Execution Application

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In the case of: Iffam Rafiq & Anr

. Applicants


Shahid Khursheed Khan & Ors


In the matter of: Application for execution of order dated:

20-10-2020 passed by this Hon' ble court.

May it please your honor;

The applicant most respectfully submits as under:

1. That the applicant filed a DV Act petition before this Hon'ble court wherein the applicant has
pleased the Hon'ble court to pass order dt: 20-10-2020 whereby the non applicant has been directed
to pay maintenance of Rs. 5000/- in favor of applicants w.e.f. the date of filing of the petition u/s DV
Act i.e. 14-03-2020. Copy of the order is annexed herewith for kind perusal of this Hon' ble court.

2. That the non-applicant No.1 / respondent is in arrears of Rs. 85,000/- till date as per the court
order to the applicants as such has disobeyed/violated the order of this Hon'ble court

3. That after repeated request from the applicants, the non applicant is playing delay tactics and has
failed to comply the court order which has compelled the applicants to seek the indulgence of this
Hon'ble court for the execution of this Hon'ble court's order.

4. That the applicants are facing hardships in these hard days as they have no means of income from
any quarter and are suffering in respect of food, clothing, medicine, education etc. It is apt to
mention here that the admission fee of the child/ Suleiman Shahid in OASIS Srinagar has been
deposited in an amount of Rs. 20,000/- and monthly fee deposited till date 26,600/- copy of receipts
are annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A collectively. And in case, said maintenance is not paid on
due dates, the education career of the child will suffer irreparably.

5. That the applicants / petitioners seeks leave of this Hon'ble court for execution of the order dt:
20-10-2020 in letter and spirit so that dignity of law will prevail, therefore, the Hon'ble court is
within its power under the relevant provisions of law to take coercive steps for implementation
of the order supra.

6. That order of maintenance passed by this Hon' ble court, and the non applicant is in arrears of Rs
85,000/- which is due towards the applicants.

7. That this application is supported by an affidavit which is duly sworn in by the applicant.

IN THE PREMISES, it is therefore prayed that the application / petition may be allowed and the
non applicant respondent be directed to pay the arrears of Rs. 85,000/- @ Rs. 5000/- /- per month as
monthly maintenance as per thecourt order dated: 20-10-2020, failing which this Hon'ble court may
take the stringent measures for the execution of the said order / judgment.

Applicants/petitioners through counsel

Advocate, J&K High Court Sgr

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