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Vol. II October 25 , 1920 No. 11 9



Ralph Brewn Draughon


MAR 2 9 2013
Auburn University

. 1921

L _~ ·- ~ -· - -
There is con tained h erein a list of motion picture films available from th e Office of the Ch ief of Air Service to all
posts, fields, and stations. These lists are a'.Tanged both nu merically and by sub ject. Following th e lists of Air Service
films is a numerically arranged catalogue of available lan tern slides.
In addition to th e above th ere is m:mericall y listed a large number of edu cational fi lms available for loan to th e
Air Service from th e Bureau of Commerical Economics, Sou th ern B1-1ilding, Wash ington , D. C.


Part 1. Assembling a Le Rhone engine on fitter's stand Close-up of Caproni crew. Formation flying oYer
from start to finish. Principal parts of the engine. New York. New York from an airplan e.
Advantages of t h e rotary engine. No. 6. X - B - 1- A .
Part 2. Descript ion of 12 operations in assembling the Biplan e Corps Observation or Night OLservation
engin e : airplane.
1. Fitting crank sh aft in crank case. P ar t l. Raw material ~ employed in construction of an
2. Assembling of t hrust box and ignition airplan e . Selection of woods. Spindling . T russes.
distributer. Assemb lages. Cambering.
3. Fitting the crank shaft in th e back p late. P a rt 2. \Ving stru ts. Stern-post stru t. r nd ercar-
4. Mount a11 connecting rods around the riage. Axle. Sh ock absorber.
crank pin and t h e crank case. P a rt 3 . Adjusting gun. Timing cams. Radi atc r.
5. P lacing front half of crank shaft in posi- Fabric coYering . GI uing. T aping. ConstructiG11
tion. of rib . Auxiliary sur faces. Frame. -fin. Rudder.
6. Fitting p'i.ston rings and scre,ving cylinders No . 8. A FLIGHT OVER AMERICA 'S VOLCANO ,
into crank case. MOUNT LASSEN .
7. The cam gear is assembl~d in crank case. Sacramen to Valley. Ph otograph ers and aYiators
Par t 3: leaYing :\father Field. Firnt glimpse of l\fount Las-
Operation- sen , 10,000 feet high. At the top of th e wo rld .
8. Timing valves. 0Yer th e crater itself, which is 150 feet wide, of
9. Fitting induction pipes. unkn own d ep th , and h as erup ted 220 ti mes since
10. Placing cylind er. ) 914. In 1916 the crater went on a strike, and
11. Wiring up ignition system. since then has not sh own any sign s of life .
12. Oil pump bolted to backplate. No. 9. ANAVYDIRIGIBLEOVERWASHINGTON .
No. lA. FEED OF THE LE RHONE ENGINE . Views of Washington tak en from a "avy dirigiuie.
Carburetion. How the gas mixture comes into the Ko . JO. LIBERTY ENGINE .
crank case. Views of machine sh ops wh en' th e engine is mad e.
Oil distribution in t h e diffe rent parts of the engin e. Views of engin e man ufact ure.
Oil pressw·e gauge. Part J.
No. lB. LE RHONE ENGINE . Part 2.
Principle of functioning: Part 3.
First chapter. Gen eral description ." Workin g Part 4.
principle. Differen ce between t he fixed and No. lJ . (a) RUGGLES ORI ENTATOR AND (b) PIC-
rotary engines. Dead point " high" and d ead TUR ES OF A PARACH U T E DROP .
p oint " low." The Ruggles ori en tato r simulates t he Yarious posi-
Second chapter. tions of an airplan e in the air.
Third chapter. The four movements of th e en- Ko. ) 2. A I R SERV ICE ACTIVITIES IN A. E . F .
gine. Organs necessary for th e four moYe- MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS.
ments. Part]. 2d a ncl 4th Balloon Compa nies and ball oon s.
Fourth chapter. Distribution . Order of ignition. Instruction in signaling and flying.
Fifth chapter. Bearings. Le R h on e mou nted on P ar t 2. Bomb dropping. Use of camera obsc ura.
Caudron G- 3. ·views -of Ourches, Rembercourt, Brest, l ssoudon,
Part 1. Airplane compass. Behavior of airplane co m- P art 3. Airpiane repair. P ersonn el of 94th , and
pass during Yarious t urns made in flying. 139th Areo Sq uadro.ns .
Part 2. Use of rudder in flying. P ar t 4. Air battle. German prisoners. 148th A reo
Part 3. Practicing turns. Good and bad la ndings. Squadron. I -17th _\ reo Squad ro n . Presentation s of
No. 3. SAIL MAKING . decorations.
Par t 1. Directions [or repairin g a jagged tear in fab ric. P ar t 5. View of I ssoucl on , France. Gen. Pershing
Part 2. Directions for repairing a clean rent in fahric . and Maj. Fitzgerald. Ceremonies in h ouor of the
No. 4. RIGGING OF AN AIRPLANE . memory o[ \.Yilb ur Wright. Enemy line at \ 'erdun.
Part 1. Rigging fuselage. Adj ust and measure wires. Par t 6. View of Argonn e sector. \"iews of celebraticn
Part 2. Rigging center section . in h onor of the a rrival of Presid en t Wilson in Paris.
• I

Ko. 13. THE WORKING OF A LEWIS MACHINE ters deflection. Shadow shooti ng. Vfater tow tar-
GUN - GROUND TYPE . (Picture taken at Infantry get. Maneuvering and fi ring on parachute target.
Sch ool of Arm s, Fort Sill , Okla. ) Releasing target on airdome after practice. Th e
Long tong holds rifl e steady on gunn er 's shou lder. " line" prepares fm· formation fl y" ng on a photo-
Charging h and le. How to strip a g un. Pistol grip . graphic reconnai ssa nce taking along camera guns
Assembly of gun . Correct and incorrect loadin g. and aerial caments. .'\ eri a l combat practi ce using
How it works. \Vhat the bol t d oes. German effi- camera gun . ) fane uvering for position to fire on
cien c~·. hostile ship. Pilot signals " hang-on . " Barrel roll .
\To . 14. FIT TO FLY . (..\Ied ical film . l'rob lems i_n Tail spin . Wing over. Vertical bank. Tail spin
keeping t h e fl yer fi t. ) over Selfridge Field . Tight spiral. Side slippinf!
Part 1. The flyer must be studied as an indiYidual. into field and landing.
Ph ysical tests. No . 21 . FIRST BA L LOON COMPANY .
Part 2. Stud y of eff ec ts of a ltit ud e on aYiator. Removing camouflage from an observation balloon .
Part 3. Psychological tests. Making a patch in a wing. Removing t h e sand
Part 4. The ear a nd aviation. bags and bringing the balloon out of its hangar for
Part 5. T est of deaf mute. an ascen t. Bringing in a balloon after a t rial flight
Part 6. Th e ear and st un t flying. witho ut passengers. Officers p reparing for an as-
Part 7. Maintenan ce of efficiency of . fli er. F ligh t cent. The g uard s of the air. Observation balloons
surgeon. a nd airplanes. Inflating an observation balloon .
_Part 8. R eady to fl y . Maneuvering. Th anks to t h e teleph one, an ob-
:\io. l5. CAB~E SPLICING. server commiuricates t h e movements of the enemy 's
Descrip tion of operations n ecessary in spli cing cab les. airplan es. The balJoon observers ,,atch t h e en emy
No. 16. (a) VIEW$ OF MARTIN TRAN SPOR T . airplanes to the last moment. '\Vhen t hey can ·not
(b) AIR MEET AT B OLLING FIELD , WASH- bring the balloon t o earth , t hey escape th e enemy
INGT ON , D . C., 1920. (c) START OF THE by the parachute route.
No. 17 . PRES. WILSON VIEWING · A GIANT Part 1. Practice in formation flying is a large part of
BOMBING AIRPLANE , POLO FIE LD, WASH- t he of the air servi ce cadets. Formation
INGTON. CARRIER PIGEONS. leader and bis airplane ready, for flight. General
No. 18 . TRAINING OF ARMY AIRME::'iT. FLYING view of dead line sh owing airplanes taking-off on
IN TEXAS . formation.. Taking-off from the ground formation.
Formation flying. Gathering spee:l for the tak e-off . Views from ground. View from air.
Practice in formation flying is a large part of the , Part 2. Group of pilots ready for the air. Cadet in-
training of air service cadets. Acrobatics. Mem- i struction. Formation taking-off. Above the clouds.
1 rs of the formation as seen from leading airplane. Pursuit and battle practice.

The pilot of the au·ship at t he wheel. The side rud- Par t 1. R emove cap and clean lens. Set ape1'.ture.
der. At t he navigation tab le. View of t he passen- Set indicator at 0. Change posi tion of locking pin.
gers saloon . Arrival and landing at Staaken . The F it on magazines and open them. Bowden release
passengers leaving from the h ull of . t he airship. for use when camera is fixed out of reach of photog-
Capt. Ariel Barges, international staff photographer raph er. Flexible shaft and propeller drive for
snaps a few pictures from th e forward gondola. The setting shutter and changing plates a uto maticall y.
last of the German coasts on the Baltic Sea. The The automatic ch anging gear .in operatipn. The
many small islands that line t h e Swedish coast on hand plate ch ~u ging gear. The v iew of th e shut-
the Baltic . Over the city of Stockholm. Curio us ter releasing and plate changing mechanism.
crowds greet the fi rst passenger airship to land at Dismantling after use .
Stockholm . Airship 1·ide over Germany. Frede- No. 24. OVE R WASHINGTON , D . C.
richshafen . Leipsig. Views of Washington from the air, tak en the day of
No. 20. SCHOOL OF AERIAL GUNNERY , A . S . the Veteran's parade .
Part 1. Co urse in aerial gunnery. Gro u nd practice. The air is exacting, its d evotees must have sturd y
Students are given instruction and practice in class- bodi es. Class in calisth enics . Instruction in aerial
room and on range. Sti:ipping Lewis machine gun. photograph y. E ngine instruction. Instru ction in
Clearing a jani. Deflection on silh ouette target. riggi ng . Practice in starting engines. The m en
T rap shooting to develop speed and accuracy. learn to shoot at flying targets.
Holding a close group and changing point of aim. No . 26. P R E SIDE T WIL S ON TALKING OVER
Free balloon practice using tracer ammunition and A WIRELESS TELEPHONE.
Marlin-Colt machine gun. F iring from speed boat. President Wilson is given a d emonstration of voice
Part 2. The airplanes taxi from th.e hangns to the line. control flying apparatus, Kovember 21, 1918, on
Preparing to shoot the aerial gunnery co urse . In- t h e White House grounds . Col. C. C. Culver, who
specting gun or points before fligh t. vVater targets. d eveloped· the apparatus, demonstrates it to the
No deflection. Silhouettes for full and t hree-q uar- , President, after which the Pr sid ent him self directs
the airplanes. Copper wires hanging loose from th e No. :~2. LEWIS MACHINE GUN .
airplane catch v i brations from th e ground-s ,md ing Part l. The rin g sigh t. No . l.
apparatu s. Part 2. Stripping and assemb ling gun . No . 2.
No. 27. A;lR-SERVICE ACTIV ITIES I N A. E. F . Part 3. T esting ammuni tion. No: 3.
(No . 2 ). Part4. Gun drill . Care and clean ing. P ar t A, No. 5.
P art l. Capt. E. H. Coop er on photographic trip . Part 5. Care and cleaning. Part B, · No. 6 ; pa rt C,
Pilots and mechanics of t h e 147th Aero Squadron. No. 7.
Pilots and m echanics of th o 94th Sq uadron. Mis- Part 6. Care and cleanin g. Part D, No. 8.
cellaneous views tak en near Rombercourt. Part 7. Care and cleaning. Par t E, No. 9.
Part 2. Views near R om bercourt. D ecoration of P a r t 8. Care and cleauing. Par t l", No. 10.
personnel of sq uad rons. Airpl anes and men of the Part 9. Mechanism. No. JI .
185th" Squadron . Miscellaneous vi ews of Tou l, Part JO. Immediate action and secondary action.
France . Views of 94th Sq uadron . No. 12.
Part 3. Miscellan eous views of So ui ll y, France. No. 33. HIGH ALTITUDE BOMBING SIGHT AND
Aviators of th e 88th and 284th Aero Sq uadrons. ITS USE .
Miscellaneo us views of Tours, Fran ce, 13th Aero ]\[ethod of proced ure in the use of sight. Setting the
Squadron . 139th Squadron. Aviation Camp No. altitude leve r. Descrip tion of 12 errors in b ombin g .
2. No. 34. T HEORY OF FLIGHT .
Part 4. Miscellaneous views of Tours, France . "Panel Par t l. The streamlin e.
signaling. Miscellaneous views taken at GLLines, Part 2. Lift and drift ratio.
Granviliers, Gelaconrt, B Jauval, S2ptarges, Buis- Part 3. Stalling.
gny_Montfaucon. Part 4. Stability.
Part 5. M.iscellaneo us views ta', en at Fruges, R em- No. 35. P RACTICE FLIGHTS OF STUDENT A VIA-
. aisnil, Fleville·, Paris, T errain d e Ru mont. J ulve- TORS AT KELLY FIELD , TEX.
court, Thiacourt. Aerial mail. Cel ebration of th e Students of a group aviation school make practice
Liberation of Alsace-Lorrain e . Officers of th e 28th flight over th e airdrom e . Airp lane lin e.-up. In t h e
Escadrille of the French Army. world of clouds. A via to rs a re t he eyes of the mod-
Part 6. "A" an d "0" F light of th e 148th Sq uadro n ; ern army. The obse rver tak es the air as t h e first
258th Squadron. Miscell an eous views of ()h ateau step i n the op eb ing of an artill ery offen sive. The
Villai n, Berqu es, Dongevill e, Le Havre, M.athay , observ er and the battery command ers maintain
I sso udon. communication by means of groun d signals and
No . 28. AME R ICAN A IR-SERVICE ACTIVITIES wireless. Over the trench es, laid out for th e
IN A . E . F . (N o. 3 ). trainin g of observers an d arti ll ery m en.
Part l. The first Liberty engin 3 to arr ive in France. No. 36. AERIAL GUNNERY .
Air1)lan e ai3semb ly . P ointing of twin Le wis g uns on ai rplane. Machin e-gun
Part 2. Bombs and bombing ai rplan es. G unnery. range. The rocking nacell e. T oy balloon targets
Balloon observp,tion. ' bursting in t h e air. Ground pan els . Communicat-
Part 3. Airplanes equipped with Liberty engin es . in g with fli ers. Airpla nes in fligh t. Squadron land.-
PaTt 4 .. Vickers m achine gun. Signal ing . Photo- in g. Gunnery airplan e in th e air. \Yater target.
graphic expedition. Spray from hits. Pilot an d g unners standing by
Part 5. Gunn er y. Presentation of d ecoratiorrs to per- airplan e. F lying fie ld and surrounding terrain .
sonnel of 12th , 94th , 9 1st Sq uadrons . Close u p of airp lan e .
Part 6. Aviation uni ts homeward bo u nd. No. :37. ENL I STED MEN'S TRAINING SCHOOL.
Part 7. Parade in Coch em , G;errnan y . Balloon Airplane construction . Main taining an arm y airplan e.
ascension. Cable splicing. Fab rication of win g. Formin g a
No . 29. VICKERS 'S PATENT M OORING MAST laminated p ropeller. Finishing and balancing.
FOR M OOR I N G RI GID AIR SHIP S. Overhauling engin e.. B lock- reassembled
~o. 30 .. SCHOOL OF A E RIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. engines. Installing engin e in fuse lage. Assem-
b ling wing p anels. Wing fu selage. Ready for test
Aerial camera. Loading plates into magaz in e of
fli gh t. "Contact. "
camera. )laking solut ion . De-rnlopm en _t of plates.
Instruction in lettering. Printing. De·.·eloping
Picture taken at t h e Curt iss Sch ool shortly after our
prints. Enlarging. ?-faking ' lantern slides. )fap
en try into th e war.
plotting. Ae1.ial photographic map.
(N o . 4 ).
THE FRENCH ARMY AIR SERV ICE ). Part J. Battery of field a rtill ery b uilding d ugo uts.
Aviators and aeronautics. .\ dirigible in con st ru c- Formation flying und er co mmand of Lieut. Quentin
t i on . How airplan es arc . made: Frame, wings, R oosevelt. Officers and m en of th e 94th Aero
engine, completed airplanes. E arly F ren ch aero- Squadron. Decorations presen tad.
nautics: Bleriot, Farman, Ca udron . Aeronautics, Part 2. French balloon com pany, American officers.
1917: Morane, Nieupor t S pad, bombing machin es, P roced ure in aerial photograph y. Aerial view of
Breguet, Caproni, Voisin. ObseiTation mach in es: Metz. The " Boche Sq uad ron ." R epairing ai r-
C'auclron, Sopwith, Salmsan. How t h e pilots are p lanes.
instructed. ; -Rifl e practice. The semaphore tran s- P a rt 3. Officers of 94tl:i Aero Squadron . Presen ta-
mits ord ers for flights. tion of decoration s .

No. 40. (a) SECRETARY OF WAR N. D . BAKER P a rt 2. Field No. 3. Instruction in flying. Class in
AND GEN. PEYTON MARCH ON AN INSPE C- iterial gunn ery. - Romorantin. Assembling air-
FRANCE FIELD. P art 3. )Iachine gun operators. German prison ers.
No. 41. (a) THRILLS OF SPINNING A N D L OOP- Signaling . Views taken at R omorantin, Ansau-
ING . (Acrobatic flyin g:) (b) A H UMAN A N CH OR ville, Brest, Baccarat.
FORM ED BY SAILORS. (c) ARRIVAL OF T HE Part 4. Co urbin. Marne Valley . Ourch es. Cha-
R - 34. . tea u Thierry . ) fotz. Saint Cyr L ' Ecole. Cler-
No. 42 . FLIGHT OF THE NC- 4 FROM ROCKA- mont . :':'aizerais. Ostervill e. 90th Aero Sqdn.
WAY BEACH TO TREPASSEY , THE N CE Airp la nes, engin es, salvage dump . Bombing
R ockaway Beach , ~- Y. America begins t rans-.\.t- P a rt 5. \ "illafranca, Italy . S ussex, England. Mis-
lantic fligh t. Three giant seaplanes start -epochal cellan e:)US views of Ferm e d e Cuperly . St. Aig-
voyage which set an oth er milestone in th e prog- nan. B ouco. Somme P y . Ch ea ux. Gonrevi lle.
ress of aeronautics . Taking on supplies for t h e Clemercy. Raulcour t. H oudainville. Villers.
journey. The first on e is off. NC- 3. The NC- 4 Tournelle. La Chapelle. J\Iontreau x . Chateaux .
follows. From New York t'.l Halifax. Trepassey to Puteaux. Buch de Long. Colombey.
Azores. Views of airplanes and men. Wrecked P>J,r t 6. Vi ews of l\fareuil , Corpru , B eth lainville,
a nd battered airplane . Off t::> Lisb on. P ortugal's Colombey, Le Mans.
trib u te to America 's achieYement. The president No. 48. A RTILLERY FIRE .
of the city council of Lisbon award s a gold medal to Officers a nd fl ying field. Observer and pilot testing
Commander R ead. Aero Clu b of Por t ugal pre- intercommunication telephone . Airplan e taking off.
sents a gold shi eld as .a testimonial of h on or to its Bursting shells as seen by the observer. Sign aling
Yankee comrades. to th e observer by means of ground panels . Artil-
No. -l3 . FRENCH INFANT RY IN BATTLE . l ery b e low. Artillery fire regulated by t h e ob-
Goir1g ·ou t to battle line . Marching in commun ica- server. Dummy tank target. Accurate fire .
tion tren ches. ' A s urprise attack . Artillery goes No . 49. BALLOONS , KITE .
into action. In conqu ered t rench es. The ad- l\faneuYering the balloon from its h angar. Toggling
vance. Th e prison ers. Thus standi ng shoulder on the basket. Balloon ascending. Close up of
to sh oulder the son s oi Fran ce sprung from the four Caquot balloon in the air. Hooking on danger
corn ers of their native soil, offered their breasts as a cones. The observer at work in th e basket. Ar-
living wall to the rush of the invad er. tillery fire below directed by observer. Dummy
tank target. Balloon in air. Approach of " en e-
my " airplane as seen by the observer. Sham battle
Part l . Manner of operating.
of airp lan e on balloon. Parachute jump for pilot
Part 2. Parts o[ machine gun.
and observer. Balloon haul ed down .
Part 3. Detailed working of gun.
Part 4. Malfunctions of Vickers machine gun.
Par t 5. Care of gun.
DescJip tion of all operations necessary in manufac-
Part 6. Practical information on sp ecial d evices [or
t u re of cylinders.
using gun in aviation.
No. 45. TRIAL OF AN AIRPLANE PARACHUTE . -Views of the capi tol ci ty after a snowsto rm: War Col-
No. 46A . HISPANO-SUIZA ENGINE . l ege; Washington Monument; Capitol ; White H ouse.
Chapters 1, 2. Dismantling engin e. R elief Yalve. 'Ko. 52. FLYIN G CALISTHEN ICS .
Air pump . Spark p lug. Water pump. Magn e- T o accustom student aviators to the sen sations en-
tos. , Piston. Oil pump. T aking crank case apar t. 1co nn tered in fl ying, thus overcoming tenden cies
Connecting rocls. toward dizziness and air sickness. N eek exercise.
No. 46B. HISPANO-SUIZA ENGINE . Vertical bank. Immelman t urn. Climbing spira l.
Dismantling engine. Oil pump. Conn ecting rocls. Tail sp i.n. Hair lunge. Tumbling . Backward roll.
Mounting of crank shaft. Assemb ling crank shaft. No. 53. B OM BING.
Assembling crank case. Piston s. P ourin g d ummy bombs. Loading bombs. Exten-
No. 460. HISPANO-SUIZA ENGINE . sion of bomb, in creasin g length , and insuring ex-
Working of a group . Workin g o[ the rnh·es. The plosion off ground. Bornbin/! carpet. Placing
four strokes: 1, " In take "; 2, " Compression " ; bom bs on airplan e . Bomb sight. .Rel easing bombs
3, '' Firing and expansion "; 4, ''Exhaust". T h e in air. F loating target. Bombing raid formation.
complete cyle. Stun ting airplane. Cloud fl ying.
Valves. Cylinder h ead. Cam shaft. Magn etos. Car- (c) ARTI LLERY FIRIN G. (d) " BOCHE
buretors. R elief valves. Air pump. Oil t ubes. SQUADRON. "
Spark p lug. Water pump. No . 55 . A THLETIC MEET , CAMP DICK, DALLAS ,
(No. 5.) InteraYiation athletic flyin g meet, Jul y 4, 1918 :
Part 1. Miscellaneous views taken a-t Issoudon , Races, jumping contests, auto and airplan e race,
France. Engine repair shop. Salvage dump . aerial acrobatics, aerial battles .
TEX. Posit ion of airplane gunner on ground:
Brig. Gen . John Ryan, reviewing officer, .i\faj. Lori ng Part 1. Gun t urrets. A Lewis on a mount can be
Pickering, acting commander, Brooks F i eld. Si x turned in any direction.
squadrons pass in review. The Gospor t System of Part 2. Spade grip. T win guns. Ordinary mount
F lying instruction. Instructor and studen t dem- wi th axial suspension. Correct and incorrect
onstrate the speaking tube. Th e Gos_1?ort System posit ions. Gaillot-Bory shock absorb er.
d ep ends on intercommunication between t h e two No. 63. L I AISON AND SIGNALING .
aviators while in fligh t. Without the tube the Carrier pigeons as liaison agents. Optic signaling
roar of the engine p reven ts communicat ion . For- wit h lighthouses . Wireless telegraphy. Ground
mat ion flying as seen from th e air. St unt flying telegraphy . Signaling wi t h panels. Signaling
Looping the loop . The Imm elman turn. Barrel with rock ets. Signaling wit h parachute flag.
Part 1. Parts the automobile. War minister, Col. Girodet, and oth er officials. Mr.
Part 2. Pai:ts of t he automobile. Dumesnil, undersecretary of state for military and
Part 3. Parts of the automobile. naval aeron autics. Lieut. Fonck, Capt. Battle.
Part 4. Parts of th e au tomobile. Presentation of d ecorations. Marching troops .
P art 5. P arts of the automobile . Georges Carp enti er and Pomier. Gen. P lessis .
Part 6. Parts of the automobile. No. 65. TEACHING YOUNG AMERICA TO ·FLY .
P art 7. Parts of the automobile. FEATURING THE LIFE OF AN AIR SERVICE
P;1rt 8. Parts of the automobile . CADET.
Part 9. Parts of t he autom obile . Part 1. Engine · assemb ling classes . Machine-gun
Part 10 . Parts of the automobile. · class . Assemb ling airplane. Rifl e practi ce. Cal-
No . 58A. PARACHUTE .JUMPING BY MEMBERS isthenics. On t he hike. Aerial observation .
OF THE PARACHUTE SCHOOL, McCOOK Part 2. Training in flying. L earning to fly in twin
FIELD. control machines.
The m ethod of leaving airplane is call ed " lifting-off " . Part 3. Machine gun practice . Study of engine
The first of its kind used in t h e Air Service. The types. Cross-count r y flight.
parachute catches the wind and pulls t he pilot clear No. 66. AIRPLANE MACHINE GUN. (Animated. )
of t h e machine . A close-up of a landing. A de- Airplan es are either push ed or pulled by screw pro- -
layed opening. This jump could be used in event p ellers. Here t h e pusher t yp e is shown. The
of ti.Te. ·aviator could easily :fire a machine gun straigh t
No. 58B. SAME AS NO. 58A WITH ADDITIONAL ahead wh en t h e propeller is in the rear. In the
DEMONSTRATION OF GUARDIAN ANGEL later mod els t h e screw is p laced in fron t, wh ere i t
PARACHUTE . is more efficient. It is clearly diffi cult to :fire
No. 59. GROUND ATTACK AIRPLANE- G. A. X . straigh t ahead b ecause th e blades of th e propeller
Part 1. Fabri cation of wing fittings . Drilling holes intervene. This diffi culty has been overcome b y
for clevis pins and bolts. Perforation of wing fit- making t h e en gine firn t h e gun so that bullets fly
tings for dip brazing. Spot welding fittings to hold b etween propeller b lad es. In attacki11g another
while brazing. Preheating t h e fittings. Dip braz- airplane, th e aviator must move th e entire airplane
ing the :fittings. Cutting t h e wing spars'. Inboard to a im ; th e gun is fixed. Some new firing arrange-
wing b eams. Webs for wing b eams. Assemb ly of ments. Any angle . Straigh t down. · Straight
wings. Completed inboard wing sect i on before ah ead. The en emy i s always in range. Downed.
covering. Rudder before covering. Stabilizer be- No. 67. H OW SHRAPNEL IS USED IN BARRAGE
fore covering. F IRE . (Animated.) .
Part 2. Gluing the . ven eer panels for fuselage shell. A rapid succession of th ese explosions along a line
Compressing veneei·. Body armored with plate forms a curtain of fire or " barrage. " The "Search-
calculated to r esi st pen etration by armor piercing ing barrage " used to harass en em y movemen t of
ammunition. R ear vi ew of armored body. Doping troops and ammunition . The ·' Box barrage" used
in minor assaults. Attacking troops are sh elled by
wings. Applying t h e :final coating of pigmented
th e " Creeping barrage ."
dope with air brush . Applying insignia U. S . A. S.
Completed insigni a. Assemb ly of airplane.
.ELECTRIC BELL. (A nimated .) .
Part 3. Fitting in the nacelle containing complete
How t h e bell operates. As th e curren t is '' on "
power plant uni t . Two Li ber ty 12 engines. Maid- th e magn et pulls. As long as you press the button
en v oyage of t h e G. A. X. T est flight, obtaining th e bar wi ll viorate .
data. No. 69. HOW THE TELEPHONE TALKS. (Ani-
No. 60. (a) VISIT OF GEN. PERSHING TO Mc- mated . )
COOK FIELD . (b) FLOTATION GEAR (c) LEAK- All sound s travel in waves much t h e same as ripples
PROOF TANKS (d) VARIABLE · PITCH PRO- in water. If you could see sound waves they would
PELLER. appear like t his. The sound waves are converted
No. 61. BOMBS RELEASED FROM AN AIR- into elect ric waves b y the telephone. The disk.
PLANE TO OBTAIN BALLISTIC DATA FOR The carbon granules. How t h e voice affects ) h e
THE ORDNANCE DEPT . carbon . How the receiver i s ;1ffected .
Ko. 70. THE GASOLINE ENGINE. (Animated .) Outgoing mail arriving. P resident and Mrs. Wilson
The bus y littl e mech an ism t h at driv es the car. A wish •to witness the d eparture of th e aero mail.
simp le engin e consists of a cylinder in which a Aero mail airplane read y to leave.
pisto n slides u p and down t urning a shaft. Th e No . 73. :MANUFACTURE OF AIRPLANE PRO-
force th at driv Es t h e piston is th e same·as th at which PELLERS.
projects a ball from a canno_q. Th e burning powder Drying lu mb er in kilns. Eight kilns u nder co n-
is rapidly changed to a gas ";hich expand s arn;l forces stru ction. Ten lami nations cut from mahogany
out th e ball. This cannon co uld be-mad e to t urn a boards.· Weighing laminations. Laminations glued
wh eel sh aft if t h e explosio ns could occ ur in q uick tqgethcr. Shaping th e propeller . Burring th e
succession . With a few changes, we hav e a simple hub of · t h e propeller. Varnishing and balancing
one-cylind er engin e. Gasoline vapor instead of propeller. Propellers ready for inspection. Gov-
gun powd er. A S;Jark plug instead of a [use. A <·rnment inspecto rs looking over propellers.
rapid su ccession of explosions revolves the shaft that, No. 74. (a ) LE PERE AIRPLANE . (b) AERIAL
drives the car. A cylind er h as two lungs or valves B OMBING . '
through which _i ~ inhales and exh ales. How the No. 75. (a) ORDNANCE AIRPLANE . (b) LE PERE
valves arc open ed and clos 3d. It inhales gasolin e TRIPLANE . (c) HORNET AIRP LANE.
vapo r t hrough t h e intake valve. l t exh al€s th e No . 76. CALL OF TH,E AIR.
burnt gases through t h e exhaust valve . THE
Views of Washington , D. C., tak en from an airship.
Views of th e airship taken from the ground .
strok e . 2. Co mpression strok e. 3. Power strokP.
4. Exh aust stroke. A two-cy linder engine . A
· four. ·· A ·six . Ih man y types ~f airplane engines PORT COR P S.
th e. cylinders rotate around th e crank shaft. No. 78. (a) GENERAL WM . MITCHELL AND
The all-steel airplane nearing completion. .T esti ng C. T . :MENOHER AND THE CONGRESSIONAL
engi ne . Completed machin e . R ead y for fl ight. COMMITTEE AT :McCOOK FIELD .
Landing after trial flight. No. 79. LEWIS :MACHINE GUN.
. Maj. F leet and Lieu t . Col. Geo. L . Boyle talking over No. 82. (a) VERVILLE CHASSE AIRPLANE . (b)
th e proposed route from Washington to New York . LE PERE AIRPLANE.


No.2. Airpla ne compass. , No. 33 . High altit ud e bomb sight.
No.4. Riggingofanairp lane . TheX-B- 1- Aairplan e. No. 53. Bombing.
No.7. Construction of a Spad airplane . No . 61. Bombs released from airplane.
No.16. Martin transport. ENGINES.
No.37: Enlisted Men 's Flying Sch ool. Construction No. 1. . Le R hone engine.
of airplane . No. 10. Liberty engine.
No. 42. Fligp.t of the NC- 4. No. 46. Bispano-S uiza engine.
No. 59. Ground attack airplane. G. A. X. No . 50. Man ufacture of engine <.:ylinders.
No. 71. The a ll-steel airplane . FLYING INSTRUCTION AND FORMATION FLY-
No. 74. The LeP en air plane. , ING.
No. 75 . The Ord nance airplane. The LePere t riplane. No. 5. Over New York in a Caproni.
Hornet airpl ane. No. 11. Ruggles orien tator and parachute drop.
No. 80. The Martin Transport airplan e . The LePere No. 14. Fit to fly.
trip lane. No. l8 . Training of Army airmen. Flying in Texas.
N_o. 82. The Verville Chasse airplan e . The LeP ere No. 20. F lying School, Selfridge Field .
airplane. No. 22. Formation flying .
No. 9. Navy d irigible over \\"ashingto n. No. 25. Training a cadet.
No. 19 . Trip in airship Bodensee. No. 31. Warriors of th e air .
No . 24. Airshi p over Washington , D. C'. No. 35 . Practi ce flights. Aviators at K elly Field.
No. 29. Vicke,rs·pate nt mooring mast. No. 37. Enlisted Men 's Flying School.
No. 41. The R- 34 airship . No . 38. Training United States War Birds. Curtiss
No. 76. ' Call o[ the air. F lying School.
BALLOONS. No. 41. Thrills of Spinning and Looping.
No. 21. Company A, First Balloon Company. No . 52 . F lying Calesthenics .
No._49 . Balloons . No. 65. Teachin" young America to fly.
GUNNERY. 60. Flotation gear leak-proof tanks-variable pitch
No. 36. Aerial gunnery. propeller.
No. 48. Artillery fire. 61. Bombs released from an airplane.
No. 54. Artillery fire. 62. Lewis machine gun.
GUNS . 63. Liaison and signaling.
No. 13. Lewis machine gun. 65. Teaching young America to fly.
No. 20. School of Aerial' Gunnery. 66. Airplane machine gun.
No. 32. Lewis machine gun . 67. How shrapnel is used in barrage fire.
No. 44. Vickers machine gun. 68. E lectric bell.
No. 48. Artillery fire. 69. How the telephone talks.
No. 62. Lewis machine gu;i. 70. The gasoline engine.
No. 66. Airplane Machine gun. 71. The all-steel airplane.
No. 79. The Lewis machine gun . 73. Manufacture of airplaine propellers.
PARACHUTE S. No . 74. Th e LePere airplane. Aerial Bombing.
No. 11. Ruggles orientator and parachute drop. No. 75. The Ordnance airplane. The LeP ere tri-
No. 45. Trial of airplane parachute." plane. The Hornet airplane.
No. 58-A. Parachute jumping. No. 76. Call of the air.
No. 58-B. Parachute jumping. No. 77. Motor Transport Corps.
INSTRU CTION AL FILMS. No. 79. Lewis machine gun.
1. Le Rhone engine. No. 80. The Marti n Transport airplane. Th e Le
2.' Airplane compass. ,. P ere triplane.
3. Sail making. No, 82. The Verville chasse airplane. The LePere
4. Rigging of an airplane. airplane.
7. Construction of a Spad airplane. MISCELLANEOUS FILMS .
10. Liberty engine. No. 5. · over New York in a Caproni.
11. Ruggles orientator. No . 8. Flight over Mount Lassen.
13. Lewis machine gun. No. 9. Navy dirigible over Washington, D . C.
14. Fit to fly. No. 12. Air Service activities in A. E. F ., No. 1.
15. Cable splicing. No. 16. Martin transport, Bolling Field aviation meet;
18. Training of Army airmen . start of Alaskan flight.
20. Flying school, Selfridge Field . No. 17. President Wilson viewing giant bomber .
21. Company A, First Balloon Squadron. No. 19. A trip in the airship Bodensee. ·
22. Formation flying. No. 24. Over Washington, D. C. Veterans' parade.
23 . ..Row to prepare and use the "L" type camera. No. 26. President Wilson tall,.-ing over the wireless
25. Training of a cadet. telephone.
29. Vickers patent mooring mast. No. 27. Air Service activities in A. E. F., No. 2.
30. School of aerial photography. .No. 28. American Air Service activities in A. E. F.
32. :Cewis machine gun. No. 31. Warriors of the air.
33. High altitude bomb sight . No . 35. Practice flights. Aviators at Kelly Field.
34. Theory of flight. No. 39. Air Service activities in A. E. F., No. 4.
36. Aerial gunnery. No. 40. Inspection trips of Secretary N. D . Baker and
37. Enlisted men's training school. (Airplane con- Gen. Peyton March .
struction.) No. 41 Thrills of spinning and looping.
38. Training United States war birds to fly : No. 42. Flight of the NC--4.
44. Vickers machine gun. No. 43 . French Infantry in battle.
45 . Trial of an airplane parachute. No. 47 . Air Senice activities in A. E . F., No. 5.
46. Hispano-Suiza engine. No. 51. Washington, D. C. Snow clad .
48 . Artillery fire. No. 54. :Miscellaneous seaplanes, Artillery fire, et·- .
49. Balloons. No. 55. Athletic meet, Camp Dick, Dallas, T ex.
50. Manufacturn of airplane engine cylinders. No. 56. Battalion review, Brooks Field.
52. Flying calisthenics. No. 64. Presentation of flags to first and second avia-
53. Bombing. "' tion groups ..
57 . Elements of the automobile. No. 72. Opening of.the ae rial mail by the United
58A. P arachute jumping by the members of the para- States Air Service.
chute school : No. 78. (a) General Wm. l'lfitchell and Staff at McCook
58B. Same as 58A with additional demonstration of Field.
guardian angel parachute. No. 78. (b) General C. T . Menoher and the congres-
59. Ground attack airplane G. A. X. sional committee at McCook Field.
16250- 21- 2
1'lie fallowing motion picture .films are rnade available lo ihc A ir Serl!'ice without charge throuyh the cu1;,rlesy of the
.Bureau of Commercial E conomics, Sou thern Building, Washington , D. C.
Attention is directed lo the fact that the picllires are loaned on the conditions Iha/. no charge of admission be made u nder
any circum'.stances to I.he people desi1·ing lo view them, and further that. e..cpress charges each way will be borne by the Air Serr-ice .
Commanding officers desiri·ng lo secure these films , will oi·der them direr/ from the bu rrn. 11.
LIST OF SUBJECTS AVAILABLE. G.3 .Nature's annor-Stone.
66 . Mod ern horse-Tractors.
1. Out or the mud-Good roads. 67. Against h e flame-Asb estos.
2. Safety first. 68. P e lt to welt-Shoes.
3. Evolution of writing. 69. Vestw·es oftlle looms-Clo th.
4. Cordage industry. 70 . Ada mant-G ranite.
5. The first motion pictmes. 71. SolU'ces of wealth-Cotton .
6. Handmaid ofhealth-PlU'e food. 72. Camp l<ire Girls.
7. Rock of ages-Cement constrnction. 73. Sanitary wa y-Linoleum .
8. Ocean to ocean. 74. J~lood of power-Oil.
9. Nature's currency-Wheat . 75. Li flin g the load-Cables.
10. Hides that last-Tamling leather. • 76. ifass of man- Felt.
11. The scenic highway-The land of forttme. _ 77. Sands that serve- Glass.
12. Electrification of t he home. 78. Hirth of th e bond-Linen paper.
13. Time from t he stars-W atch making. 79. 'l'he silken thread-Spun s ilk.
14. Hoarding of wealth-Banking. 80. Win ter foods-Camling.
15. Weighed in t he balance-Scales. 81. Treasure of the Incas-Sil ver.
16. City sanitation. 82 . Holding its own-Cork.
17. Doi t electrica.Jly. 83 . What keeps you clean-Soap indu str y.
18. Renewing of youth-MannfactlU'e of paint . 84. Over the trail to the forest's soul.
19. The ti es that bind-Railroad con struction. 85. 'l'he s piri t of the fi°'rnr s-Perfumery .
20. The basis of sty le-Women's sh oes . 86. RetlU'ning as new- Laundry machinery.
21. Under the feet 01 men-Carpet weaving. 87. B asis of business-Gold industry.
22. The.Umatilla Dam. 88 . 'l'he metal of many-Tin.
23. The gath ering of n ews. 89. Going ,iloft-Modem building .
24. Cl,imbing the slopes of nature. 90 . Conductor of force-Copper.
25. Fitting the boys to the job. 91. Making for health-Sanitary equipment.
26. Under southern suns. 92 . Money hoardcrs-J1eeindust ry.
27. Along the Colorado. 93. 'l'he Boy Scouts.
28. In the shadow of the peaks-Electrically . 94. An American in the making.
29. Big business . 95. Ashes of th e sea-Sa lt. ·
30. The nerves of co=erce-Telephone and telegraph. 96. Striking a light- Matches.
31. Waiting for time-Preserving. 97. The crime of carelessness.
32. A band of steel-Steel rails. 98. Wisconsin, Minnesota. and the Dakotas.
33. What upholds you-Strnctmal steel. 99. Seeking a home-1mmigration .
34. Bringing it home-Tube industr y. 100. Leaves or Ceylon-Tea.
35. Calling for aid-Signal industry . 101. The workingman's lesson.
36. TlU'ning the wheels ofindustry-Shafting . 102. The man he might have been .
37. Holding it fast-Book binding. 103. As others me us-Mirrors.
38. I saw him first-Photography. 104. The berry of the Orinoco-Coffee.
39. Shad and herring fishing . 105. Over the seas-Shipbuilding .
40. An industrial city. • 106. Mining in British Columbia
41. Holding the hand-Glove industry. 107. The Roosevelt Dam.
42. Sweets that nourish-Candy. 108. P astelU'ized milk.
43. _T ower of strength-Flour industry . 109. The Pacific northwest.
44. Backbone of man-Beef packing. 110. Generation of power.
45. Nature's oven-Wool. lll. Power transmission.
46. Parting of the ways-Saw industr y. ll2 . Homemaking in western Canada.
47. Coveringanation-Hatindustry 1 ll3. Irrigation in southern Alberta .
48. Making the home-Furniture industry. 114. Tlu·ough the Canadian Rockjes.
49. Taking yolU' money-Engraving securities. 115. Industrial control by electricity.
50. E ating the fat-Pork industry. 11n. Making grape ·
51. The milk of the tree-Rubber. 117. Panama Canal and its electrical equipment.
52. Sp inning a web-Lace making. 118. l<Jectrici ty in the mine.
53. Flood offortune-Irrigation. 119. Electrical t ractor.
54. Reclaiming t he wastes-Dry farming. 120. H arvesting ice on the Hudson.
55. Feeding thesoii-Atmospheric nitrogen. 121. Electricity on the farm.
56. Power of wealth- H ydraulic development. 122. 'l'he X -ray.
57. Speech of people-Making of newspapers . 123. Workmen's compensation.
58. E limination of space-Building of automobiles. 124. Eleetriclighting.
59. Working for women-Silk weaving. 125. The K eokuk Dam.
60. Egypt aud Palestine. 126. Motor application.
61. India- Land of mystery. 127. Electrieheating.
62. The spice of life-Relishes. 128. Modern banking.
63. The eyes of the world-Len ses. 129. Kicking Horse Pass.
64. Poor man's fuel-Sugar industry. 130. The re,rnrd of thrift.
131. Modem t ransien t home. 211. Indian school scenes.
132. Concrete,const ruction on the farm. 212. Salmon fisheries on the Frazer.
133. Concrete in en gineering. 1 213. Hatcheries in British Columbia.
134. Concrete in factory construction. 214. Lumbering in Canadian Northwest.
135. E verlasting high·,•ays of concrete. 215. Tented city in the Roclties.
136. 'l'he manifold uses of concret e. 216. Province of Saskatchewan.
137. Deer hunting in highland s of Ont ario. 217. The wonders of Jasper Park.
138. Apple industry in the gard en of Canad a . 218. Land of Evangeline.
139. College boys in camp. 219. Threading the isles of Puget Sound.
140. Mount Stephen. 220. Our insular possessions.
l4L From.the old home to the n ow. 221. Pipe ofpeall!l-tobacco.
U2. Washington the beautiful. 222. Inland Empire.
143. Milkindustry. 223. Inside out-bone buttons.
14-!. Furs from a fa r. 224. Bridging the stream-bridge cons truction.
145. Yosemite N a tion alPark. 225. Treasure of Death's Valley-borax.
146. A d ay with a park ranger. 226. Felling the forests-lumbering machinery.
147. Domestic econom y of the Yosemi te . 227. Home comfort-building of stoves.
148. In th e Tuolumne w ith t h e Sierra Clu h. 228. The motor of many-street cars.
149 . •\long the Tioga Ro ad . 229. H arvesting citrus fruit.
150. Congressm en in the Ya lley. • 230. Columbia high way-Oregon.
151. The valley and ·o lacier Point. 231. Making for good-sulphur mining.
152. Yellocntone National Park. 232. The basis of housekeeping-silverware.
153. The coming of the automobile. 233. Adamant roads of the ancients.
15-l. Stu dies of geyse rs in ac ti 011 . 234. Foundation of citizenship.
155. Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. 235. National defense.
156. Congressmen in t h e Yellowston e. 236. Extracting the core-pattern making.
157. Studies of animal Iife . 237. The service of all ages-pottery, China.
158. High,·ay const ruction. 238. Glaciers of Alaska.
159. The American Alps. 239. Down the Yukon.
160. Crossing the trail. 240. What Uncle Sam does for 2 cents.
161. Studies of lakes a nd waterfa lls. 241. The Presidents of the United States.
162. Mount Rainier Nation al Park. 242 . Hog cholera serum.
163. Circling R a inier with th e mounta ineers. 243. Care of babies and visiting nurses'.
164. Studies of glaciers and flo"·ers. 244. Vaccines for p revention of disease.
165. Sequoia National Park. 245. In the Peace River Valley.
166. A trip with the Go,•ernmont park train . 246. College Athletics.
167. Studies of giant Sequoias. 247. Collegeactivities .
16S. Crater Lake National Park. 248. Uncle Sam' s Paradise Valley.
169. The walls from th e lak e. 249. In the Appalachian Range.
170. Fishing for cutthroat trout. 250. Land of the sky.
171. R ocky Mount ain Nation al Park. 251. The Yuma irrigation project.
172. On the topoftheworld. 252. The Canadian prairies.
173. Climbing Longs P eak. 253. The water power of Canada.
174. E st es Park and the Fall Ri ver R oad . 254. Niagara Falls.
175. Mesa Verde 1 a tional P ark. 255. Skeena River.
176. Among the cliff d"·ellers. 256. Canada's fisheries.
177. Study of cliff pa lace. 257. The American Nile.
178. Stud y of spruce t ree house . 258. Firs t aid to the hnngry.
179. Iron mining operat ions. 259 . Preparation of condensed milk.
!SJ. Mine explos ion and rescue. 260. Maki~g of fine tools.
18l. National mine-safety dcmonstraticn. 261. How to carry your money.
182. The miner at work. 262. Makingofcrepepaper.
183. Manufactme of coke. 263. H andling with gloves-express service.
184. Mine to molder. 264. 'l'he gloss olto-morrow-varnish.
185. D emons tration of firs t a]cl to injured n1iners . 265. The Grand Canyon of Arizona.
183. Inflammability of coal dust . 266. The pleasure spots of Sboshona L ake and Fall s.
187. Transportation of coal. 267. Making auger bits .
188. Safe method or bit uminous coal ruinin g. 268. Modern railroading.
189. Anthracite coa l minin g. 269. The breakfast of many- bacon.
190. Use of explosi ·es in qu arr ying. 270. Malting of cover blotting paper and specialties.
191. Results of explosion t est s at experimen tal mine.
192. Use of st eam sho rn] in mining.
193. Mining magnetic iron ore. 271. The pieasure side of Australia.
194. Marble industry . 272. TheAustraliancattiestaJ;ion.
195. Ci.rclo of , i\ili,.ation-coll ar industry . 273. Frozen meat industry in Australia.
196. The shoo t ing oftbe L ake Vi e"· gu sher. 274. Irrigation in Australia.
197. '£he man who learned. 275. The famous Jarrah Forests in Australia.
198. 'l'he fl y pest. 276. An Australian dairy farm.
199. Th e maunfacture of Portl and cement. 277. Scenes about Sydney.
200. T1'e miner' s lesson. 278. Harvesting wh eat, Australia.
201. Dredging anthracite coal. 279. Life saving and swimming.
202. Zinc mining, milling, and smelting. 280. Carnival Swan River, Perth.
203. Dredge gold minin g. 281. Seaside resorts of Melbourne, Australia.
204. lndianalimestone. 282. 'l'hrough the Blue Mountains, 'ew South Wales.
2)5. Copper mining, milling, and s melting . 283. In and about Melbourne, the capital of Victoria.
2)6 . Mining a nd extraction of radi um from carnot ite ore. 284 . Surf b athing at Sydney.
207. Safet y lessons in m etal min in g. 285. Irrigation in N ew South Wales, Burrinjuck Dam.
208. Bituminous coal stripping. 286. Royal Agricultural Show.
209. Truckee-Carsonirrigation . 287. :V-rigated land.
210. F arming on Indian reserYation. 288. Mildura, prosperous irrigation.
289. Sheep shearing in Australia. 360. Soul of the home-Pianos.
290. Bacon curing. 361. Winter sports in Quebec.
291. Playgrounds. 362. Mutton industry.
292. Sugar-cane growing. 363. Light from the rocks-Natural gas.
364. Enemy of fire-Extinguishers.
FROM ARGENTlNE REPUBLIC, 365 . 'l'h e basis of the library-Book printing.
293. Printing La Prensa in Buenos Aires. 366. The Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence.
294. Falls oflguazu. 367. Putting Uncle Sam to work.
295. Glimpses of Buenos Aires . 368. Clay-pigeon contest.
296. National University of La J>lata. ' 369. Making watch chains.
297. Police and Fire Department of Buenos Aires. 370. Lake of bays.
298. Manufacture of shoes. 371. Staff of life-Bread.
299. International football between Uruguay and Argentina. 372. Birth of a fountain pen.
300. Indcpenpence Exposition, 1910. FROM THE REPUBLIC OF }'RANCE.
301. National Military Academy, San Martin.
302 . Manufacture of cloth. 373. Lake Bomget .
303. Lime industry. 374. Aix Les Bains.
304. '!'raveling notes in Argentina. 375. 'l'he Gorge of ardeche.
305. Sul(ar industry. · 376. Winter sports at Chamonix.
306. Public parks in Buenos Aires. 377. From Chamonix to Montenver!
307. A t rip along the m ountain ranges of Cordoza. 378. Excursion to Mount Blan c.
308. E lemen tary sch ools and mothers' club. 379. From St. Paul to Entrevau.x.
309. Palermo Rural Exposition. 380. Monaco.
310. Ruins of an old J esuit settlement, 1659. 381. Skiing at Chamonix.
311. Wood industry. 382. Road through the Alps.
312. Cotton spinning. 383. H yclro-airplaning on the Riviera.
313. Wool industry . 384. Lyon.
314. City of Cordoba. 385. The road from Luchon to Supcrbagnercs.
315. National Board of Education. 386. Lakes of the Pyrenees.
316. Belgrano, t he foreign quarter. 387 . In Cartagne.
317. Social service. 388. The old citadel of Carcassonne.
318. 1 ormal schools. 389. Luchon in the Pyrenees.
319. Rural exposition, Buenos _\ires. 390. Guff of Gascogne.
391. Eastern Pyrenees.
FROM THE UNlON OF SOUTH AFRICA. 392. The Pie du }Iidi-The famous mountain of Bigorre.
320. Valsch R iver and trip to Durban. 393. Along the Nile with Homer Croy.
321. Cogman's K loof. 394. Ascen sion of Schynige P latte.
322. Fruit industry. 395. Amphibian oddities.
323. Cape Town. 396. Actors from the jungle.
324. Victoria Falls. 39r. Alaska.
325. F ruit growing. 398. Annapolis Naval Academy.
326. Glimpses of Durban. 399. B rush industry.
327. P ietermaritzburg. 400. Building up the health of a nation.
401. Beauty spots in Italy.
F¥,0:M THE J>RQVINCE OF 13ERMUDi\ . 402. Bay City, Mich.
403. Bally Blllion Railway, Ireland.
328. Winter under sunny skies.
404. Building the greatest dam in the world.
329. Coral fishing.
405 . Battle Creek in motion.
330. H arbor of Hamilton.
406. Bicycle race.
331. Devil's Hole and Cave.
407. Belgians' method of warfare.
:MISCELLANEO US , 408. Barcelona, pearl of the l\foditerrai:leai,
409. Chicago military tourn ament.
332. Expert marksmansh ip . 410. Canvas making for the British Army .
333 . Dynamiting th e farm for profit . 411. Creating life from a dead leaf.
334. 'l'itanic force unseen. 412. Cocoanut industry in Jamaica.
335. Chestnut industry. 413. Cowboy sports, California.
336. Making for speed-automobiles. .J.14. Caged with Polar bears.
337. Drilling contest, at Joplin, )fo. 415. Carl E=y's tr,:;ined dogs.
338. Fishing in New B runswick. 416. Climbingthe Ingar Nielsen in Norway.
339. Unknown power- turbines. 417. Cuban army pictures.
340. Keeping on e fit-d rugs. 418 . Cotton industry in South Carolina .
341. Transportation of cherries. 419. Colonial days in Virginia.
342. T rip from Edmonton to Vancouver. 420. Classical dances by Countess Swirsky.
343. Fire department, Manila. 421. Day on a buffalo ranch.
344. Cocoa industry. 422. Day with the French Army.
345. Lace industry . 423 . Duck farm near Charleston, S. C.
346. Rice industry. 424. Decatur, lll.-Vicws.
347. Cities beautiful. 425. Daring feats of U . S. Cavalry horses.
348. Glaciers of th e Rockies. 426. Difficulties in motion picture m aking .
349. Lumbering in the Phiiippines. 427. Equitable building fire, New York City .
350. Invisible seen with the naked eye (colloidal chemistry). 428. Elks' convention at Rochester, N . Y.
351. Canadian lakes, waterfalls and glaciers. 429. E lks' parade a t Sheboygan, Wis., 1912.
352. Trails and climbs in the Rockies. 430. Engraving and printing OoYemment stamps.
353. Top of the world. 431. Freeport, lll.- Views.
354. Lake Louise, Alber ta. 432. F ishing industry of the Great Lakes.
355. First aid in the home. 433. From mine to 1nint.
356. Banff and the Canadian National Park. 434. Frolic of the marionettes.
357. Natme's doctor-Apples. 435. Famous Glenwood Mission Inn.
358. Naples of America-'l'acoma. 436. From Trau to Spalato, Dalmatia, on Adrialie.
359. Foundations of automobiles-Wheels and motors. 437. Gen . Fred D. Grant's funeral.
438. Glimpses of the _\ lps of south California. 519. Views of H olland.
439. Glimpses of the oil fields of Texas. 520. Views of Stockholm.
HO. Gorges of the Bourne. 521. news of United States Capitol.
Hl. Honey Be1>Clllturein United States of America. 522. Venice.
442. H ydraulic Mining in Califorma. 523. Wild bird life.
H:J. Hemp indllstry in Yucatan. 524 . Wisconsin lumber industry.
444. Here and there in China with Homer Croy. 525. World famous Danube.
445 . Howard 's monarchs of the Forest. 526. W atcrfalls of the Yosemite Yalley .
446. InfanLile paralysis prenntion. 527. Zoo arriYals from South America.
447. In Lapland. 528. Life of the salamander.
448. Indian dances and pastimes. 529. Globe trotting in Palestine.
H9. I ce harvesting on Hudson River. 530. The wizard of the animals.
450. In the Dolomite Alps, Tyrol. 531. Little journeys to the frozen north.
451. In and around Chicago. 532. Marvels of the insect world.
452. Inauguration of President Wilson . 533. Insect celebrities.
453. In the Barracks 1founted Police, Canada. 534. Insect oddi tics.
454 . Impressions of Corsica. 535. Ceylon.
455. Ivanhoe, Walter Scott's Novel. 53G. Nature's monstrosities.
456. Iceboating on Shrewsbury Ri,er. 537. Funicular n p the l\°iesen (tra,·el).
457. Kinl(dom of Nosey Land (Fairy Land). 538. Da.n33n fron1 E),,_'J) losi,es, ''Safety first."
458. Kalamazoo Direct to You. 539. , vomcn's training camp n.t , vashington.
459. Keeping a Great City Clean. 540. 'l1ho invading·anny in Rumania.
460. Jewish Charities. 541. The wall of fire in the German lines.
461. La Rochelle, France. 542. Prisonen in Anny camps.
462. Life in the 8udan. 543. Wounded in hospital ships.
463 . Lynhaven Farms, Virginia. 544. Return of the Dcutschbnd to her home port.
464. Last G. A. R. parade in Rochester. 545. Danube bridge destroi'ed and river warfare.
465. Logging industry in the Northwest. 546 ..1 rmics in the Tyrol.
466. Log~ing and rafting in Sweden. 547. Making ammunition in England.
467. Lumber industr y of Cali forn ia.
468. Mammy's Cbile (juvenile comedy).
469. Mexi' an natural history. 048. W here Uncle S'.lm m'.lkes his hws and keeps his relics.
-170. Marinette, ,ns. "49. How Uncle Sam gets his coin.
471. Muscles and merriment. 550. A re we prepared?
-172. Mount St. Bernard (A lps) . 51. Uncle Sam's protegccs at work and at play.
473. Making United States currency. 52. Protecting the sh ips at sea .
474. Nation's Capitol, the. 53. Saving health and building wealth.
475. Niagara Falls. s,J. Uncle Sam's children.
476. Niagara Gorge and Parade. • 55. Uncle Sam, fisherman, postmaster , health officer.
477. New York l 'olice Department. 5G. Bureau of Weights and Measures.
478. Oklahoma City, Okla. ;57. Historical Boston.
479. Oyster Industry. 558. A trip to the city of Dcl1\·er.
480. On Lake Starn berg, Barnria. E5 0. A trip to the ciLy of Indianapoli s.
481. Protecting New York's millions. 560. A trip to the city of Dctroi t.
482. Pacific Coast (scenic). .561. The apple industry.
483. Picturesque Bergen, Norway. 562. A trip to the, ities of Cleveland and Toledo.
484. Phosphate Industry. 563. A t rip to the Canadian Rockies.
485. Parks of Stockholm. 564 .. \ trip to Pikes Peak.
486. Pygmies of the Zoo. 565. rrhe story of a grain of wheat .
487. Prize Chi•·kc ns and Angora Cats. 566. A trip to the Rora! Go'rge.
488. Post Office Department United States of America 567. A trip to Old Santa Fe, N. Mex.
490. Pineapple Inclustr,- in Hawaii. 568. The story of a cake of soap.
491. Porpoise Fisheries. 569. Petrified forests of Arizona- Congo basket makers .
4n. Presi 'lenUal Possibilities 1912. .570. A trip to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado .
493. Quartz Mining in California. .571. The making of a box of candy.
494. Quaint Britt.any. 572. A trip to Xew York City.
495. R acine, ,ns. 573. Behind the scenes in a big hotel.
49G. Ri,er, Rhine. 574. A t rip to the city of Philadelphia.
· 497. Return of Cardinal Farley. 575. Olive industry in C1lifJrnia.
498. Rock Island, lll.-Views. 576. A triu to the city of St. Pant - The winter carni,·al.
499. Ri e industry of the United States. 577: A trip to ths city of :N'orfolk . • •
500. Rome, the Eternal City. 578. A trip to Santa Catalina I sland.
501. Roller skating. 579. A tri:,, to the city of Baltimore.
502. Robinson Crusoe. 580. Yiews of the Philipp ine I slands.
503. The Great Edema. 081. Pagsanjan Falls.
501. 'fhe art of ma',ing silrnr plate. f82. Coconuts and coconut products in the Philippines.
,505. The ebi i ldren's paradise. 583. Rice in the Philippines.
506. T hinking cockatoos. 584. Royal Gorga, Colorado .
507. The Laplanders. 585 . " 'ater power, Vancouver.
508. Transporting lumber in Sweden. 586. "·ater power, Winnepeg.
.509. Trip through the Italian A lp s. 58i . , Vatcr power, Calgary .
510. Training soldiers for the Army. 588. Water power, )Iontreal.
.;11. Trip to Mount Lowe, Calif. E89. Making an electric motor.
512. Trip through Delacarlia, Sweden . 590. Rally 'round the flag.
513. Truck Farming near Charleston, S. C. 591. Canadian and British armies at the front .
514. Trieste Harbor. 592. nritainprcrared.
515. Uni ted States Government inspection of beef. 593. Advance of the tanks.
516. United States Army i\Ianeuvers. 594. French Army at the front.
517. United States Go,ern.ment illStruction to young farmers. 595. ?lfay day festival at battle creek.
518. ,-iews of Cape Hatteras. 596. 'e,vfoundland and ber resonrces.
597. In1ustrial op:,ortnnities in Newfoundland. 607. Air nitrates.
598. War wheat and mountains in Canada. 608. Colossus of roads.
599. Days with the Alpine Club of Canada. 609. Open road to greater America.
600. Canada nearest of the allies. 610. "UNCLE SAM-INSURANCE AGEN'r . "
601. Heads win. 611. Durham hoiscry.
602. Hope of the hills. 612. Fascinating art of knitting.
603. Terra-cotta industry. 614. Spirit of progress.
604. Hawaiian sugar. 615. Carrying the burden.
605. Cincinnati in action. 616. Handling with case.
606. Icy-hot. 617. Nearest our heart.


"AC E S IN TH E MAKING. " 6 7 SLIDE S WITH File No. Nc~ati· c ~o.
45. Out,peeding an express in a cross-country race.
File No. Negative No. 46. Through the c louds.
1. Airplanes soaring like liirds o,·cr Mitchel Field. 47. A irplanes dra vn up for format ion.
2. View of Tal iaferro Field. '48. The leader taking off.
3. Airplanes on the tine on the great stretches of Taylor 49. Format ion flying, taken from an airplane in the for-
Field. mation itself.
4. Testing the hearing ofa candidate for the _\ir Eervice. 50. Daily exercise at the flying school.
5. The fa lling test . 51. Practicing high jump for a squadron meet.
6. 'r he pointing test. 52. Cadets passing i111ni1itarr re,iew.
7. The a ltitude test. 53. Attaching the wings to the fuselage.
. Cadets lined up for class formation at the l:'.ninrsity of 54. Cadets huilding the fuselage of a machine .
Texas. 55. Dummy a ir plane on range.
9. Radio in-;truction in ground school. 55. Loading the Lecvis gun camera.
10. Studying the airplane engine. 57. A picture taken with gun camera. 'l.'he cente r of the
11. Cadets at ground school putting aiq1la11e together. white disk sho-xs the spot hH.
12. A student aviator blind folded asse mbling a machine 58. '1.1h e " buzzer roo1n."
gun. 59. 'rho ·w ireless an tenna and reel.
13. Looking do-,vn, as from an airplane 6,000 feet in the air , 60. The fielcl stat ion.
upon the fron t lines belo"·· 61. A field station with grotmcl panel taken from 1,500 feet.
14. Receiving the radio message flashed by the airman 62. 'l'he workroom in a photo . hut.
above. 63. Photographs taken on flight.
15. Cadets on a practice hike at the ground school at Austin, 64. First graduating class ready to receive co=issions at
Tex. Mather Field.
16. Mosaic of Camp Dick made from 11 diITerent photu- 65. Lieut. Allan Winslow standing ·by his 3irpl ane at an
graphs ta ken from an airplane. American aviation field.
17. Hon . John D. Ryan and commandant revie-.dng cadet 66. Capt. Douglas, the first .American Ace.
battalion. '67. President Wilson testing voice control of airplanes.
18. Equilibrium calisth enics.
19. A foretaste of banking.
20. A bayonet drill t hat means business. LECTURE .
21. A dec isive thrust in bayonet drill. 70. The ruins of a Zeppelin that has done its worst ,rork.
22. Boxing at Camp Dick. 71. Gen. March, Chief of Sta.ff, seated in one of .America's
23. Cage ba ll. homb ing machines .
24. Airp lanes and hanj!ars at field. 72. German mil h ead destroyed by Allied bombs.
25. Primary cadets -yatching the air \1·o·rk of the ir class. 73. A bombin g raid formation.
23. A Hying in>tructor giving a ler,son io his cadets. 74. VariotLS types of drop bombs.
27. Frame vork sho-vingdoublesetofoontrols in a machine 75. ShO' ,· ing the hole torn in the earln by a bomh explosion.
<ff dual control. 76. Placing the bombs in the racks.
28. Climbing into a cockpit for a first flight. 77. 'l'he bomb racks, showing two of the traps open .
29. A dual machine ,ith ins tructor and pupil just leaving 78. Pres ident \\'ilson, Mrs . ,Yilson, John D. Ryan, Gen.
the field. • March, and Secretary Baker re,iewing bombing air-
30. The first" joy ride:" plane.
31. Telephone apparatus for pupil and inst,ucicr. 79. British Handley-Fage night bomber.
32. Lan1ing aftPr an extenshre fli~ht. 80. The Caproui 4 triplane in flight.
33. " Taking: off." 81. The fir;t American Handley-Page ........ . ... _..... . .. S. C. 26381
34. CaJet on "sol o " fli?hi. 82. A~iant!Jomhercirclingthe1Vashington Monrmcnt .. f.C.~([f4
3:'i. Si~naling the fli-- r by vround fla rs . 83. The Glenn Martin bomber.
3fi. '!'he repair truck bringing hack the rc~uJ ts of rin u11 3uc- 4. Bomhing airp lanes flying at a very low altitude.
cess ful landin g. 85. A "Boche" airpl.1ne attack ing Lhecavn.l ry in a "sh am
37. Cadets gathered ahou t the instructor learning "·h y they hattlc."
did n ot land ·ith practiced case. 85. A bombing ai ··p lane, the bombs in racks under the
38. A nose dive. wings.
39. Coming out of a han k pr~raratory Lo flying straight. 87. A burning airdrome after a bombing raid.
40. Climbing out ofa 1,200-foot field. 88. A bomb just released .
41. Accuracy stage field of 1,200 square feet, white spot in 9. The bomb nearing the ground .
center to sho-,- landing when spira ling. 90. Theexplosion .
42. Final direction before taking ofI for a cross-country 91. Sti1dying the engin9 at a school for flying cadets .
Oight. 92. Drill at a gronnd school.
43. Leaving the hangars. 93. Flying upside down, a "stunt" of the airmrn.
44. Getting away farther from the aerodromes. 94. Holding position in a cross-country !Iii ht.
File N o. Ne1atiYe No. F ile N o. Negative No.
95. Vie-v fr om t h (J s id e, s ho -ing ai:-plan e on ground and 153. A Spad fighti ng and pursuit airplane type in :r ran cc . . S . C. 17754
s tuden t in front seat, with clou d-flying deYice open. 154. Group from t he 103d Squ adron , " ·hich consis ts of th e
-96. Close-up device, s tudent inside. old Lafayette E scadrille . . . .... ....... . S. C. 17946
97. Waiting fo r darkness an d nigh t fl y ing. 155. T he soli ta ry patrol. .. . ....... ... .... .... _. _. _. . . . .. . .S . C. 27991
98. T est in g an airplane for a n ight flight. 156. Airp lan es in formation. . . . .. . . S . C.
99. Equipment for n igh t fly ing, Lov e Field. 157. An a irp lane " li ne-up. ''
100. Group of stud en ts ·vatch in g nigh t flyin g. 158. Airplan es fl ying in V form at ion . .... . . __ ._ .. . _. . . . . . S. C. 4170
101. T he buildin~, with opening in t h e r oof fo r the len s. 159. Cloud fly ing.
102. Flying d irectly a cross t he len s. 160. n et ting " On its tai l. " .. . .s. c. 27977
103. The obser ver in t h e house, tracing on t h e ch art th e 161. Ra ising an A us trian airpla ? e brough t do \r n. (In
course of the a irp lane. wa ter ) .... . . . S: C. 17£93
104. T ype of a erial practice bomb made a t Ellingt on F ield. 162. A bombing-raid fo rm a t ion .
105. Molding t h e dummy b om b. 163. T h e firs t Am erican L iber t y Capron i .... . ___ .. _. __..... S. C. 1.5360
106. A t arge t fo r bombing practice. 164. Th e Lan gley .
107. Observa t ion pos t . · 165. Bombs in pla ce in bomb rack s .... . ..... .. .. _. . . _. .. .. S. C. 8479
108. D ropping bombs on the t ar ge t . 166. A bomb j L1st released from an a irp lan e.. . . S. C. 27S:l,
109. St udyin g th e bomb -dropping d evice. 167. An observer wi th th e W imperis sight .. . .. .... . . S. C. 8483
110. Examining bom b s. 168. T raining air plane lea Ying for a nigh t com bing raid . .. . E. C. llf34
111. B om b jus t r eleased from airplane. 169. A bomb explosion .
112. A "Bu ll's E ye." 170. A b ombing airp la n e sh o"·i ng the bom t s in r, osition
113. A bombing form ation of five machines dropping smo k e before released.
bombs on a t a rget. 171. A five-m an Genn an Got h a brought do wn b y f ren ch
114. Clcud fo rma tion fl ying. an tia ircr a rt gunnery .
11 5. Mosaic of Lonoke, Ark., m ade on cross-count ry fligh t . 172. B ombing· airp lan e d emons trat ing h ow a ra .ilrcad line
116. A flo atin g t a rget on a miniature lake. could be dis mpted with bom t s . . . . . . S. C. 2787:,
117. Airplanes in h an gar at n igh t. 173 . Thirty b om bing airplan es in fll ll view .
118. A t raining a irplane r ead y to "take-otl" into t h e dark- 174. Am bulance airplan e a rrh-ing on th e scen e or th e

ness . acciden t.
119. Th e field ligh t s. 175. P lacing th e pat ien t on t he stretd1er.
120. Gun p r aqt ice, Mar tin gun, sh owing breast-plate a t t ach- 176. F itt ing stretcher wit h ra tien t into c.oc k pi t .
m ent . 177. U p from a mu dd y s pri ng m eado·,,-.
121. Loye F ield r ange. 178. Airm en stan d ing b y Curtiss b ipla ne (equip i: ed ,d th
122. U sing t h e m achine gun on r ange. twin Le-;vis 1nachine guns). . . ..... 27848
123. A d eflect ion targe t . 179. R a oul L ufberry, in an a ero purs ui t sq uadrnn . . . . .. S. C.11862
l24. Sh ad ow sh oot ing. 180. B omber setting o ut for bis d ay's work, Bregust , J ran ee. S. C. 1472,i
125. The training fuselage. 181. :Mech ani cs at \York on an air plane.
126. An oth er v ie-.v of th e t r a ining fusela ge. 182. R epairing a d arrrnged air plan e at an avjati on cente r
l27. Ai rplane in flight, showing m ach ine gun in t h e r ear and in F ran ce.
overh ead . 182. 'r went y-si x a irplan es in line for in sE= ection .
128. The main r oad at n igh t , E ll ington F ield . 184. Airp lanes in batt le form ation.
\ 29. Presid ent W ilson congratulating Ca pt. W aller, t h e pilot 185 . F okker D vn ......... ..... ....... ....... ... _. __ _.. ... s. C. 29665
of the Han dley-Page b om ber, a t Potomac J>ark. 186 . Brequet . ... - .. . . . .... . . . .... . .. . ···· · · ·· --- · - · · - · · · · · · s · C. 14720
187. Cu rtiss " :E:ag le. "
188. Pullm an tr ip lane ( 14 passengers ).
189. N ieupor t 28.
l3D. 1.' ren cb warfa re. A d angerous point in th e front line 190. Camera.
held b y America. . . ... . . . . .. . ..... S . C. 191. Camera .
131. D e H avila nd with Liberty en gine b,1ilt in Un ited 192. Cam era.
States . ... . .. .. S. C. 27794 193. Wind-ds iv en generato r sh a ,-..- ing v olt age l'Cb'Lllat iug .
132. Chateau-Thierry from an airplan e. 194. Superch a rger . . ..... . ... . ....... . . - . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . ... . D a yt on 8023
133. Veren es as seen b y th e obser ver·. Notice trench es and 195 . Airplan e, J e fer e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ... .. . . .. L ayt.m:~602
wire en t anglemen ts in the foreground . 196. "\Vind -d riven generatJ r.
t:J4. Infant ry m an euver as seen from t h e airpl an e. 197.
! 35. Ligh ts fi red fro m a Ver y pistol. . ... . . . .. . . . S. C. 6150 198.
133. Latest t y pe of cam era used by American fliers on recon - 199.
naissance. 200. Bald,Yin's a irship (c ignal CJr ps No . 1. 1908).
137. Method of piecing t ogeth er the pict ures broL1gh t back 201. Early Curt iss airplan e; 11 . .M . P e:mcr in airp lane .
by a irmen on p h otographic m ission... . ... . . .. S. C. 93 \1 202. ·wrigh t a ir p lane on track ready t o s ta rt. •
138. A n a 1rial m ap mad e b y a series of p h otograph s. 203. L angley's stea m m ,del; gas , line m1c e l; t 'No-sur ra,o
139 . A camouflaged field piece in a ction. m ode l.
141 . Artillery fi re di rect ed from air plan e..... . . .. .. . . S. C. 18996 204 . " June B ug" of Aeria l Experiment Ass) ciat ion , July ,
141. Guns wa iting for t h e wireless from th e a irm en . .... . .. . S . C. 17685 1908.
142. An Army balloon. · 205. " J nne B ug" of Aeria l Experiment AssJciat i:m , Ju ly ,
143. T h e. b asll'et of an Arm y balloon and th e tele phone used 1908.
to direct ar t illery fire. 206 . " J une Bug " o f Aer ia l Ex per iment Ass)ciat iou , Ju ly,
1-14. _"\ parach ute jnn1p fron1 a b alloon over an American 1908.
fl ying field . 207. " J une B ug" of Aerial Exper.i ment Ass Jcia ti Jn, J u l:1·,
145. A irplan e fl yi n ~ ove r infan tr ~· . 1908.
14 l. A field ra dio t ick in g off a message sent frmn the clouds. 208. " June B ugn of Aer ia l E xper iment ...-\ssJC ia ti : . n , Jn ly ,
1--17. Sending O!l t a pigeon from an air pla ne. 1908.
148. A irpl anes attack ing iu a erial com h a t . 209. 1.'hree balloons .
149. W atching the sk y for en em y airplan es, an t iaircraft 210. Seaplan e (C ur t isl) .
guns in readiness.. . . . .... .. . - ... S . C. 8716 211. Seapla ne (Cc1r t iss) .
150. An t iai rcr aft gu n mounted on a motor t ruck . 212. Wrigh t a irp lane of 1903 .
151. An enormo us Han dley-Page bombing airplane and 213. Burgess-Wr igh t seap lane of U n iter! ftates ,lnny a t
the little figh ting airplane t h a t escorts it over t h e Man il a 1913 (? ) .
lin e. 214. B alloon .
1.52. A N ieuport airp lane, " Th e Jasbo," decorated to s uit 215. Vaniman 's p Jr tab le h an gar .
its own er's fancy .... . ·. . - .·... - . - .. .. ... - ... . ..... - . . . . S . C. 12472 216. Vanim an ' s portable h angar.
File N o. NesatiYe No. j File No. Negat ive No.
217. B lanchard 's fl ying m achine. · 29-t. JN-4 H used in bomb ing in<:itruc1 ion. (N ote marker
218. The gr eat balloon of Nassau. trailing J-eh11td rudde r. )
219. F leesh ell's b alloon . Formation of airplanes in flight , l ssoudon, F<ancc.
220. Signal Corps, N o. 11, May 12, 1909. 3/2/18 .. ·- ...... --· .. _·--. · -.-- .. __ ..... . ................ s. c. 1091 ..
221. B lancha rd's dirigible b alloon , 1784. '2!16. A <:erm an airplane cap tured by tho Fren ch and u~ecl for
222. Testin g p arachute b efor e star ting. trai11i n_g purpo:;;ps
223. Airplane, early t ype (Curt iss?) ~97. 1 a Relg1que-ltalia111ni!itary dirigil.:le.
224. Parachute. '.!98. ~opwitl! pnp........ . ..................... . .. . ... S. C. 6701
225. Atlantic City. 2U9. Airplanes anrt olficerY .
226. Santos Dumont in box kite a irp lane 1916 and (Demoi- 300.
. selle?) . 101. DH-4.
227. Leonar d o d a Vinci and h is wings. 302. A irp!ane ( ? ).
228. B erliner's h elicopter. 30? . English DUO.
229. Ornithopt er of P rof. Twining . ~0-J. ,\irplane (?).
230. Observer in basket of balloon. ~05 . Falmson 2;\2.
231. Observation b alloon rising from the deck of a vessel, 1917. 306. T ocklear in ae ri al acrol ·atics ( r· hanging ai rplanes).
' 232. Observation balloon in th e field, F r ance, 1917. 307. Wriirht's glider, 1901-1903.
233. Observation balloon winch in F rance, 1917. 30~. On-ille l.\.right inf rst a irplane 1ligbt in hist01y.
234. Zepp elin wrecked in F r ance. ·i~P. DH-1 s. c. 670>
235 . Zeppelin wr eck ed in F rance. 310. Sopwith I; stru t t er. ... . ...........•... . .... . ... . .. ... _. S . C. 6700
236 . T h ird A . I. C. I ssoudon-pouring castings. 311. B ritish D:H-4.
237. Third A. I. C. I ssoud on-propeller shop. 312. Curtiss J N-4's in formation.
238. Third A. I. C. I ssoudon-machine shop . 313. Eddie R ickenbacker in K ieuport,
239 . Third A. I. C. I ssoudon-aeria l v iew of p lant . 314. DH-4.
240. Observation balloon in woods. 315. Spad 13.
241. Lana's glob es . 400. Principles governing functions of A ir Service operati ons
242. Da Vinci's p arachu te. ornr .water : F i rst phase. Pursuit avi ation, battle for
243. Phillip's airplane. control oftbe ai r . . . -·-·-· · · ·-- ·····- · · -·-···-········ A. S. 3431
244 . Glaisher and Coxwell in balloon basket . 401. Principles governing fu nctions of Air Service oper ations
245 . Three b alloons: Lebau dy, La Patrie(?). over water: Second phase. Day attack on hostile
246. Montgo mery's a irp lane. fleet . . . ........ -·- · -···--· - -·····--· · ··· · ···· · ·· · ···· A. S. 3420
247 . United St at es Sign a,l Corps, d ir igi ble I and Gr oss II. 402. Diagram of the em p loymen t of aer onau tics on an army
24 ~. Ch anute's fLYe-decl, glider. corps. -- -----·- · -············ · · ·· ··· ·· ·····--··---··· A . S . 3126
249. H ern ng in Ch anu te gli der. 403. Six bombs . ... . . · - ·· ·····--- - ·-···· · · · · · ··· · ····· · ····· A . S . 3479
25'.). Herrin g's com pre~sed air biplane. 404. T he m ilitary ai rplane complete.
251. Homo V ol an s. 405. Ai rpl an e, two avi ators and b omb_.- _.. __ ...... . ... _ Dayton 2614
252. H aenlein , , olfert and Santos-Dumont aircraft. 406. D iagram of av iation-Aviation attached to group of
2;:1. Gi ffard ·s stearn a irship, 1852. armies of high er com mand ... _. __ . ___....... ___ . ... Dayton 3125
254 . Clem ent-Ba;-ard a irship I an d II. 407. Aids to n w igation-A irdrom e equ ipment .. . ... _.... Dayton 3434
255. F a II ofi carus. 108. Aviation attach ed t o a n a rmy h eadquar ters .. . _. _... Dayton 3124
256. Diagram of modern sph erical calloon. 409. Formation flyi ng._ ........ __ ..... . .... _. . ........... Dayt on 3745
25i . Parseval atrship. 410. Defens ive diagram-Night aviation. ______ ..... __ ... Dayton 31( 5
2.58. Caµr oni (th ree engines, 200 h orsepower F iat). 411. P r incip les governi ng function s of Air Ser,ice or-erat ions
259. Diagram of blim p with nomenclatnre. over water: Second phase. N ight a ttack on h ostile
260. Cha rles balloon . fleet ..... -····· ·· · · ·· · ···· ·· ·---····· -- --··-··· --· · Dayton 3432
261. Vie ·.Ys sh owing construction of dirigible. 412. Tracks for full powered steam vessels.
262 . Bask et of Great Falloon of Nada r, 1~61 . France, 413. MR 39_·- · ····-·-······· · ···· · -·----·- ·-· ·- --·· Dayton 348
261. Balloon of M. Charles. 414. Principles govern ing functions oi Air Service over water :
264 . B alloon of M. Charles. Third p h ase. Observations ...... _. . . ....... _. _... Dayton 3433
20J. Lanuoy and Bienvenu helicopter, 1784. 415. D iagram of the employment of aeronaut ics of an army. Dayton 3168
266. Fokker D V I L 416. T wo bom bs- . _.. _. ___........ . ....... · - _.-·.... D ay ton 3480
267. Pfalz D III. 417. D iagram free balloon .. ____ . .. _...................... Dayton 1588
268. B um pier. 418. Ca;:,ti ve balloon
269. Fokker t rip lane. 419. English dirigible X o. 11907 .. _ . _. _.. _. __........ . .... Dayt,on 3060
270. Hannoveraner. 420. Ornithoµ t er.
27l. In t he clouds. 421. Da Vinci 's designs for human gear .
272. Observer's sch ool, aerial gunnery. 422. Curtiss flying at Hammon dspor t, N. Y . ... . .... _.... Dayton 3 1'
27:.J. Zep pe' in bomter. 423. Curtiss fly ing boat.
274 . Fokk er. 424. Da Vin ci 's d esigns fo r huma n fl ying gear.
275. A. E . G. bomber. 425. Lana's four ho ll ow globes (1670).
276. l3a':er and P ershi ng v isiting field in France. 426. Montgolfier's experimental balloon.
277. F arman commercia l. 427. Charl es' first hydr ogen balloon .
278. A.irµ lane (?) . 428. Balloon p r opelled wi th oars.
279. A ttachi ng righ t w ing to Curtiss JN-4. 429. Renard 's d iri~i ble-La France-1884..
28'.J. In,trurting studeilt in u~e of " camera ~nm.'' 430. Santos Dumont circling the E iffel T ower in No. 6.
281. Aeria l gu nn ery , L ooking at a irplane t hrough " r ing 13 1 L e Santos D u mont No. 14.
sigh t. " 134. La Ville de Paris and Colonel Ben erd.
282. Testing wire~~s on Curtiss JN-J. 436. Dirigib le.
283. R ear view of S. E.-5. 437. Perscval I and TI.
284 . A irplane ( Th om as Morse?) 438. Fuselage unde r constru ction, early Zeppelin . .. _. .. .... A. S. 759.
285. Instru ctor e,11Iaining course to stu dent jus t ~efore flight. 439. Zeppelin resting on water.
286. 'l'homas Morse Scout MB 13. 440. W ell man pola r e>.,icdition.
287. Hand ley P age ny ing 1'et"·een Houston and Galveston, 441. Well man polar expedition.
288. , v il son ch an ging airplanes in air. 442. Maxi m 's airplane and Lan gley's la rge airp lane.
289. Wilson ·in act of chan~e. 443. Santos D umont cellular machine.
29~. Capron i tri plane-Fiat engines. 444. Beloit :XI on )foxican Barrier (cross channel machine).
291. Curt iss J N o,·er the Rock ies. 445. 'rhe Red W ing Curtiss biplane, with pontoon s.
29?. llregnets on bombing raid. 446. The JU11e Bug (W'right airplan e)._ ... . ...... .. . . _... . . A. S. ~%,
293. , ,v ilson changing from wing skid. 44 7. Lilienthal's glider and Pilcher's monoplane glider .
File No. , Negative N o: File .No. Negative No.
HS. First WrightJglider; second Wnght glider; at Kitty 532. (17) Engine Le Rhone, cam p late.
Hawk. 533. (18) Engine L e Rhone, mas ter connection rod.
449. Wright's first power flight. 534. Bodensce.. . . . ......... ·.. ... ... . . A. S. 2995
450. Wright biplane of 1908 and 1910. 535. Bodcnsee ... .... .... . A. S. 2998
451. Wright airplane at Ft. Meyer, Va., September , 1908 ... A. S. 2920 536. Bodensee ... . A . S. 2994
452. Wright airplane at Ft. ·Meyer, Va ., September, 1908, .. A. S. 2922 537 . Instruction fo r distribution of m aterial.
4.53. w·right airplane at Ft. Meyer , Va., September , 1908 .. . A. S. 2928 538 . Interior Bodensee ......... . ........ . ..... . A. S . 3001A
454. Wright air-plane at Ft. Meyer, Va., September, 1908 .. . A. S. 2921 538A. Interior Bodensee ... . A. S. 3001"
455. , vright airplane at Ft. Meyer, Va., September, 1908. 539. 1\To. 4 plants at Staaken near Berlin . .. . .... ..... . .. . . A. S . 3731
456. Wright airplane at Ft. Meyer, Va., September, 1908. 540. T ype L - 57 Ger man airship L-Z-102 .. ................ . A. S. 3734
457. Wright airplane at :Ft . Meyer, Va., September, 1908 ... A. S. 2930 541. Dornier 1914................. . .... . . . ... ...... . A . S . 3624
458. ·wright airplane at Ft. Meyer , Va. , September, 1908 ... A. S. 2922-B 542. Ai rship building at Freidrichshafen ...... . .... ... . . .. . A. S. 3735
459. R eading enlarged pigeon m essage. 543. L - 48 .. . A . S. 3728
460. Early American dirigible. 544. L-53 . ... ................ . .... 1 . • . . A, S. 3733
461. Dirigible No. l. 545. L -72 ... . A . S.3096
462. Zodiac III. 546 . L -72 .... .. ............... . . A. S. 3101
453. Squ adron o[ 1mlitary a irplanes being u sed in the cam- 547. Maybach engine construction p lant, F r eidrich sh aren... A . S. 3730
paign against Pancho Villa. .... .. ................... A. S. 3030 548. L-72 ...... : ................. . . . A. S. 3095
464 . Diagram of personnel, etc. , in France; charts. 549. L-72 .. . A. S. 3099
465. Diagram of personnel, etc., in France; charts. 550. Plants at Freidrich shafen. .A. s. 3740
466. Diagram of personnel, etc., in France; charts. 551. L - 12............. . ....... . A. S. 3739
467. Diagram o[ personnel, etc., in France; charts. 552. Airs.hip buildings ..... , . A. S . 3720
468. Diagrain of personnel, etc., in France; charts. 553. L- 70 German rigid type (L-72). A. S . 3664
469. Diagram of personnel, etc., in Ii~rancc; charts. 554. Silhouettes or clilfercnt types or Zeppelins fro m 1900-1919. A. S. 3742
470. Diagram of personnel, etc., in France; charts. 555. T y p e L-30 German airship L ~Z-62 ..... . A.S . 3737
471. Diagram of personnel, etc., in France; charts. 557.
472. Caquot captive balloon. 55S. Bo le nsee.
473. Views of shops at Romorantin. 5-59. (?).
474. Views of shops at Romorantin. 560. Dormer 1914 . .. e .• ••.• . •...••.. ..• • ••• •• _• •••• • •• •... A . R. 3623
475. Views o[ shops at Romorantin. 561. Dormer, latest model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. S. 3629-A
476. Views of shops at R?morant in. .562 . Giant seaplane leaving water.......... A. S. 3629
477. 563. Dormer, giant seaplane, showing comrn::i.nder's cahin. A. S . ~628-A
478. -564. Dornier, all metal.. . .. ... ...... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . A . S . 36W
479. 565. Germaf! giant (unknnwn) ............. _. . . . . . . . . . . . A. S. 3627
480. 566A . Borlenseejus t he forelanding .............. .. .. . . .... A. S. 3625-A
481. Activities of A ir Service. 566. Boden see landin g at field , Berlm ... .. : . ... . . . ... . .. . .. A. S. 3fj25
482. Maneuvers, Signal Corps. 567. DorniP.r 1915.. . . .................. .. ............ A. S. 36'213
483. Maneuvers, Signal Corps. 568. Star board and aft gondola boat and flight........ A. S. 3622
484. Maneu vers, Signal Corps. 569. Dornier flyiug hoat 1915. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... ... A . S . 362.1
485. Maneuvers, Signal Corps. 570. L ~ !S........ .............. A. S. 3741
486. Maneuver s, Signal Corps. 571.
487. Maneuvers, Signal Corps. 572. L-72 .. .. . ................. ....... .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . A . s. 3092
488. Maneuv ers, Sign.a l Corps. 573. l ,-72 ............ -· - - __ . _- - ·- _. - - . . - - . _-- . . ... _.. _..... . A. s. 3103
489. Maneuvers, Signal Corps. 5H. Bodensee .. ........ . ....... . . .......... .. ..... . . A. S ..3100
490. Manem,ers, Signal Corps. 575. L-72 ... . .............. . .. . ................. . A. S. 3091
491. Maneuvers, Signal Corps. ,!'j76. L-72 hangar ................. . . _.. . _.... . A. S. 3090
492- 497. Maneuvers, Signa l Corps. 577. Bojensee-In terior .... .. .... _. _.... _.. ... . A . S . 2993
500. Aeronautical instrumcr1ts . 577. Bodensee-Interior ..... . . .... . . ... .. ..· .... . A . S . 229:3-B
501. Aeronautical instrumen ts . 578. Aenal photo of B erlin ................ . ... .. . -~ .. A . S. 3743
579. .
502. Aeronautical instrumeu ts.
503. Aeronautical instruments. 580. R odensee .... .. . .. . . A. S . 3620
504. Aeronautical instrumen ts . .581. Dornir,r, passenger carr~ ing. _... A. S. 3622- A
505. Aeronautical instru1nents: 582. How Zeppeli ns were guided home . . ......... . A. S. 41!}7
506. Aeronautical instrumen ts. 583. 'J1a"king C'OYer abo Ye lo w-lying clouds ..... .. .. _.. _. . . _ A. S. 4i9G
507. AeronauticaJinstrumen ts. 584. 'l'ype L- 43, German airship .. A. S . 3736
508 . .Aeronautica1 instruments . 585. Art nallery, Berlin ... . ... . .... ... . A. s. 4192
509. Aeronautical instrumen ts . 58(\ . De,-Jin ...... ........ ·; ... .. ... ... ............ . A. S. H9l
510. Aeronautical instruments. 587. No. l airship bnildmg p lant at Friedrichsbafen. A. s. 3732
, 588. pornier, latest ty-pe . A. S. 3GJ?
511. Aeronauticalinstrnments. _..__
512. Aeronauticalinstruments. 589. Gomg·into h srngar ...... . S . 2907
513. Aeronautical instruments. 590. L-72 ... . ........... ...... . A. s. 3102
51-1. Aeronautica] instruments. 591. Borlensee, end of bag . . A. S. 3000-B
515 . Acronauticalinstruments.
592. L-72 Germ ai, ri;:1d ship, method of slinging ship ..... A. R. 30£3
516. (1) Engine L e Rhon e- French slides . 593.
517. (2) Engine Le Rhone-French slides. 594. L-72 ................... . ................. .. ........ . A. S. 3098
518. (3) Engine L e Rhone-Fren ch slides . 595. G ern1an camera. Upright, 1naga7,ine, fi lter. and shutter A. S. 3515
519. (4) Engine Le R h onc.:_French slides . 596. German camera. Upright, extra s hu tter . A. S . 3516
520. (5) Engine Le Rhone-F rench slides . 597. German camera. Part of interi or. ............ A. S. 3517
521. (6) Engine L e Rhone- French slides . 59~. German cmnera . ........... . A. S. 3518
522. (7) Engin e Le R h one- French slides. 599 . German camera. K-4 . .
523. (8) Engine L e Rhone-French slides. 600. Dornier meb l nvi ng boat .. . A. S. ;1525
524. (9) Engine Le Rhone-French slides. 601. Dornier seaplane ... A . S. 3526
52.5 . (10) Engine Le Rhone, cylinder. 602. Dormer seaplan e, old t ype ... . . . . . .... A . S. 3526-A
526. (11) Engine L e Rhone, cylinder. 603. Dormer, all metal, monoplane ZeppeJin. . ......... . A. f'. 3527
527. (12) Engine Le Rhone, cylinder. 604. Dornier.. .. . . .............. . ..... . .... .. .. . A. 8 . 3528
528. (13) Engine L e Rhone, cylinder. 605. Dornier, all metal, passenger cabin . A . S . 3a29
529. (14) Engine Le Rhone, cam plate and rocker arm. 506. Dornier. .. ....... . ....... ... .. . .... . A. S. 3530
530. (15) Engine Le Rhone, cam plate and rock er arm. 607. Dornier . . ..... . ................ ..... .. ... ... . . ... . ... A. S . 3530-A
531. (16) Engine Le Rhone, cam plate . 608. Dornier, front view........................ . ........... A. S. 3531
File No. Nc:;atiYc No. File No. Negative No.
60'.'l. Dornier A. f'.. 3531-A 687. (~) Engine His pano-Suiza, French s lid es.
6LO. Dormer, s ix-passenger. A. S. 3:'l'~'! 688. (1) Engine .flis pano-Suiza, water pump assembl v.
6LI . Dornier, sn -pn.sse nger .. ··· -- · · · · ·· A. S. 3532-A 6~9. (5A ) Engine His pa no-S 11i za, piston and con~ecling
612. Three-quar ter rear view Gotha bomber .. . A . S . 3533 rod s.
613. T hree-quar ter right front Gotha bom be r ... . . . . . A. S . 3533-A 690. ( 5B ) En~iae Hispan o-Sniza, crank shaft .
614. Dornier six passenger . A. S. 3534 691. (6) Engine Ris pano-Suiza, cylinder hlock.
615. Dornier s Lx passenger_ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. S. 3535 6n. (71 l,ngin e His pano-SUJza, cylind er slee ,·es.
616. Metal floats ...... . A. S . 3536 69'.3 . (8) Engine Hispauo-Suiza, ~am s haft.
(Hi. '!'ail surface Giant Staakn cr _ A. S . 3537 604. (9) Engine Hispano-Sujza, magneto. '
618. Staakncr passenger .. . . A . S . 3537-A 695. ( 10) Engine His pano-Su iza, magneto .
619. Ga~olinc tanl,, of Staakner .... A. S . 3538 636. (11 ) En~in e His pano- Suiza, carburetor.
620. Bodensec; passenger cab in showing passengers .. . . A. S. 3538-A 5q7_ (12) Eni:ine H1s pano- Suiza , water pump .
621. Staakner Giant frame ... A . S . 3539 698. Enginn Hisp~no,.Suiza.
622. Staala1cr Gian t s idr, sh owing construc t.ion. . ... A. S . 3539-A 699_
623 . S.taakner . .. .. .. ...... .. .. . . . . .. . . .. A. S. 35{0 700. ,1 111te House .
624. Staakncr. ...... ........ . . . . . . . •.. . . . . .. .... .. . ..... .. A. S. 3540-A 701. Bu reau oI En gra\· ing a11d ·Prin ting.
625. Dornier seaplane .. . . . A. S . 3541 702. Bureau or EngraYing and I., .
626. Staakncr. .. . A. S . 3542 703. Masonic 'l'ern p le .
626A. Staakner. ................. . .. . .. ... .. . ... . .. . .... .. A. S. 3542-A 70.J-. Ship ya rds, Al exandria, Va.
627. Staala1 cr, fram e work. __ A. S . 3543 705. Na\·y Yard.
628. Goth a bo mber .. . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . A. S . 3543- A 706. Pen •ion Ofli ee .
629. Staakncr Giant loading passengers . A . S . 3544 707. " D ,, Offi ee Buildi ng .
630. Staakncr Oiant, engine in cradle . . . A. S . 3544-A 708. Library of rong re~s .
63 1. Staakncr Giant, 5 engine, ..... . A. S. 3545 709. , v ashington Momuue11t.
632. Staakncr Giant, side view, in nigh t ... A . S. 3445-A 7l.O. Bureau of Standards.
633. Staakncr Giant bomber, m achine gunner. __ 1\_. s. 3546 71 1. Central H igh Sch ool.
634. Rail10 room and a n compiessor for brgb a llltude ..... A. S . 3546-A 71 2. Arlin gton Cemetery.
635. Variable p itch propeller.. . . .. . . A. s. 3547 713. Muni tion s and N av y omce B m ldin gs .
636. Dornier Zeppelin monoplane, a ll m etal, passenge r- 714. P ateu t Office.
carrying........................ . . A. S . 3547-A 715. P a tent omce.
637. Gotha Giant bomber... . . . . . . . .. .. . A. S. 3548 716. Musenm.
638. W ooden construction-all metal pursuit type..... A. S . 3548-A 717. W a r College.
639. L-Z-125. . . A. S. 3549 718. War College .
639 . L -Z-125. . ..... . .. A. S.3549-A 71Q. Capitol, U nion Station, LiLrary, Flou~e Office B•.1ilding.
640. L-Z-125.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. A. S. 3550 720. Capitol, Monument, Library, Senate Office Bu ilding.
641. L-Z- 125, captaill's stateroom ... . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . ..... A . s. 3551 721. Capitol.
42. L-Z-125, p lan of forward p art... . . . ................. A . S . 3552 722. Capitol.
43. Engillc roo m ... . .... A. S . 3566 723 . Capit.ol an d Union Steition .
644. Engilleroom . ........ . ..... ····· · · · ·· ·· ·· · -····· ···· ·A. S . 3566-A 724. Capitol, west front.
645. Camera ill cradle. . ..... ........... .... .. A. s. 3568 725. Capitol, wes t front.
646. Camera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... ...... . . . .... A. S. 3569 72G. Capitol and v1c1n 1ty.
647. B od en see over lakes at Potsd am .. .. ...•. .. • . .. . ...... A . S . 4186 727. Capitol, east front and L ibran·.
048. Kaiser·s palace, Potsdam.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. A. S. 4187 728. Capitol. east front and Librar"y.
649. P ub lic squ are, Leipzig . . .. ....... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... A. s. 4188 729. Georgetown Univers,ty Observatory .
650. Bod ensce, over Leipzig... ..... . . .. . .. . . . . ... ...... . A. S . 4189 73G. Georgetown University Observatory.
651. Bodcnscc, over L eipzig ...... . . . . ...................... A. S . H90 731. Georget.own Uni\·ers,ty Observatory.
652. Berlin, aeria l.... . ............................ . .. .. .. A. S . 4191 732. Georgetown Unlver:-: ity Qbservatory .
653. Art gallery, Berlin.... . ... .. . .. . . . .. . ... .... .... A. s. 4192 73:l . Georgetown University Observatory .
654 . Wagn<>r's Music Hall, Bcyru th ........................ A. s. 4193 734. State, , Var and Na,·y Building.
655. Cath edral at Potsdam .. ... .... . ........... A. S . 4194 735. State, \V"ar, and Navy Building.
656. Hamburg Docks .......... ....... . .. . . . . .. ..... ...... . A. S . 4195 736 . Bktte, War, and Navy Building .
657 . Machiue gun, F ren ch slides. 737. ~ a val air station, Anacostia.
658. Machine gun, French slides. 738. Naval air station, Anacostia.
659. Machine gun, Fren ch slides. 739. Union stat ion, tracks, train shed, etc., Washington, D. C.
660. Machine gun, French slides. 740. Union station, post office.
661. Machine gun , F r ench slides. 741. Union Station.
662. Machine gun, French slides. 742. Union s tation , day of Pershing's arriva l.
663. Machine gun, French slides . 743. Union station, front .
664. Machin<> gun, F r ench slides . 744. Union s tation, post office, s ide view.
665. Machine gun, F rench slides. 745. Mount Vernon. ,
666. Machine gun, French slides. 746. Mount Vernon.
667. Machillc gun, French slides . 747. M0tmt Vernon and grounds.
668 . .Machille gun, F rench slides . 748. Mount Vernon and grom1ds .
669. Machine gun, French slides. 749. Pennsylvania Avenue, Pershing's parade.
670. Machine gun, French slides. 750. Penn sylvania Avenue.
671. Machine ~un, Fren~h slid es. 751. New York City, B atter y Park.
672. Machine gun, French slides . 790. Par is, Madeleine.
673. Machine gun, F rench slides. 791. ·Paris, Notre Dame .
671. Machine gun, French slide:,. 792. Paris, P lace de la Concorde.
675. M,wbrne gun, French slid es. 793. Paris, Eiffel Tower.
676. Machine gun , French slides . 794 . Paris, Notre D ame and ri rnr.
677. Machin e gun, French slides. 795. P aris, Arc de Triomphe.
678. Machine gun, French slides. 796. Paris, P lace de Opera .
679. Machille gun, French slides. 797. Paris.
6RO. Me.chine gun, French s lides . 798. Paris, Stadium.
6~J. Machine ~un, French slides . 799. Paris.
6.~4. Machme gun J French s lirles . 800. (1) Utica, N . Y.
685. (J ) Engine Hispano-Sniza, Fn=mch slides . 801. (2) Utica, N. Y.
686. (2) Engine Hispano-Suiza, French slides. 802. (3) Utica, N. Y .
File No. NegatiYe Ko. Fil e No. Negati,·e No:
803. (4) Utica, N. Y . 881. Airplan e GAX.
804. (5) Utica, N . Y. 882. Airplan e GAX.
805. (6) Utica, N. Y. 883. Airplane GAX.
806. (7) Utica, N . Y. 881. Airplan e GAX.
807. (8) Utica, N. Y. 885. Airplane GAX.
808. (9) Utica, N . Y. 886. Curtiss spea.king tube.
809. (10) Utica, N. Y . 887. Ambulance airplane DH- 4.
810. Bijur starting motor for Li berty " 12.'' - 888. Propeller test.
811. Fuselage-DH -4. 889. F abric depar tm ent.
812. L iberty 6 en gine. 890. Propeller test rig.
813. Airplane VCP- 1. 891. Airplane VCP- 1.
814. Airplane VCP- 1. 892. A irplane VCP- 1.
81.;. Airplane VCP- 1. 893. Airplane VCP- 1.
, 816. 3im lm gw, mounted on Ma rt in bomber. 894. Baldwin gun mounted fo r test.
817. Model groUJld attack airplane. 895. Baldw in gun mounted for test.
818. Flexible 1-cylindcr engme. 896. Parachute harness.
19. Flexible 1-cylmd er engine. 897. I nstallation branch d eHlopmCJ!t " ·ork.
820. F lexible I-cylinder engine. 898. Propeller test.
821. Flex ible I-cylinder en gine. 899. Parachnte harness.
822. Browning gun ingtaJlation on Loening n1onop]ane. 900. Sect ions of propeller.
823. Liheriy "12 '' gasoline pmnp. 901. Ch erry propell er .
824. Liberty " 12" gasoline pump. 902. Vought VE-7.
825. Airplane radio telephon e. 903. Vough t VE- 7.
82n. t eleph one. 904. DH-I, sa:,id test.
827. Browning gun wit h blast tuhe. 905. W ood shop.
828. Gun ins tallation wing. 906. l?uselage assem h ly branch.
829. Engine fl exible cylinder. 907. Drafting room.
830. ProJ?eller. 908. W oodsh op.
83 L. Browning and Vickers gnn . 909. Wood shop.
832. Sand test, L eP ere, USA.C-ll : 910. Acetylene weldmg sh ops.
833. McCook :Field. 911. E lectric welding sh op.
83-1. R ecord of altitude fli ght of LePere biplane. 912. Grinding shop.
8.35. Hall-S~ott 6-cyJ mder en grne. 913. Machine shop.
836. Le P ere biplan e over McCook Field. 914. Armament and s pecifi cation offices.
83 7. Power plant laborator•;,7 in terior- Overhau l room. 915. Gear assembl y on hand star ter.
838. Power plant laboratory interior- R adial test. 916. Liber ty engine plan vi ew.
839. P ower plant laboratory intenor- Acrcssory laboratory. 917. Bristol Fighter .
8-10. Power plan t laborato ry icnterior- Gasolinc weighin g system. 918. Bri stol Fi gh ter.
84 1. Power plan t laboratory interior-Si.n il Jr cylinder, dynainom eter. 919. Fuselage veneer sand test .
8 12. Po \\'er plant laboratory No. 1- D ynam om et er room. 920. Sand test of airplan e Pidgeon.
843. Power plant labor,itor,· interior-ShowiJ1g Smi th cylinde r on fl exi- 921. Wing tes t, art m etal steel , sand test.
ble tes t engin e. 922. Fuselage engine bed veneer test.
844. P ower plant laborato ry m ler ior- Raclial test. 923. Propeller test inside power h ouse .
845. L eP ere USAC -11, san1 t est set u p. 924. Propeller testin g laboratory.
846. Aerial torpedo on trac k. ·
925. Generator heating.
847. Aerial to rpedo control board . 926. USD 9-A .
8-18. Aerial torpedo control hoard. 927. Instrument board, Glen Ma rtin.
849. Aerial torpedo. 928. Loening monoplane fighter .
850. Sand test, Fokker D- VII. 929. Liberty " 12" engine.
851. Bomb reJesse mecham sm . 930. Liberty " 12 " engine.
852. Bomb release mechanism loaded. 931. Bugatti engine, 16-cylinder .
853. Propeller end, electric starter moun tmg. 932. Bristol Scout.
• 854. Propeller , reversible pitch. 933 . Bristol Scout .
855. Packard "8'' engine. 934. SE-5.
856. Fuselage sand test. 935 . Wing test XB- 1, sand t est.
857. Hispano Suiza timing adj us111ncnt. 936. Wind tunnel , Venturi.
858. Air fan , type F. A. 8. 937. L e Pere airplane .
859. L awrence engine. 938. Wing t est, Caproni, before sand test.
860. Dynamometer coupling. 939. Martin "Kitten .''
861. D ynamometer coupling. 940. :Martin " Kitten. "
862. Gaso1ine fl owm eter. 941. Ma rti n " Kitten."
863. G. A. X. 18000. 942. Ma rtin " Kitten ."
864. G. A . X. 18000. 943. Bugatti engine.
865. G. A . X. 1 000. 944. Propeller test rig .
866. G. A. X. 18000. 945. J . V . Martin and "Kitten."
867. Machine tool work, officers' sch ool. 946. J . Y . Martin and "Kitten."
868. Power plant laboratory interior , engine displa., ·· 947. J. V. Marti n and " Kitten ."
869. Starter, por tahle fi eld en gine. 948. Wing t est, Pomilio VL-B, a fte r test .
870. Lanjing chassis, sand test DH-4. 949. L oening monoplane a fter sand test fa ilure.
871. 37 m /m cannon on Mar cannon airpJan e. 950. T ail smface test.
872. Engine, 300 h. p. Hi spano-Suiza cannon. 951. Propeller shop .
873. Engine, 300 h. p. H ispano-Suiza cannon . 952. Propeller AED solid steel .
874. A BC cylind er. 953. Liberty engine, inver ted.
875. Small Smith cylinderfo r Um versaJ engine. 954. Propeller test .
876. A- 2 cylinder for Universal engine. 955. A via tor's suit electrically heated.
877. Generator on fuselage. 956. Battery department, mot or gen'erator.
878. Cha rt, alt itude flight of Februa ry 27, 1920. 957. Battery depar tment. '
8, 9. Liberty cylinder. 958. I nstrument board .
880. Hospital interior. 959. Bomb-release mechanism .
File No. NegatiYe o. F ile No. Negative No.
960 . Hispano-Suiza 200-horsepower engine. 1037. LePere ........ ,. . . . ........• . . ... . ..... . .... ..... 1545
961. Nelson gun control generator on LeRhone engine. 1038. Caproni. .............. . .............................. 1868
962. Wing test Loening L-12 . 1039. Spad; Gen. Mitchell's. ...... ..... . ... .. 3022
963. Lewis gun with n ew spade grip. 1040. New Bristol J'ullman triplane .............. • . .... ... .. 3072
964. Nelson trigger motor. 1041. New Bristol Pullman triplane. . ... . ...... .......... 3073
965. Nelson gun control. 1042. H andlcy-Pa~e. type ~Y- 8.. . ....... 3075
966. Browning gun with rocker sha/L. 104~. B. A. 'l' . .. , ............ ... . ... . . . .... .. . .... . .. ... .. 3897
967. Wings, Curtiss Kirkham triplane. 1044. H and ley-Page, t y pe \ '/1500. . . ..... 3S98
968. T imer for electri c gun control. LQ,J.'i . Airco 16, na picr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•........ 3922
969. Pomilio VL-12. !046. Airco JS..... . . .. .. . . . ............. . ... ... ....... 3921
970. Pomilio VL-12. l047. DH-4. .. ... .. .... ... . ... .. ...... S. C. 8·183
971. Daimler BR- 2 en gine. 1060. Curtiss" Eaale". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. S. 3576
972 .. Daimler BR-2 en gine. 1061. Handley-Page, 'l' ype W VIII..... ... .... . ... .... . .. .. A. S. 3900
973. Propeller b lade a fter test. 1062. Martin Army transpor t............................... A ..S. 1507
974 . Sand test, Loening monoplane. 1063. Martin Army transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . S. 150f.
975. H ispano-Suiza engine. 1064. S . I. A . 7B .... ... .............. . .. ... .. ... ..... . . .. .. A. S . 1218
976. Airplanes in front of hangar. 1065. Hannornramer.
· 977. Parachute expanded. 1066. Farman.
978. Parachute close view. 1067. Airplan e, Caproni.
979. Propeller blade, after test. 1068., Airplane, S . V. A. (rear ).
980. Tail surface test VCP- 1. .1069. Airplane.
981. Parachute drop. !070. DH-'!,.American obsenation.
982 . L e Pere triplane observation. 1071. DH-4...... . . . . . • .. . . . •• . . . . . • . . . . A. S . 437
983. Le Pere t riplane. 1072.
984. Indicator, air speed. 1073. S. I. A. 7B.
985. Indicator, ai r speed. 1074. (Fram e fol' camera.)
986. T ach ometer, chronometric . 1075. Airplane, Caproni bonlt~er .
987. Vought radiator. 1076. Airplane.
9S8. Waterproof suit. 1077. Vickers ViIIi~r....:.. . .. .... . . A . S. 3899
989. Wing test, VCP- 1. 1078. A irplane.
990. Charging slide, Brownin g gun . 1079. Sopwit h Sn i pe.
991. Fuselage test, VCP- 1. 1080. Airplane, DH- 4, amb ulance.
992. Carburetor. 1081. Airplane, Sopwith S nipe.
993. F uselage test, 'l'homas Morse MTI- 3. 1082.
994. Dusenberg engine. 10~3
995. Dusenberg engine. 1084 . Airplane, DH-4-9-A.
996. P ropeller blade, hard rubber covered. 1085. Airship, United States NaYy.
997. Barograph. 1086. DH-4, British observation, DH-9.
998. Propeller blade . 10 7. Farman experimental 2n and Caproni night bomber.
999. Inclicator tum. 10 Sopwith.
1000. Handley-Page, type W VIII .... . .................... A. S. 3900 1089. Bomber, Martin.
1001. B. A. T ., type F. K. 26 ...... .......... . .... . ......... A. S. 3901 1090. Airplane, DH-4B . ........... .. ............ . ... . . . ... Dayton 1596
1002. H and ley-Page, type W VIII ................ .. . . ..... A. S. 3902 1091. Airplane, Breguet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. C. 14726
1003. Boulton & Paul P-S ..... ....... ........ .... . ........ A . S. 3903 1092. Dugouts, A. E. F. picture .
1004. w ·estland limousine interior. ... .. .................... A. S. 3904 1093. Tank .................... . :.. ..... ... .. .... . ... . . . ... . . A. S. 222
1005. Airco (DeH) , 18 ........ .. ....... . . .. .. .... ........... A. S. 3905 1094. Airplanes in line, Nieuports .
1006. Airco (DeH), 16 ....... ... ..... . . . . . ....... . .......... A. S. 3906 1095. "Aerial School of Photography."
1007. Boulton & Paul P-8... .... .......... .A. S. 3007 . 1096. Mountain-forest, etc.
1008. Airco (DeH 9B ) .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .A. S. 3908 1097. Dugout, German (?J.
1009. H andley-Page, ordinary type 0/400, night bomber .... A. S. 3909 1098. Interior ofairplanecatin, Vickers Vimy Commercial.
1010. Handley-Page, orclinary type 0/400, night bomter .... A. S. 3910 l,100 . Vought YE-7 ..................................... . .. Dayton 4654
lOH . Vickers Vim y ................ . ....................... A. S. 3911 1101. DH-4 , F lotation gear, fu selage tags . . ............... Dayton 4085
1012. Vickers Vimy .......... . ............ . ..........•..... A . S. 39\2 1102. DeHaviland 4B ................. ,. .................. Dayton 1705
1013. W estland limousine .................................. A. S. 3913 1103. DH-4, Flotation gear, wheeis b lown off an!l wind bags
1014. Westland limousine ...... . ..... . ...• .. .. . ......•..... A. S. 3914 inflated ............................... . . .... ...... Dayton 4081
1015. Airco (DeH- 16) ..... : ...... . ... . . ...... .............. A. S. 3915 1104. DH-4, Flotation gear, wheel release .................. Dayton 4086
1016. Bristol Pullman ....... .. ............................. A . S. 3916 1105. DH-4, F lotation gear, wheel release ............... .. Dayton 1706
1017. Airco DeH-4A : ...... . . . ... . . . ....................... A. S. 3917 1106. DH-4, Flotation gear, wheels b lown of! and wind bags
· 1018. B ristol Pullman........................ . .... A . S. 3918 inflated .................................. . ........ Dayton 4078
1019. B ristol Pullman ............ ... ....................... A. S. 3919 1107. DH-4, Flotation gear, ready for flight ............... Dayton 4079
1020. Airco DeH 4A ....... . . .•... . .. .....•. .. . . •. .. ... ..... A. S. 3920 1108. DH-4, F lotation gear, wheels and wind bags in place. Dayton 4080
1021. Airco DeH 18 ....................................... A. S. 3921 ll09 . DH-4, Flotation gear, showing front h ydrovanc ..... Dayton 4083
1022. Airco DeH 16. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... A. S. 3922 11 LO. DH-4, Flotation gear, tail vane ..................... Dayton 4084
1023. Handley-P age V /400 .......... . .. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. S. 3923 1111. DH-4, Flotation gea1·, bay support and release ...... Dayton 4082
1024. Handley-Page V / 1500, three-quarter rear , ie,i, . . . . . A . S. 3924 1112. U. S. X. B. lA ............ .J................ . ........ Dayton 4024
1025. Handley-Page fron t................ . .... A. S. 3925 1113. U.S. D. 9A . . ......... . ............... . ..... . ....... Dayton 2504
1026. Handley-Page 1920 model.. . ............ . .... A. S. 3926 1114. U.S. D. 9A ............ . .•. . ...• . ..... .... ......... . Dayton 881
1027. Handley-Page ......... : ................. .. .. . . .. ..... A. S. 3927 lll5. U.S. X. B. lA. . ............•......•........... Dayton 4025
1028. DH-4, British observation airplane . . . . . .... A . S. 3928 ll16. Curtiss JN-I-D2..... ......... ...... ......... .. ...... Dayton 4316
102Q. DH-4, British obser rntion airplane. .... . . .... 423 1117. Curtiss " Hornet '' ...... .. .......................... Dayton 3487
1030:...Breguet biplane French tractor used for photograph- 1118. Ordnance T y pe " D " .................. ..... ......... Dayton 2745
ing and artillery spotting.............. . .. .425 ll 19. Le Pere obser , ation and sur veillancre airplane ........ Dayton 0029
1031. Ansaldo I-Italian pursuit airplane.. . . ........... .427 1120. Le Pere, U.S. A. C.-11 (b roken when receiYed) ...... Dayton 564
1032. DH-4-B remodeled....................... . ... 621 1121. "Ven·ille"si11gleseater pursuit. Dayton4014
1033. B. A. T., type F. K. 26, commercial, passenger and 1122. Thomas Morse s+c. .............................. . Dayton 2557
goods carrier.... . . . . ....................... .... ... 657 1123. Martin bombing airplane ............................ Dayton 1687
1034. Lawson airline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 703 1124. Martin bombing airplane.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dayton 4388
1035. Interior of Caproni passenger triplane . . ............... 1316 ll25. Loening M-8 monoplane..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dayton 1779
1036. Interior of Caproni passenger triplane .. ............... 1318 1126. Sand test, failure of haskelite fuselage .............. . Dayton 721
File No. Nc;atiYe No. File No. Ne~atiYe No.
1127. lntegrator __ Da ton 2065 12 10. Airpl ane 1nan u factu re, boxing of airplan es .... s. r. 7961
ll28. Portat le f.eld e ngin e starter .. Da· ton 5-123 1211. Airphne m anu facture, Nord yke and .Marmon .... . .. . S. C. 7962
1129. McCook Field . . . .. . . Da ton 6284 1212. Airplane manufacture, Ford. S. C. 7963
1130. Packard 8 engine, 160 horsepower...... Da: ton 490S 1213. A ir plane ..... . S. C. 7964
1131. ABC radial en gine, 320 horse power. ... Da ton 5462 .1 214. A ir p]an e m anuhcture, Ford ... S . C. 7965
1132. Liberty l 2 engin e . ....................... Da: ton 1362 J2J5. Airphrn e m an ufacture, Ford .. _ S . C. 7966
1133. Literty 8 e11gin e. ....... Da. ton 16n 1216. Airph11 e m a n ufacture, Ford . . . S. C. 7967
1134. Packard l 2engine,300 horsc power ... . ..... Da. t on 5443 1217. Airpla.11 c m 1.nufacturc, Nord ykeani Marmon ... . . . S. C'. 706S
1135. Li : er ty 6engille.. .. . . .. ..... .... ... .. . .. Da ;-to n 273 1 121 8. Airplane m ~nufacture, Nordyke a nd M~rmon .. ... . . S. C. 7969
11 36. Dusenl·erg geared , 16·c.;-lind er , 800 horsepower ... Da: to n 2266 12W. Airph nc n13,11ufacture, 1 ord y ke a nd Manno n ... .. . I:;. C'. 7970
1137. His pano Su.iza e ngin e, 300 horsepower. .... D a..y t,on 459J l 220. A irphn c 1rn11 1ufacturc, ·1 ord ·,r ke and :Marmon .. _.. S. G. 7971
1138. Packa rd 8 engine, 160 horsepower . . .. .. ... .. .. .. .... Dayton 4905 1221. AirplJ.11 e n13.11ufacturc, Nord ~·ke an1 Marm on ..... . s. ('. 7972
1139. Li tert y 6eugine. ...... .... .•. ..... . D ayton 2726 I !222. Ai.rphn es, n H-4., .......... . . S . C. 797,J
l 140. AB C R a dial en gine, 320 h orse power .. . Dayton 5463 1223. Airpbn es, t~ :ing of. S . C. 7075
1141. Liter t y 4 engine. . . . . . . . .... Dayton 4150 1224. Airpl-in e, Dl{- 1 engine J·e:I .. . .. s. C'. 7976
1142. P acka rd 12 e ngin e, 300 horse power...... .. . .. . .. .. Dayton 5441 1225. A irp hn e m 11mfacture 1 Nord y ke a.n d ~1armon ..... . S . C. 71•77
1143. The ee <itle test engin e . ... Dayton 4371 1226. Airpla ne, 1· o ing of. . . . S . C. 7978
1144. Li tert y Gengin e......... . .. .... .. Da:i ton 2730 1227. Ai rplan e m 1nµ facture, Nord yl-:e and Mannon ..... . . s. C'. 7979
ll45. D ynamometer for a ir-<,ool ed engin es.... .. . . .. .. . ... Dayton 4132 122&. Airphn e m anuf1-cture, Nord y ke and :M armon ..... . S . C. 7980
1146. Sand testi ng .. . ...... . ....... . . . D a y to n 3249 1229. Airph 11 e m anu factu re, Norll ~· ke and Mannon ..... . . s. C'. 798 1
1147. SanJ tes ting.............. .. D ayton 3598 .1 230. A irphn e m a n•.tfacture, N ord .:rke and Marmon ..... . . s. C'. 7982
1148. 'l'he·superch arger.... . .... . .. . ...... .. . . . ... . . . .. . Da ;ton 3509 123l. Airphn e m:1nuf':lct ure, Packard ..... . . S . C. 7983
ll49 . R adioinstallation.. ..... ... . . . . . .. .. .. D ayton 25 14 1232. Airphn e, Smn mi t of Pike's Pe.1k . . _. s. C'. 7984
1150. Ven·ille pursuit.. D ayton 5959 1233 . Airpl, n e m,.nuracture. . . ....... . .. .. ... . S . C. 7985
1151. 'i' he wind tunne l. .... . ..... . . .. . .. •......... D ayton 2046 1234. Airphn e m a nufacture, Da Lon·"· ri ght. S . C. 7986
1152. The wind tunnel. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D ayton 2045 1235. Airphine tnanufacture, Da -to n -, ,\-ri ~ht . s. c. 7987
11 53. 'l' he propeller -test ri g.. Dayton 2242 1236. Airplane manufacture, Daj to n-Wrigh t ..... .... ... . S. C. 7Q8f
1154. Sand testing.... .... .... D ayton 1375 1237. Airplan e manufacture, Dayton:iYright. S . C. 7989
l 156. Fragmentation bombs, Mark II-A and II-B . ....... . Dayton 3~92 1238 . .A irphne m'l.nufacture, Pac'.,arj. S. C. 7990
l 157. Mark I and Mark IV on bomb-release m echanism 1239. Airplane m anuf~cture. s. C'. 7991
Mark XVI. ... ... ... . D ayton 2984 1240. Airpbne rnanu facture. . .. ... ... . _. S . C. 7992
J 158. Wimperis bomb s ight, Mark I- A ............ . .... . Dayton 438.j 1241 . A ir pl u 1e m anuf:1cture, Packard s. C' . 7993
1159. Diagram of an incendiar y bomb .. . . Dayton 4487 1242. Airpbne m anufacture. s. C'. 7!)94
1160. Front Mark V bomb-release m echa ni sm ... ... . Day ton 2088 1243. Airpbne m ::r nuhcture, Curliss. S . C. 799i'
1161. W eed shackle for demolition bombs .. Dayton 2531 1244. Airphne m~1,uf~cture, D a ·-ton-\Yright. S. C. 799f
1162. Hispano-Suiza geared ca=on, 300 horsepower ... .. . . Dayton 5666 1245. A irphn e 1n3nufacture, bo..:ingof. .. ... ... ... . . ..... . S. C. 7997
1163. 'l'h e spherical free balloon ... . ... . .... ... . ...... .... . Dayton 5529 1246. Airpla1le m an ufacture, Curtiss. . .. . ... . ____. __. . S . C. 799,
1164. Streamline kite balloon ........... . . . Dayton 5521 1247. Airplan e mwufactw·e, Packard . S . C. 7999
1165. S. R. I.. .. ..... . ... .... .. . Dayton 5519 1248. A irplane m ::1.n uf9,cture, Curt iss .... ................. . S. C. 8000
1166. German ai.rshi p L-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . ... . D ayton 5526 1249. Ai rplane l.Il'l1tUfacture 1 L oggjng, Porthnj , Oreg. S. C. 8001
1167. Airship car . . ..... ... .. .........• .... . . . . .. . . . • ...... D ayton 5524 1250. A i~p lan e m ~nu fact ure, Lo·;~ln g, Porthnd , Oreg .. S . C. 8002
1168. Airship ..... . ...... ... .... .... ... ... . D ayton 5525 1251. Airplane man Uacture, 'l'rego . S . C. 8003
1169. German airship Boden see. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .... ... . Dayton 5523 1252. Airpla11eman ufact ure, Trego. s. C' . 8004
1170. Optical sight on Thomas Morse . . . . . ... .. .. ." . . ... . '. .. Dayton 3134 1253. Airplan e nian ufact.u re, Trego. S . C. 8005
1171. Airship C-2 . ... , ..................... . D ayton 5518 1254 . Airplane m an ufactur e, Trego. S . C. 8006
1172. Nelson gun control on Liberty ... ..... . .... . .... . . Dayton 5189 I 255 . .Airpla ne rnannfactu re, D 11ese.i1~erg. s . r. 8008
1173. Top lock and trigger motor. . .. . .. . Dayton 5191 J256. Airplane m an•.1factur e, Forct . . s. C'. 8009
1174. Vickers fabric a nd link belt ......... . . ....... . Dayton 3788 1257. A irplane man ·.ifacture, Trego. S. C'. SJJO
1175. Vickers gnn mounted on Spad.. ..... . . Dayton 2910 1258. Ai r pla n e ma1r.1 fact-ire. . .S. C. 80ll
1176. 37-mm. fl exible cannon with Lewis for aiming ....... Dayton 3501 125J. Airplane man ufacture, •rrego. S. C. 80 12
1177. 97-ronnd Lewis magazine... . .. ....... Dayton 3841 1260. Air planernan qfact ·Jrp . D newn ' erg. S. C. ~OJ:l
1178. Comparison of B rowning gnns ... .................... Dayton 5467 1261. Airplane manufacture, Nord y ke & Marmon .. ..... . S . C. 8014
1179. 'l'win Lewis guns on Scarff monnt..... Dayton 2962 1262. Airplane manufactur e. Curtiss .. . B. C . 8016
1180. Aerial cam era F-4.. . .... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D ayton 5214 1263. Airplane m anufacture, Curtiss. . . . . .... . . . .. . . . • . . . S. C. 8016
1181. The d yuamometer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dayton 1258 1264 . Airplane m a nufactur e, P ackard. S . C. 8017
1182. R ear , Mark V bomb-release mecha1tism. Dayton 2089 1265. Airplan e manufact ure. S. C. 8018
1183. Armored pi.lot seat. c. .. ... .... . . .. .. .. .. .. . . Dayton 2539 1266. Airplan e manufacture .. . ... . •. . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. ... . . . . S. C. 8019
1184. Mark VI demolit ion bomb with DH-4 . . D ayton 2615 1267. Airplane m anufactu re. S . C. 8020
1185. Parachute pack ... : ............. D ayton 3031 1268. Airplane m anufacture .... S. C. 8021
1186. Parachute p ack . .........,. ... . . .... .. .... . . ...... . D ayton 3033 1269. Airplan e m a nufacture, Lincoln. . .. ... ... . . . S. C. 8023
1187. Aldls unit opt ical sighti . ... Dayton 3215 1270. Airplan e m anu facture, bon:ibs on a i1plane .. . S. C. 8024
1188. 37-Illlll. Puteau cannon... .. Dayton 3250 1271. Airplane m anufactu re. S. C. 8027
1189. Marlin machin e gun, 1917 model. .................. Dayton 3519 1272. Airplane m anufacture, Stand a rd . S . C. 8200
1190. Hispano Suiza engine, 180 h orsepower.. D ayton 3752 1273. Airplane m anufacture, Lincoln . . S. C. 82C l
1191. Dynamotor laboratory........... . . D ayton 4152 1274 . Airplane m anufactu re , Lincoln ... S. C. 8202
1192. Cartridges for .30 a nd .50 caliber and lHnm. g u n .. . D ayton 4650 1275. Airplane m anufacture , Lincoln S. C. 8203
1193. ABC. rad ial engine, 320 horse power............. .. Dayton 5461 1276. Ai rplan e manufactur e, baskchte a ssemll y .... S. C. 8204
1194. Lewis gw1 with wind vane and rin g sigh t. Dayton 4330 1277. A irplane manufacture, Fisher ... S. C. 820.;
1195. Airsbip construction ... .. ........... .. . Dayton 5527 1278 . Airplan e manufacture , Fi.sher . S. C. 8206
1200. Airplane manufacture. ... ..... . ..... S. C. 7951 1279 . .A ir plane manufacture, Fishe r. S. C. 8207
.1201. Airplane manufact ure,.Logging in Orego n . S . C. 7952 1280. Airplane m anufacture, Fisher. S . C. 8208
1202. Airplan e manufacture, D ayton........ .. S. C. 7953 1281. Air plane manufactu re, Standard ( pres ident of com-
1203. Airplane manufacture, Dayton......... S . C. 7954 pany, Caproni crew). . · S . C. 8209
1204. Airplane m anufacture, D ayton........ . . . .. . . . . . . . S . C. 7955 1282 . Airplane manufacture, Fisher. s. c. 8210
1205. Airplane m anufact ure, Packard.... ...... S. C. 7956 1283 . Airplane manufacture, H angar s. c. 82 11
1206. Airplane m anufact ure, Packa rd... ... .. ........ . . ... S. C. 7957 1284 . Airplane 1nanufacturc, Sand blas ting: S . C. 8212
1207. Airplane m anu facture , Cur tiss. . ..... . ...... . S. C. 7958 1285 . Airplane manufacture ... S. C. 8213
1208. Airplane m an ufact ure, Ford... ........ S. C. 7959 1286. Airplane m a nufacture, Packard E ngineering Corpo-
1209. Airplane m an ufacture, boxing of airp lanes...... . .. . S. C. 7960 ration..... . . . . .... ... . .... . S. C. 8214
File No. Negative No. File N o. Neg0,ti ve No.
1287. Airplan e manufact ure ... S. C. 8215 1361. Mayor Fitzgerald of Bos ton fl ying wit~ Claude Gra-
1288. Airplane manufacture, Inspection distributor spark hame-White.
protractor ........... . S. C. 8216 1362. Latham.
1289. Airplane manufacture, engine ............ ... . S. C. 8223 1363. Wright, Orville.
1290. Airplane manufacture, moun tcd gun. S . C. 8175 1364. Wrigh t, Wilbur.
1291. Airplane manufacture, Standard .. s. c. 8176 1365. John B. Moisant in his flight aronnd the s tatue of
1292. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln ........ . . . .. .. ... .... . S . C. 8176 • liberty.
1293. Airplane n"ianufacture, Standard .. s. c. 8177 1366. Scientific American airp lane troph y.
1294. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln .. s. c. 8177 1367. Man, a irp lane, and clog.
1295. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln ........ .. .. .. . .. ... .. . S . C. 8178 1368.
1296. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln S. C. 8179 1369. ( ?) .
1297. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln .. . S. C.'8180 1370. Signaling flier b y ground flags .
1298. Airplane manufactme, Lincoln ... ... . .. ... ..... .. .. . . S .. C. 8181 1371. Motorcycle and two men.
1299. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln .. S. C. 8182 1372. Thomas Edison.
1300. Airplane manufactw·e, Lincoln s. c. 8184 1373 . (?) .
1301. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln ... S. C. 8185 1374. Orville Wright .
1302. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln .. S. C. 8186 1375. Aviation camp.
1303. Airplane manufacture, mounted gun .... s. c. 8187 1376.
1304. Airplane manufacture, Standard .... S. C. 8188 1377. Augustu s Post.
1305. Airplane manufacture .. S . C . 8189 1378. Liberty en gine.
1306. Airplane manufacture, Standard . .... S . C . 8190 1379 . Liberty engine.
13)7. Airplane manufacture, fuselage fittings ........ . .. . . . . s. c. 8191 1380. Engine, Curtiss OX-5.
1308. Airplane manufacture, Standard. . .. .. .. . ... . . S. C. 8192 1381. Airplane manufacture.
1309 . Airplane manufactme .. . S. C. 8193 1382. Engine, Curtiss radiator.
1310. Airpl~e manufacture, Lincoln .... _. . . _.. . . . s. c . 8193 1383. Airplane manufacture.
1311 . Airplane manufacture. . ......... . . .. . .. ..... . .. . . S. C. 8194 1384. Afrplane manufacture.
1312. Airplane manufacture, Standard .. S. C. 8195 1385. Airplane manufacture .
1313. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln .. . s. c. 8199 1386. Airplane m anufacture.
1314. Airplane manufacture, bombs ....... . . .... . S . C. 2026 1387. Airplane manufacture.
1315. Airplane manufacture, airplan e . S. C. 2385 1388. Airplane m anufacture.
1316. Airplane manufacture, ai rplan e .. S. C. 2374 ' 1389. Airplane manufacture.
1317. Airplane a nd ca mera " Making an oblique ." 1390. Airplane m anufacture.
1318. Glenn Martin airplane interior. 1391. Airplane m anufacture.
1319. Reconnaissance experimen tal R. E. 8; Po:riJ.i lio E ; 1392. Airplane manufacture, boxing.
observation. 1393 . Airplane manufacture, propeller tes t behind screen.
1320 . DeHaviland. 1394. Airplane manufacture.
1321. Vickers Vimy . 1395. Airplane manuacture .
1322. S. I. A. 7B2 observation and S . A. M. L. observation. 1396. Airplane mdnufacture.
1323. Breguet 14B 2-day bomber and Caproni 3-day bomber. 1397. Airplane manufacture, Lincoln .
1324. Sopwith Camel pursuit and Sopwith Dolphin pursuit . 1398. Airplane manufacture.
1325. Glenn Martin. 1399. Airplane manufacture .
1326 . Seaplane han ger. A. S. 2394 1400. Airplane manufacture.
1327. S. V. A. single seater pursuit. 1401. Airplane manufacture.
1328. Airplane, monoplane. 1402. Airplane manufacture.
1329. Navy gnns for shooting at airplanes. 1403. Airplane manufacture .
1330. " Baby Wright. " 1404. Airplane manufacture .
1331. Wellman airship in mid-A tlantic . 1405. Airplane manulact.ure.
1332. Broken a irplane, Thomas Morse.
1333. Voisin b iplane . Th e F ollowing Slides were 1lfade ''from RESULTS OF BO.MB RA l DS,"
1334. Airplane." A ir Service L ibrarv No. C 71.8/12.
1335. Airplane and officer. Book 1.
1336. Cave. 1.500. Toumai .
1337. B roken airplane. 1501. Chmgnolles.
1338. Aerial combat. 1502. Brnges Docks.
1339. Rescue expedition, Black Butte, Mexico, Jan. 17, 1917; 1503. Courtrai.
Maj. Lahm, Capt. Cul ver. 1514. Carnbrai.
1340. Ha.nga,;., men, officers . 1505. Donai Station.
1341. Men and instructor with airplane . 1506. Herbaurne Aerodrome.
1342. Ai rplane flying over lake . 1507. Rosieres.
1343. Aisne, inspection of aviation camp b y Gen. Maistre. 150S. La Madeleine Station.
13f4. French biplane . 1509. Roulers Station.
1345. Caudron, obser vation , photographic. 1510. Omiecow"t.
1346. Airplane and hangs.r. 1511. Saponay .
1341. Guycnem er's m ark. B ,ok 2.
1:J48. Morane Monocoque. 1512. Brnges Dock s.
1349. Front view of airplane. 1513. Peronn e .
1350. A viat10n camp at Marne . 1514. Haubo,1din Aerodrome.
1351. Nieupor t monoplane with m achine gun mounted on 1515. Hou t hem.
1516. Carnbrai.
the top.
1517. Carnbrai .
1352. Front view of morane parasol airplane.
1518. L o=e Aerodrome.
1353. Farman airplane. 1519. Cambra1.
1354. Hang u and airplane. 1520. Sg,ndcourt.
1355. Squadron of new N icuport types ready to s tart. 1521. W er vicq.
1356. 1522. N oislans Aerodrom e.
1357. 1523 . Rosieres..
1358. Johnstone. 1524. Cambrai'.
1159. John 13 . Moisant . 1525. Zeebrugge Mole.
1360. Crowd at aviation meet at Belmon t Park. 1526. Aubign y-au-Bac.
Boo/; 3-No Slides. File !\o.
1587. L'Ailctte region.
Book -~ - 1588. Dugouts : R egion of Vosges .
Fi le No.
1589. Du gouts : Region of Vosges .
1527. Target-!\1enin R ail way Station.
1590. Dugouts : R egion of Vosges.
1528. 'r arget-Me11 in Railwa:v Station.
1591. Mincnwerfe.r, Flanders .
1529. Target-Lou.rgie~ R aih,-ay Junction
1592. Min cnwerfcr, Flanders .
t.i30. Target-Aulnoye Rai lway Junction.
1593. Minen werfcr, l .cF ere region.
15-31. Target-I et{uesno;, Rai lway Stal ion .
1594. NaYa rin .
15·i2. Target- P e tit Maubeuge Railway St a tion.
1595. Lines of communication , valley of la R ctourn r.
1.;33_ Ta rget-Ingelmunst er Raihrny Station.
1596. Lines of communication , va lley of la R etoun~l' .
Vi"l4. Target-L ille Raihrny Station.
1597. Champagne region.
1535. Target-~au.ltain Aerodrome.
1528. Champagne region.
15-16. Target-leBouvier Railway Station.
1599. lines of communication. R. R. statio1,s. Valley of la Retournc.
1537. '£arget-E'arne as 153.5-a fter ton1tardment.
1600. Photograpll.
1538. Target-Yalencienne.s Railway Station.
1601. Alsace region.
1539. 'l'arget-HirEon Junction.
1602. Region of Bassee, Alsace.
Slides to Accom pany "N01'ES ON 1'HE 1N 1'ERPRE1'A1'I0NOP 1603. R egion of La Fore.
A ! RP LA NE PHO 1'0GRA P HS." Series" A" Issued by the General 160~. Region of L a Fcre.
Staff. 1605. Region of La011.
1606. Telephone co1nn1unication , tclerhone central:::: Et. ( ue~ ti,~ rcgior.
1540. Shadow diagram s. Diap:rams illustrating the reconstruction , from 1607. Photograph of 1606.
their shadowf., of fi ye circul ar objects seen vert irall y from above. 1608. Region of Somme-Py.
1541. :M.achine-gun emplacements: Front view, sid e viO'w, without sha<l- 1609. Region of Somme-Py.
ffW S , front Yie, with light atove, front view with light at side. 1610. Region of Tahure.
1542. Diagram shmYing plan of construction, head coYer and method of 1611. Region of Tahu re.
storing am1nuni tion, from captured emplacements near Fricourt. 1612. T ypes oLbattcries, casements, an tiaircraft,, and false batteries.
1543. Interpretation of photograph 1544. 1612. R egion of Oise, concrete casements.
1544. Photograph. 1613. Region or Oise, concrete casements .
1515. I nterpretation of 1546. 161-1 . .Region of Oi se, concrete casem ents. Over corrugated iron.
1546. Photo graph. 1615 . .Region of Oise, concrete casem ents . Over corrugated iron.
1517. Trench mortar emplacements: Aera River Sca rpe to River Ancre 1616. R egion of Somm e-Py.
La Bassee Canal to River Scarpe. 1617. R egion of Somme-Py.
1518. Oblique photographs showing machin e-gun cmplacen: rnts : Aera 1618. Camouflaged 1: attcri(s in lb e orcn grourd , \, oc:un rc gicn .
.River Sca rpe to River Ancre-Oblique of uFich cux. " 1619. Camouflaged ba tteries in th e open groucd , Ycrdun region.
1519. Oblique "G ommecourt Wood. " 1620. Batteries liidd en in villages , he dges, ar:d gsicus. Fcficr cf la
1551. Normal t y pes of battery emplacem ents : Battery in houses. Bat- Fere.
teries in a wood. Aera La Bassee Canal to River Scarpe, Rivet 1621. Sarne as 1620.
Scarpe to River Ancrc. 1622. Long range gun position s, region of Verdun.
155 1. Howi tzer pits in an orchard. T rench emplacements: Aera, RiYer 1623. Long range gun pos itions, region of Verdun.
An ere to River Somme. 162-1. Long range gu n positions, region of Verdun.
1552. Photogra1)h. 1625. Long range gun pos itions,rcgion of Verdun.
1553 . Guns firing. Blast mark-s in s now. Gun pits with ports open. 1626. Loi1g range gun positions, region of :Fland ers.
1551. Photograph of 1553. 1627. Long range gun positions, region of Flanders .
1555. Diagra m , forts on app roach of airplane. 1628. Munition depots, Rheims region.
1556. Photograph, forts on approach of a irplan e. 1629. Munition d epots, Rheims region.
1557. Air Jines, balloon sheds. 1630. Verdun region.
1558. Dugouts under con struction. 1631. Verdun region.
1559. Dugouts under construction. 1632. Verdun region.
156J. Mine shaf ts, diagram. 1633. Verdun region.
1561. Photograph of 1560. 1631. D estruction of trenc hes, communication trenches. St. c;_ ncntin
1552 . Photograph of trenches. region.
1563. Iniication s of a raid or an attack. Diagram. Gain of a large pieccor 1635 . D es truction of trenches, communication tren ches . S t. Quen t in
No Man 's Land by the enemy, who attacked s hortly afterwards . region.
1561. Photograph of 1563. 16'36 . Loening mono pla ne fighter.
1565. Tracks, important supply cen ter. 1637. Liberty engine, 16-cylioder.
1566 . Photograph. 16.38. Liberty engine, 12-cylindcr.
1639. Liberty engine, 12-cylin dcr.
Slides made to Accomprny " !N1'ERPRE1'A 1'10N AND EXPLOI-
1640. Liberty engine parts.
T A 1'ION OF A ER /AL PH01'0GR 1lPH S." A 30.2/17.
l&H. ·Magnetic gasol ine pum p.
1537. German first line position s from end of 191 l to OctoLer, 1915. 164. 2. Edc;;trom w ire-w rapping m achine.
1558 . Region of Allies . 1643 . Bugatti, 16-cylindcr.
156). Wire entanglem ents, region of St. Quentin, Apri I, 1917. 1644. Berkshire magneto.
157J. W ire e ~tangleme:1ts, region of Sf. Quentin , April. 1917. 1645. No rtheast generator.
1571. Wire e:1tangle ments, region of St. Quentin, April , 1917. 1646. Sherbond,- turbo booster.
1;72. Wire entanglements, region of St. Quentin, April , 1917. 1647. Sh erbonjy t u rbo booster.
157J . D iagram, Flanders region. 1649. Fiat aviation eng ine.
157 L Photograph , Flanders region. 1650.' Liberty en~iue, 2-J-cy lindcr.
1575. Diagram , Vosges reg ion. 1651. Isotta Franschini engine, 2·l0 h. p.
1573 . .Photograph , Vosges . 1652. Miller •ucl pum p.
1577. D iagram , Main de Massiges (Champag1 c ) . 1653. Liberty engin ~, 24--cylinrlcr.
1578 . Photograph. 1654. Liberty engin e, 2-1--cylin der.
15N. Oblique a nd vertica l vi ews, St. Quentin. 1655. U.S. D . 9-_-\. lnm ':>-rc lea3e mechanism.
1533. Oblique and ver tical views, St. Quentin. 1656. Renau lt engine.
1531. Diagram , region of Vosgcs . 1657. Tension m eter.
1532. Photograph, region of Vosges. 1658. U.S. D. 9 airscope radiator booster.
1533. Diagram, region St. Quentin. 1659. Liberty canmn engine, ~rode! "t: ."
1584. Photograph , region St. Quentin. l660. Climetcr.
1585. Diagram , region St. Quentin. 1661. Engine heater.
1586. Photograph. 1662. Victor airplane.
F ile No. F ile No.
1663. Sylph on gasoline pum p. 1742. P ornilio LV-8 airplane.
1664. Varia ble pitch propeller. 1743. Sopwith D olph in with 200 h. p.
1665. B askelite streamline h inge. 1744. Baldwin machine gun.
1666. DH-9, E n glish a irp la ne. 1745. German machine gun.
1667. L e P ere observation ai r plane. 1746. Parachute drop.
166~. Epucyclic gear. 1747. T ach ometer.
1669. Aclimeter. 174S. Air-p rcssurc 1gaugc .
1670. Bom b release mecha nism , Mark V. 17-19. Air and oil pressure gauge.
1671. Bom b re lease mechan ism, Mark _X V I. L750. R ad iato r thermometer.
1672. Salmson engine. 1751. Clock and inclinometer.
1673. Sopwith Sala m ande r. 1.752. Centrifugal tachometer.
1674. B ugatti engine. 17.5..1. Steel propeller.
1675. Caproni engine. 1754 . Steel propeller.
1676. Caproni gaso line pum p. L755. Rubber water-proo f su it.
1677. Variable pitch propeller. L7a6. Synchronization.
1678. L iberty o il num p. l 757. '.l'()lescopic unit sigh t.
1679. P itch-measuring mac l1inc. 1758. Telescopic unit sigh t mount .
1680. Curt iss K irkham en gine. 1759. Sight diagram.
1681. Curt iss K irkham engine. 1760. Reticle union sigh t .
1682. J . V. Martin a irp lane. L761. Telescopic sight moUJlt.
1683. P a rachu te under fu selage. 1762. G. E. compass.
168-1. Dusen berg engine, 16-cylind cr. 1.763. Sperry com pass.
1685. J. V . Martin instrument board . l 764. Durkee comp'ass.
1686. Le P ere a rmored in strument board. J 765. F ~otation gear bags inflated.
1687. Cla rk gun, 4f>.cali bcr. 1766. F lotation gear bags deflated .
1688. Smi th radia l ~nginc. 1767. F lotation gear bags inflated.
1689. Reversible p itch propeller. 1768. F lotation gear bags inflated.
1590. Cur t iss K irk ha m engine parts. 1769. F loats and h ydrovan ces .
1691. Curt iss K irkham en gine v·a lvcs. 1770. F loats an:d h ydrovfln ces.
1692. Curt iss K irk ha m engine pa rts. 1771. llispano Liberty engine.
1693. Curt iss K irkha m engin e parts. 1772. Hjspano Liberty engine.
169-1. Curt iss K irkha m en gine p a r ts. l 773. H ispano Liberty en gine.
1695. Curtiss K irkham eng ine parts. 1774. H ispano Liber ty engine.
1696. S. P . -A. engine. L775. L llllkenheimer primer.
1697. Parach ute. 1776. Inspection apparatu s.
1698. Rall-Scott en gine. 1.777 . Vi ckers gnn syn chroni zed wit h Spad.
1699. Curtiss OX- 5 eng ine. 1778. Mercedes en gine , 6-cylinder.
1700. H ispa n o Ruiza engine. 1779. Mercedes engine, 6-cylinder.
1701. Gn om e en gine. 1780. Mer cedes en gine , 6-cylinder .
1702. H andley Page a ir pla ne. L781. Curtiss J N-4H a irp lan e.
170~. H andley Page a irplane. 1782. H ispano Sui za cannon moUJlting.
170-1 . N ieu port gUJl m ount.
178-3 . Hispano Su iza cannon moUJlting.
1705. R ispano Suiza engine. 1784. U ispan o Suiza cannon moun t ing.
p 06. Nelson gu n con t ro l. 1785. Wi n d-d ri ven gasoline p ump .
1707. Gen erators on landing gear. L786. Parachute.
1708. H ispano Suiza cann on engine. 1787. Parachute.
1709. Am erican arm ored seat. 1788. Le Pere vacu um gas syst em.
17LO. Am erican a rmored sea t. 1789.
1711. F rench a rmored seat. 1790. Dusenberg engine.
1712. Fren ch arm ored seat. 1791. Le Pere rncu um gas system.
1713. Quilt ing wings. L792. Dusenberg engine.
1714. Liber ty eng in e camshafts. 1793. Dusenberg en gine.
1715. Liberty engine ignit ion oarts. 1794. Sylp h on 4-cylinder gasoline pump.
1716. L iberty engine head ers. 1795. Sylphon 4-cylinder gasoline p u mp .
17L 7. L iberty engine cylinders. L796 . D up lex sy lph on gasoline p ,rmp.
1718. Ma rlin gun trigger motor, CC. 1797. D up lex sy lp h on gasolin e p ump.
17L9. Nelson gun t rigger m oto r. L798. J N-4H steel wing.
1720. Browning gun tdggcr moto r. 1799. JN-4H steel wing.
li2J.. Nelson g un control. 1800. F lar e release Mark I.
1722. Nelson gun cont rol. 1801. Synclu oni zin g gun on Nie uport.
1723. Nelson gu n control. 1802. Syn<;h ornizing gun on N ieuport.
1724. Berkshi re magneto imtallin g. 1803. Synch ronizing gUJl on Nieup_ort.
1725. Marlin gu n tr igger mot:or. L804. Oxygen ap paratus.
1726. E lect ric gun cont rol. 1805. Oxygen apparatns.
1727. E lectr ic gun con t rol. 1806. Oxygen apparatus.
1728. Air!)lan~ s1n oke screen . 1807. Calibiation a ltimeter apparatus.
1729. Cu rt iss tr ipla ne control st ick. 1808. Custer stat oscope.
1730. Mica rta 1)ropcllcr. L809. Navy type compass.
1731. Micarta propeller. 181o. Gyroscopic bomb sight.
1732. N ieu por t a ir plan e. 1811. Navy type compass dial.
1733. Thomas Mo rse p ursu it, M B - 3. 1812. D urkee type air compass.
1734. Front of hangars. l91~.
li35. Liberty engine, 8-cy lin :ler, ign!tion part~. 1814. R ecording thermometer gauge.
173(1. Ordnan ce airplan e. 1815. Champi on spar k p lu g. ·
1737. Cu rtiss engine cylin der cracked. 1816. Custor s tatoscopc and ba ragraph.
l 73S. Lanzcus variable angle propeller. 1817. Lines of equal magnet ic Ya riation.
1739. Lanzeus variahlc angle propeller. l 18. Pit ot ven t ur i tuhe.
1740. W ind vane compensator. 1819. Marlin grm stripping.
1741. Cur tiss JN- 4 a irp lan e. 1820. C. C. g,m control gen erator.
Fi le No. F.leNo.
1821. Brewster spark p lu gs. 1900. Vickers gun with blast tube.
1822. H er cules spark plugs. 1901. Ma rlin gun with b last tube.
1823. Cm tiss Kirkham B - 18. 1902. Marlin gun \\"ith b last tube.
1824 . Curtiss Kirkham B-18. 1903. Curtiss Eagle engine.
1825. '!'he supercharger. 1904. Curtiss Eagle en gine.
1826. Y ickcr s aircraft machine gun. 1905. Curtiss Eagle engine.
1827. Yi s ibil ity instrumen t. 1906. His pano Suiza geared 200 h. p.
1828. Visibility instrument. 1907. Cm·tiss " Bris tol :Fighter" airplane.
1329. V_i sibilit; instrument. 1908. Curtiss " Bristol Fighter " airplane.
1830. Micarta propeller mo ld s. 1909. Curtiss "B ristol Fighter" airplane.
1831. P a rachute. 1910. Air injection flotation.
1832. Parachute drop. 1911. Hall-Scott engine, 6-cylindcr engine.
1833. Moss supercharger. 1912. Hall-Scott engine, &-cylinde r engine.
1834 . )loss supercharger. 1913. Lawson air line_
1.835. Moss supercharger. 1914 . Lawson airline.
1836 . ,Y i nd tunnel Yortices. 1915. ·La"vson air line.
1837. Marlin a ircraft machine gun. 19W. Lawson air line.
1838. Browning aircraft machine gun. 1917. Gourdon 6-1 ai rplan e. ·
l839. Browning aircraft m achine gun. 1918. Oourdon C- 1 airplane.
l.~40. Lewis m a chine loading 1nachinc. 1919. G OLlrdon C- 1 airplane.
LR4 l. Lew is m achine loading machine. 1920. Martin Bomber a irplane.
l842 . " Fl a Mail. "" Orio le " anri l R-B airplanes. 1921. Aerial torpedo wreck No. 7.
1~43 . Flownater. 1922. Aerial torpedo wreck No. 6.
1844. F. nd pla te Yickeri>-gun. 1923. Lewis machine gun tool kit.
1845. Sopwith Camel airplane. · 1924. Demolition bombs on Mark XVIII release mechanism.
1846. J aeger recording tachometer. 1925. Le Pere supercharger.
1847. SopwH,h Cam el airp lane. 1926. Lawson ai r line.
t 48. Tiispano Sui za accessories . 1927. Multip le vent parachute.
l ~49. Bearing p lat c. 1928. Very aviation signal pistol .
l S.50. Sperr y compass. 1929. Nieuport 29 C-1 ai rplane.
185t. Parachute harness . 1930. Wiba ul t , ,1-. L 13. C- 1 a ir plane.
18.52. Drift ind icator. 1931. ·spad xxn airp lane.
1853. Gourdon- Lesseure . 2- Cl. 180 h. p. , llis pano Sui za. 1932. 13. A. J. C- 2 airplan e.
187>4 . Brcguet-14 a irplane. 1933. Morane Saulnier airp lane.
1855. Sopwit h Salam a nd er. 1934. Special goggles.
1856 . Spad ai rplane. 1935. Drcguet type 14 AP- 2C.
1857. Spad a irp lane . . 1936. 0 a umont aerial camera.
1858. De Marcay 1 cyiinder. 1937. DeBothezat barograph_
1859. De Marca ;• 1 c;•lind er. 1938. Signal pistol holder.
1860. Morane-Saulnier. 1939. G. A ,'( . en gine nacelle.
1861. B. A. J. 1 cylinder. 1940. G. A. X . armored fuselage.
1862. Ilanriot-Dupont airplan e. 1941. G. A . X. armored fuse lage.
1863. Pfalz D- 12 (German a irplane). 1942. Tonrelle.
1864. Pfalz D - 12 (German a irplane]. 1943. Fiat engine, &-cylinder.
1865. Signal pistols and ammunition . 1944. l<'iat engine, &-cylinder.
1866. Spark-plu g pressure gauge. 1945. Breech block, 37 m/m cannon.
1867. De Hadland 10- A a irp lane. 1946. Breechbl ock, 37 m /m cam1on.
1868. Area of Lnited States suitab le for a, iat ion centers. 1947. Engineering division engine '' \V.'' 700 h . r,.
• 1869. Wil lough by" H yd r o" model 0 - 1917. 194K Engineering diYi$ on engine ' ' \Y ," 700 •h. p .
l870. Socket of Hucks engine starter. 1949. Thomas Morse S-4-C.
1871. VCP- l a irp lane. 1950. Cham pion spark p lugs.
1872. YCP- 1 a irp lane . 1951. Spark plugs, Brewster Goldsmitlt
1873. VCP-1 a irp lan e. 1952. Pitot venturi head.
1874. DH -4 airp lane. 1953. S-5-A- B 300 h. p. Hispano Su iza
1875. DH-4 airplane. 1954. DeBothezat barograph.
1876. DH -4 a irplane. 1955. DeBothezat barograph.
1877. Le Pere airp lane. 1956. \ Vind tunnel accessories.
1879. Pitot ,-cn t uri.
1957. Stroboscope fo r "~nd tunnel.
1958. Fokker ,with Liberty en gine.
1880. Barograph being calibrated. 1959. J?okker ,nth Liberty engine.
1881. D ay ton Wrigh t Plant- South Field and Yicinity. 1960. Fokker with Liberty en gine.
1882. Packard L iberty engine. 1961. Fokker with Liberty engine.
1883. Model ground attack airp lane. 1962. Zeppelin giant sea plane.
1884 . Model ground attack a irplane. 1963. U.S. D. 9 ai rplane.
1885. 1964.
1886. Martin transport a irplane. 1965. Curtiss s peaking. tube assembl y.
1887. Thnis t meter on DJ-I- 4 airplane. 1966. J>arach u te.
1888. Gyroscopic compass. 1967. Spark plugs, Bethlehem Ponsot.
1889. Browning gun "-ith blast tube. 1968. S park plugs, Brewster Golds mith.
1890. Lev,is machine gun. 1969. Cbaracteristirs of radio ap parat us.
1891. Lewis a ir : raft machine gun on fl exible single-s tem mount. 1970. F light ,·ortices.
1892. Fokker DV- II ai rplane. ' 1971. Glen lllartin torpedo.
1893. Fokker DV- II airplane. 1972. Glen Martir torpedo.
1894. Marlin ai rcraft m achine gun. 1973. Glen Martin torpedo.
1895. Mayback engine. 1974. ParHcles rrom oil c leaner, 10-hour run.
1896. Holt wi n g flare . 1975. Particles from oil cleaner, IO-hour run
1897. Martin transport 12-passenger ai rpl ane. 1976. Corning s park p l ugs. ·
1898. Browning gun with blas t tube. 1977. Delco distri butor assem b l y.
1899. Vickers gu n with bla~t tube.
1 1978. Radiator for re,· ersible propeller.
26 ·
File No. File No.
19i9. Centrifugal oil cleaner. 1989. Stromberg inverted carburetor.
1980. Centrifugal oil--Oleaner parts. 1990. Parachute pack.
1981. DeBothezat harograph. 1991. G. A. X. in air.
1982. Ilercuies spark plugs. 1992. Glen Martin torpedo airplane.
1983. Delco interrupter. 1993. Glen Ma rtin t orpedo airplane.
1984. R eversible propeller hub. 1994. Thomas Morse S-6.
1985. DWA, type OW---4 place. 1995. Bijur engine starter.
1986. Bessoneau hangar. 1996. Packard type 1 A airplane.
198i. 'rarge,. 199i- Le Rhone en gine.
1988. Smith radial engine.


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