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Vol. I December 20, 1920 No. 100




Nos. 1-100, Vol. I

Ralph Brown c~3 ,1,.1Ji . •i


MAR 27 2013
Auburn University


United States Army Air Service Iriforrnation Circulars are issued in two main series-aviation and aerostation. Each
100 numbers represents a volume, the last circular of each voliime being a numerical and subject index to the preceding 99.
Following is the index to Voltime I of the aviation series, comprising circulars 1-100, beginning January 1 , 1920:
circular No,
Aerofoils, Report of Wind Tunnel Test on United States Army Aerofoils 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Aerial Observation for All Arms, Aerial Reconnaissan ce Coop eration of Air Service with Infantry, CavalTy,
Tanks; Balloon Observation , Aerial Photography. FOR OFFICIAL US E ONLY........................ 85
Aeronautical Book and Magazine List . ..... .. ....................... . .... . .... . .............. . . .. -.. . . . . ... 21
Aerial Bombardment. See under " Bombardment." ·
Aerial Navigation-Instructions, Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ...... . .. .. . ..... ....... .. ..... 82
Aerial Tactics-Observation , Bombardment, Pursuit-Combat. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY............... 88
Air Medical Service. ........... ..... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Do................... . ... ... .. .. .... ............... .. . ............. .......................... .. . . .. .. 99
Air Medical Service and the Flight Surgeon, by Lieut. Col. Bauer and Maj. Wm. MacLake... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Airplane Speaking Tub e, R eport on. CONFIDENTIAL... . .......... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Airplane-Tachometers. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY......... . .... . . . . .. ... .. .. ... . . .. . . . .. . .. .......... 60
Airplane Tachometers, T esting of. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.... . .................................... 61
Airplanes: ·
Airplane Report Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Control Cable Guide Running T est, Report of. CONFIDENTIAL... . . . . .. .. .. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Discussion of Stress Analysis of an .Airplane Wing Cellule of the Multi-Spar T ype of Wing Construction ,
with Special Reference to the Loading Condition of the Standard Static T est. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
DH--4 (Dayton~Wright), Report of Static T est on Tail Surfaces..... .... . ......... . ........ .. ............ 23
DH--4 (Dayton-Wright), Report of Static Test of the Fuselage............................................ 34
DH--4 (P- 34), Report of Static Test of the Landing Chassis .... . ...... .. ... ... . ....... .. .. . . . ........ .. ... 38
DH--4 (P-34), Report of Static T est of Wing Cellule... . .... .. ... ...... ............ .. ... .. .... ... . ... .. . 36
Enemy Aircraft D estroyed by United States Army Air Service ........ ...... .. ................ .. .... .. .. 7
Fokker D-VII, Report of Static Test of Chassis.... . ......... . .. . .... . .. ... ... . . ........... .... .... . .... 29
Fokker D-VII , P erformance Test of, with Liberty Six Engine.. . ... . .................................... 71
Index to Technical Reports of Engineering Division, Supply Group, Army Air Service, Nos. 1- 1300, January,
1918- June, 1920. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY...................................... .... .......... 93
JN-6H, Methods of Correcting the Longitudinal Balance of.............................................. 27
Laddon, Night Pursuit Airplane, R eport on Wind Tunn el T est of........................................ 33
Loening Monoplane, with 300 horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine, P erformance T est. CONFIDENTIAL.. 50
Messenger Airplane, Report on Wind Tunnel T est. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Ordnance Type D, Armament T est of Single Seater Pursuit Airplane. CONFIDENTIAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Ordnance Type D , with 300 horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine, P erformance T est of. CONFIDENTIAL. . 51
Performance, an Empirical-Theoretical Method of Comparative Prediction of Airplane Performance........ 68
Pomilio PVLS, R eport of Static T est of Wing Cellule with Un equal Loads on Right and Left Wings....... 25
Power Required to Drive Aeronautic Engine Magnetos and Generators............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Present Procedure in Static T esting of Airplane Engineering Division, United States Army Air Service.... 10
Structural Weight Analysis of Airplanes.. ........... .. . .. .............. . .. ........ . ..... . .. ..... . .. .... 39
Thomas-Morse MB- 3, with 300 horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine, Performance T est. CONFIDENTIAL.. 40
Transcontinental R eliability and Endurance T est, R eport on............................................ 2
United States Army Aerofoils 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, Report of Wind Tunnel Test. . .... ........ ...... ... ... .. .49
U. S. X . B. I. - A, P erformance T est of, with 300 h orsepower Hispano-Suiza. CONFIDENTIAL. ..... . . 37
U.S. X. B . I.-A, with 300-horsepower Hispano,Suiza Engine, Performance T est Showing Improvement
in Performance with Propeller Xl9677. CONFIDENTIAL ........ .. . ... . ... ... . .. . .. . .... ... . ...... 65
. . Information
Air Service: Subject list. circular No.
List Decorations Awarded United States Army ...................... . ............................... ·. . 6
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed by United States Army .... . . ; .............................................. 7
Notes on Characteristics, Limitations, and Employ!Jlent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 72
Reserve Officers, April 15, 1920. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Liaison Regulations, Part I. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY................. . . ... ............. ... ..... 89
Liaison Regulations, Part II (with Infantry). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.......... . ................ 90
Liaison Regulations, Part III (with Artillery). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .... , . ... ... . .......... ... 91
Manual. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ....... .. ....... : ..... ... .. .... ..... ...... ...... ......... . ... . 84
Air Tactics, by Lieut. Col. H . E . Hartney, Aviation Service ............ ... . -.. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Alsop All-spark Ignition Device, Test of, Measmement of Distances............................. . ......... . . 18
A=unition, Report of Test of French 37-mm. High Explosive .......................... , .. . .............. 19
An Empirical-Theoretical Method of Comparative Prediction of Airplane Performance .... .... ............... . 68
Armament Test of Single Se:tter Pursuit Airplane (Ordnance Eng. Corp., Type D ). CONFIDENTIAL. ...... 14
Announcement of Air Service Information Circulars (Aviation), with Authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Aeronautic Gasoline, Specifications and Methods for Testing.. ........ .. .. .... ...... .. .... .. .......... .. .... 46
Baldwin Cannon. See under "Cannon."
Benz. See under "Engines."
Bijur I gnition. See under "Engines."
Books on Aeronautics, Aeronautical Book and Magazine List ..................... . ..... . ............... ... . . 21
Aerial Bombardment Manual, Introduction and Preface, Part I. , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ......... . 54
Aetial Bombardment Manual, Rules and Regulations, Part II. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .......... . 55
Aerial Bombardment Manual, Organization of Training Department and Ground Training for Pilots and
Bombers, Part III. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ..... . .. . . . . ..................... . ............... . 56
Aerial Bombardment Manual, Flying Training for Pilots and Bombers, Part IV. FOR OFFICIAL USE
ONLY ........ . ............ ............ ............. . ....... ....... ...... .. ...... .... ............ . 57
Aerial Bombardment Manual, Operations (Service Squadrons), Part V and Appendix. FOR OFFICIAL
USE ONLY ....... ... .... . ..... .......... ..... ......... ...... ........ ..... . .... .. ....... . .... ,, ... 58
Aerial Tactics-Observation, Bombardment, Pmsuit-Combat. FOR OFFICIAL Ul;,E ONLY............ 88
Report on Tests of Modified Firing Mechanism for the Baldwin 37-mm. Cannon. ... ....... . . . ............. 24
Report of Test of 37-mm. Automatic Cannon in Cannon Engine. ........ ... .... . .. . .... ............... .... 32
Time Study of the Movement of the Fi.ling Mechanism of the 37-=. Automatic Baldwin Cannon . .... :. . 16
Report of Test of French 37-mm. High Explosive Ammunition............... .. ...... .. ... .. ............ 19
Casualty Statistics and Causes:
R eport on First Transcontinental ·Reliability and Endurance Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Air Medical Service and the Flight-Surgeon, by Lieut. Col. L. H. Bauer and Maj . Wm. MacLake. .... .... 4
Comparative Merits of Dixie Magnetos and Delco Battery Ignition System vVhen Used on Liberty "-12" Aero
Engine ...... . ...................... : ................. .. .......... .. .................................. 17
Comparative Test of Special Homogeneous Gasoline and Commercial Aeronautic Gasoline.......... ... ... .. .. 35
Compression, Reduced. See under " Engines."
Control Cable Guide, Report of Running Test. CONFIDENTIAL................... . . . . ....... . .......... 95
Corps Air Service, Field Manual (Provisional)-Organization, Operation. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. . . . 74
Corps Observation, Tactical History, A:ir Service, American Expeditionary Force .................... : ....... 75
Curtiss. See under "Airplanes."
D ecorations, T entative List of Decorations Awarded United States Army Air Service, American Expeditionary
Force............... .. ............ .. ........................... . ......................... . ........... 6
Delco Ignition. See under " Engines." ·
D estructive Whirling Test of "Micarta" Propeller (Westinghouse) and Rubber-Covered Propellers with Hard
and Soft Rubb er Leading Edges (Br.u nswick-Balke-Collender Co.). CONFIDENTIAL .... ... .. . .. .'... !-... 8
DH-4. See under "Airplanes."
Discussion of Stress Analysis of an Airplane Wing Cellule of the Multi-spar Type of Wing Construction, with
Special Reference to the Loading Condition of the Standard Static Test..... .. ................. ... ... .. .... 52
Dixie Magneto. See under " Engines." ·
Dopes, General D~scriptive Matter on Dopes and I nstructions for the Application of Dope and Pigmented Pro-
tective Coverings (see also "Fabrics").......... .. . ... ........ ..... . ... .. . ................... . .. . . . . . ... 44
Subject list. circular No.
Effect of Reduced Engine Comp·ression Pressure on Pre-Ignition with Mica Plugs . CONFIDENTIAL......... 20
Enemy Aircraft·Destroyed by United States Army Air Service ....... : ...... : ............................... 7
Engineering Division, Air Service:
Index to Technical Reports of, Nos. 1-1300, January, 1918...June, 1920. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.. 93
Reports printed in Air Service Information Circulars (Aviation) as follows: 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
11, is, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 21 , 2s, 29, . 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53; 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 92, 94, 95, 98.
Alsop All-spark Ignition Device, Test of, Measurement of Distances..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Benz, Standard Engine Report on the 6-Cylinder Benz rated at 200 horsepower at 1,400. revolutions per
minute ..................... ... ............................·....................................... 41
Bijur Ignition end Starting Motor for Liberty 12, Report of Preliminary Test. CONFIDENTIAL......... 22
Dixie Magnetos and Delco Battery Ignition System When Used o.n Liberty 12 Aero Engine, Comparative
merits of ......... :: ... : ........................................................................... 17
. Effect of Reduced·Engine Compression Pressure on Pre-Ignition with Mica Plugs. CONFIDENTIAL.. .. 20
Hispano--Suiza, 300°horsepower Aeronautic ·Engine with Steel Cylind ers, Report on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Hispano-Suiza, Model E and I, Ignition Timing Instructions and Chart, Dixie 800 Magneto ........... _.. 5
Hispano-Suiza, Performance Tests of Airplanes with. See under "Airplanes."
Hispano-Suiza, Report of Cannon Test .....................................·. .... . .... . ..... . .. ... .... . 32
Hispano-Suiza, 300 Horsepower Engine, Vibration Characteristics.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Liberty "12," Comparative Merits of Dixie Magneto and Delco Ignition Systems ............ . , . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Liberty-Delco Switch Assembly, Foster Modification on. CONFIDENTIAL ................. ,..... ... . . 66
Liberty Ignition System Instruction Board............................................................ 48
Li!:>erty Singl_e Cylinder Engine, Test of Mone! Metal Valves......................................... ... . 9
Liberty 12, Bijur Starter. CONFIDENTIAL ......... _..... . ..... _: .................... .. ..... . .... .. . 22
Mqnel Metal Valves in Liberty Single Cylinder Engine, Test of.. ........... :............................ 9
Power Req_u ired to Driye Aeronautic Engine Magnetos and Generators............................... ... . 42
Tests of Various Types of Gasoline Hose Connections .............................. .. ..... .- ............. 13
Transco.ntip.eµta l .Reliability and En.d urance Test, Report on.......... ........ . .................... . ... . 2
Universal Test Engine ... , ....................... , .. ...... ...... : ..................................... 47
Variatiqn of Horsepo_we~ .with A\tit1,1\le .. .. , ...... ..... .. .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
General Descriptive Matter on Airplane Fabrics, Tapes and Cords and Instructions for the Application of
Fabrics to the·Wings ... : : .. : .. ·.. , ........ .... ........ . , ............................................ . 45
Gei_ieral Des:riptive -Matter on Dopes a.nd Instruction for the Application of Dope and Pigmented Protec- ,
t1ve Coverings ....... .. . . ........... .. .............. ... ....... : .......... ; ......... . ............... . 14
Flying Training Regulations (Provisional). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ..... .. .... : .................... . 81
Formation Flying ...... , ................................................................................ . 73
Fokker. See under '!Airplanes." -
Aeronautic Gasoline, Specifications and Methods for Testing .......... _. .............. ... .............. . 46
Compara'f o,e Test of Homogenous Gasolin.e and Commercial Aeronautic Gasoline......... ......... . . .... . . 35
Hose Connections, Test of Various Types ..... .. , ... : .. :............................................... 13
General Descriptive Matter on Airplane Fabrics, Tapes and Cords and Instructions for the application of Fabrics
to the Wings ......... .... . .............. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
General Descriptive ·Matter on Dopes and Instruction for the Application of Dope and Pigmented Protective
Coverings ..... .-... .... , .... ... . ................................. : ......... ... .... ·. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Power Required to I)ri_;e Aeronautic Engine Magnetos and Generators .................... -- . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Report on Airfan Type FA- 9. CONFIDENTIAL .. ........ .... .. ..... .. ............ . :. ............... 62
Report of Radio G'enerator Airfan Head Resistance Measurement. CONFIDENTIAL ...... . . ... -- . . . . . . . 63
Hart Propeller, Modified, Adjustable Pitch, Whirling Test of. CONFIDENTIAL............................ 11
.Hispano-S.uiza. . under "Engines."
Hose Connections, Test of Various Type Gasoline Hose Connections .........•................ :.:........ .... . 13
20491-20- . -2
Subject list. circular No.
Ignition. See under "Engines."
Index -to Technical Reports of Engineering Division, Air Service, Nos. 1- 1300, January, 1918~June, 1920. FOR
OFFICIAL USE ONLy ..... ·.... . ... ~. ~ ...................................................·....... . .93
Insignia, Report on Comparative Merits of Various Insignia . . CONFIDENTIAL ..... .. . .......... .. .. . ... .•.. 98
Instruments: .
Airplane Tachometers. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ............... . .. . ............................. . 60
Testing of Airplane Tachometers. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONlY .... - - -... -....... -...... - - ....... ·... . 61
Rate-of-Climb Indicators, Description and Theory. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ........ . ......... . -.. 31
JN -6H. See under "Airplanes."
Laddon. See under '' Airplanes."
Landing Fields:
Report on First Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test ........................ : .. .. ......... '.. 2
Meteorology and Aeronautics .. . ....... :.: .. .. ....... :.:.: ... : ...... . : ... : ............................. 77
Rules. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ............ . ......... . ... . ............. .. .. -....... -.......... , 81, 84
Air Service Liaison Regulations, Part I. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .. ........ : .................. - . . 89
Air Service Liaison Regulation/J, Part II. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.. ... ......... . ........ ........ . 90
Air Service Liaison Regulations, Part III. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY................ . ............. 91
Liberty Engine. ~ee under "Engines."
Loening. See under "Airplanes."
M. ,
Magnetos. See under "Engines."
Manual of Aerial Photography, Provisional...... ... ... .. ..... . .................... ......... ................ 96
Marlin Test, Report of Marlin (7 M. G.), Model 1916, after Changes were Made in Top Lock Container to Accom-
modate Single Shot Mechanism to b e used with Nelson Gun. Control............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Measurement of Distances and T est of Alsop All-spark Ignition Device . ..... :..... .. ...... ............. . ... . 18
Air Medical Service .......................................................................... : ....... 3
Air Medical Service and Flight Surgeon, by Lieut. Col. L. H. Bauer and Maj. Wm. MacLake.. ... ......... 4
Air Medical Service............................................ .... .................................. 99
Messenger Airplane, Report on Wind Tunnel Test of........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Meteorology and Aeronautics.......................................................................... 77
Transcontinental Reliability Contest ................................................. . . .. ... ,.......... 2
Methods of Correcting the Longitudinal Balance of JN-6H Airplane .................. ... ...-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Mica Plugs. See under "Engines."
"Micarta" Liberty Propeller, Destructive Whirling Test. CONFIDENTIAL .. ...... .. ......... -....... .. ... 12
Modified Hard Adjustable Pitch Propeller (Whirling Test). CONFIDENTIAL... .. ... ....... ...... ... ....... . 11
Monel Metal Valves, Test of, in Liberty Single-Cylinder Engine ...... . ............ ·.· ....................... - 9
R eport on First Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test .... ....... .. . ... . ...... ........ , .... ... 2
Aerial Navigation Instructions Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .... . :....................... .. 82
Air Service Manual FOR: OFFICIAL USE ONLY .... : ....... ::: .. . ... . .................. .... , ....... 84
Nelson Gun Control, Report of Marlin (7MG), Model 1916, after Changes were Made in Top Lock Container-to .
Accommodate Single-Shot Mechanism. to be Used with Nelson Gun Control .............. : .. :. . ............ 59
Notes for Communications Officers, Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY...... ......... .... .... . . ..... 78
Notes for Communications Office·rs (Code Instruction). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ........ :............. 79
Notes for Communications Officers (Vacuum Tubes) Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.... .... ..... 80
Notes for Pursuit Pilots. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .............. '..................................... 87
Notes on Recent Operations .................................. _............. .... .................. ... : .... 76
Notes on the Characteristics, Limitations, and Employment of the Air Service. . ........ .... .... ........ ... .. 72
0 ):iservation:
Aerial Observation for all Arms. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ....................... , .... : . . . . . . . . . . 85
Tactical History of Corps Observation, Air Service, American Expeditionary ,Forces ... . . . . ;............. 75
Official Airplane Report Form ....................•.•••••............................. _....-....._•..... ~.... 97
Ordnance" D." See under "Airplanes," ·
Subject list. circular No.
Parachute Tests of Model 300-D-l. CONFIDENTIAL.................................................... 15
Performance Test:
An Empirical-Theoretical Method of Comparative Prediction of Airplane Performance ................. . 68
of Fokker D-VII with Liberty-Six Engine .................. : .. .... ..... . ......... ............. .. .... . 71
of Loening Monoplane with 300 Horsepower Bispano-Suiza Engine. CONFIDENTIAL ............... . 50
of Ordnance T ype '' D" with 300 Horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine. CONFIDENTIAL .. .... . ... ... .. . 51
of Thirn1as Morse MB-3 with 300-horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine. CONFIDENTIAL .... .... .. . . ... .. . 40
of USXBI-A with 300-horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine. CONFIDENTIAL .. ... .................... . . 37
of USXBI-A with 300-horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine Showing Improvement in Performance with
Propeller X-19677. CONFIDENTIAL ... . .. .. ............ . ... ...... ...... . ..... . .. ............. ... . 65
Photography, Manual of Aerial. ...... . .... .. ........................... ..... .... . .... ... . .... . . _......... . 96
Pomilio. See under" Airplanes."
Power Required to Drive Aeronautic Engine Magnetos and Generators ..... . ... .......... . .. ....... ....... . . . 42
Preignition. See under "Engines."
Present Procedure in Static T esting of Airplane Engineering Division, United States Army Air Service ....... . 10
Destructive Whirling Test of "Micarta" Propeller (Westinghouse) and Rubber·Covered Propellers with
Hard and Soft Rubber Leading Edges (Brunswick-Balke Collender Co.). CONFIDENTIAL ......... . 8
Modified Hard Adj11stable Pitch Propeller, Destructive ·whirling Test. CONFIDENTIAL ........... ... . 11
" Micarta " Liberty Propeller, Destructive Whirling Test. CONFIDENTIAL ................... . ...... . 12
Properties of Woods at 10 Per Cent Moisture ........ . . .. .............. .. ... . .............................. . 53
Pursuit and Combat Flying Training Regulations, Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ............. . 83
Notes for Communications Officers (Provisional). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. .. ......... . .... ... .. . . 78
Notes for Communications Officers (Code Instruction). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. .... ...... .. ...... 79
Notes for Communications Officers (Vacuum Tubes) . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY...... ....... ... ..... 80
Power Required to Drive Aeronautic Engine Magnetos and Generators................................... 42
Report on Airfan, Type FA-9. CONFIDENTIAL... . . ...... . ..... . . .................................. 62
Report of Radio Generator Airfan Head Resistance Measurement. CONFIDENTIAL.................. . 63
Report on Auxiliary Control for Use in Connection with the Airplane Radio Telephone Set Type SCR-68.
CONFIDENTIAL................................................. ...... .. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 94
Report on Airplane Short-Wave Radio Telephone Set. CONFIDENTIAL . . . . .................. :... .. .. . 30
Use of Radio in Transcontinenta1 Reliability Test........ .. . ...... . ................ . . ...... ... . .. . . .. .. 2
Rate-of-climb Indicators, Description and Theory . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY...... .. . ........... ... ... 31
on Airfan Type FA-9. CONFIDENTIAL........................ . ............ ..... ................... 62
on Airplane Short-Wave Radio Telephone Set. CONFIDENTIAL........... . ........ .. .. ............. 30
of Airplane Speaking Tube. CONFIDENTIAL........................................................ 67
on Auxiliary Control for Use in Connection with the Airplane Radio Telephone Set, Type SCR-68. CON-
FIDENTIAL ... .. . ...... .. ................. . .............. .. ................ ... ..... .. .. . .. .... ... 94
mi Comparative Merits of Various Insignia. CONFIDENTIAL . ................... ... . .... .... ....... .. 98
of Control Cable Guide Running Test. CONFIDENTIAL. ... .... ... ........ .... .. . .... .. .. . .. . . ....... 95
ori First Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test.... . . .. .... .... ..... ........ ........ . . . . . . . . 2
on Foster Modification in Liberty-Delco Switch Assembly. CONFIDENTIAL ... ...... . .. .. .. .... . . . .... 66
ori Investigation of Silver Solder. CONFIDENTIAL.... . ......... . ............... .. ... ... ............ 26
ofJ>reliminary Test of Bijur Ignition End Starting Motor for Liberty " 12." CONFIDENTIAL.......... 22
of"Radio Generator Airfan Head Resistance Measurement. CONFIDENTIAL . .......... . . .. .. ... . ,...... 63
of Static Test on DH-4 (Dayton-Wright) Tail Surface......................................... .. . ... ... 23
of Static Test of Wing Cellule of Pomilio PVL-8 with Unequal Loads ·on Right and Left Wings.... ... ... 25
of Static Test of the Fuselage of the DH-4 (Dayton Wright) .. .. .................... .. ... ................ 04
of Static Test of DH-4 (P. 34) Wing Cellule....... . .......... .. . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . 36
of Static T est of the Landing Chassis of DH-4 (P- 34). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
ofSfutic"Test oI"Fokkei Type ff-VII Chassis ......... ·. ... . .. . .. . . .. ........... . . ........ . . . ............ 29
of"Test of"Frei:tch· 37-mm: High Explosive Ammunition.... . ... . . ... .. . ................... .. . . ..... ... . 19
of"Test of':37-mm. Automatic Cannon in Cannon Engine... .... ...... . ............... .. . . .. . ... .... ... .. 32
, oiiTests ·ofModified Firing Mechanism for the Baldwin 37-mm. Cannon........ .... ..................... 24
on Wind Tunnel Test of Laddon Night Pursuit Airplane.... . .... .. ..... .. .................. . ........... 33
ori Wind. Tunnel Test of Messenger Airplane .......... . . ·.·.. ....... . ...... . .... . . . ....... . . .. .......... 43
of Wfo.d Tunnel"Test on United States Army Aerofoils 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
.Subject list. circular No
Reserve, List.of, April 15, 1920 ................ • . ,, ... . .............. ·.............. : ...... ·. '.. : ..... · - 69
Rubber, Storage and Preservation of Rubber Goods, Tires and Tubes . ... . ... ..... ... : . ... .. . ...... .... . .... 48
Speaking Tube, R eport on Airplane Speaking Tube . CONFIDENTIAL .... :.............. ........... . .. .. . 67
Solder, Report on Inv:estigation ·of Silver Solder. CONFIDENTIAL .... ... ..... . ........... ... : ... ·........ 26
Standard Eeport on the 300-horsepower Hispano·Suiza Aeronautic Engine with Steel Cylinders........ ... ... 64
Standard EI}gines Report on the.6-cylinder Benz, rated .a t 200 horsepower at 1,400 revolutions per minute : .... 41
Starter, Report of Preliminary Test of Bijur Ignition and Starting Motor for Liberty " 12." CONFIDENTIAL 22
Storage and .Pi;eserva.tion. ot Rubber Goods, Tires and Tubes ..• , ................... ... ....... . ...... . ... .. :_.. 48
Structural Weight Analysis of Airplan,es . ......... .... •. , . .. ............... , .. . .. ...._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Tachometers, Airplane. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ............. : ..................·..•...........·.. .. 60
Testing of Airplane T achometers. FOR OFFICIAL USE · ONLY... .... .... . .. ........ .. .. .. . . .... ... 61
Tactical History of Corps Observation , Air Service, American Expeditionary Forces.......................... 75
Tanks, Test of Crash-proof. CONFIDENTIAL . .... . .... . .. ... ... : .......................... :............. 70
Tentative.J;,i~t of Decorations Awardec,l. United States Army Air Service, American Expeditionary Forces..... 6
Terminology, General Aeronautic .... .... .......................... .. .. .. ..... . . .......... :............... 21
of the_Alsop.A.ll-f'ipai:k: Ignition Devic.e., Measurement of Distances... ..... . . ... . ........................ 18
of Tanks. CONFIDENTIAL .... ......... ... . ... ..... . . .. ........ ........ :.. ..... . ..... .. 70
Monel Metal Valves in Liberty Single Cylinder Engine, of.............................................. 9
Report of Marlin (7 m . g.), Model 1916, After Changes were Made in Top Lock Container to Accommo~
date Single Shot Mechanism to be Used with Nelson Gun Control................. ................. 59
Various types of Gasoline Hose Connections, of. ........ ... ............. .... . . ...... . : ... ............... · 13
Testing of Airplane Tachometers. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY,. ........ ... .. . .... .. ..................... 61
Thomas.Morse. See under "Airplanes."
Time Study of the Movement of the Firing Mechanism of the 37·mm. Automatic Baldwin Cannon ........... , 16
Tires, Storage and Preservation of Rubber Goods, Tires and Tubes , . .. .. .. ..... ...................... ... .... .. 48
Aerial Bombardment Manual-
Part I. Introduction and Preface. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .... .-..... :: .,. _._·.· ........ ~....... . 54
Part II . Rules and Regulations. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ........ , .... " ··· ··'··-··· · ···· ··· 55
Part III. Organization of Training Department and Ground Training for Pilots and Bombers. FOR
OFFICIAL USE ONLY............................ . .......................................... 56
Part IV. Flying Training for Pilots and Bombers. FOR OFFICIAL. USE ONLY.................. 57
Part V. Operations (Service Squadrons) and Appendix. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY..... . .... . . 58
Aerial Navigation Instructions, Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. .. .. ... .... ...... .......... 82
Aerial Observation for All Arms, Aerial Reconnaissance, Cooperation of Air Service and Infantry, Coopera-
tion of Air Service and Cavalry, Cooperation of Air Service and Tanks, Balloon Observation, Aerial
Photography. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.............. ... ... . . ...... .. .. ...................... . 85
Aerial Tactics, Observation (Army and Corps), Bombardment (Day and Night), Pursuit....,...Combat (Pursuit-
Attack): FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ............... .. ........ .. ....... . ...... .... ...... .. ........ 88
Air Service Liaison Regulations-
Part I. General Liaison with Line and Other Units. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ............. ·.. 89
Part II. Liaison with Infantry . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.... .......... .... . .... .. ... .... ... 90
Part III. Liaison with Artillery. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ......... ... ..... ... .. ........ ... . 91
Air Service Manual, Organization, General Principles, Security, Shelters, Marches and Convoys, Orders
and · Reports; Drills, Ceremonies, Parades, Air Service Supply, Aerial Pho~ography, Meteorology.
and Aeronautics, Cooperation of the Air Service with Antiaircraft Artillery, Formation Flying, Rules of
the Airdrome and of the Air, Dropping of Supplies to Infantry Troops by Airplane, Aerial Navigation,
Pursuit Aviation, Bombardment Aviation, Observation Aviation, Balloons. FOR OFFICIAL U~E
ONLY.......... . ............................................. ..... ....... . . .. . .................... 84
Air Tactics, by H. E. Hartney, Lieut. Col., Air Service................................................. 73
Corps Air Service, Field Manual, Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .. ... ... ..... ,............ 74
Flying Training Regulations, Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . .. . .. : ......... , ............... 81
Meteorology and Aeronautics, Location and Layout of Flying Fields, Exploration of Upper Air, Forecasts
Light Charts, Magnetic Charts ..... ... ........... : ...... . . ............ , ..... , ..... ... . , ..... ,......... 77
Notes on the Characteristics, Limitations, and Employment of the Air S_e rvice ................... , ... . . 72

Training-Continued. Information
Subject list. circular No
Notes for Communications Officers-
Provisional. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .................................. . .... . ...... ....... . 78
Code Instruction. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .......... ..............· . ....... ... .... ......... . 79
Vacuum Tubes (Provisional). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ......... . .... ...... : ... . .. ..... . .. . . 80
Notes for Pursuit Pilots . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .......... ............ ..... .. ................. . 87
Notes on Recent Operations-General P1·inciples, Corps and Army Observation, Pursuit, Day Bombard-
ment, Balloons............. .......... .. ....................... ......... ............. ......... .. .... 76
Pursuit and Combat Flying Training Regulations (Provisional). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY......... 83
Regulations for Corps Air Service Operations Officers, Including Description of Divisional Corps Observa·
tion Operations Room. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ... .......... .. .... .. ...... ....... ............. 86
Tactical History of Corps Observation Air Service, American Expeditionary Forces... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Manual of Aerial Photography, Value and Scope of Aerial Photography, Photographic Personnel, Routine
of Work, Materials, Photographic Methods................. . ... ...... ..... .. .. ..... .......... . ....... 96
Transcontinental, Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test, Report on First ....... .. .... , .......... 2
Tubes, Storage and Preservation of Rubber Goods, Tires and Tubes.... . ..................................... 48
Universal Test Engine .. . ..... . .... ................ ............ ..... . . .. . ........................... ·. ..... 47
U.S. X. B. I. A. See under "Airplanes."
Valves, Test of Monel Metal Valves in Liberty Single Cylinder Engine.. ..... ....... .. ...................... 9
·variation of Horsepower with Altitude..................................................................... 92
Vibration Characteristics of the 300 Horsepower Hispano·Suiza Engine... .. ............................. .. . . . 28
Weather Conditions in Transcontinental R eliability Test.. ... . . . .... ... . ................................... 2
Wireless. See under "Radio."
,Woods, Properties of, at 10 Per Cent Moisture... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
No. Title of circular.
1. Announcement (D00.12/73) ..
2. Report on First Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test (C71.6/53).
3. Air Medical Service; The Aviator's Heart; Roentgen Ray Studies Under Conditions Simulating High Altitude;
Recent Work in Personality Study; The Effects of Smoking on Visual Acuity; A Device Adapting the Barany
Chair to the Rebreathing T ests; Psychopathology Under Low Oxygen Tension; A Note on Oxygen Supply for
Aviators; A Comparison of Two Methods of Applying Prism Tests to the Eyes ; The Speed of Accommodation;
Abstracts of the Literature on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Semicircular Canals; Cultivating the Balance
Sense; The Changes in the Content of the Hemoglobin and the Erythrocytes of the Blood in Man During Short
Exposures to Low Oxygen; Circulatory R esponses to Low Oxygen Tension; A Test for the Judgment of Distance
4. The Air Medical Service and the Flight Surgeon (B63/7).
5. Hispano-Suiza Engine, Model E and.(, Ignition Timing Instructions and Chart; Dixie Type 800 Magneto (D52.41
6. Tentative List of Decorations Awarded United States Army Air Service, American Expeditionary Forces (BOO .
7. Enemy Aircraft Destroyed by United States Army Air Service (B00 .21/3).
*8. Destructive Whirling Test of "Micarta" Propeller (Westinghouse) and Rubber-Covered Propellers with Hard
and Soft Rubber Leading Edges. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (D52.43/186.)
9. Test of.Mone! Metal Valves in Liberty Single Cylinder Engine (D52.41/Liberty/89).
10. Present Procedure in Static T esting of Airplane Engineering Division, United States Army Air Service (D00.11/5).
*11. Modified Hart Adjustable Pitch Propeller. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (D52.43/189 .)
*12. " Micarta" Liberty Propeller. (CONFIDENTIAL .) (D52.41/188.)
13. Test of Various Types of Ga<ioline Hose Connections (D5'2 .4/2).
*14. Armament Test of Single Seater Pursuit Airplane. (CONFIDENTIAL .) (D52 .l / Orenco/2.)
*15. Parachute Tests of Model 300, D- 1. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (D52.9/91.)
16. Time Study of the Movement of the Firing Mechanism of the 37 mm. Automatic Baldwin Cannon (D72.2/34).
17. Comparative Merits of Dixie Magnetos and Delco Battery Ignition System When Used on Liberty "12" Aero
Engine (D52.41/Liberty/96). ·
18. Test of the Alsop All-spark Ignition Device and Measurement of Distances (D52.413/32).
19. Report of Test of French 37 mm . High Explosive Ammunition (D72.2/32).
*20. Effect of Reduced Engine Compression Press ure on Pre-Ignition with Mica Plugs. (CONFIDENTIAL .)
(Dl3.413/Spark Plug/42.)
21. Aeronautical Book and Magazine List (Cl3/53).
*22. R eport of Preliminary Test of Bijur Ignition End Starting Motor for Liberty "12." (CONFIDENTIAL.)
23. Report of Static Test on DH-4 (Dayton-Wright) Tail Surfaces (D52 .l/DH.4/90).
24. Report on Tests of Modified Firing Mechanism for the Baldwin 37 mm . Cannon (D72.2/28).
25. Report of Static Test of Wing Cellule of Pomilio PVL-8 with Unequal Loads on Right and left Wings (D52.l/-
*26. Report on Investigation of Silver Solder. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (Dl0.1/66.)
27. Methods of Correcting tbe Longitudinal Balance of JN- 6H Airplanes (D52.l/ Curtiss JN6/3).
28. Vibration Characteristics of the 300 Horsepower Hisp~no-Suiza Engine (D52.41/Hispano-Suiza/70).
29. Report of Static T est of Fokker T ype D- VII Chassis (D52 .l / Fokker/30).
*30. Report on Airplane Short Wave Radio Telephone Set. (COlfFIDENTIAL.) (Dl3.411/35.)
31. Rate-of-Climb Indicators, Description and Theory. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (Dl3 .3/ 51.)
32. R eport of Test of 37 mm . Automatic Cannon in Cannon Engine (D72.2/33).
33. Report on Wind Tunnel Test of Laddon Night Pursuit Airplane (D52.1/Laddon/l ).
34. Report of Static T est of the Fuselage of the DH-4 (Dayton-Wright). (D52 .l/DH-4/92.)
35. Comparative Test of Special Homogeneous Gasoline and Commercial Aeronautic Gasoline (Dll.31/44).
36. Report of Static Test of DH-4 (P-34) Wing Cellule (D52 .l /DH-4/91).
*37. Performance Test of U. S. X. B. I.-A. with 300 Horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine. (CONFIDENTIAL .)
(D52.l/U. S. XBIA/1.)
38. Report of Static Test of the Landing Chassis"of DH-4 (P- 34). (D52.l/DH-4/86.)
39. Structural Weight Analysis of Airplanes (D52 .l / 285).
*40. Performance Test of Thomas-Morse MB-3 with 300 Horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine. (CONFIDENTIAL.)
41. Standard Engine Report on the Six-Cylinder Benz Aeronautic Engine Rated at 200 Horsepower at 1,400 Revo-
lutions Per :Minute. (D52.41/Benz/7.)
* Confidential.
No. Title of circular.
42. Power Required to Drive Aeronautic Engine Magnetos and Generators (D52.4/ 3) .
43. Report on Wind Tunnel Test of Messenger Airplane (D52.15/131).
44. General Descriptive Matter on Dopes and Instructions for the Application of Dope and Pigmented Protective
Coverings (Dll.23/20).
45. General Descriptive Matter on Airplane Fabrics, Tapes and Cords, and Instructions for the Application of Fabric
to the Wings (D24 .31/16).
46. Aeronautic Gasoline, Specifications and Methods for Testing (Dll.31/19).
47. Universal Test Engine (D52.41/92).
48. Storage and Preservation of Rubber Goods Tires and Tubes, Lib erty Ignition System Instruction Board
(D00 .22/6) . .
49. R eport of Wind Tunnel T est on United States Army Aerofoils 25, 26, 27, 28 , 29 (D52.33/145).
*50. Performance Test of Loening Monoplane with 300 Horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine. (CONFIDENTIAL .)
*51. Performance Test of Ordnance Type " D " with 300 Horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine. (CONFIDENTIAL.)
(D52.l /Orenco/3.)
52. Discussion of Stress Analysis of an Airplane Wing Cellule of the Multi-spar Type of Wing Construction, with
Special Reference to the Loading Condition of the Standard Static Test (D52.33/146) .
53. Properties of Woods at 10 per cent Moisture (Dll .1/139). 0

54. Aerial Bombardment Manual , Part I , "Introduction and Preface. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (052.234/37-
Part I. )
55 . Aerial Bombardment Manual, Part 2, Rules and Regulations. (FO R OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (053.234/37-
Part 2.)
.56 . Aerial Bombardment Manual, Part 3, Organization of Training Department and Ground Training for Pilots and
Bombers. (FOR OFFICIAL USE" ONLY.) , (53.234/37-Parp.)
57. A~rial Bombardment Manual, Part 4- Flying Training for Pilots and Bombers. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.)
(053.234/37, Part 4. )
58. Aerial Bombardment Manual, Part 5, Operations (Service Squadrons) and Appendix . (FOR OFFICIAL USE
ON,L Y.) (053.234/37-Part 5.)
59 . Test Report of Marlin (7 J\1. G.), Model 1916, After Changes Were J\fade in Top Lock Container to Accommodate
Single Shot Mechanism to be Used with Nelson Gun Control (D72.l/Marlin/14).
60. Airplane Tachometers. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ) (Dl3.3/Tachometers/6. )
61. Testing of Airplane Tachometers . (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (Dl3 .3/Tachometers/5.)
*6~. Report on Air Fan T y pe FA-9 . (CONFIDENTIAL. ) (Dl3.41/63 .)
*63 . Report of Radio Generator Airfan Head Resistance Measurement. (CONFIDENTIAL .) (Dl3.41/64.)
64. Standard Report on the 300 Horsepower Hispano-Suiza Aviation Engine with Steel Cylinders (D52.41/Hispano-
*65 . Performance Test of U . S. X . B. I.-A. with 300 Horsepower Hispano-Suiza Engine Showing Improvement in
Performance with Propeller X- 19677 . (CONFIDENTIAL. ) (D52.l/U. S. X . B. I.- A. /1 Supp.)
*66. Report on Foster Modification in Liberty Delco Switch Assembly. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (D52.41/Liberty/192. )
*67 . Report of Airplane Speaking Tube. (CONFIDENTIAL .) (Dl3.411 /40.)
6S. An Empirical-Theoretical Method of Comparative Prediction of Airplane Performance (D52.15/91).
69. Air Service Reserve Officers, April 15, 1920 (Bl0/30 ). ·
*70 . Test of Crash-proof Tanks. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (D52.44/54. )
71. Performance Test of Fokker D- VII With Liberty Six Engine (D52.l /Fokker/33).
72-. Notes on the Characteristics, Limitations, and Employment of the Air Service (070/30).
73 . Air Tactics, by H. E . Hartney, Lie utenant Colonel, Air Service (070/20).
74. Corps Air Service, Field Manual (Provisional) Organization-Operations. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.)
(A00.1/11- Part I.)
75. Tactical History of Corps Observation, Air Service, American Expeditionary Force . (A00.1 /11, Part II).
76. Notes on Recent Operations, General Principles, Corps and Army Ob.servations, Pursuit, Day Bombardment,
Balloons (070 /38).
77. Meteorology and Aeronautics, Location and Layout of Flying Fields, Exploration of Upper Air, Forecasts, Light
Charts, Magnetic Declination Charts (A40/18).
78. Notes for Communications Officers (Provisional) . Wire Telephone, Radio Telephone, Wire Telegraph, Radio
Telegraph, Radio P ersonnel and Terrestrial Station Equipment, Visual Signalling, Dropped Messages, Airplane
Couriers, Mounted Couriers, Aerial Photography in Liaison, Carrier Pigeons, Uni.t Requirements for United
States and service operations. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (Cll.2/19. )
79. Notes for Communications Officers (Code Instruction). (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (Cl0/15.)
* Confidential.
No. Title of circular. Ll,;
80. Notes for Communications Officers (Vacuum Tubes), Provisional Electron _T heory, Two-element Electron Tube ,
Three-element Electron Tubes, the Oscillating Tube, Continuous Wave Reception, Amplification, Radio Tel~
phony. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (Dl3.411 /37.)
81. Flying Training Regulations, Provisional, Curriculum of Flying Instruction for Flying Schools, Field and Air /: (: _
Rules, Organization of Flying Department, Method of Installing and Organizing a Flight, Records and Reports.
(FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (053.22/69. )
82. Aerial Navigation Instructions, Provisional, Maps and Map R eading, Magnetism and the Compass, Setting the
Course, Checking the Course, Navigation by Astronomical Observations, Cloud Flying. (FOR OFFICIAL
USE ONLY.) (D13 .3/28.)
83. Pursuit and Combat Flying Training R egulations. Provisional Introduction, Course of Training Fighting Tactics.
(FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ) (C53.22l /2.)
84. Air Service Manual, Organization, General Principles, Security, Shelters, Marches and Convoys, Orders and _... _ ...
R eports, Drills, Ceremonies, Parades, Inspections, Supply, Aerial Photography, Meteorology and Aeronautics,
Cooperation with Antiaircraft Artillery, Formation Flying, Rules of the Airdrome and of the Air, Dropping
of Supplies to Infantry Troops by Airplane, Aerial Navigation, Pursuit Aviation, Bombardment Aviation,
Observation Aviation, Balloons. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (053/103.)
8~. Aerial Observation for all Arms. Aerial Reconnaissance Cooperation of Air Service and Infantry, Cooperation
of Air Service and Cavalry, Cooperation of Air Service and Tanks, Balloon Observation, Aerial Photography.
86. Regulations for Corps Air Service Operations Officers, Including Description of Divisional Corps Observation,
Operations Room, Duties of Operations Officer for Squadron, Group, Corps. Relations with Engineer Officer
and Adjutant. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (070/43 .)
I 87. Notes for Pursuit Pilots. Manual for Flight Commander, Pilot Night, Pursuit Pilot, Two-seater Pursuit Pilot,
Two-seater Pursuit Gunner. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ) (053 /101. )
88. Aerial Tactics. Observation (Army and Corps) Bombardment (Day and Night), Pursuit-Combat (Pursuit-Attack).
(FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ) Includes Information, Liaison, Security, Orders and Reports, March~s and
Convoys, Group Organization, Squadron Organization, Preliminary Training at the Front, Missions, Raids,
Combat (C70/3). ,
89. Air Service Liaison Regulations, Part I , Liaison with the Line between Flying Units, between Army Air Service
and A. A. Artillery, Searchlight Engineers, Observation Balloons; Plans of Employment, Field Orders, Battle
Orders, Telephone Liaison, Radio Liaison, Reports. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (Cll.1/21.)
90. Air Service Liaison Regulations, Part II, Liaison with Infantry. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) (Cll.1/21.)
91. Air Service Liaison R egulations, Part III, Liaison with Artillery, Methods of Fire (Airplane and Balloon) Signals.
92. The Variation of Horsepower with Altitude (D52.45/50).
93. Index to Technical R eports of Engineering Division, Supply Group, Air Service, Nos. 1-1300, January 1918-
June, 1920. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ) (013/32. )
*94. R eport on Auxiliary Control for Use in Connection with the Airplane Radio Telephone Set, Type SCR-68.
' (CONFIDENTIAL. ) (Dl3.411/46. ) .
*95. Report of Control Cable Guide Running Test. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (D52.39/76.)
96. Manual of Aerial Photography, Provisional ; Value and Scope, Personnel, Routine of Work, Materials, Methods
97. Official Airplane R eport Form (D60.1/46).
*98. R eport on Comparative Merits of Various Insignia. (CONFIDENTIAL.) (A81/34.)
99. Air Medical Service, Operation of the Medical Division of the Air Service Since the Signing of the Armistice, A
New Type of Rebreather and Other Respiratory Apparatus, The Psychological Effect of Oxygen Deprivation,
Cardio-Vascular Rating as a Measure of Physical Fatigue and Efficiency; Dark Adaptation, with Special Refer-
ence to the Problems of Night Flying, Contribution to the Study of Dark Adaptation, Maddox Rod and Screen
Test Combined, Respiratory Volumes of Men During Short Exposures to Constant Low Oxygen Tensions
Attained by R ebreathing, Alveolar Air, Respiratory Volume at Low Oxygen Tensions, Compensatory Reac-
tions to Low Oxygen, The Reactions of the Cardiac and Respiratory Centers to Changes in Oxygen Tension
Relation of the Sighting Eye to the Measurement of Het erophoria, Consideration of Some Tests for Determining
the Sighting Eye, Maddox Multiple Rod : A Consideration of its Optical Defects, A New Apparatus for Testing
Accommodation, Stereomicrometer, Judgment of Distance with Semaphores and a Screen at One Hundred
Meters, Note on the Low-Pressure Chambers Installed in the Medical Research Laboratory of the Air Service
*100. Index to Air Service Information Circulars (Aviation) Nos. 1-100, Volume I, 1920. (CONFIDENTIAL.)
(D00.12/73) .
* Confidential.

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