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Miraculous offering of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus

O Heavenly Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the RIGHT HAND OF JESUS,
(Repea ng sec on a er which...)
which was so painfully wounded on the Cross, and the Precious Blood that Jesus shed from it, as atonement for
my sins (the sins of my family and ancestors) and I humbly beg You: Hide me (my family, my possessions) in the Holy
Wounds of Jesus, so that Satan cannot find us and harm us.

Each me: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father...

O Heavenly Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the LEFT HAND OF JESUS, which...
O Heavenly Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the RIGHT FOOT OF JESUS, which...
O Heavenly Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the LEFT FOOT OF JESUS, which...
O Heavenly Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the PIERCED SIDE OF JESUS, which...

O Heavenly Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the PIERCED SIDE OF JESUS, which was so painfully
wounded on the Cross, and the Blood and Water that Jesus constantly sheds in the Holy Sacraments for our heil, healing,
and salva on.

Lord God, I offer You the

 Jesus' heart wound as atonement for inability to love, unforgiveness, bi erness, anger and hatred;
 Wounds of the scourging of Jesus as atonement for my sins of the flesh, Impurity, foulness and stupidity
 Wounds of the crown of thorns of Jesus as atonement for my pride, arrogance, willfulness, bi erness, and
spiritual indifference;
 Disfigured and mocked sacred Face of Jesus as atonement for the blemishing of the face of the Church of Christ
by my bad example;
 Abandonment of Jesus as atonement for my ingra tude, lack of faith and trust, disappointments and fears.

Humbly I beg You, Lord God and Father: Hide us in the Sacred Wound of Jesus' Love, so that the evil spirit cannot si
us like wheat. Amen.

Prayer asking God to be able to forgive

Jesus, in Your Name and with Your power, with my strength it is not possible,
I forgive all people who have offended me, so as You will.
I bless them all in Your Holy Name. Save and heal their souls, O Lord, and heal me
from all the inner wounds that I have received of those people.
Holy Spirit, tear out all the bi er roots of these wounds,
that were not planted by the heavenly Father. Amen.
Jesus, pour Your precious Blood into these wounds and heal me in body and soul.
Lord, I unite this suffering with Your suffering and offer it up according to Your will.
Lord, please grant us help, protec on and blessing always in all my/our ways. Amen.

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