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Andino 1

Francia Andino

Kevin Saá

English IV

April 15, 2024

Reflection Paper

In interpreting the characters' feelings and motivations, I aimed to capture the depth of

Hamlet's sorrow and existential agony. I intended to represent Hamlet's internal conflict as he

considers the futility of life's efforts. I tried to convey Hamlet's inner struggle and the weight of

his thoughts with subtle motions and voice subtleties. Choosing Act 3, Scene 1, and digging into

the complexity of Hamlet's soliloquy "To be, or not to be," seemed like plunging into a great

ocean of emotion and philosophical investigation. While frightening, I was eager to take on the

job, knowing how much expertise was required to do justice to Shakespeare's words and

Hamlet's inner agony. Venturing into such significant area was both humbling and invigorating,

and I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to immerse myself in this legendary scene and

experience what it was like to play such a complicated character.

In interpreting the characters' feelings and motivations, I aimed to capture the depth of

Hamlet's sorrow and existential agony. I intended to represent Hamlet's internal conflict as he

considers the futility of life's efforts. I tried to convey Hamlet's inner struggle and the weight of

his thoughts with subtle motions and voice subtleties.

For this performance, I chose a black robe to symbolize Hamlet's mourning clothing and

sombre mood. I reduced the props to a minimum because I wanted the audience to focus on the
Andino 2

emotional depth of the soliloquy. The clothing immersed me in the persona of Hamlet and gave

authenticity to the performance, increasing the audience's involvement with the scenario.

Understanding the script proved to be a considerable issue. Despite my best attempts, I

would occasionally miss lines, leaving me disoriented in Shakespeare's huge vocabulary. In those

cases, I had to rely on my instincts and improvisational abilities to keep the scenario running

properly. Sometimes I would easily weave in other phrases or expressions, ensuring that the

spirit of the soliloquy was preserved. This experience taught me the value of adaptation and rapid

thinking in live performance, which added another dimension of excitement to the process.

Reading and understanding "Hamlet" provides great insights into the complexity of

human nature as well as the play's eternal themes. Performing a scene allowed me to delve

deeper into the character relationships and develop a greater appreciation for the complexities of

Shakespearean theatre. The experience improved my comprehension of the literature and

strengthened my connection to the characters and their problems.

This assignment was a transforming journey into Shakespearean drama and acting. I

learned more about the play's ideas and characters after performing "Hamlet's" soliloquy. The

process of making costumes, props, and rehearsing the scene pushed me to stretch the boundaries

of my creativity and artistic expression. Overall, this experience has strengthened my belief in

the power of storytelling and the timeless importance of Shakespeare's works. It has also helped

me better grasp acting as a craft and the creative process of bringing characters to life on stage.

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