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Definition : Scribes of the Holy Quran were individuals who wrote down the

revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as dictated by the Angel

First Scribe : The first scribe of the Quran was Zaid ibn Thabit, a young
companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was, known for his
exceptional memory and writing skills.

Method of Recording : The Quran was primarily recorded on materials

like palm leaves, parchment, and pieces of bone during the lifetime of the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Immediate Transcription : Scribes would write down the revelations

immediately after the Prophet received them to ensure accuracy.

Verification of Authenticity : The Prophet Muhammad (peace be

upon him) would cross-check the written text with the oral recitation to ensure the accurate
recording of the Quranic verses.

Compilation under Caliph Abu Bakr : After the death of the

ProphetProphet's death, the Quranic revelations were collected and compiled into a single
book under the caliphate ofCaliph Abu Bakr. Zaid ibn Thabit was again chosen for this task
due to his expertise.

Compilation under Caliph Uthman : Caliph Uthman later

ordered copies of the Quran to be made from the master copy which were sent to different
regions of the Islamic empire to ensure uniformity in the Quranic text.

Memorization : Many scribes, like Zaid ibn Thabit, were hafiz, meaning they had
memorized the entire Quran, further guaranteeing its preservation.

Role in Islamic Scholarship : Scribes of the Quran played a

significant role in the development of Islamic scholarship. often consulted on matters of
Quranic interpretation and legal issues.

Honored Status : Scribes of the Quran are revered in Islamic history for their
pivotal role in preserving the Quran. Their dedication and accuracy ensured the Quran has
been passed down through generations with the highest level of authenticity's.

The work of these scribes remains a testament to the meticulous care

taken to preserve the Quran deeply respected by Muslims worldwide.

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