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C∂se (14.12.

2019) \S∂ VEO ]-co-£-bn¬ h∂ 39-ma-sØ tNm-Zy-Øn-s‚ DØcw hn-i-Ie-\w sN-

[Code: C]

39. You think you are brilliant, ................ ?

(A) aren’t you (B) don’t you
(C) didn’t you (D) do you
tI-c-f-Øn-se ap≥-\n-c-bn-ep-≈ Hcp PSC Coaching Centre A-h-cp-sS D-Ø-c-kq-Nn-I-bn¬ Cu tNm-Zy-Øn-s‚
i-cn-bp-Ø-c-ambn (A) aren’t you B-Wv \¬-In-°-≠Xv. a-‰p Nn-ecpw C-tX DØ-cw \¬-In-b-Xm-bn I≠p. F-
∂m¬ Cu DØ-cw sX-‰mWv. i-cnbm-b DØcw (B) don’t you BWv. Cu hmIyw hm-bn-®n-´v C-Xn-s‚ A¿-∞w
F-Sp-Øm¬ Xs∂ aren’t you F∂ tNm-Zy-Øn-\v {]-k-‡n-bn-s√-∂v a-\- n-em-hpw. Cu hm-Iy-Øn-s‚ A¿∞w
“\o k-a¿-∞-\m-sW-∂v \o I-cp-Xp∂p” F-∂m-W-t√m. A-t∏mƒ C-Xn-\v ]‰nb question tag G-Xm-bn-cn-°Ww?
“\o k-a¿-∞\t√?” F∂mtWm tNm-Zn-t°≠-Xv AtXm “\o Aß-s\ I-cp-Xp-∂nt√?” F∂mtWm tNm-Zn-t°-
≠Xv. “\o Aß-s\ I-cp-Xp-∂nt√?” F-∂X-t√ A\p-tbm-Py-amb tNm-Zyw.
C-\n \n-b-a-Øn-te-°v I-S-°mw. PSC C-Ø-c-Øn-ep≈ complex sentences hf-sc Ip-d™ tXm-Xn-te ]-co-
£-bn¬ tNm-Zn-®n-´p≈. PSC-bpsS 95 i-X-am-\-Øn-te-sd tag questions-Dw h∂Xv simple sentence _-‘-
s∏-Sp-Øn-bmWv. You think you are brilliant F-∂ hmIyw Hcp complex sentence BWv. C-hn-sS c-≠p hm-
Iy-߃ Im-Wmw. You think, You are brilliant F-∂n-h-bmWv Cu c-≠p hm-Iy߃. Chsb that sIm-≠v tbm-
Pn-∏n-®m¬ You think that you are brilliant F-∂ hmIyw In-´pw. You think, You are brilliant F∂nh simple
sentences BWv. Chsb that F∂ conjunction sIm-≠v tbm-Pn-∏n-®m¬ AXv complex sentence B-bn
am-dp∂p. C-hn-sS sIm-Sp-Ø hm-Iy-Øn¬ that H-gn-hm-°n-sb-t∂-bp≈q. CØ-cw hm-Iy-Øn¬ that H-gn-hm-°nbpw
D-]-tbm-Kn-°mw. C-h-bn¬ You think F-∂ hmIyw “\o I-cp-Xp∂p” F-∂ ]q¿-Æam-b A¿-∞w \¬-Ip-tºmƒ
(that) you are brilliant F-∂ hmIyw “\o k-a¿-∞-\m-sW∂v” F-∂ A-]q¿-Æam-b A¿-∞-am-Wv \¬-Ip-∂Xv.
C-h-bn¬ ]q¿-Æam-b A¿-∞w \¬-Ip-∂ hmIyw main clause F-∂ t]-cnepw A-]q¿-Æam-b A¿-∞w \¬-Ip-
∂ hmIyw subordinate clause F-∂ t]-cnepw A-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂p. Hcp main clause-Dw Ht∂m A-Xn-tesdtbm
subordinate clause-Dw A-S-ßp-∂ hm-Iy-amWv complex sentence F-∂ t]-cn¬ A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂Xv.
Complex sentence-s‚ question tag D-≠m-t°-≠n h-cp-tºmƒ s]m-Xp-sh D-]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Øp∂Xv main
clause-s\-bmWv. Cu \n-b-a-{]-Im-c-am-Wv C-hnsS main clause Bb You think-s‚ question tag (don’t
you) i-cn-bp-Ø-c-am-bn am-dp-∂Xv.
PSC ap-ºv \-SØn-b H-cp ]-co-£-bn¬ h∂ complex sentence ImWpI:
You will tell me how you trained your dog, ..........?
(a) did you (b) will you
(c) don’t you (d) won’t you
[LDC - Village Assistant, 2017]
C-Xnse main clause BWv You will tell me F-∂ hm-Iyw. How you trained your dog F∂Xv subordinate
clause BWv. X-∂n-cn-°p-∂ H-]v-j-\p-I-fn¬ you trained F-∂-Xns‚ tag Bb didn’t you sIm-Sp-Øn-´p-an√
F-∂v Im-Wp-I. C-hn-sS i-cn-bp-Ø-c-am-bn h-cp∂Xv main clause Bb You will tell me F-∂ hm-Iy-Øn-s‚
tag Bb won’t you B-Wv.
PSC ap≥Im-e ]-co-£-bn¬ tNm-Zn-® Hcp complex sentence Iq-Sn CXm:
You would come if I needed help, ........?
(a) would you (b) need you
(c) wouldn’t you (d) needn’t you
C-hnsS You would come F∂Xv main clause-Dw if I needed help F∂Xv subordinate clause-Dw BWv.
Cu hmIyw positive B-b-Xn-\m¬ negative tag thWw. A-Xn-\m¬ H-]vj≥ (a), (b) F∂n-h ]-cn-K-W-\-bn-
se-Sp-t°-≠. H-]vj≥ (c), (d) F-∂n-h-bn¬ (c) B-Wv i-cn-bp-Øcw. CXv You would come F∂ main
clause-s‚ tag B-W-t√m. Needed, main verb B-b-Xn-\m¬ didn’t B-Wv C-Xns‚ tag-¬ h-tc≠ auxiliary
verb F-∂p IqSn Hm¿-°p-I. am-{Xa√, H-cn-°epw needn’t F-∂ negative auxiliary verb, question tag-¬ h-
cn√. Imc-Ww hm-Iy-Øn¬ need D-]-tbm-Kn-°p∂Xv auxiliary verb B-bn-´m-sW-¶n¬ AXv negative-hn-te D-
]-tbm-Kn°q. A-Xm-bXv, You needn’t come tomorrow F-t∂ ]-d-bm-\mhq. A√msX, you need come
tomorow F-∂√. Need, positive-¬ D-]-tbm-Kn-°-W-sa-¶n¬ need to F-∂m-°n am-‰Ww. A-Xm-bXv, You
need to come tomorrow F-∂p ]-d-bWw. C-hnsS need, auxiliary verb A√, main verb BWv. A-t∏mƒ
You need to come tomorrow F-∂-Xns‚ tag, don’t you? B-bn-cn-°pw. F-∂m¬ You needn’t come
tomorrow F-∂-Xns‚ tag, need you? F-∂m-bn-cn-°pw. A-Xn-\m¬ need, positive tag-te hcq, negative
tag-¬ h-cn√ F-t∂m¿-°pI.
ap-I-fn¬ ]d™ PSC-bn¬ h∂ complex sentences \-ap-°v X-cp-∂ hy-‡am-b kqN\ main clause-s‚
tag B-Wv ]-cn-K-Wn-t°≠-Xv F-∂m-W-t√m.
A-t∏mƒ C-tXm¿°pI: “Complex sentence-s‚ question tag D-≠m-°m≥ s]m-Xp-sh ]-cn-K-Wn-°p∂Xv
main clause-s\-bmWv.”
C-hnsS “s]m-Xpsh” F-∂ hm-°p-]-tbm-Kn-°m≥ H-cp Im-c-W-ap≠v. Nn-e L-´-Øn¬ complex sentence-s‚
question tag D-≠m-°m≥ subordinate clause-s\ B-{i-bn-t°-≠n h-t∂-°pw. AØ-c-sam-cp hmIyw PSC
X-s∂ ap-sºm-cp ]-co-£-bn¬ tNm-Zn-®n-´p≠v. B tNmZyw CXm:
I think I am right, ...........
(a) aren’t I? (b) am I?
(c) doesn’t I? (d) don’t I?
[Male Warden NCA, 2017)
hmIyw positive B-b-Xn-\m¬ negative tag th-W-sa-∂v \n-߃-°-dn-bmw. A-Xn-\m¬ H-]vj≥ (b) ]-cn-K-Wn-
°-s∏-tS-≠-Xn√. _m-°n aq∂pw negative tags BWv. C-hnsS s-¬ A-h-km-\n-°p∂ main verb C√m-Ø-Xn-
\m¬ does B-hiyw h-cp-∂n√. Cu hm-Iy-Ønse main clause-s‚ tag F-Sp-Øm¬ A-Xv don’t I? BWv;
subordinate clause-s‚ tag F-Sp-Øm¬ AXv aren’t I? BWv. C-h-bn-te-Xm-Wv i-cn-bpØcw? t\c-sØ ]-
d™ s]m-Xphm-b \n-b-a-sa-Sp-Øm¬ main clause-s‚ tag B-b H-]vj≥ (d) B-Wv i-cn-bp-Ø-c-am-bn h-tc-
≠Xv. F-∂m¬ C-hnsS Cu DØ-cw sX-‰m-bn am-dp∂p. ]Icw subordinate clause-s‚ tag B-b H-]vj≥ (a)
i-cn-bp-Ø-c-am-bn h-cp∂p. F¥p-sIm≠v?
\-ap-°mZyw hm-Iy-Øn-s‚ A¿-∞w t\m-°mw: “Rm≥ ]-d™-Xv i-cn-bm-sW-∂v F-\n-°v tXm-∂p∂p.” C-hnsS
don’t I? D-]-tbm-Kn-®m¬ In-´p-∂ A¿∞w “F-\n-°v tXm-∂p-∂nt√?” F-∂mWv. Cß-s\ tNm-Zn-°m≥ ]-‰ptam?
F-s‚ tXm-∂-en-s\-°p-dn-®v \n-ß-tfm-Sv tNm-Zn-®m¬ Fß-s\ \n-߃-°v DØ-cw ]-d-bm-\m-hpw? F-∂m¬ aren’t
I? F-∂v D-]-tbm-Kn-®m¬ In-´p-∂ A¿∞w “Rm≥ ]-d™-Xv i-cnbt√?” F-∂mWv. Cß-s\ tNm-Zn-°m-a-t√m.
Rm≥ ]-d™-Xv i-cnbmtWm A√tbm F-∂v \n-߃-°v ]-d-bm-\m-hp-a-t√m. A-t∏mƒ CØ-cw hm-Iy-ß-fp-sS
A¿-∞w a-\- n-em-bm¬Ø-s∂ i-cnbmb question tag G-Xm-sW-∂v \-ap-°v I-s≠-Øm≥ I-gn-bp-∂-tX-bp≈q.
C-\n \n-b-a-Øn-te°v. \-Ωp-sS a-\- p-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´ think, believe, suppose, suspect, expect, hope,
seem, appear, look, be sure, be afraid Xp-Sßnb verbs-s‚ subject Bbn I A-s√-¶n¬ We h-∂m¬
subordinate clause-s‚ question tag B-Wv D-]-tbm-Kn-t°-≠vXv. F-∂m¬ Cu verbs-s‚ subject Bbn I,
we H-gn-sI-bp-≈ at‰-sXmcp subject h-∂mepw main clause-s‚ question tag D-]-tbm-Kn-°Ww. C∂-se \-
S-∂ ]-co-£-bn¬ I think F∂√, You think F-∂p h-∂-Xn-\m-emWv don’t you?, question tag B-bn h-cp-∂-
Xv F-t∂m¿-°pI.
a-\- p-am-bn _-‘-s∏-Sm-Ø verbs-s‚ subject Bbn I, we h-cn-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ main verb-s‚ question tag
X-s∂-bm-Wv D-]-tbm-Kn-t°≠-Xv F-∂ Im-cyhpw Hm¿-°Ww. C-\n ]-d-bp-∂ hmIyw ImWpI:
I have told you many times that you should obey your parents, haven’t I?
C-hnsS told BWv verb. “Rm≥ ]-d-™n-´nt√?” F-∂v tNm-Zn-®m¬ D-s≠t∂m C-s√t∂m ]-d-bm≥ tIƒ-°p-∂-
bmƒ-°v I-gn-bp-a-t√m.
C-\n CØcw complex sentences ]-co-£-bn¬ h-∂m¬ \n-߃-°v sX-‰v ]-‰n-s√-∂v I-cp-Xs´tbm?

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