engineer takes charge of that work and co-operate by electric engineer.
37.What should be paid attention to when bunkering fuel oil?

Firstly, we must pay much attention not to spill the oil; secondly, the quantity to the oil must
correspond to the contract; thirdly the quality must comply with the required one; fourthly,
we must take samples during bunkering.

38.How do you pump out bilge water in the engine room?


Pump bilge water into bilge tank. Then pump bilge water into oily water separator. Ask the
Captain or deck officers on duty to pump out at appropriate water. The proportion should
not be beyond 15 PPM. The operation should be recorded in “ Oil water record book”.
并不超过 15PPM。操作要记入油水记录本。

39.When will an engineer in charge of watch call the Chief Engineer?

When engine damage or malfunction occurs which may be such as to endanger the safe
operation of the ship; when any malfunction occurs which it is believed, may cause damage
or break down of propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery or monitoring and governing
systems; and in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measure to be

40 . What should be prepared before disassembly of cylinder for main engine/auxiliary


I shall familiarize myself with the operational manual, such as know with certainly the
disassembly procedures, cut off oil and water, the operational procedure, test by oil and
water after assembly; get knowledge of assembly crevice and limited crevice; count on
necessary spares; check all necessary tools before working; be clear of duties for personal
engagement in disassembly of cylinder; safety measures and safety working training are also

41.How do you manage sewage?如何管理生活污水?

Drop in sterilized medicine regularly. Keep the blower in constant working. Check the quality
of the sample of the constant to compare with the standards.

42.Have you ever performed the auxiliary engine to combust heavy oil? What should be
borne in mind when transferring oil from heavy oil to light oil?您做过烧重油的副机吗?在

I have worked on the auxiliary engine which combusts a combination of A and C oil. When
transferring oil from heavy oil to light oil, the changing of temperature should not be rapid.
1*C to 2*C per minute is best. Meanwhile the viscosity change should be constantly
observed. The temperature of the oil temperature to be heated varies in quality of the fuel
oil. In general, 180cst needs to be heated to 95-105*C; 380cst needs to be heated to 130-
135*C. the viscosity is under the control of approximately 2 anglers.
我做过烧 A 类和 C 类油的副机。在重油换轻油过程中,温度的变化不要太快。最好每
分钟 1 到 2 度。同时应该持续地观测粘度的变化因为不同品质的燃油所须加热的温度
是不同的。通常,180 粘度等级燃油要加热到 95-105 度;380 粘度等级的燃油须加热
到 130-135 度。

43.Could you tell the main reason for seeing the black smoke exhausted from the diesel

The possible reasons are as follows; discharge valve damage or over load operation of diesel
engine, or leakage of nozzle, or the incomplete combustion in the cylinder because not
enough fresh air was pumped.

44.Could you tell the main reason for scavenge fire?


Ignition of carbon/oil deposits by;

A. Prolonged blow-by.
B. Slow combustion in cylinder, owing to incorrect atomization, or misaligned fuel jets.
C. Blow-back through the scavenge air ports, owing to an incorrectly adjusted exhaust cam
disc or large resistance in the exhaust system(back pressure not exceed 300 mm wc)
D. The cylinder liner wear out of order or piston ring broken.
C.由于排汽凸轮盘不正确的定时或排汽系统背压过大(背压不能超过 300 毫米水柱)而

45.Could you tell the main reason for crankcase explosion?


Oil mist and hot spot; abnormal friction between sliding surfaces causing a hot spot. Hot
spot can cause the oil falling on them to evaporate. When oil vapour condenses again,
countless minute particle are formed, which are suspended in the air. A milky white mist
develops, which is able to feed and propagate a flame if ignition occurs. The ignition can be
caused by the same hot spot which caused the oil mist to form. The ignition will cause a
tremendous rise of pressure in the crankcase, which will open the crankcase relief v/v
momentarily. A very severe explosion candamage the crankcase door and cause fire in the
engine room. Similar explosions can occur in the chain casing & scavenge air box.

46.What does the turbine super-charger surge?


There are basically five main reasons.

High backpressure of the exhaust manifold and low flowing quantity; rapid change in load;
insufficient supply of fuel oil or bad combustibility; failure of turbine blade, nozzle and
diffuser; narrowed scavenging of air passage or scavenge fire;

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