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The Case Report of Treatment Strategy for Anorexia nervosa with Psychotic
Elements in Adolescent

Article in Collegium Antropologicum · October 2010

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6 authors, including:

Katarina Dodig-Ćurković Mario Ćurković

University of Split Health Center Osijek, Osijek, Croatia


Josipa Radić Dunja Degmečić

University of Split University of Osijek


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Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 3: 1093–1099
Case report

The Case Report of Treatment Strategy

for Anorexia nervosa with Psychotic
Elements in Adolescent
Katarina Dodig-]urkovi}1, Mario ]urkovi}2, Josipa Radi}3, Dunja Degme~i}4, Ivan Po`gain4 and
Pavo Filakovi}4
1 University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Osijek University Hospital Center, Osijek, Croatia
2 Familiy Medicine Office, Osijek Health Centre, Osijek, Croatia
3 University Department of Internal Medicine, Split University Hospital Center, Split, Croatia
4 University Department of Psychiatry, Osijek University Hospital Center, Osijek, Croatia


Eating disorders in early childhood are the same frequency in boys and girls. During adolescence eating disorders
are ten (10) times more frequent in girls than in boys. Worrying is the fact that eating disorders are the third chronic ill-
ness among adolescents after obesity and asthma. Depicting this adolescent we tried to show difficulty of treatment of
this disorder, where in the beginning is important to stabilize body weight and prevent somatic damages such as: heart
damage, amenorrhoea, changes in EKG (electrocardiogram) and electrolyte dysbalance that could endanger the life of
patient. Simultaneously it is important to recognize and treat comorbid psychological disturbances such as in this case:
depression, delusions with occasional psychotic reactions combined with unrealistic thinking about the layout of her own
body. There is still no cure for the treatment of eating disorders which are in growing number of reports among male ado-

Key words: anorexia nervosa, olanzapine, unrealistic body image

Richard Morton first described Anorexia nervosa disturbance in the way in which one´s body weight or
more than 300 years ago, in 1689, as a condition of »a shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or
Nervous Consumption« caused by »sadness, and anxious shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of
cares«. In 1873, two prominent physicians separately de- the current low body weight, 4. in postmenarcheal fe-
scribed Anorexia nervosa; Charles Laségue described it males, amenorrhoea, i.e. the absence of at least three
as »a hysteria linked to hypochondriasis«, and Sir Wil- consecutive menstrual cycles. A woman is considered to
liam W. Gull described it as »a perversion of the ego«1. have amenorrhea if her periods occur only following hor-
The causes of eating disorders are not fully under- mone, e.g., estrogen administration4 Amenorrhea is a
stood but we have reasons to believe that biological, psy- DSM-IV criterion for the diagnosis of Anorexia nervosa
chological and social factors play important role in its de- and reflects weight and nutritional status rather than
velopment and outcome of treatment2. Eating disorders providing useful diagnostic information5. Anorexia ner-
remain an important health care problem for clinicians vosa has the highest mortality of any psychiatric disor-
working with children and adolescents3. Diagnostic and der. It has prevalence of about 0.3% in young women. It is
Statistical Manual of Mental disorders (DSM-IV) diag- more than twice as common in teenage girls, with an av-
nostic criteria for Anorexia nervosa are: 1. refusal to erage age of 15 years; 80–90% of patients with anorexia
maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal are females. It is the most common cause of weight loss
weight for age and height, 2. intense fear of gaining in young women and of admission to child and adolescent
weight or becoming fat, even thought underweight, 3. hospital service. Most of the causes of Anorexia nervosa

Received for publication February 20, 2009

K. Dodig-]urkovi} et al.: The Role of Olanzapinum in Anorexia nervosa, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 3: 1093–1099

are immense distress and frustration in careers and TABLE 1

Risk factors mostly are: women gender, family factors, Risk factors Main features
biological vulnerability, individual psychological factors 1. Genetic factors more connection with
such as perfectionism and obsessive behavior, lack of con- monozygotic twins (56%)
fidence, feeling of inadequacy, depression, alcohol and 2. Disturbance axis ­ cortisol in plasma
drug use, genetic vulnerabilities, individual behavior such hypothalamaus-pitu- ­ endogenous opiates
as dieting, involvement in activities or professional con- itary-gonads
trol-gymnastic, ballet, wrestling, actors, models, dysfun- ¯ serotonin
ction of neurotransmitters (norepinephrine or seroto- 3. Premorbid personality ¯ sex drive
nin), cultural risk factors such as living in industrialized traits defence of oral fantasies
country and imperative to being beautiful, stressful life 4. Mother-child relationship absolute authority of the
events or sexual risk factors (Table 1)7. The multidimen- mother
sional approach to the ethiopathogenesis of eating disor- passive father
ders include genetic, biological, psychosocial effects and 5. »Crisis« of identity the struggle for self respect of
premorbid personality markers8. Leptin which was dis- their own identity
covered only a decade earlier, is a peptide that informs 6. The impact of »modern« imperative of beauty, thinness,
hypothalamic areas about the energy balance of the body. life style an ideal of youth
New scientific researches has suggested a possible role of 7. Selection of occupations ballet dancer, gymnast, jockey,
leptin in eating disorders9. The younger age group is that required thinness dancer
more likely to present with Anorexia nervosa, while the
8. Relationship within the overly protective parents, con-
older adolescents can present with either anorexia or family trol daughter, avoid separation
bulimia nervosa. Failure of outpatient management re-
9. Personality traits 68% have major depressive
quires hospitalization for nutritional rehabilitation with
close monitoring of fluid and electrolyte status to prevent
65% have anxiety disorder
the development of refeeding syndrome. Family involve- (26% obsessive compulsive
ment is vital, particularly in the younger patients, with disorder, 34% social phobia)
ongoing family therapy offering the best outcomes10.
10. »C« Cluster of personality 25% of patients with Anorexia
Olanzapine has proven to be as effective drug in disorder nervosa
maintaining body weight as well as in alleviation delu-
sions and unrealistic perceptions about own body and ­ – increased
body weight, what was confirmed according to data in ¯ – decreased
the literature in recent years.

Case Report lower caloric values, she has insisted on very specific type
of bread, she has chosen dishes, of the fruit she has taken
D. ^. is 15 years old girl, who attend first class of sec- only apples, she exercised intensively, she was attempted
ondary school. She was living with her parents and twin to walk as much as possible. Beside changes related to
sisters seven years old. Mother is unemployed, father is food, we observed disturbances in psychological function-
employed. One of the twin sisters is under neurologically ing: she dragged from the surrounding, she was going
treatment because of epileptic seizures, mother is under out with her peers less often, time spent mostly in her
treatment by oncologist because of breast cancer. Early room, with mother talked only about food, she verbalized
psychomotoric development was regular, she established fear of fattening. Parents were expressed concern be-
regular control of sphincters, spoke up and walked on the cause she was very weak in last time, she was barely
feet properly. During elementary school she was excel- standing on her feet and looked very exhausted. Also had
lent pupil, with good manner. During early childhood on all the excellent grades in school, but school authorities
physical plan, she was not seriously ill, she denied any have expressed concern for her health. In august twenty-
traumatic injury of the head, convulsions and distur- -fifth of the 2008, outpatient review was made on Pediat-
bances of consciousness. Family relationships were in ric clinic and has proposed hospital treatment. First hos-
harmony alleged by the parents, mother was occasionally pitalization on Psychiatric clinic for child and adolescent
tended to anxious and depressive symptomatology, re- psychiatry was in April 2008. In somatic and neurologi-
lated to her own malignant disease. cal status we have observed that the patient was pale,
Year and the half before the admission in the Univer- tired, with cold skin on touch, lanugo hairs over the skin,
sity Department of child and adolescent psychiatry, she halos around the eyes, external mucoses were pale,
began an intensive diet, after observation by her peers weights 44 kilograms, heights 170 centimeters, with
that she was an overweight. She has lost 30 kilograms body mass index of 15.2. According to normal range
during time period of 10 to 12 months, and last 3 months (18.5–25.0) our patient is severely underweight. A body
she has eaten minimal quantity of food. Alleged by the mass index nearing 15 is usually used as an indicator for
family, she ate strictly determined food, mostly with starvation and the health risks involved, with a BMI

K. Dodig-]urkovi} et al.: The Role of Olanzapinum in Anorexia nervosa, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 3: 1093–1099

<17.5 being an informal criterion for diagnosis of An- adolescent »was in fear that she will not pass entrance
orexia nervosa6. In psychological status: decreased mood, examination for general-program secondary school« and
abulic, anhedonic, resigned, with insufficient criticism to self-initiatively decided to enter into secondary medical
her condition, denied suicide thoughts, not psychotic. Af- school. Adolescent cited as a reason for her choice was
ter admission of the patient, broad laboratory investiga- »her will to help other people«. Her weight was stable,
tion was done: complete blood count, iron, C-reactive appetite was still weak, it was observed her preoccupa-
protein (CRP), liver enzymes tests, sex hormones, cor- tion with nutrition and foodstuff. We have put in therapy
tisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), thyroid hor- sulpiride capsules in dose 100 mg twice a day, considering
mones (TH), C-peptide, and all of these tests were in the the fact that this medicine does not affect the metabo-
normal range. Creatinine was 71 mmol/L (normal range: lism, does not increase liver transaminases, in lower
18–62 mmol/L), unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) doses has good antidepressant effect and increase appe-
25.1 mmol/L (normal range:31.0–72.0 mmol/L), transfer- tite. Fourth check examination after discharge (tenth
rin saturation (TSAT) 37 mmol/L (normal range:6–33 month) – it was observed deterioration in mental status,
mmol/L). She was examined by pediatrician, who has rec- she was very exhausted, hardly stood on her legs, looked
ommended diet with higher caloric intake and Ensure malnourished (body weight 43 kilograms, body height
plus potion. Because of amenorrhoea, which has occured 170 cm), body mass index (BMI) 14.87 directing the mal-
a year before the hospital treatment, she was investi- nutrition, very uncritical to her condition, not motivated
gated twice time by gynecologist, who did not prescribe for treatment, rejected staying on Clinic. From parents
pharmacological treatment. Psychological testing display- we found out that she was extremely tense, irritable,
ed that the she was above average intelligence for adoles- changed mood easily, conflicts were often if parents does
cent, without cognitive disturbances, but with nutrition not buy strictly specific food etc. In school she still had
disturbance (anorexia), followed with depressive symp- excellent grades, but she did not fit well in their peers,
toms, lower self esteem, obsession and social withdrawal. mostly she was alone, she did not go out, during the day
In treatment plan beside intensive psychotherapy and was quite asleep. Self-initiatively decreased taking of En-
sociotherapy also was included pharmacological treat- sure Plus potion from six to two doses. Ensure plus is a
ment with antidepressant, because of marked clinical de- source of complete, balanced nutrition that provides con-
pressing picture. Pharmacological treatment was started centrated calories, protein and fiber to help patients gain
with escitalopram five (5) mg per day, with increment of or maintain weight. One Ensure Plus has approximately
dose on ten (10) mg per day, after one week. Gradually, 350 calorie density so daily income in our case was 2000
we have observed discrete shift on willing-affective plan, calories (4 to 6 per day). Ensure Plus may be substituted
patient became more critical to her own condition, but for Ensure if the patient needs to drink 3 or 4 cans of reg-
still with a resistance to taking large quantities of food. ular Ensure to reach a weight goal. Fifth check examina-
After discharge from the Clinic, it was continued ambu- tion (tenth month) – in treatment was included atypical
latory care. antipsychotic drug olanzapine tablets in dose of five (5)
mg in the morning with sulpiride two hundred (200) mg
First check examination after discharge (sixth divided in two doses. During examination it was ob-
month)-adolescent was still resigned, apathetic, she ate served that the patient was physically and mentally ex-
minimal amount of selected food, refused intake of food hausted, in mental status delusions and unrealistic attitu-
with higher caloric values, she isolated herself and dra- des about external appearance were presented, com-
gged herself from peers. Dose of escitalopram was in- pletely uncritical to her external appearance, she consid-
creased on twenty (20) mg in the morning. Second check ered that she was not »thin« enough, persistently has re-
examination after discharge (seventh month)-without jected taking food in more meals, mostly has consumed
shift in psychic status, body weight was 44.5 kg, labora- apples. She was very abulic, not motivated for therapeu-
tory test displayed increased liver transaminases, aspar- tic process, has rejected taking medicines. Hospital treat-
tate transaminase (AST) 94, normal range:14–22 U/L; ment was recommended. Second hospitalization at the
alanine transaminase (ALT) 177, normal range:10–20 clinical department for child and adolescent psychiatry
U/L. After doing some other tests (ultrasound of liver (13.10.–17.11.2008.) – in psychiatric status depressive
and markers for viral hepatitis B and C) it was concluded mood was dominated, ambivalent attitude according to
that was slightly and transitory liver lesion. We have put suicide, delusions, possessed ideas about external physi-
out escitalopram from therapy. Given the deterioration cal appearance, with general physical exhaustion as reac-
in the mental status and body weight of 45 kilograms, it tion on visible undernourishment (body weight 43 kilo-
was again recommended hospital treatment, but family grams, body height 170 centimeters). It was done compre-
rejected it. We have started pharmacological treatment hensive somatic investigation and retest by psychologist:
with fluvoxamine in dose of fifty (50) mg in the evening, electroencephalography (EEG) examination (normal), con-
but because of increased liver transaminases this medi- trol complete blood count (mild microcytic anemia), sex
cation also was put out of therapy. Third check examina- hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteini-
tion after discharge (ninth month)-adolescent success- zing hormone (LH), estradiol, progesterone-all were in
fully passed entrance examination for secondary medical normal range. She was examined by cardiologist-except
school, although her first choice was general-program bradycardia on electrocardiogram (EKG) test, all param-
secondary school. From parents we have found out that eters were normal. Thyroid hormones were in normal

K. Dodig-]urkovi} et al.: The Role of Olanzapinum in Anorexia nervosa, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 3: 1093–1099

range. Pediatric examination: Ensure plus potions up to in the evening. Sulpiride was excluded from therapy. Re-
2000 calories per day. She has been on continuous psy- test by psychologist from tenth month displayed the
chotherapy with cognitive behavioral approach individu- persistence of disturbances related to test from fourth
ally. Along with the surveillance of medical staff in seven month of 2008. year, when adolescent verbalized fear of
days polyvitaminic therapy with glucose and vitamines B thickness, was feeling guilty after food intake, but par-
and C was udertaken. Daily menu was made up accord- tially with critical attitude on her relation to food, raised
ing pediatric recommendations up to 2000 calories per social anxiety and inadequate strategies for stress cop-
day. Dose of olanzapine was increased on ten (10) mg di- ing. Gradually, there was increase on body weight and
vided in two doses with sulpiride tablets. The aim of ther- four weeks after hospital treatment body weight was
apy was to prevent further decrease on body weight, but forty seven (47) kilograms. Patient was further persisted
also confrontation with the general state of the goal to on her attitudes to the food. Because of school duties she
achieve more critical attitude to disease and external ap- was discharged in partially improved condition at the re-
pearance. Considering that the patient occasionally dis- quest of her parents, against advice of physicians. First
played symptoms of psychotic behavior as a consequence control examination after hospital treatment – she had
of longtime starvation and insufficiently intake of energy stable body weight, but she was still ambivalent, abulic,
(glucose), monitoring of patient and her behavior was en- socially isolated, with often mood oscillations, tended to
hanced. Over a period of psychotherapeutic discussions aggressive behavior toward her mother, related to food
with adolescent, we heard that she was not satisfied with selection because mother has cooked equally for her and
school choice recently, she was not well suited in second- the rest of the family. She has avoided intake of some
ary medical school, most of her girlfriends were enrolled food, mostly she has eaten apples and integral pastry.
in gymnasium. She was not seen herself as skinny, she Laboratory findings: liver enzymes AST, ALT, gamma
was thought that she has finally reached desired weight. glutamyltransferase (GGT) were in normal range. Sec-
During pediatric examination, she was informed on pos- ond control after hospital treatment-she had stable body
sibility of coercively treatment with nasogastric probe, if weight (body weight 47 kilograms, body height 170 centi-
she still continued to reject food intake, but without sub- meters), with excellent grades on school semester, dis-
stantial effect on her attitude on external appearance. crete shift on willing-affective plan, occasionally mood
Diagnostically it was an impression that she has progres- oscillations, she has expressed tiredness and drowsiness.
sively proceeded to clinical picture of psychotic reaction. During examination we have observed cold skin, lanugo
Dose of olanzapine was increased on fifteen (15) mg per hairs over the skin and face pallor. It was still present
day, adding valproate in dose of three hundred (300) mg amenorrhoea with occasionally constipations. Patient


August 2007, 73 kg, 170 cm

April 2008, The first hospitalization in a psychiatric Ensure Plus (4-6 times a day)
43 kg, 170 cm clinic Escitalopram
June 2008 The first control examination Escitalopram 10 mg daily
Escitalopram 20 mg daily in two divided doses after three
July 2008 The second control examination Escitalopram excluded from therapy
Fluvoxamin 50 mg in the evening was included
September 2008 The third control examination Sulpiride 100 mg daily in two doses
September 2008 The fourth control examination Sulpiride 200 mg daily
Ensure Plus (two times daily)
October 2008. The fifth control examination Olanzapine tablets (orodispersible) 5 mg in the morning
November 2008 The second hospitalization Olanzapine 10 mg daily divided in two doses
Polyvitamin therapy with 5% glucose and vitamins B and C
for 7 days
Ensure plus (2000 calories per day)
November/December The second hospitalization Olanzapine 15 mg daily divided in two doses
Valproate 300 mg in the evening
December The first control examination after second Olanzapine 15 mg daily
hospitalization Valproate 300 mg daily
January 2009, The second control examination after second Olanzapine 15 mg daily
49 kg, 170 cm hospitalization Valproate 300 mg divided in two doses
Escitalopram 10 mg in the morning

K. Dodig-]urkovi} et al.: The Role of Olanzapinum in Anorexia nervosa, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 3: 1093–1099

was told that is necessary to achieve gain in body weight, sive comments designed to establish the importance of
because of production of sex hormones and establishing dieting and develop eating habits15. By het-
of regular menstrual cycles. Mother and father was ex- ero-anamnestic data from parents we have found out
plained possibility of referral adolescent to Clinic for psy- that disturbances in adolescent were began in the period
chological medicine, because of examination and possible when the mother began treatment by oncologist because
agreement about family therapy (Table 2). Third control malignant disease on her breast. In this period, mother
examination after hospital treatment: she had stable was also under psychiatric treatment because of depres-
body weight, partially more critical to external appear- sive symptoms, without capacity to recognize what was
ance, but also pronounced depressive clinical picture. It happening with her daughter. Also, one of the youngest
was still recommended to continue with present therapy. daughter has epilepsy and during that stressful period
Laboratory test: total cholesterol (TC) 4.8 mmol/L, high her condition also get worse. All that stressful events
density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol 1.07 mmol/L, trigly- have made our adolescent more anxious in actual situa-
cerides 1.03 mmol/L, low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cho- tion. Family and her friends have described adolescent as
lesterol 3.3 mmol/L, iron 9 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen obsessive in carrying out her tasks and decent girl, with
(BUN) 5.2 mmol/L, creatinine 77 mmol/L, ALT 30 U/L, excellent grades in all classes. Always trying to be the
GGT 24 U/L, CRP 1.5 mg/L-all in normal range. best in everything. Naturally, she has greater
osteomuscular composition and loss of thirty (30) kilo-
grams during last year, started to worry family and
Disscusion school authorities, and after the diagnostic process by pe-
diatrician, they came to Clinical department for child
The core psychological feature of Anorexia nervosa is and adolescent psychiatry. Psychodynamically, can be
the extreme overvaluation of shape and weight. People taken into consideration the feeling of intense worry for
with anorexia also have the physical capacity to tolerate the mother and changed the school selection. Adolescent
extreme self imposed weight loss and many people with originally wanted to enter high school language but she
Anorexia nervosa use over-exercise and overactivity to chose nursing school. The treatment of eating disorders
burn calories. Our adolescent has met all criteria with as Anorexia nervosa is based on multimodal approach. In
amenorrhoea which has existed four months prior to hos- some cases escitalopram may reduce depression and anx-
pitalization on Clinic and body mass index of 14.5. iety during weight gain. The pharmacological options for
Individuals with Anorexia nervosa tend to have obses- Anorexia nervosa are very limited. Peptide hormones are
sive-compulsive and dysphoric mood, high constraint, increasingly being evaluated for eating disorder treat-
constriction of affect and emotional expressiveness, an- ment, including ghrelin agonists, neuropeptide Y1 and 5
hedonia, and asceticism. Such symptoms often begin in antagonist, orexin receptor antagonists, corticotropin-re-
childhood, before the onset of an eating disorder, and per- leasing factor receptor 2 antagonist, histamine 3 antago-
sist after recovery, suggesting that these are traits that nists, melanocortin 4 receptor antagonists, beta 3-adre-
create vulnerability for developing eating disorder11. Con- noreceptor agonists, 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A antagonists
siderable evidences suggest that altered brain serotonin and growth hormone agonists16.The decision to hospital-
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) function contributes to dy- ize a patient is based on the patient’s medical condition
sregulation of an appetite, mood and impulse control in and the amount of structure needed to ensure patient’s
Anorexia nervosa. Stress and/or cultural and societal cooperation. Anorexia nervosa patients who are 20 per-
pressures may contribute by increasing anxious and ob- cent bellow the expected weight for their height are rec-
sessive temperament. Individuals with Anorexia nervosa ommended for inpatient programs, and patients who are
may discover that reduced dietary intake, by reducing 30 percent below their expected weight require psychiat-
plasma tryptophan availability is a means by which they ric hospitalization for 2 to 6 months4. A cardiovascular
can modulate brain 5-HT functional activity and anxious risk profile might be expected in Anorexia nervosa due to
mood12. Resent studies have hypothesized that perinatal low body weight and dietary fat intake17. It is an eating
complications might increase the risk of developing eat- disorder which, in case of life-threatening complications,
ing disorders. The presence of signs of neonatal dy- requires admission to the intensive care unit. Prolonged
smaturity at birth seems to influence the development of electrolyte disturbances in Anorexia nervosa, catabolism
high levels of harm avoidance in eating disorders13. Ado- and insufficient immunity are main factors for develop-
lescents with Anorexia nervosa are usually high achiev- ing an acute inflammation, as well as some other compli-
ers and are often involved in a number of extracurricular cations such as cardiorespiratory failure, nosocomial in-
activities such as tutoring, volunteer work and commu- fections and sepsis with multiple organ failure18. Taking
nity leadership, they tend to be perfectionists, have in- into account very low body mass index (BMI) of 14 which
ternalizing coping styles and obsessive behaviors. The was pointed to extreme malnutrition, amenorrhoea and
family dynamics commonly seen in families of teenagers poor somatic condition followed with bradycardia in
with Anorexia nervosa include conflict avoidance, undue EKG (electrocardiogram), anemia with hypothermia,
degrees of enmeshment with either parent, rigid and lanugo hairs over skin and bad psychological condition,
overprotective parenting14. Girls with higher BMI, who we have taken position on hospitalization in Clinic. At
accepted societal standards of thin-ideal, perceived major first hospitalization we have noticed great resistance and
social pressure to be thin throughout direct and persua- loss of motivation in relation to the therapeutic ap-

K. Dodig-]urkovi} et al.: The Role of Olanzapinum in Anorexia nervosa, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 3: 1093–1099

proaches, and distorted image of her own appearance show extreme hypophagia and excessive physical activity.
and body weight, followed with statements »I am not Olanzapine treatment reduced physical activity in hyper-
skinny, I have a good body weight now and need to main- activity Anorexia nervosa patient26. Excessive physical
tain it«. We have decided for less aggressive psycho- activity is commonly described as a symptom of Anorexia
therapeutic approach considering earlier confrontation nervosa and suppression of hyperactivity by olanzapine
with pediatrician led to an aggravation of her mental in anorectic patients as well as in ABA rats suggested a
state. The major characteristics patients with Anorexia role of dopamine and serotonin in this trait. These data
nervosa are: 25% loss of body weight, weight phobia, pre- support a role for dopamine in anorexia associated hy-
occupation with food, body image disturbances and many peractivity27. In our case the main therapeutic goal was
others medical conditions: bradycardia, hypotension, de- to prevent further weight loss and possible somatic dam-
hydration, hypothermia, electrolyte abnormalities, ame- ages (heart complications) and with combining of olan-
norrhoea, metabolic changes and abdominal distress. zapine and sulpiride we have achieved an increase in
Anorexic adolescents resist treatment and may die if not body weight of about four kilograms in ten weeks. Sul-
cured19. The eating disorders as Anorexia nervosa and piride as a drug in smaller doses has an antidepressant
bulimia nervosa present with comorbidity in a number of effect and in higher doses has antipsychotic effect, and
important areas, including depression, bipolar disorder, considering that it does not affect increase of liver trans-
anxiety disorder (obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic aminases, we have it chosen as a drug of choice in the
disorder, social anxiety disorder and other phobias, and treatment of low mood, lethargy and loss of motivation.
post-traumatic stress disorder) and substance abuse20. Because sulpiride has an amenorrhoea as a side-effect,
The aims of medical treatment are to promote body- after the initial treatment we have replaced it with
weight gain and nutritional recovery. Psychiatric goals valproate as a mood stabilizer28. Sulpiride as an antipsy-
are address the psychosocial precipitants, treat comorbid chotic blocks dopamine 2 recepors in tuberoinfundibular
mood disorders and assist the patient to develop alterna- patway. This causes plasma prolactin concentration to
tive coping skills21. While serotonin, dopamine and pros- raise, also galactorrhea and amenorrhoea, so we ex-
taglandin promote the ingestion of food, by contrast, cluded sulpiride in further therapeutic plan29. Hyper-
neuropeptide Y, norepinephrine, GABA and opiod pep- prolactinemia is also one of the clinical sign in Anorexia
tides inhibit food ingestion, causing the occurrence of nervosa, primary because of hypothalamic dysfunction,
eating disorders. Mood stabilizers as lithium, anxiolytics, but also because of overactivation of dopamine system
serotonin and noradrenalin reuptake inhibitors, and that can produce eating deficit. Valproate may be effec-
antipsychotic drugs are often used in the treatment of tive in treating patients with eating disorders such as
eating disorders22. Megestrol acetate is currently used to Anorexia nervosa and bulimia. It is used to treat an asso-
improve appetite and to increase weight in cancer-associ- ciated psychiatric disorder (mood) but also valproate is
ated anorexia and 1993 was approved by USA Federal used for weight gain30. With olanzapine in dose of ten
Drug Administration for the treatment of anorexia, (10) mg on daily basis and the occasional infusion of glu-
cachexia or unexplained weight loss in patients with cose and B vitamines, we have kept body weight of ado-
AIDS. Megestrol may interfere with the normal men- lescent. Simultaneously we have alleviated symptoms of
strual cycle in women and also may cause many other psychotic behavior: we have decreased delusions of her
side effects, and in our patient this drug was not a choice own appearance and body weight as well as the irrational
for treatment23. Whereas antidepressants have not been food selection and caloric values of certain foods. On sev-
proven to be useful in promoting weight gain, they can eral occasions we did examination by cardiologist and en-
play a role in the treatment of comorbid conditions such docrinologist. Adolescent is still in continuous psycho-
as a major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder or therapeutic approach, where with the help of cognitive
other anxiety disorders. Selective serotonin reuptake in- behavioral method is trying to influence the behavior of
hibitors may help prevent relapse in some patients with adolescent in relation to food habits. It is necessary to or-
Anorexia nervosa, once weight restoration has been ganize family psychotherapeutic approach as well as sup-
achieved. Atypical antipsychotics as olanzapine, facili- port from family and school authorities. Prognosis and
tate weight restoration and decrease eating-focused and further course of disease is uncertain and presenting
weight-focused anxiety. Those drugs should not be used great challenge for every physician who is involved in the
as a first-line treatment but could be tried in patients treatment of these patients.
whose condition is refractory to treatment or high-risk
patients. Cardiac and liver functions should be moni-
tored and caution should be exercised in the use of drugs Conclusion
that may compromise cardiac function. Drugs that pro-
long QT interval or that lower the seizure threshold Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality of any
(bupropion) should also be avoided24. Results showed psychiatric disorder31. For the treatment of Anorexia
that olanzapine, an atypical antipsychotic, is known to nervosa, the key elements are optimal pharmacological
result in weight gain and suggested that olanzapine may management, cognitive therapy and family therapy. Nu-
be safely used in achieving more rapid weight gain and tritional rehabilitation and weight restoration are essen-
improvement in obsessive symptoms among women with tial. In this case we described the clinical features of An-
Anorexia nervosa25. Anorexia nervosa patients often orexia nervosa with psychotic elements and optimal

K. Dodig-]urkovi} et al.: The Role of Olanzapinum in Anorexia nervosa, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 3: 1093–1099

pharmacological treatment in order to achieve weight cently, we still do not have effective drugs to treat an-
gain and stabilization of some somatic parameters. Re- orexia.

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K. Dodig-]urkovi}

University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Osijek University Hospital Center, Josipa Huttlera 4, 31000
Osijek, Croatia




Poreme}aji prehrane su u ranom djetinjstvu jednako u~estali kod dje~aka i kod djevoj~ica. Za vrijeme adolescencije
se oko deset puta ~e{}e javlja kod djevojaka. Zabrinjava podatak da su poreme}aji prehrane tre}a kroni~na bolest kod
adolescenata, nakon debljine i astme. Mla|i adolescenti i adolescentice ~e{}e oboljevaju od anoreksije, dok stariji ado-
lescenti u jednakoj mjeri i od anoreksie ili bulimije. Prikazom ove adolescentice smo nastojali ukazati na te`inu lije~enja
ovog poreme}aja gdje je u po~etku va`no stabilizirati tjelesnu te`inu i sprije~iti somatska o{te}enja kao {to: o{te}enje
srca, amenoreja, promjene u EKG nalazu i elektrolitski disbalans koji bi mogli `ivotno ugroziti pacijenticu. Istovremeno
je va`no prepoznati i lije~iti i komorbidne psihi~ke poreme}aje kao {to su u ovom slu~aju: depresija, deluzije, uz po-
vremene psihoti~ne reakcije vazano uz nerealna razmi{ljanja o izgledu vlastitog tijela. Jo{ uvijek ne postoji lijek za
lije~enje ovog poreme}aja koji se u sve ve}em broju javlja i me|u adolescentima mu{kog spola.


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