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File A 10.23 / 113 McCOOK FIELD REPORT, SERIAL No. 1294




Vol. 2 August 15, 1920 No. 102



Prepared by Engineering Division, Air Service

McCook Field, June 14, 1920

Ralph Brown Ora ghon


MAR 27 20 3
Auburn Univers ty




I. RESUME. wh ere, 'iV=weight of airplan e,
L w= lift of m a i.n planes.
The p resent m ethod iu cludes the determination of the
L ,=lift of tail (posi tive if upward),
proper angular setti ng of a horizontal tai l p lan e to give
'.!' =thrust of p ropell er,
longitudinal balance at t.he followiug fli gh t conditions:
D,=drag of tail surfa ces.
l. Level fligh t at any sp eed .
D w= drag of m ain p lanes,
2. 'limb ing flight at best rate o[ climb.
3. Glidin g at any angle with p·o wer off .
Dr= pamsi te resistance,
<I> = in cli nation of flight p ath to horizontal ,
4. Conditions 1. 7,, and 3 at any altitude.
8=inclination of thrust line to fli gh t path.
There wi ll also be included in the report the investiga-
a,=distance c. g. to L w (positive i [ ahead of c. g.),
tion of the effect of an ang ular settin g to give balan ce at
a 2 = distan ce c . g . to c . p. of tail p lane, ·
a certain fli ght cond ition 011 the balance at other flight
a,= distan ce c . g. to t hrust line (positive if b elow)
conditions . In general this in vestigation w.ill determin e
a,4 =distance c . g . to D , ,
t he force on the sti ck n ecessary to give balance at fnll
a 5 =distance c. g . to D µ,
power and th e amount o[ controll ability in a glide with
th e p ower off. a 6 = distairne c. g. to D w.
In ge nera l, 8 ..... = 0 , or practicall y=O,
The location of the center of gravity of the airplan e
T s:in 8 =0 ,
und er con sideration must b e fix ed and known. 1f the
T cos 8 = T .
area of the tail p lane is no t known. various areas may b e
Practicall y we may co nsider t hat
assumed . th e consequ en t tai l plane settings estab lish ed ,
and a ch oi ce of are:is m ade. The center of pressu re curve D t a4 = 0 ,
of the aerofoil used. the gap , stagger, and locati on of the D P a5 =0,
wing cellu le rdative to th e c. g. , and the 'tructural ch ar- D w a 0 =0 ,
acteristics o[ th e airplane must all b e known. 1t is as- si n ce D ,. a 4 • a5 , and ar, are very small q11ant iti es . "I' o3
can also b e n eglected in most instan ces. but it wi ll be
sumed t h1t t h e stick is h eld neutral, i . e ., the angle of
the elevator to the stabili r,e r is zero. inclu ded in t his m ethod .
In level fligh t t.he equ at ion w ill b e modifi ed as foll ow~:
The general procedur is to fi rst set down t h e :funda-
m ental equations l'or fo rces and moments. and th en to </>···· · = 0.
W sin ct,=0 .
in ve3tigate these equations for t he level Hi ght condition .
"\\" cos q,=W ,
Velocities of fl.ight and slip3t ream velociti es a re estab-
a nd th e fundamoo tal ecj uatio n becom e
lish ed . The load carried by the wing. , aml h ence by
11 . L w+ l ,,="\\',
t he tail , a re found. and empi rical eq uation s are iutro-
21 . T = D w+ D ,+Dµ= RP,
duced which define the angle o[ dowowash and the l ift
31 . L wa 1 - L,a 2 + T a3 = 0.
coeffi cient of t h e tail. T he incideBce of the tail to th e
From 31-
relative wind req fo r balan ce at any incidence of
the wings is fo und . and h ence th e angu lar setting of the
tai l relative to th e wino- chord .
Fixing the tail setting for balance at a certain velocity.
S ubstituting 4 in l'-
the incid en ce and Ii ft of th e tai l for other velocities are
fo und. In this conn ectio n the tai l mom ents are known ,
5. L w+ L wa.,+ T a'=vY.
and hence t he forces on the stick to give balance. a-:2
It is next shown ho w the equations of level flight con-
dition modified fo r climbing and gliding flight an d to
what degree the tail righting moments are reduced in the
lat ter case when t h ere is no slipstream effect. ·
1'he general equations for forces p erpendicular and
parallel to the wind and for moments about th e c . g . are-
1. L w+ L ,+T sin8 - v\'cos ct, = 0 ,
2. T cos 8 - D w- D ,- D "- "\V sin ct,=0 , Also
3. Lw a, - L , a 2 +T a3 - D t a.4 -DP a5 - Dw a 6 = 0 , 8. T =RV 2 •
2834- 20 (3)

\\"hrrn wh ere E is the angle of downwash from the chord of the

H V2 is t1:1c totfll resi~ta.ncc of th e flirpht111' main p lanes and is always positive, and where _B is th.e
And angular setting of the tail plane relative to the chord of
9. Lw=K,wA'\' 2 • the main planes (negative if below) . · i, is the true inci-
d ence of the tail plane.
Substituting 9 in 7

l '.l . Ky .. A'V 2= - - -8~ 2~ 24. Lt= W-L w.
From experimental data-

25 . .Ky, = .00015 i t.

At [f(V +v)2+(1- f) V 2]
12 . A'=A,+AlHvY. where f is t h e fraction of the tail plane area which is in the
A 1 =area of wings ou tside slipstream,
A 2 =area of wings within slipstream. 27. [f(V+v) 2 +(1-f) V 2]=m.
Since A 2 is small, ( l+v) maybe assumed constant and Then

an average value taken for level flight . Appropriate 28 . Lt

. 1 t=.00015A,m·
values are,
Single-bay pLtrsuit plane . ...... ..... . . l . 08 Substituting 4 of 28 and E of 21 in equation 22, we have
Two-bay two-seater . ..... . . .. .......... l . 20 the proper tail settings B required to balance t h e airplane
In climb, these values would be reE!pectively 1.15 and at all velocities of level fl1ght, i . e ., at all angles of inci-
1.40. d en ce of the main planes.
13. R= (Kx A' + r ), Tabulation of th e data is suggested in the following
where r is the parasite constants in lbs./m.p .h. at the order:
ground . l. i w(inciden ce of wings).
UsLtal values are 2. KYw (corrected for aspect ratio, stagger, etc.).
Single-bay pursuit plane ..... .. ...... 0. 016 3. Ky.. A' (A' from equation 12).
• Two-bay two-seater ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 040 4. K x.
The thrust is equal to RV2 and is also equal to the mo- 5. KXWA'.
mentmp imparted to the slipstream by the propeller. 6. R (equation 13).
7. ~:3 (a2 and a 3 given).
14. RY2 =S A,, (V +i) v. 8. a 1 (from vector diagram for wing cellule alone).
9. ~-
S=density of air per unit of mass, a2
Ap=.96 x propeller disk area,
V =forward veloci ty, 10. q (1 +~)-
v=slipstream velocity. 11. V (equation 11).
15. S Ap=C. 12. -J (1 +2~) (equation 13 and 15).
13. V +v (equation 20).
16. RV 2 =0 ( V +;) v. 14. m (equation 27).
15. L w (equation 9).
17. -~v 2 -C Vv+ RV2 = 0 . 16. L , (equation 24).
17. i , (equation 28).
CV ± .JC2v2 +2c RV2 18. E (equation 21).
18. V= -C . 19. B (eq uation 22).
Suppose that the airplane is balanced at a particular
' 19. V=-V ± Y-y/-----W.
1+0 · angle of incidence of th e wings. We must now investigate
t h e reactions of the tail at all incidences of the wino-s for
tb e p articular tail setting B which h as been chose~. 0
Equation 22 will give n ew values of i ., since B , E, and
i ware all fixed . 'l'he corresponding values of L , are found
From experimental data we h ave the following relation: b y direct proportion, using columns 16 and 17. Knowing
the L, availabl e and the L , required to balance at any i w,
21. E=2950 KYw the differences will give the force tending to produce
Also, by trigonometry either diving or stalling moments, and if eit her these
moments or the righting forces are plotted, they will give r
22. B=i ,+E-iw, an indication of the longitudinal stability of the airplane.
The tabulation in this case will be- We have again the angular settings B for all angle iw·
1. i w (from previous tabulation). cJ, will occur at the angle of maximum L/D of the complete
2. V (from previo-u s tabulation). airplane, and B will be chosen for this i w to give balance
3. E (from previous tabulation ). at angl e of glide cj, .
4. it ( equation 22). Suppose B_has been chosen from l evel flight consider-
5. Lt (equation 28).' ations and it is desired ·t o know the effect of t his setting
6. L; (same as column 16 in previous tabulation). on the stability in a glide cj, at various angles iw. The
7. F,' (force required to balance (L,. -L1,,). tabulation will be-
8. M (F,Xa 2 = righting moment). 1. 10 (as in previous tabulation).
Generally, B will be chosen to give balance at an iw 11. m ( equation 27').
corresponding to cruising speed and it is desired to know 12. i t (equation 22).
what force must be exerted on the control stick to hold 13. L , (equation 28).
the airpJane horizontal at full power and maximum speed. 14. F: (L, -L, ).
It is only necessary to determine the high speed from the 15. M (F, Xa,).,
chart of A. D. M. 489. iw and F, are now known and if Column 15 will give a new moment curve which may
the latter is divided by the mechanical advantage of the be compared to the moment cmve corresponding to the
elevator control system the result will be an approxima- flight condition for which B has been chosen.
tion to the force which the pilot must exert on the stick.
V. GLIDING WITHOUT POWER. The equations for level flight are modified for appli-
Suppose it is required to balance the airplane at the cation to climbing flight as follows:
.augle of best glide. The equations for level flight are Equation l' becomes again
modified as follows: l". Lw+Lt=W cos c/>
Equation l' becomes where cj, is th e assumed best angle of climb, corresponding
to an i ,v at which we have the maximum L/D of the
l". Lw+Lt= W cos c/>. airpl ane (approximately).
The best angle of glide will be found from Equation 2' becomes
211 • T=.RV 2 + W sin cJ>.
Equation 11 becomes
where]) is the assumed maximum for the compiete air-
W cos <1>+ W~sin c/>
plane. 1111 • V = a2
Equation 11 becomes
q (Ky,. A')+R~

where A' corresponds to the value·of ( 1+v) given for climb

as differing fi:om for l evel flight.
where A is used instead of A'.
Eguation 20 becomes
R should become (KxwA+r) inetead of (K, A' +r), but
it may be assumed that the resistance of th~ propeller in
the glide will make up the difference. 201 • v+v=v-J1+ 2t+ 2 '6~~ 1
Equations 23, 24, and 27 become ·-
23'. Lw=Ky ~A"\\ 2 • The tabulation becomes
24'. L ,= W cos cJ,-L"'. 1- 10 (as in l evel flight, except for A').
271 • V/=m. 11. w~
sin q,.
The tabulation is now-
1. i". ]2. V (equation 11").
2. Kyw· 13. V+v (equation 20').
3. KYwA. 14. m (equation 27) .
15. Lw (equation 231 ) .
6. R ~ (as for level flight). -16. L1,, (equation 24').
7. q (as for level flight). 17. i , (equation 28).
8. V, (equation 111 ) . 18. E (equation .21).
9. Lw (equation 23'). 19. B (equation 22).
10. L, (equation 24') . And we have B required to balance at the assumed angle
11. m '(equation 27'). of incidence of the wings co;responding to best rate of
12. i t (equation 28). climb. It has been shown how to study the effect of any
13. E (equation 21). such setting B on the stability in level flight and in a
14. B (equation 22) . glide without power.

VII . .AT ALTITUDE. 10. a 2 . • • • • • •• • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • . . • . . • • •• •• ft .. 17. 5
ll. a 3 . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •• • • • • . • • • . • • • Zero.
At any altitude at which the density relation t o the den-
12. A. 1 ••••••.•• • •• • . • • . . • . • . • . . . • • • • • sq. ft .. 406
sity at the ground is cl, t h e equations for level flight will
13. A 2 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • sq . ft .. 35
be modified as follows :
8• . T=d RV2 14. ( 1 +v) for level flight (equation 12) .... . 1. 20
9, . L w=d K YwA1 V2 .

. a·
·Y=j . cl [ q/K
1V )+Ra~J
. a2
15. ( 1+; ) for climbing flight (equation 12) ..
At · ......... . ..... .. ........... .. sq . ft . .
Diameter of propeller. .. .. . . . .... .... . . . .
91 211
18. C . .. .................................. . . 32
19. f ............................ : ........ . . 50
Equations 20 and 21 become
20. ,t, in glide (Wind Tunnel R epJrt) ... ..... . 7° 401
2·1. iw in glide q, (Wind Tunnel R eprnt) ... .. .
22. ,t, in climb at 5,000 ft. (A. D . M. 55-A) .. . 90
23. iw in climb ,t, (A. D. M. 55- X i . . .. . . .... . . 60
21,. E=2950 d Ky,. . 24 . cl at 5,000 ft .. .. . .... . ......... .. ...... . . 863.
Equations 25 and 28 become
2. Climbing at ii,000 ft.
25 •. cl Ky, =.00015 i,.
We will in this case investigate the required n for the
in ciden ce of the wings iw of 6° only. The tabulation of
28 • · i t= .0001/t m cl° the resul ts is as follows:
In climbing flight, the following additional modifications 1. i,,. __.. ... : .... __ __. . ........ _.. _. _. _..... . 60·
may be .n oted: 2. K yw ····· ................... . .... ....... .. . . 00157
E q uations 2't, ll'1 , a11cl 20' become 3. A' ... ... ... ......... ........ ... . .. .. sq. ft .. 4 75
21 · ,,. T =d RV 2 + W sin ¢. 4. K,w A1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
5. Kx",·· · ············· · · ···· . ... ... .... ... .. . . 000088
6. K xw A1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04] 8
7. R ............... ... .............. ... . ... . . 085
8. a1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . ·. . . f t .. . 46
9. q . ....... ... .. . .. .... .... .. .. . ...... ... ... . 1.026
~ .. ················· · ··· · ···· ........... .
Zero .
11. cos q, ........................ ••• .• • .......• . 987
In gliding fligh t, the adcli tional mo'lif-ica tion t? be noted 12. W cos¢ ....... ... . ........ ... ....... . lbs .. 3,904
is that equation lit becomes 13. V ................................. m. p. h .. 77. 0
/ 2 Rd , 2 W sin ¢
14. -y 1 + < J ' cv2 ....... .......... ... . 1.445
11 ",.
15. (V+v) ... ... . ... . ... ........ . . . ... m. p. h .. 111
16. Lw· .. . ................. . .. ........... lbs .. 3,800
17 . ~, .. : .. .. ....... ..... .. . . .. ...........1bs .. ' 104
VIII. EXAMPLE. 18. m .... . ....... . . . ..... ........ ... ......... . 9, 160
As a typical exampl e to illustrate the m ethod of this 19. i t .... ..... ....................... degrees .. 1. 4
report, the DeH---4 ambulance airplane wil l b e used; the 20. E ... ........ ... .. ..... .. . . ....... d egrees .. 4
angular setting with which the airplane will be balanced 21. B ...... . .......... . ........... ... d egrees . . - 0. 6
while climb ing at 5,000 ft. at its best rate of climb will be 3. L evel F hght.
found; the force on the stick a.t full power near t he ground,
With the determined angle B of -0.6° , forces and
and the righting moment curves for th e latter ca~e and for
moments on the tail will be investigated for l evel flight
gliding without p ower at b est angle of glide, w ill b e i nves-
conditions neaT t he ground.
The tabulation becom es :
1. General Data..
1. iw . .... ..•. . ..... oo 20 40 50 12°
1. T otal weight ..... . . . ................ lbs .. 3,955 2. K Yw· ·---------·· . 00056· . 00090 .00123 .00157 .00257
2. T otal area wings=A .............. sq. ft .. 441 3. KywA' ......... . . 26 . 415 . 565 . 725 1. 1 9
4. K x,1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 000037 . 000045 . 000062 . 000088 .000122
3. Aspect ratio .... ..·...................... . 7. 75 5. KxwA' ...... .. . . . 0170 . 0207 .0286 . 0405 . 096
4. Gap /ch ord .... .... . ......... . .. ....... . 1. 06 fi. n. ----- ----. ----. .0603 . 0640 . 0719 . 0838 . 1383
5. Aerofoil .. . ............. .. ............. . R. A. F.15 7. a, ... ... .. . .... . . - .167 .158 . 300 ·. 46 . .57
8. q ............... . . 9905 1. 009 1. 017 1. 026 1. 033
6. Ky,_. and Kxw (corrected by A. D . M. 435) .
7. r (from A. D. ~f. 55-A) ...... . ........... . . 0433 9. ~ .............. . 0 0 0 0 _o
8. C. G. is 19.511 aft of leading edge of l ower a.3
10. R a;· · ... • .... .... 0 0 0 0
wing. ll. V ......... .. .... . 124 97. 2 83 73 56. 7
9. a 1 (from vector diagram for wing cell11le
12 . ..J1+2t........ J.1 73 1.181 1. 203 1. 232
. 1. 365
13. Y + v .......... . . 145. 5 114. 7 100. 0 90.0 77. 5 12. E .. .. ............ _ 2. 60° 3.57 ° 4.55° 7.50°
14. m .............. - J',300 11300 84 50 6710 4600 13. i , .... . ............ - 1. 20° - 0. 17° 0. 85 ° 3.90°
15. L I\ ···-·· ···· ··· · 3990 3920 3885 38i\O 3825
70 105 130 14.· L,• . ...... . ..... . ... -]10 -11 44 123
!~ ~:rtr... :........ ~ ~ ~: ~~
- 35 35
- .17° + . 28" +. 75 ° + 1. 42° + 2. 56" 15. F,-··········· · ·· · · 150 77 56 7
18. R ... ... .. . .. ... _ I. 62° 2. 60" 3. 5i 0 4. 55• (8°) 7. 50° 16. }If. ....... . . . ...... , - 2620 - 1350 -980 -120
19. B, .... .. .. ...... . + 1.45°· + .32° -.03° - .62° - 1.94 °
It appears that the airphme ,vill be balanced in a glide ct,
The ab ove tabulation sh ows that w ith the selected B of at about 12°. Gliding at ct, and an incid ence of 7° 40' , the
-0 .6°, the airplane is balanced at i w of 8° in level flight. force required of the tail to give balance would b e about
Incidentally , i t also lists the vari ous tail settings required 45 lbs. u pward, so t hat the pilot would be pulling on
for balan ce throughout the leYel flight range. )/ ext. for B the stick with a force of about 18 lbs The degree to
of -0.6°, will be found the true i, and L , . and h ence the which th e tail-righting m oments have decreased is eviden t
balancing force required of the tail, the f~rc e on th e stick from a comparison of the moments in t his gliding condition
at [ull power , and the tail plane moments for all angle i ".. with the moments fo und for leYel fligh t. Just to what exten t
l. i ". ...... . . oo 20 40 50 120 B would ha Ye to b e changed to giYe bal ance at 7° 40' could
2. E .... ___ '. _ 1.62° · 2.60 ° 3.57 ° 4. 55° 7. 50° easily b e determined as outlined under section V of this
3. i t ......... - 2. 22° - 1. 20° - 0. ]7 ° 0. 85° 3. 90° report.
4. L 1" . . . . . . . - 457 - 150 - l6 63 198 IX. CONCLUSION.
5. L ,, ........ - 35 35 70 105 130 ObYionsly, th ere are a great number of•combinaLions as
6. F, ........ 322 185 86 42 - 68 to flight condiLion s at 1Yhich balance may h e required and
7. 'M.. . ...... - 5630 -3230 - 1500 - 735 1190 which it may h e d esired to inves1igate when B is fixed.
The mechanical advant.1ge of the elevator control sys tem In the main body o[ the report, on e ord er has been chosen
on the DH- 4 is 2.5 (A. D. J\l . .J.70). so lhat th e force on the in the example, another has purposel y been selected. It
stick at i w= 0°. wl1 ich is approximalcl y th e angfo of !ey e] is h elievecl that th e effc (;t will b e to girn th e read er au idea
flight for high speed at· Ju ll p ower ( A. D. i\l. 489), bc1eomes o[ tl1e SC'ope of 1he appliC'ation o[ the method , rat h er th an
]30 lbs. This figure is cxeessive and indicates tha t B to confuse hin1. The p resen t m eth od bas furth er b een ap-
shoul d be increased. lt can b e shown th al with B =+0.5° plied wi1h reason ahle re~ults , 1, to find th e angular setting
t h e force on t h e sLick at high speed would d <'C'l'ease lo 80 o [ lhe Lai l plane on the Verv ille racer, tl>give l,alance at
l bs. In a static test of lhe DU- ~ co ntrols, tJw sti ck !'a iled high sp eC'd ; 2, to find th e arpa and angul ar s,1tting o[ the tail
un.der a load of 170 lbs. It must, IH)\\·e\'er. b remembered pl::m e on 1h e L eP erc armored biplan e to give proper bal-
that as soon as the elevators are rotated. th e load carried by ance ; 3, to investigate the balancing of th e DeH-4 with a
the stabilizer builds up , so that the forces on the sti ck , as 300 Hispano-Suiza engin e. Iu the latter case, the theoreti-
calculated herein, are rat.her h igher t han actually. cal resul ts have b een check ed b y full flight tests.
Collection of the general data requ ired should not be
4. Glidi ng 1citho til po wer al angle ct,. tedious, since the general arrangem ent and the characteris-
'I\, <·omplcte the in l'e, tigation , Wl' ll'ill d eic'rminc lhe ticR ol' th e wing cellule, as well as th e loC'ati on of th e c. g.,
new la d mome nts for the case when th e slipstream iR ~ero. a 3 , 1\ 2, U and [ are a ll k11own or readily obtainab le;
lL 2 ,

'\~\'.:•'.J.''.~~l·i·o·i~ _i~ .~ ~ '.~1: 0 1108

20 40 60 120 I ntluc·.; for r, ( l + \~} ct, a nd i " in dimb and glide may be
2. Kyw·........ .. .. .. . . 00090 . 00123 . 00157 . 00257 1assumed with little error. Care should be exerci eel in con-
3. K YwA... . . ...... . .. .397 .543 .693 1.135 structing th e v ector diagram for the winer cellule alone.
4. q... . ........ . . . ... 1. 009 1. 017 1. 026 1. 023 This aml the correc tion of the wing coefficients by th e
5. cos ct,............. . . . 991 . 991 . 991 . 99] method of A. D. M. 435 constitutes the only difficulty in
6. Ra3 ... .. . . ..... .. . 0 0 0 0 regard to th e tim e required to prepare th e general data.
82 The results obtained by the application of the present
7. V ..... . ... . ...... . 99 84.3 74.2 57. 8 metl10d 1o the example given arc encouragingly reasonabl e.
8. Lw················· 3880 38GO 3820 3790 It is planned 1o carry on extnnsive fu ll -fligh t tests on a
9. L, .... . ........... . 40 60 100 · 130 particular airplane with sp ecial reference to this method
10. m'. ....... : ....... . 9800 7100 5500 3350 of determinin g tail settings and the results of th e inveRi i-
11. B ....... .. ... .. .. . -0. 6° -0. 6° -0. 6° -0. 6° ·gation sh ould prove to be of serious interest'.


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