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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2023; 27: 5784-5794

Effects of water-sodium balance and regulation

of electrolytes associated with antidiabetic drugs
J. ZHANG1,2, M.-N. LI1,2, G.-M. YANG1,2, X.-T. HOU1,2, D. YANG1,2, M.-M. HAN1,2,
Y. ZHANG3, Y.-F. LIU1,2

Department of Endocrinology, First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, Shanxi
Province, China
First Clinical Medical College, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China
Department of Pharmacology, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China

Abstract. – As the prevalence of diabetes Introduction

rises, the use of antidiabetic drugs becomes
more frequent. Thus, focusing on the effects of
these drugs on water-sodium balance and elec- Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has become
trolyte regulation is necessary. This review dis- a major medical issue due to its growing global
cusses the effects and the mechanisms behind prevalence, but many anti-diabetic drugs, once
them. Several sulfonylureas, such as chlor- sanctioned, have been withdrawn from use by
propamide, methanesulfonamide, and tolbut- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration1. Sulfo-
amide, exhibit water-retaining properties. Other
nylureas achieve hypoglycemia by stimulating
sulfonylureas, such as glipizide, glibenclamide,
acetohexamide, and tolazamide, are not antidi- insulin release from pancreatic islet cells. They
uretic or even diuretic. Numerous clinical stud- also reduce hepatic insulin clearance, decrease
ies showed that metformin can reduce serum glucagon secretion, and improve insulin sensiti-
magnesium concentrations and may have an zation in peripheral tissues of patients with type
effect on the cardiovascular system, but the 2 diabetes2. Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) act as a
specific mechanism remains to be discussed. peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ sub-
Different opinions exist about the mechanisms
of thiazolidinedione-induced fluid retention.
type (PPAR-γ) activator and can directly reduce
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors can insulin resistance3. Sodium-glucose cotransporter
cause osmotic diuresis and natriuresis and el- 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) inhibit glucose absorption
evated serum potassium and magnesium con- from the kidney’s proximal tubule (PT) and hence
centrations. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor cause glycosuria4. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-
agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors 1) is a substance secreted by the intestines that
can enhance urine sodium excretion. At the
promotes insulin secretion. It promotes insulin
same time, increased urinary sodium caused
by sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors, secretion by pancreatic β cells in a glucose-de-
glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists and dipepti- pendent manner, which is less likely to induce
dyl peptidase-4 inhibitors reduce blood pres- hypoglycemia and inhibits glucagon secretion by
sure and plasma volume, thereby protecting pancreatic α cells. Glucagon-like peptide-1 re-
the heart. Insulin has a sodium-retaining effect ceptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) enhance the action
and is also associated with hypokalemia, hy- of GLP-1 by activating the GLP-1 receptor. Di-
pomagnesemia, and hypophosphatemia. Sev-
eral of the aforementioned pathophysiologi-
peptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4i) increase
cal changes and mechanisms have been dis- the level of GLP-1 by inhibiting the inactivation
cussed, and conclusions have been drawn. of GLP-1. GLP-1RAs and DPP-4i thus lower glu-
However, further investigation and discussion cose levels, while being widely used in recent
are still warranted. years due to their minimal side effects5,6. All of
these drugs lower blood sugar while altering the
Key Words:
Antidiabetic drugs, Electrolyte, Water-sodium bal- water-sodium balance and electrolyte levels to a
ance, Insulin, Hypokalemia. greater or lesser extent. Maintaining water and
electrolyte levels within standard ranges is of

Corresponding Authors: Yunfeng Liu, MD, Ph.D; e-mail:

5784 Yi Zhang, Ph.D; e-mail:
Water-sodium balance and electrolyte regulation

great importance for cellular activity, biological intracellular Na+ concentration. The Na+-H+ ex-
function and survival7,8. Abnormalities in water changer-3 (NHE3), sodium-glucose/amino acid/
and electrolytes not only cause sodium retention, phosphate/Cl- cotransporter at the apical mem-
hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and hypophos- brane then convert Na+ from the tubular fluid into
phatemia but also further increase the risk of dis- the epithelia. The Na+-K+-ATPase, in turn, trans-
ease in vital organs such as the heart and kidneys. fers it to the interstitial fluid, where Na+ enters the
In this narrative review of the literature, we pres- blood due to the increased hydrostatic pressure of
ent and discuss the mechanisms of the effects of the interstitial fluid. SGLT-2 and GLP-1R are both
antidiabetic drugs on water-sodium balance and found in the PT10. In the second half of the PT,
electrolyte regulation. the Cl--HCO3- exchanger at the apical membrane
The key role of the kidneys in water-sodium allows Cl- to enter the epithelia and the K+-Cl-
balance and electrolyte homeostasis9 are briefly cotransporter at the basolateral membrane trans-
outlined below. Figure 1 shows a partial display fers it to the interstitial fluid. The Cl- in the tu-
of renal tubular reabsorption processes and pos- bular fluid can be reabsorbed by the paracellular
sible sites of action of antidiabetic drugs. Most of pathway due to the concentration difference, and
the Na and water is reabsorbed at the PT. In the then Na+ can be reabsorbed along the potential
first half of the PT, the Na+-K+-ATPase at the ba- gradient by the paracellular shunt. In the PT and
solateral membranes of the epithelia reduces the thin descending limbs, aquaporin-1 is abundantly

Figure 1. Partial display of renal tubular reabsorption processes and possible sites of action of antidiabetic drugs. PT, proxi-
mal tubule; tDL, thin descending limb; tAL, thin ascending limb; TAL, thick ascending limb; DCT, distal convoluted tubule;
ADH, Antidiuretic hormone; ANP, Atrial natriuretic peptide.

J. Zhang, M.-N. Li, G.-M. Yang, X.-T. Hou, D. Yang , M.-M. Han, Y. Zhang, Y.-F. Liu

present in the apical and basolateral membranes11. eral sulfonylureas, such as chlorpropamide and
Electrolyte reabsorption causes the osmotic pres- methanesulfonamide, can cause water retention20.
sure of the intercellular fluid to increase; thus, Some studies21 reported that pharmacological
water is reabsorbed through aquaporin-1 and doses of chlorpropamide can directly increase the
paracellular pathways under the action of osmot- permeability of terminal IMCD to water without
ic pressure. Compared with the thin descending ADH. However, chlorpropamide can induce hy-
limb, the thin ascending limb is more permeable ponatremia in approximately 4-6% of patients by
to NaCl and has a 100-fold lower water permea- potentiating the ADH effect. The risk of hypona-
bility; thus, NaCl can enter the interstitial fluid via tremia development is greater in older patients
facilitated diffusion. Approximately 25-30% of who concomitantly use diuretics. Hyponatremia
net sodium recovery is done at the thick ascend- can be induced by lowering renal clearance of
ing limb. Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter (NKCC2) at free water (CH2O) with the addition of Tolbut-
the apical membrane transports Na+, K+, and Cl- amide22. Other sulfonylureas, such as glipizide,
along a concentration gradient. Na+ and Cl- enter glibenclamide, acetohexamide, and tolazamide,
the interstitial fluid via the Na+-K+-ATPase and are neither diuretic or antidiuretic. The ingestion
Cl- channel, but K+ goes back into the tubular flu- of sulfonylureas that lack antidiuretic properties
id along the concentration. Positive ions, such as can increase CH2O by enhancing Na+, K+, and Cl-
Na+K+Ca2+, are passively reabsorbed by the para- reabsorption at the thin ascending limb (tAL)
cellular pathway, resulting in potential differenc- and thick ascending limb (TAL)20. Additionally,
es caused by K+. In the distal convoluted tubule, increased adrenaline secretion caused by sulfo-
Na+-Cl- cotransporter mainly transfers Na+ and nylurea-induced hypoglycemia may be associated
Cl-. The collecting duct is classified into the inner with hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypo-
medullary collecting duct (IMCD), outer medul- phosphatemia in some cases23.
lary collecting duct and cortical collecting duct.
Here, Na+ uses the concentration difference gen-
erated by Na+-K+-ATPase to cross into the epithe- Metformin
lial cells via the epithelial Na channel (ENaC)12.
Water is reabsorbed through aquaporin-2 (AQP2) Hypomagnesemia often occurs in patients with
in the apical membrane and subapical vesicles in untreated diabetes. Hyperglycemia can cause uri-
the principal cells and aquaporin-3.4 in the baso- nary magnesium excretion. Hypomagnesemia is
lateral membrane. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) associated with insulin resistance and the devel-
regulates water reabsorption by controlling the opment of chronic complications of diabetes mel-
amount of AQP213. The renin-angiotensin-aldo- litus24. Meanwhile, the majority of the studies25-28
sterone system (RAAS) plays an essential role in showed that the use of metformin leads to a de-
maintaining the water–sodium balance of the hu- crease in serum magnesium concentrations. A co-
man body14. Aldosterone ultimately acts on ENaC hort study25 that included 395 patients with T2DM
and Na+-K+-ATPase in the epithelia to increase reported that plasma magnesium concentrations
Na+ and water reabsorption and K+ excretion15. were reduced in patients using metformin. A lon-
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) exerts natriuretic gitudinally observed Fremantle Diabetes Study26
and diuretic effects by inducing a signaling cas- Phase I that enrolled 940 non-insulin-treated pa-
cade expressed along the glomerulus and neph- tients, showed that 19% of patients had serum mag-
ron. ANP mainly decreases Na reabsorption by nesium <0.70 mmol/L. Serum magnesium con-
suppressing ENaC and cyclic nucleotide-gated centrations were lower in patients on metformin
cation channels in the epithelial cells of the med- alone or in combination with sulfonylurea than in
ullary collecting ducts16. ANP also inhibits the se- those on diet alone. Gastrointestinal losses due to
cretion of renin, aldosterone, and ADH17. increased duration of metformin treatment may be
responsible for hypomagnesemia. A case report27
described a patient who presented with severe and
Sulfonylureas symptomatic hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hy-
pocalcemia, and hypophosphatemia secondary to
Sulfonylureas have been commercially avail- metformin-induced diarrhea. In a previous study28,
able since the 1950s, but their use remains con- patients using metformin showed decreased mag-
troversial18. The effect of sulfonylureas on water nesium excretion but remained to have hypomag-
balance is either diuretic or antidiuretic19. Sev- nesemia and hypercalciuria. Although metformin

Water-sodium balance and electrolyte regulation

treatment does not correct hypomagnesemia, it pre- increased Na+ reabsorption. By contrast, the level
vents excessive urinary loss of magnesium. Other of sodium in the plasma is reduced. Moreover, the
studies29 suggested that serum magnesium levels urine volume markedly decreased and urinary
are hypothesized not to reflect the original chang- osmolality increased. The above water retention
es caused by metformin treatment, because 99% phenomenon may be due to the increased expres-
of the total body magnesium ions were considered sion of AQP which increases water reabsorption.
to be intracellular. Considering that magnesium ENaC, a regulator of body fluid volume, is neces-
plays a key role in regulating vascular tone, intra- sary for the kidney to absorb sodium and plays a
cardiac conduction and myocardial contraction30, role in edema formation35. In view that TZDs are
it is reasonable to suspect that metformin-induced PPAR-γ activators, a study36 found that TZDS-in-
hypomagnesemia may have a detrimental effect on duced fluid retention due to enhanced expression
the heart. However, a study by Peters et al26 found of ENAC-γ by PPAR-γ. Another study37 found
that metformin treatment was not a significant in- that PPAR-γ enhances ENaC by upregulating se-
fluence on cardiovascular disease. So, metformin rum glucocorticoid regulated kinase-1 in collect-
resulting hypomagnesemia did not increase cardio- ing duct cells. However, several studies38-40 have
vascular risk in diabetic patients, possibly because refuted the inference that TZD enhances sodium
intracellular magnesium was not reduced. The transport by activating ENaC, as follows: (1) based
mechanism by which metformin causes a decrease on some observations, PT may be another target
in serum magnesium levels is unclear. Metformin for TZD action38. (2) Vallon et al39 demonstrated
can directly increase basal and insulin-stimulated that mice with inactivated ENaC had nearly the
glucose metabolism in various cells, ultimately same fluid retention levels after TZDs treatment as
leading to an increase in total intracellular mag- controls. Patch clamp studies39 on collecting duct
nesium in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells cells revealed that TZDs activated a non-selective
(PBMC) in diabetic patients31. However, a study32 cation channel, but not ENaC and even inhibited
on the metabolic effects of drugs on the total intra- ENaC activity in mice. (3) In Sprague-Dawley rat
cellular calcium and magnesium contents of cul- kidneys, TZD did not increase the expression of
tured PBMC found that metformin did not affect any ENaC subunits. (4) The phenomenon of “al-
intracellular calcium and magnesium. dosterone escape”: aldosterone enhances ENaC
activity in the collecting duct while inhibiting so-
dium reabsorption in other parts of the nephron.
Thiazolidinediones Thus, activation of ENaC alone does not usually
cause significant sodium retention and edema38.
Fluid Retention (5) Protein expression of the α-1 subunit of Na+-
As the most common and serious side effect of K+-ATPase, NHE3 and NKCC2 is enhanced in
TZDs, the incidence of fluid retention ranges from rosiglitazone treated Sprague-Dawley rat kid-
7% with TZDs monotherapy to 15% in combina- neys40. According to the distribution of these car-
tion with insulin33. Some studies33,34 suggest that riers along the nephron, another review41 in 2013
TZD-induced fluid retention is due to increased indicated that rosiglitazone is more likely to act
sodium and water reabsorption in the kidneys. on the PT or loop of Henle than on the collecting
However, mechanisms of renal sodium retention duct or distal tubule. The effect of PPAR agonists
are controversial. In a recent study34, mRNA on Na+ transport is mediated by the nongenomic
expression of α, β, and γ isoforms of ENaC and PPAR-c-Src-EGFR-extracellular signal-regulated
AQP2, and aquaporin 3 (AQP3) in the renal me- kinase mechanism found in PT. A similar conclu-
dulla was significantly increased (by 1.5 to 2-fold) sion was obtained in a review38 conducted in 2015.
in response to pioglitazone. The increased expres- In the review41 conducted in 2013, a specific mech-
sion of these channels caused higher reabsorption anism leading to increased sodium reabsorption
of sodium and water in the kidney. In addition, was mentioned. The negative potential generated
rosiglitazone increased AQP2, alpha epithelial by chloride secreted into the renal tubules may
Na+ channel (αENaC), and AQP3 expression in inhibit sodium reabsorption. Pioglitazone inhib-
mouse IMCD, human embryo kidney, and the re- its chloride ion secretion by the cystic fibrosis
nal medulla of type 2 diabetic rats. In the study by transmembrane conductance regulator chloride
Tahara34, pioglitazone caused a decrease in uri- channels. Some studies33,42 considered that vascu-
nary sodium excretion, which supports the theo- lar hyperpermeability was also a prominent fac-
ry that increased ENaC gene expression leads to tor in TZD-induced fluid retention. Rosiglitazone

J. Zhang, M.-N. Li, G.-M. Yang, X.-T. Hou, D. Yang , M.-M. Han, Y. Zhang, Y.-F. Liu

selectively enhanced vascular permeability in ic RAAS but not the intrarenal RAAS in patients
retina and adipocytes42. The vascular endothelial with T2DM. In other words, plasma renin activi-
growth factor activated by PPAR-γ ligands may ty and serum aldosterone levels are increased, but
contribute to the increase in vascular permeabil- renal angiotensinogen expression does not change.
ity33. TZDs may lead to congestive heart failure A sodium balance is established after 2-3 days of
in patients with diastolic dysfunction due to wa- SGLT2i administration based on a reduction in sys-
ter and sodium retention. However, pioglitazone temic sodium levels53. SGLT2i-induced glucosuria
does not affect left ventricular function because leads to osmotic diuresis, again transiently, and
it ameliorates diastolic dysfunction and augments does not cause sustained changes in osmolality54.
myocardial insulin sensitivity43. Patients on canagliflozin and empagliflozin had an
increase in 24-h urine output of approximately 300
Effects on Electrolytes mL/d after 1 day of treatment, returning to baseline
A study44 in an animal model of T2DM and levels after several weeks51. Different findings51,54,55
obesity suggested that insulin resistance could in- have been reported on plasma volume in patients
crease circulating visfatin levels and thus disrupt with T2DM treated with SGLT2i. A pooled analy-
electrolyte balance, causing hypomagnesemia, hy- sis of several randomized controlled trials54 found
perkalemia, and hyponatremia, while rosiglitazone a 9.6% reduction in plasma volume after 24 weeks
improved insulin resistance, decreased circulating of dapagliflozin use. A comparison study55 on flu-
visfatin levels, and reversed the changes in electro- id distribution showed that SGLT2i dapagliflozin
lyte levels. By contrast, a case report suggested that mainly reduced extracellular water with a slight
the inappropriate ADH secretion-related hyponatre- increase in urine volume. The effect of SGLT2i on
mia in an elderly woman with diabetes mellitus may the distribution of body fluids is different from that
have been due to rosiglitazone45. Two clinical stud- of furosemide and tolvaptan. To sum up, SGLT2i
ies46,47 in patients with T2DM and in glucose-intol- rapidly reduces a certain amount of plasma volume
erant populations both concluded that pioglitazone at first, but gradually stabilizes51.
increased serum magnesium levels. Pioglitazone SGLT2i treatment improves fasting and post-
also increased the concentration of free magnesium prandial glucose, fasting lipids, blood pressure,
in rat adipocytes48. Rosiglitazone prevented and body weight, serum uric acid, and arterial stiff-
attenuated hypomagnesemia and hypokalemia in- ness, all of which are harmful cardiovascular
duced by sirolimus in Wistar rats49. Pioglitazone and factors. SGLT2i protects the heart and kidney by
rosiglitazone slow down the development of athero- affecting diuresis, fluid and sodium retention, in-
sclerosis and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular flammation, oxidative stress, myocardial function,
diseases such as myocardial infarction43. Combined and vascular resistance56. Among these, osmotic
with the positive effect of magnesium ions on the diuresis and natriuresis act as a bridge. According
cardiovascular system, we hypothesize that the im- to the available studies51,53,56, natriuretic sodium
provement of cardiovascular function by rosiglita- should be important for SGLT2i to lower blood
zone and pioglitazone is partly due to the increased pressure and also reduce atherosclerosis as a result.
concentration of magnesium ions. Increased urinary sodium also causes a decrease in
plasma volume, thereby reducing cardiac preload,
weakening myocardial expansion, and reducing
SGLT2 Inhibitors the incidence of arrhythmias. Combination treat-
ment with ipragliflozin + pioglitazone attenuated
Natriuresis and Osmotic Diuresis pioglitazone-induced fluid retention by ipragli-
SGLT2i increases urinary glucose and sodium flozin-induced osmotic diuresis34. Experimental
excretion by blocking glucose and sodium reab- and clinical evidence generally suggests one of
sorption50. However, the increase in urinary so- the several putative mechanisms of natriuresis and
dium is temporary. No change in urinary sodium osmotic diuresis that might explain the beneficial
excretion after eight weeks of treatment in type 1 properties of SGLT2i on the risk of mortality57.
diabetic patients is considered an equilibrium for-
mation51. In addition, the transient natriuretic effect Effects on Electrolytes
is due to increased sodium reabsorption in other Hyperkalemia is among the risks initially
parts of the renal unit. Increased RAAS activity claimed for SGLT2i in its early use. Nevertheless,
facilitates this process. Some scholars52 suggest subsequently released data58 suggest that SGLT2i
that SGLT2i treatment briefly activates the system- is not associated with an increased risk of hyper-

Water-sodium balance and electrolyte regulation

kalemia. A high dose of canagliflozin causes a GLP-1RAs

minor increase in serum potassium concentration.
A clinically significant increase in potassium lev- A study64 found that mice treated with liraglu-
els was documented with canagliflozin 300 mg/d, tide promoted ANP release by activating atrial
particularly in patients having decreased glomer- cardiomyocytes. ANP induced cGMP-mediated
ular filtration rate and those taking agents affect- smooth muscle relaxation, increased urinary so-
ing potassium excretion59. A slight but nonsignif- dium excretion, and also lowered blood pressure
icant increase in potassium levels was observed as a result. Moreover, liraglutide did not affect
with dapagliflozin60. The mechanisms involved the natriuresis of ANP knockout mice. Howev-
in causing the small increase in serum potassium er, another study65 found that injection of native
levels due to SGLT2i are as follows. The mech- GLP-1 significantly increased urine sodium ex-
anism that increases renal potassium excretion cretion in humans, but no change in proANP
and thus decreases serum potassium is currently concentration. The natriuretic effect of GLP-1
twofold. One is that SGLT2i-induced natriuresis is speculated to be unlikely caused solely by in-
and osmotic diuresis increase tubular flow rates in creased ANP secretion. The difference between
the distal convoluted and collecting tubules, while the results of the above two studies64,65 may be
increasing aldosterone levels due to lower plasma attributed to the difference between native GLP-
volume, which increases potassium excretion. The 1 and liraglutide, or the effect of liraglutide on
second is that elevated glucagon levels probably rodents could not be observed in humans. With
facilitate diuresis in the distal convoluted and col- regard to the mechanism of GLP-1’s diuretic and
lecting tubules. Also, glucagon is speculated to be natriuretic actions, previous studies66 suggested
an intestinal factor that contributes to increased that it is mediated by changes in renal hemody-
renal potassium excretion. Conversely, elevated namics and downregulation of NHE3 activity in
serum potassium is caused by insulin-promoting the proximal renal tubules. Conversely, in heart
potassium entry into cells. The decrease in insulin failure patients with reduced ejection fraction,
concentration after SGLT2i dosing could lead to liraglutide treatment reduced plasma type A and
the repartition of potassium from intracellular to B natriuretic peptide levels and urine sodium
extracellular23,61. Despite the negligible increase in content after 24 weeks67.
serum potassium concentration, careful monitor-
ing of potassium homeostasis should be prompted
in patients with renal impairment and medications DPP-4 Inhibitors
that predispose them to hyperkalemia62. Random-
ized controlled meta-analyses63 have shown that A study68 found an increase in sodium ex-
SGLT2i dose dependency increased serum mag- cretion (65%) in rats treated with DPP-4i Lys
nesium levels. Similar to the small increase in se- Z(NO2)-pyrrolidide for 7 days. Accordingly, DPP-
rum potassium, serum magnesium due to SGLT2i 4i increases urine output by 70% due to a decrease
is also affected by a number of factors and eventu- in sodium and water reabsorption. Redistribution
ally increases slightly. Hypermagnesuria and hy- of NHE3 is closely related to water-salt regulation
pomagnesemia induced by downregulation of the and water reabsorption by PT, and DPP4i is asso-
transient receptor potential melastatin-6 (TRPM6) ciated with reduced NHE3 protein expression. As
ion channel observed in T2DM rats are thought to previously mentioned, GLP-1 also promotes na-
be related to insulin resistance. SGLT2i improves triuresis in the kidney. Therefore, DPP-4i–medi-
insulin resistance and thus reduces urinary mag- ated natriuresis may be mediated by active GLP-1
nesium excretion via TRPM6. SGLT2 may also levels. However, in the study by Muskiet et al69,
decrease insulin and increase glucagon levels. linagliptin enhanced GLP-1 concentrations, yet
Decreased insulin levels allow magnesium ions to urinary pH and fractional excretion of endoge-
be transferred from intracellular to extracellular, nous lithium remained unaffected, in contrast to
while glucagon increases magnesium reabsorp- the theory that linagliptin inhibits NHE3. They
tion in the distal renal tubules50. Natriuresis and did not find a link between linagliptin-induced
osmotic diuresis can induce a decrease in plasma changes in the fractional excretion of sodium and
volume, resulting in a relatively slight increase in GLP-1. But they speculated that DPP-4i might
serum magnesium concentration. They also in- promote sodium excretion at least in part through
crease aldosterone concentrations which lead to other pathways independent of the GLP-1R sig-
increased magnesium excretion52. naling pathway and NHE3. Moreover, DPP-4i

J. Zhang, M.-N. Li, G.-M. Yang, X.-T. Hou, D. Yang , M.-M. Han, Y. Zhang, Y.-F. Liu

promotes distal tubular natriuresis while increas- additional secretion of epinephrine. Epinephrine
ing levels of a bioactive stromal cell-derived fac- can also stimulate cellular potassium uptake by
tor-1 α1-67 (SDF-1α1-67). SDF-1α1-67, a chemotactic activating Na+-K+-ATPase77. A case report78 of a
factor with proven natriuretic effects in studies70, 47-year-old man with T2DM who attempted sui-
is augmented by sitagliptin. cide with 2,100 U of insulin injected subcutane-
ously was presented. The man developed hypoka-
lemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypomagnesemia
Insulin within 24 h of his suicide attempt. Hypomagne-
semia and hypophosphatemia may be due to the
Sodium consumption in patients with poorly rapid increase in the accumulation of magnesium
controlled diabetes is generally speculated to be and phosphorus in cells by the addition of insulin
due to glucosuria and the resulting osmotic diure- in vitro. Scholars79 showed that insulin induces
sis or marked ketonuria. But insulin deficiency the transfer of magnesium from plasma to eryth-
itself can also lead to excessive sodium consump- rocytes both in vivo and in vitro. In patients with
tion71. Therefore, studies72 showed that insulin has diabetes, the urinary excretion of magnesium
a sodium-retaining effect during hyperglycemia, increases with insulin dose independent of glu-
which may be relevant for maintaining sodium cosuria. Also, insulin administration in normal
balance in patients with uncontrolled T2DM. Be- men results in increased magnesium excretion79.
cause insulin can directly increase ENaC activity, On the contrary, another study26 showed that in-
the sodium-phosphate cotransporter, NHE3, and sulin use was positively correlated with plasma
Na+-K+-ATPase increase sodium reabsorption in Mg2+ levels. A trend toward higher plasma Mg2+
the PT, thick ascending limb, and distal tubule, levels was observed in patients taking insulin
including the collecting duct73. The intravenous compared with those not requiring insulin thera-
administration of glucose can cause hyperinsu- py. The mechanism probably is that insulin stim-
linemia, resulting in sudden hypokalemia that ulates the activity of renal TRPM6, particularly
is caused by the massive intracellular transfer of through insulin receptor substrate, via a signaling
potassium74. Further mechanisms are as follows: cascade that ultimately increases cell membrane
after binding to specific cell-surface receptors, abundance of this channel and renal Mg2+ reab-
insulin-releasing in vivo not only facilitates glu- sorption80.
cose uptake by target tissues but also stimulates
K+ uptake by increasing Na+-K+-ATPase activity;
thus, exogenous insulin induces a decrease in se- Conclusions
rum potassium levels. In addition, insulin-medi-
ated K+ uptake is differentially regulated75. The Antidiabetic drugs change water and elec-
impact of insulin on Na+-K+-ATPase is shown to trolyte metabolism. Moreover, diabetes mellitus
be mainly regulated in the short term. Na+-K+-AT- and its complications inherently cause electrolyte
Pase α1 translocates to the plasma membrane and disorders; thus, the changes in water and elec-
internalizes into the cytoplasm, and insulin reg- trolytes in patients with diabetes are worthy of
ulates the efficiency of transport by changing its attention and discussion. Several sulfonylureas
molecular conformation. In addition, the activity possess water-retaining properties by acting on
of Na+-K+-ATPase may also be regulated in the different sites and increasing water reabsorp-
long term. Insulin may promote mRNA transcrip- tion; others are not antidiuretics or even diuret-
tion and protein expression levels of Na+-K+-AT- ics by increasing Na+K+Cl- reabsorption. The use
Pase or affect the abundance of Na+-K+-ATPase of metformin may lead to a reduction in serum
α1 through two degradation pathways, the ubiq- magnesium concentrations, but the mechanism is
uitin-proteasome and the autophagy-lysosome not well understood. Although the mechanism of
system76. Another mechanism by which insulin TZD-induced fluid retention is vigorously debat-
affects plasma potassium ion concentration is ed, fluid retention is the most common and severe
through the activation of the Na+-H+ exchanger-1. adverse effect of TZD. SGLT2i can result in os-
The Na+-H+ exchanger-1 exchanges intracellu- motic diuresis caused by glycosuria and natriure-
lar H+ with Na+ from the extracellular fluid, and sis. Natriuresis and osmotic diuresis are transient
Na+ then exchanges with K+ in the extracellular but cause the effect of protecting the heart and
fluid through Na+-K+-ATPase23. In addition, se- kidneys. The multi-faceted effects of SGLT2i on
vere insulin-induced hypoglycemia induces the serum magnesium and serum potassium caused

Water-sodium balance and electrolyte regulation

a minor increase in serum magnesium and po-

tassium concentration. GLP-1RAs enhance na- Jian Zhang: 0000-0002-8543-3483
triuresis by activating atrial cardiomyocytes to Meng-Nan Li: 0000-0003-4395-5248
release ANP and reduce NHE3 activity. DPP-4i Gui-Mei Yang: 0000-0002-9250-1835
also possesses natriuretic effects, the mechanism Xin-Tong Hou: 0000-0002-4257-7479
of which is by increasing SDF-1α1-67 levels in ad- Dan Yang: 0000-0001-7020-9684
Min-Min Han: 0000-0002-9864-444X
dition to those mediated by GLP-1 levels. Insulin Yi Zhang: 0000-0003-0305-3127
has a sodium-retaining effect and promotes the Yun-Feng Liu: 0000-0003-2826-5804
transfer of potassium, magnesium, and phos-
phate from extracellular to intracellular due to its
physiological properties. The effects of diabetes
and the use of hypoglycemic drugs on the water Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
and electrolyte metabolism of patients are dual
and complex. The paper provides clinicians with
a comprehensive understanding of antidiabetic
medications, an individualized and precise selec- Data Availability
tion of medications, and targeted management of Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were
patients’ water and electrolyte levels. However, generated or analyzed during the current study.
numerous factors affect water-electrolyte levels,
and the same hypoglycemic agent may have dif-
ferent effects in patients. Thus, further research Informed Consent
into the mechanisms by which hypoglycemic Not applicable.
agents affect water-electrolyte metabolism is
potentially beneficial in making more accurate
judgments about patients’ conditions to avoid
Ethics Approval
worse complications. Not applicable.

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