Hitachi Dehumidifier RD-250EX INSTRUCTION MANUAL

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Thank you very much for your purchasing of the Hitachi 承蒙惠購日立抽濕機,不勝感謝。敬請詳閱本
Dehumidifier. Please read this Instruction Manual well 「使用說明書」,以便正確使用。另請長久保存本
to use the dehumidifier correctly and keep this Instruc- 「使用說明書」,勿予遺失。
tion Manual at a certain place for future reference.

● BEFORE YOU BEGIN .................................................2 ● 前言 ................................................................................2
● USEFUL IN THE FOLLOWING CASES.....................2 ● 適用情況.........................................................................2
● CAUTIONS FOR SAFETY ..........................................3 ● 安全注意事項.................................................................3
• CAUTIONS ON INSTALLATION ........................3~4 •安裝時的注意事項..................................................3~4
• CAUTIONS ON USE .............................................4~6 •使用時的注意事項..................................................4~6
• CAUTIONS FOR REPAIR .........................................6 •修理時的注意事項 .....................................................6
● INDISPENSABLE KNOWLEDGE FOR ● 須知事項 ...................................................................7~8
DEHUMIDIFIER.............................................7~8 ● 各部分的名稱與功能......................................................8
● NAME AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART ................8 ● 操控面板........................................................................9
● OPERATION PANEL ....................................................9 ● 運作的方法.............................................................10~22
● HOW TO OPERATE .............................................10~22 ● 正確的使用方法...........................................................23
● EFFICIENT USE OF DEHUMIDIFIER .....................23 ● 注意事項.......................................................................23
● ADDITIONAL CAUTIONS ........................................23 ● 保養與檢查............................................................24~26
● MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ................24~26 ● 長期閑置不用時............................................................26
● STORING DEHUMIDIFIER ......................................26 ● 提出修理時.............................................................27~28
● WHEN REQUIRING REPAIR SERVICE ............27~28 ● 規格................................................................................29
● SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................29 ● 選購配件........................................................................29
● OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ......................................29 •連續排水的方法.........................................................30
• DRAINING DEHUMIDIFIED WATER •使用連續排水時的注意事項.....................................30
CONTINUOUSLY ...................................................30
IN CONTINUOUS DRAINAGE .............................30

Thoroughly read this instruction manual to ensure correct use, and keep the manual in a handy place for future reference.
RD-250EX 01 請仔細閱讀本使用說明書,並正確使用本機。保修書附在封底之上,閱讀之後請妥善保存。
前言 安全注意事項
This dehumidifier is for general household use: Do not use it for such purposes as storing food, precision equipment, art ● Read the following thoroughly before starting operation for correct use.
objects, medicines, etc. ● Be sure to observe the following cautions that are critical for safety.
本抽濕機為一般家庭使用。請勿用於保存食品、精密儀器、美術品、醫藥品等特殊用途。 ● 使用之前,仔細閱讀“安全注意事項”後正確使用。
● 此處列出的注意事項,記錄的全部是有關安全的重要內容,請務必遵守。
■ The indications and meanings of cautions shown here are as follows:
USEFUL IN THE FOLLOWING CASES: 適用情況: ■ 標識及其含義如下所示。
Use the dehumidifier effectively. 請有效的靈活使用。
WARNING indicates a potentially very hazardous situation, which could result in death or serious injury.
警告 錯誤操作時,很可能導致死亡、重傷等嚴重後果。
indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which could result in minor or moderate injury, or
● Carpet is damp. ● Moisture adheres to ceiling or CAUTION damage to device.
● 地毯潮濕時。 walls, or they are moldy. 注意 錯誤操作時,很可能因不同情況而導致嚴重後果。
● 天花板、牆壁結露、生黴時。
■ The icons have the following meanings:
■ 圖示符號表示的含義如下所示。
Indicates prohibition. Do not splash water on dehumidifier or get it wet.
表示“禁止”。 請勿沾水、弄濕。
Be sure to unplug the power cord from AC outlet. Instructions to be observed strictly.
務必將電源插頭從插座上拔下。 表示請務必遵守的指引。
● Faster drying of clothes in a ● Clothes and leather goods are
room. moldy or stained. After reading, be sure to keep the manual in a place where you can refer to it anytime.
● 在室內輔助衣物乾燥。 ● 衣物、皮革製品生黴、斑 閱讀後,請務必保管到使用人員可隨時閱讀的地方。

Less than 5mm
● Use only on a horizontal and stable spot: 5mm以下 ● 請在平坦和穩固的地方使用。
● Drawers of wardrobe are ● Sound from piano is distorted If the dehumidifier falls during use, the water 在使用過程中,如果抽濕機傾倒,機內的
difficult to pull out because or its keys are heavy. inside will leak and wet household goods: At 水會灑在室內並弄濕家具,從而引起觸電、
contents are damp. ● 鋼琴音調失常。 worst, it could result in electric shock or fire 漏電起火等事故。
Strictly observed
● 櫥櫃的抽 打開困難。櫃內 琴鍵發澀。 caused by a short-circuit.
● Do not use in a narrow space, such as in ● 請勿在壁櫥、家具縫隙間使用。
closet or between pieces of furniture: 由於通風差,可能導致過熱、起火等事故。
Doing so will deteriorate air ventilation, which
could cause heat generation or fire.
● Closet and its contents are ● To keep CDs, books, cameras,
damp. etc. dry. 禁止
● 壁櫥中潮濕,需進行乾燥 ● CD、書籍、照片等的保存。 ● Do not use in a place where water is likely ● 請勿在容易沾水的地方使用。
時。 to splash: 可能導致觸電、漏電起火等事故。
This could cause electric shock or fire as a result
of short-circuit.

● Do not install the dehumidifier in a place ● 不得在可能有油、可燃性氣體泄漏的地方

where oil or inflammable gas could leak: 進行操作。
If oil or gas leaks and accumulates around the 萬一有泄漏情況並積在機器周圍,可能導
dehumidifier, it could cause fire or explosion. Prohibited

2 3
安裝時的注意事項(續) 使用時的注意事項(續)

● Do not place a container with water, such ● 請勿在抽濕機上放置花瓶等盛水容器。 ● Do not hold the power plug with wet hand: ● 請勿用沾水的手拔下電源插頭。
as a vase, on dehumidifier: 水濺入抽濕機內部後,會使電絕緣性減弱, Doing so could cause electric shock. 可能導致觸電。
If it falls and water enters the dehumidifier, 可能導致觸電或漏電起火等事故。 Prohibited
the electrical insulation will deteriorate, which 禁止
could cause electric shock or fire as a result of 禁止 ● Be sure to use the dehumidifier with the 220 V/
● 請務必使用額定電壓(單相220V)的
rated voltage (single-phase 220V): Prohibited
電源為 220V 。
● The dehumidifiers exclusively for indoor ● 機器只可在室內使用。請勿在陽光直射、受 Using with a voltage other than the rated one 在超出額定電壓下使用時,可能導致觸
use. Do not use it in a place which is 風吹雨淋之處使用。 could result in electric shock or fire. 電或火災等事故。
exposed to direct sunlight, rain or wind: 可能導致過熱、觸電、漏電起火等事故。
This could cause electric shock or fire as a ● Do not bend the power cord forcibly: ● 請勿極度彎折電源線。
result of short-circuit. Doing so could cause electric shock or fire as a 可能導致觸電或火災等事故。
result of short-circuit. Prohibited
● Do not use the dehumidifier for special ● 請勿用於保存美術品、學術資料等特殊用
purposes such as keeping art objects, 途。 ● Do not insert your finger or rod into the ● 請勿將手指或棒塞入空氣吹出口或空氣
scientific materials, etc. dry: 可能會使保存品的質量降低。 air outlet or inlet: 吸入口。
Prohibited This could result in injury since the fan inside 內部風扇高速旋轉,可能導致受傷。
Doing so could deteriorate the quality of the
stored goods. rotates at high speed.

● When performing continuous drainage, ● 在連續排水時,請勿使排水管的周圍溫度

● Do not place the dehumidifier near any ● 請勿放置於發熱電器附近。
do not make ambient temperature of the
heating appliance: 可能會使塑膠部分變形或引起火災。
drain hose drop below freezing point. Strictly observed 排水管的內部可能會凍結,並導致抽濕機
Doing so could deform the plastic parts or ignite Prohibited
Water inside the drain hose freezes and water 嚴格遵守 內部的水撒在室內,弄濕傢俱。
a fire. 禁止
inside the dehumidifier can spill in the room and
wet the property such as furniture.
● For continuous drainage, attach a hose ● 在連續排水時,應注意排水軟管的彎曲、
for secure drainage, taking care with 落差等情況,並確實做好排水布管工作。 ● Do not hold the cord when pulling out ● 拔下電源插頭時,請勿拉電源線將之拔下。
bending of hose or drops in water level: 可能導致內部的水撒在室內並弄濕家具。 the power cord: 如果拉電源線來拔下插頭,可能會使部分
Strictly observed
Neglecting this could allow the water in Doing so could disconnect part of core wires, 芯線斷掉,導致發熱、起火。
dehumidifier to leak and wet household goods. which could result in heat generation or fire
ignition. 禁止

● When cleaning the dehumidifier, be sure ● 打掃時務必停止運作,並將電源插頭從插
使用時的注意事項 to stop it and pull out the power cord 座上拔下。
WARNING 警告 from the AC outlet: 由於內部高速運作,可能導致受傷。
Neglecting this could cause injury since the fan
● Make sure that no dust adheres to the ● 檢查電源插頭是否附有灰塵,應將插頭 inside rotates at high speed. Unplug
power plug, and securely insert plug up 牢固插至根部,確保無晃動。 拔下插頭
to the roots of prongs: 如果附有灰塵或插頭連接不牢固,可能
Strictly observed ● If you do not use the dehumidifier for a ● 換季等較長時間不使用機器的情況下,為
Dust or incomplete connection could cause 導致觸電或火災。
electric shock or fire. long period of time, unplug the power 保證安全請將電源插頭從插座上拔下。
cord from the AC outlet for safety: Unplug 可能導致觸電或漏電起火等事故。
● Do not damage or modify the power cord ● 請勿損壞、加工電源線。可能導致觸電、 Neglecting this could result in electric shock or 拔下插頭
in any way: Doing so could cause electric 火災等事故。 fire as a result of short-circuit.
shock, heat generation or fire. 如果在電源線上放置重物、加熱、拉拽電
Do not place any heavy object on the power Prohibited 源線可能導致電源線損壞。
● Do not place any heating appliance ● 請勿在抽濕機的風能直接吹到的地方放置
cord, or subject it to heat or stretch it: Doing so 禁止
where the air from the dehumidifier 電暖爐。
will damage the cord.
blows directly: Prohibited 如果電暖爐燃燒起來,可能會產生有害氣
禁止 體。
● Do not start or stop the dehumidifier by ● 請勿通過插拔電源插頭來開關抽濕機。 Doing so could cause incomplete combustion
plugging in or unplugging the power cord: 可能導致觸電、火災等事故。 of the heater, resulting in gas or oil fumes.
Doing so could cause electric shock or fire. Prohibited
4 5
使用時的注意事項(續) 須知事項
● Do not block the air inlet or outlet with a ● 請勿在空氣吹出口或空氣吸入口堵上布等 ■ Read the following items carefully and avoid using the dehumidifier outside the specified available range.
cloth, etc.: 東西。 ■ The dehumidifier does not have any cooling function. On the contrary, it generates heat during operation:
Doing so will deteriorate ventilation, and could 會使通風不良,可能導致發熱、起火等 the room temperature will rise by 1-2°C.
cause heat generation or fire ignition. 事故。 ■ Install the dehumidifier at least 1 m away from your TV, radio, and radio antenna, to prevent image distortion
or interference.
● Do not mount the dehumidifier or sit on it: ● 請勿爬或坐上抽濕機。 ■ 請仔細閱覽以下內容,避免在超出允許範圍下使用。
Falling or stumbling could cause injury. Prohibited
掉下、翻倒會導致受傷。 ■ 抽濕機沒有冷氣功能。反而由於在運作中發熱,會使房間的溫度昇高1∼2℃。
■ 為防止出現圖像失真、雜音等現象,在安裝抽濕機時,應與電視機、收音機、收錄機天線保持1m
● Do not wash the dehumidifier with water: ● 請勿用水清洗抽濕機。 以上的距離。
Doing so could cause electric shock. 可能導致觸電。
禁止 Refer to the table on the right for 可以使用本機的房間大小以左圖為
● When moving the dehumidifier, be sure ● 需搬動機器時,務必停止運作,將盛水容 the floor space required for the 40 80 標準。
to stop it completely and dispose of the 器內的水倒掉 dehumidifier to be used. 可進行抽濕的房間大小根據住宅結
water in water receptacle: 盛水容器內的水灑到機器內或室內,會 The room space where the dehumidifier 構、西式房間和日式房間的區別而
If disposal of water is neglected, water will leak 弄濕家具,或引起觸電、漏電起火等事 can be used differs depending on the 不同,請參照左圖的標準。
Strictly observed structure of house etc.: Use the table on
either inside the dehumidifier or outside, which 故。
could wet household goods, cause electric shock the right for reference.
or fire as a result of short-circuit.

● When using the dehumidifier without any- ● 在無人使用連續使用幾個季節時,應定期 A protection device may act at high 高溫時為避免機器過度運作而造成
one attendant, inspect it periodically: 進行檢查。 temperature, stopping operation 50
Strictly observed 能出現運作停止的現象。

Neglecting inspection could result in heat gen- 可能導致過熱或漏水。 to prevent excessive strain.

eration or water leak.

● If the ambient temperature of dehumidifier ● 抽濕機周圍溫度在冰點以下時,盛水容器

drops below zero, do not leave the water 內不得有水。
in water receptacle as is: Prohibited 水結冰後會撐壞盛水容器,可能導致漏水。
Neglecting disposal will allow the water to 禁止
This dehumidifier is not suitable High 本機不適用於在需要濕度達到50%
freeze, which could crack the receptacle, causing
for maintaining humidity at less humidity 以下的情況下使用。
water leak.
than 50%. 高濕 本抽濕機用於除去對日常生活產生
This dehumidifier removes moisture that 影響的濕氣(造成不良影響、使人
is a bother in everyday life (damage due Adequete
to dampness, discomfort, etc.)
Low humidity (less than 50%)
WARNING 警告 低濕 ( 約50%以下 )

● If any abnormality occurs in the dehu- ● 出現異常情況(有燒焦味道等)時,應停

midifier (smelling scorch, etc.), imme- 止運作,拔下電源插頭,並與購買本機的 The dehumidification level also varies 抽濕量根據房間溫度會產生變化。

Dehumidification amount (l/d)

diately turn it off, unplug the power cord, Unplug 商店聯絡。 depending on the room temperature. 25
25.0L 隨著溫度降低,如圖所示,抽濕量

抽濕量 (公升 / 日 )
and consult your dealer: 拔下插頭 在異常情況下繼續運作可能導致故障或 The lower the temperature, the less the
20 也降低。
Continuing operation with abnormality left as 觸電、火災等事故。 dehumidification amount, as shown in

is could cause electric shock or fire. the diagram. 5
10 15 20 25 30

● Do not attempt to repair the dehumidifier ● 請勿自行修理。

yourself: 修理時,請與購買本機的商店聯絡。
Strictly observed
Be sure to ask your dealer for repair.
The compressor stops during Compressor stops / 壓縮機停止運作
defrosting. “除霜中”)將停止運作。
If the temperature drops to about 13°C 房間溫度降至13℃或以下時,冷卻
or lower, since frost forms on the cooler, 器上會附有霜。為了進行除霜,壓
the compressor is stopped for defrosting. Frost

Frequency of defrosting varies depend-
ing on the temperature and humidity at
6 that time. 7
If 2 units of dehumidifier operate in 2臺抽濕機同時使用於一個房間 OPERATION PANEL
the same room at the same time, dehu- 時,所抽濕的水量可能會有所不 操控面板
midifying amount differs from each 同。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
other. 在自動抽濕模式時,讓濕度感應器
In “Automatic Dehumidifying Mode” operation, 機能較低的抽濕機能優先進行運
the dehumidifier of which humidity sensor 作,因此在經過一定的時間後,會
has lower function has priority to operate 產生不同的抽濕水量。
over the other dehumidifier. Thus,
dehumidifying amount will differ from each
other after certain time has elapsed.

In Case of Power Failure while 使用中停電的情況

Using the Dehumidifier... 停電後,再開啟電源時,會自動恢
When restored from power failure, 復停電前的設定。 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
operation mode automatically returns to Restored from
power failure. ※ 若使用自動停止定時設定,在停電
the one which was set prior to the 1 LOCK Switch 9 POWER Switch
電源回復 。 後再開啟電源時,自動停止定時及
power failure. All Switch except Power Switch can't be used while Lock is set. The dehumidifier is turned on/off.
擺動設定會維持啟用。 鎖定設定 電源開關
When restored from power failure 啟用鎖定設定後,除了電源開關外,所有開關均無法使用。 開啟/關上抽濕機。
while OFF timer is set, the OFF timer 2 FAN Switch (☞Page 20) 10 TIMER Switch (☞Page 18,19)
and swing remain set. Fan speed can be set from level 1 to 3 in “Continuous Dehumidi- The SHUT-OFF and ON timer can be set from 1 to 12 hours.
fying Mode”. Level 4 is available in Automatic Clothes Drying 定時器設定開關(☞18,19頁)
Mode only. The number of wing and bar show the setting level. 自動停止及自動開啟定時設定可設定為1至12個小時。
各部分的名稱與功能 在連續抽濕模式中,風扇速度可設定為1至3級。4級只適
Indoor humidity can be set from 30% to 80% in Continuous
Dehumidifying Mode and Silent Dehumidifying Mode.
FRONT PANEL / 前 側 濕度開關
3 FAN Indicator (☞Page 20) 在使用連續抽濕模式及靜音抽濕模式期間,室內濕度可
■ Automatic louver (Air outlet) Fan speed is indicated as level 1 to 3. 設定為30%至80%。
Dehumidified dry air is released. Pressing Level 4 is available in Automatic Clothes Drying Mode only.
12 Automatic Clothes Drying Mode Indicator
the SWING Switch, the automatic louver ■ Water receptacle 風扇顯示(☞20頁) 衣物自動乾燥模式顯示
can be switched. (☞Page 20) Dehumidified water is contained in the water 風扇速度會顯示為1至3級。4級只會在衣物自動乾燥模式 13 Silent Dehumidifying Mode Indicator
receptacle. The operation is automatically 中顯示。
■ 自動風向板(空氣吹出口) stopped once the receptacle is full. Amount
經過抽濕後的乾燥空氣由此被吹出。按 4 HUMIDITY Indicator 14 DEFROSTING Indicator (☞Page 21)
of dehumidified water can be known at a The indoor humidity (around the inlet opening of the “DEFROSTING” is indicated on the LCD display when
下擺動開關,就可切換自動風向板的設 glance. (☞Page 22) dehumidifier) is indicated. defrosting is in process.
■ 盛水容器 濕度顯示 除霜中顯示(☞21頁)
抽濕水會聚集在這部份。水滿時,會自 顯示室內濕度(抽濕機的空氣吸入口周邊)。 進入除霜模式時,液晶顯示屏上會顯示“除霜中”。
動停止運作,水量可由目測得知。 5 TEMPERATURE Indicator
15 TIME Indicator (☞Page 18,19)
■ Operation panel (☞Page 9) The time of Shut-Off and On timer is indicated.
(☞22頁) The indoor temperature is indicated.
■ 操控面板(☞9頁) 時間顯示(☞18,19頁)
顯示室內溫度。 顯示自動停止及自動開啟定時設定。
16 SET HUMIDITY Indicator
REAR PANEL / 背 側 6 FULL WATER Indicator (☞Page 21) The set indoor humidity is indicated.
■ Filter frame
“FULL WATER” is indicated on the LCD display when the
The frame is already attached to an air filter. 設定濕度顯示
■ Handle water receptacle is full.
■ 濾框 滿水顯示(☞21頁) 顯示設定的室內濕度。
The handle is used to move the dehumidifier
with casters, or to move it down steps or 已裝設在空氣過濾器上,請在裝設空 盛水容器滿水時,液晶顯示屏會顯示“滿水”。 17 LOCK Indicator
氣淨化過濾網時使用。 Displayed while Lock function is set.
stairs. (☞Page 22) 7 Continuous Dehumidifying Mode Indicator
■ 手柄 連續抽濕模式顯示
■ Drain hose opening 顯示設定鎖定功能。
請在利用腳輪移動,或是在有高度落 This opening is used when water is drained 8 MODE Switch 18 SWING Switch (☞Page 20)
差以及樓梯等處進行搬移時使用。 continuously. (☞Page 30) Every time the switch is pressed, the operation mode is changed in The automatic louver can be switched.
(☞22頁) ■ 排水管取出口 this sequence: 擺動開關(☞20頁)
“Automatic Dehumidifying Mode” - “Continuous Dehumidifying 可以開關自動風向板。
■ Air inlet opening
Mode” - “Automatic Clothes Drying Mode” - “Silent
Humid air is drawn into the inlet opening. ■ Casters Dehumidifying Mode” repeatedly.
■ 空氣吸入口 The casters are used when the dehumi- 操作模式切換開關
從此吸入房內的潮濕空氣。 difier is moved indoors. (☞Page 22) 每次按下開關,操作模式便會按下列順序重覆改變:
■腳 "自動抽濕模式"-
■ Air filter (☞Page 24) "連續抽濕模式"-
請在室內搬移時利用。(☞22頁) "衣物自動乾燥模式"-
■ 空氣過濾器(☞24頁)
8 9
Operation type Situation Mechanism of operation
■ Do not close the automatic louver and operate the dehumidifier. 運作種類 在這種情形時 運作的原理
■ Do not touch the unit while the automatic louver is operating.
PROHIBITED ■ 請勿關閉自動風向板進行運作。 ● The humidity in the room is automatically controlled to 55~60%.
禁止 ■ 自動風向板在動作時,請勿伸手碰觸。 Automatic When the user wants to keep ● Only the dehumidifying and the backwind are repeated to
Dehumidifying comfortable humidity level. keep the comfortable humidity.
■ If FULL WATER Indicator is shown on the LCD display when plugged in, empty water in the water receptacle 自動抽濕 當使用者想保持舒適的濕度 ● 房間的濕度會自動控制在55%∼60%。
and reattach the receptacle. ● 為了保持適濕狀態,只重覆進行抽濕運作和逆風運作。
■ 當電源插頭插入插座,液晶顯示屏上顯示"滿水"時,請將盛水容器內的水倒掉再裝回盛水容器。

AUTOMATIC DEHUMIDIFYING MODE (Example of display) Fan speed: level 1, Room temperature: 15℃, Humidity: 80%
自動抽濕模式 (顯示部)風扇速度:1級,室內溫度:15℃,濕度:80%

Insert the power plug into an outlet. 將電源插頭插入插座中。

● Hear beep sound three times. This is Standby Mode. ● 你會聽到三聲“咇”聲,這顯示正處於待命模式。
Press the POWER Switch. 按下“電源開關”。
● The dehumidifier is turned on and Automatic
● 開啟抽濕機,並啟用自動抽濕模式。
Dehumidifying Mode is started.
● Fan speed is automatically changed according to the ● 風扇速度會按照室溫和濕度自動改變。
room temperature and humidity.
Press the MODE Switch.
● Continuous Dehumidifying Mode Indicator is shown
on the LCD display. ● 液晶顯示屏上顯示連續抽濕模式。
● Every time the switch is pressed, the operation mode ● 每按一次,操作模式便會依照順序切換。
is changed in this sequence:
Automatic → Continuous → Automatic → Silent 自動抽濕→連續抽濕→衣物自動乾燥→靜音抽濕
Dehumidifying Dehumidifying Clothes Dehumidifying
Press the LOCK Switch for 3 seconds. 按住“鎖定設定”3秒。
● Lock Indicator is shown on the LCD display. While the lock ● 液晶顯示屏上顯示鎖定。設定為鎖定期間,除了電
is set, all the Switch except for Power Switch is not operated. 源開關外,所有其他開關均無法運作。
● When pressing the Lock Switch for 3 seconds again, the ● 再次按住鎖定設定3秒,便會解除鎖定。
lock is cancelled.
Press the SWING Switch. 按下“擺動開關”。
● The automatic louver is moved for front: 45° back: 47° ● 自動風向板會重覆移向前方45°及後方47°。
repeatedly. ● 再次按下擺動開關後,就會停止移動。
● When pressing the SWING Switch again, the move is stopped.
6 Press the TIMER Switch. 6 按下“定時器開關”。
● The OFF timer can be set from 1 to 12 hours (per 1 ● 抽濕機運作期間,自動停止定時設定可設定為1至
hour) while the dehumidifer is operated. Set time is 12小時(每1小時)。液晶顯示屏上會顯示設定時間。
indicated on the LCD display. ● 到達設定時間後,抽濕機會自動關上。
● When set time comes, the dehumidifier is turned off automatically. ● 設定定時器12小時後按下定時器開關,定時器顯示
● When pressing the TIMER Switch in set timer 12 hours, 便會消失。再次按下定時器開關,定時器便會顯示
the TIMER indicator disappears.
When pressing the TIMER Switch again, the TIMER
indicator shows 1 hour.
7 再次按下“電源開關”。
7 Press the POWER Switch again.
● The LCD display disappears and operation stops. Then ● 液晶顯示會消失,並停止運作。然後自動風向板便
the automatic louver closes. 會關閉。

10 11
運作的方法(續) 8 Press the TIMER Switch. 8 按下“定時器開關”。
● The OFF timer can be set from 1 to 12 hours (per 1 ● 抽濕機運作期間,自動停止定時設定可設定為1至12
hour) while the dehumidifer is operated. Set time is 小時(每1小時)。液晶顯示屏上會顯示設定時間。
CONTINUOUS DEHUMIDIFYING MODE / 連續抽濕模式 indicated on the LCD display. ● 到達設定時間後,抽濕機會自動關上。
(Example of display) Continuous Dehumidifying Mode Indicator, Fan speed: level 3, CO indicator, Room temperature: 15°C, Humidity: 80% ● When set time comes, the dehumidifier is turned off ● 設定定時器12小時後按下定時器開關,定時器顯示
automatically. 便會消失。再次按下定時器開關,定時器便會顯示1
(顯示部)連續抽濕模式顯示、風扇速度:3級、CO顯示、室溫:15℃、濕度:80% 。 ● When pressing the TIMER Switch in set timer 12 hours, 小時。
the TIMER indicator disappears.
When pressing the TIMER Switch again, the TIMER
indicator shows 1 hour.
9 Press the POWER Switch again. 9 再次按下“電源開關”。
● The LCD display disappears and operation stops. Then ● 液晶顯示會消失,並停止運作。然後自動風向板便
the automatic louver closes. 會關閉。

Insert the power plug into an outlet. 將電源插頭插入插座中。

● Hear beep sound three times. This is Standby Mode. ● 你會聽到三聲“咇”聲,這顯示正處於待命模式。
Press the POWER Switch. 按下“電源開關”。 THE MECHANISM OF DEHUMIDIFYING / 抽濕運作的原理
● The dehumidifier is turned on and Automatic ● 開啟抽濕機,並啟用自動抽濕模式。
Dehumidifying Mode is started.
Press the MODE Switch. Operation type Situation Mechanism of operation
● 液晶顯示屏上顯示連續抽濕模式。
● Continuous Dehumidifying Mode Indicator is shown 運作種類 在這種情形時 運作的原理
on the LCD display. 續抽濕。
At the beginning, “CO” indicator is shown on the LCD ● Dehumidification is operated continuously.
● 每按一次,操作模式便會依照順序切換。 When the user wants to dehumidify
display. This is Continuous Dehumidifying. Continuous regardless of humidity level. ● 連續進行抽濕運作。
● Every time the switch is pressed, the operation mode is 連續 不管濕度多少,想進行抽濕時
changed in this sequence:
Automatic → Continuous → Automatic → Silent
Dehumidifying Dehumidifying Clothes Dehumidifying When the user wants to keep ● The humidity in the room is controlled to the set humidity.
Drying Set humidity humidity level as they want. ● 室內濕度可控制至設定的濕度。
設定濕度 使用者可按個人喜好維持濕度水
Press the FAN Switch 按下“風量切換開關”。 平。
● Fan speed can be set from level 1 to 3. The number of ● 風扇速度可設定為1至3級。兩側及顯示列的數字
wing and bar show the setting level. 會顯示設定級別。 The humidity may not be set correctly during the “Automatic Dehumidifying mode”, when the room becomes humid after
Press the LOCK Switch for 3 seconds. 按住“鎖定設定”3秒。 opening and closing windows and doors, and depending on the number of people in a room and on the room conditions.
● Lock Indicator is shown on the LCD display. While the lock ● 液晶顯示屏上顯示鎖定。設定為鎖定期間,除了電 ※“自動抽濕模式”運作時,有時會因為房間門窗的開啟關閉,造成濕氣侵入,以及室內人數、房間條件等因素,而達
is set, all the Switch except for Power switch is not operated. 源開關外,所有其他開關均無法運作。 不到所設定的濕度。
● When pressing the Lock Switch for 3 seconds again, ● 再次按住鎖定設定3秒,便會解除鎖定。
the lock is cancelled.
6 Press the SWING Switch. 6 按下“擺動開關”。
● The automatic louver is moved for front: 45° back: 47° repeatedly. ● 自動風向板會重覆移向前方45°及後方47°。
● When pressing the SWING Switch again, the move is stopped. ● 再次按下擺動開關後,就會停止移動。
7 Press the HUMIDITY Switch. 7 按下“濕度開關”。
● CO indicator is displayed. Press the HUMIDITY ● 屏幕上會顯示CO。按下濕度開關後,CO顯示便會
Switch then the CO indicator is changed to 30%.
● Indoor humidity can be set from 30% to 80% per 5%.
● The SET HUMIDITY Indicator is changed in this sequence: ● 室內濕度可設定為30%至80%,以每5%增加。
CO → 30% → 35% → 40% ...... → 80% ● 設定濕度顯示會按下列順序變更:
CO → 30% → 35% → 40% ...... → 80%

12 13
Operation type Situation Mechanism of operation
運作種類 在這種情形時 運作的原理
(Example of display) Automatic Clothes Drying Mode Indicator, Fan speed: level 4, CO indicator, Room temperature: 15°C, Humidity: 80% Automatic Clothes When the clothes ● Fan speed remains level 4.
(顯示部) 衣物自動乾燥模式顯示、風扇速度:4級、CO顯示、室溫:15℃、濕度:80% Drying are drying. ● 風扇速度會維持為4級。
衣物自動乾燥 當正在乾衣時

Start operating the dehumidifier after draining the water in the water receptacle. The operation will stop when the container is full.
The Automatic Clothes Draying Mode is adjusted so that the laundry is approximately 4kg. The laundry will not dry well if:
(1) the load is large; (2)the fabric in the load is thick; (3)clothes are hung very closely; (4)the room where clothes are hung is large;
and/or(5)the humidity in the room is low.
The AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYING is an assistant function for clothes drying. If the clothes have not yet been dried, in such
case, change to the CONTINUOUS DEHUMIDIFYING MODE and set OFF timer to continue drying.
Insert the power plug into an outlet. 將電源插頭插入插座中。
● Hear beep sound three times. This is Standby Mode. ● 你會聽到三聲“咇”聲,這顯示正處於待命模式。 ※請將盛水容器裡的水排完後再進行運作。一旦滿水,便會停止運作。
Press the POWER Switch. 按下“電源開關”。
(1) 洗濯衣物多時;(2) 洗濯衣物的質地較厚時;(3) 洗濯衣物之間的間隔狹小時;(4) 用來晾洗濯衣物的房間太寬敞
● The dehumidifier is turned on and Automatic ● 開啟抽濕機,並啟用自動抽濕模式。
時;或(5) 房內溫度低時。
Dehumidifying Mode is started.
Press the MODE Switch twice. 按兩下“操作模式切換開關”。 續乾衣。
● Automatic Clothes Drying Mode Indicator and CO ● 液晶顯示屏上會顯示衣物自動乾燥模式及CO。
indicator are shown on the LCD display. ● 每按一次,操作模式便會依照順序切換。
● Every time the switch is pressed, the operation mode is
changed in this sequence: 自動抽濕→連續抽濕→衣物自動乾燥→靜音抽濕
Automatic → Continuous → Automatic → Silent
Dehumidifying Dehumidifying Clothes Dehumidifying

Press the LOCK Switch for 3 seconds. 按住“鎖定設定”3秒。

● Lock Indicator is shown on the LCD display. While the ● 液晶顯示屏上顯示鎖定。設定為鎖定期間,除了電
lock is set, all the Switch except for Power switch is 源開關外,所有其他開關均無法運作
not operated. ● 再次按住鎖定設定3秒,便會解除鎖定。
● When pressing the Lock Switch for 3 seconds again, the
lock is cancelled.
Press the SWING Switch. 5 按下“擺動開關”。
● The automatic louver is moved for front: 45° back: 47° ● 自動風向板會重覆移向前方45°及後方47°。
repeatedly. ● 再次按下擺動開關後,就會停止移動。
● When pressing the SWING Switch again, the move is
6 Press the TIMER Switch. 6 按下“定時器開關”。
● The OFF timer can be set from 1 to 12 hours (per 1 ● 抽濕機運作期間,自動停止定時設定可設定為1至
hour) while the dehumidifer is operated. Set time is 12小時(每1小時)。液晶顯示屏上會顯示設定時間。
indicated on the LCD display. ● 到達設定時間後,抽濕機會自動關上。
● When set time comes, the dehumidifier is turned off ● 設定定時器12小時後按下定時器開關,定時器顯示
automatically. 便會消失。再次按下定時器開關,定時器便會顯示
● When pressing the TIMER Switch in set timer 12 1小時。
hours, the TIMER indicator disappears.
When pressing the TIMER Switch again, the TIMER
indicator shows 1 hour.
7 Press the POWER Switch again. 7 再次按下“電源開關”。
● The LCD display disappears and operation stops. Then ● 液晶顯示會消失,並停止運作。然後自動風向板便
the automatic louver closes. 會關閉。

14 15

Operation type Situation Mechanism of operation

SILENT DEHUMIDIFYING MODE / 靜音抽濕模式 運作種類 在這種情形時 運作的原理
(Example of display) Silent Dehumidifying Mode Indicator, Fan speed: level 1, CO indicator Room temperature: 15°C, Humidity: 80%
(顯示部)靜音抽濕模式顯示、風扇速度:1級、CO顯示、室溫:15℃、濕度:80% Silent When the user wants to dehumidify ● Fan speed remains level 1.
Dehumidifying silently. ● 風扇速度維持為1級。
靜音抽濕 當使用者希望抽濕時保持靜音。

Start operating the dehumidifier after draining the water in the water receptacle. The operation will stop when the container is full.

Insert the power plug into an outlet. 將電源插頭插入插座中。

● Hear beep sound three times. This is Standby Mode. ● 你會聽到三聲“咇”聲,這顯示正處於待命模式。
Press the POWER Switch. 按下“電源開關”。
● The dehumidifier is turned on and Automatic ● 開啟抽濕機,並啟用自動抽濕模式。
Dehumidifying Mode is started.
Press the MODE Switch three times. ● 液晶顯示屏上會顯示靜音抽濕模式及CO。
● Silent Dehumidifying Mode Indicator and CO indicator ● 每按一次,操作模式便會依照順序切換。
are shown on the LCD display.
● Every time the switch is pressed, the operation mode is 自動抽濕→連續抽濕→衣物自動乾燥→靜音抽濕
changed in this sequence:
Automatic → Continuous → Automatic → Silent
Dehumidifying Dehumidifying Clothes Dehumidifying

Press the LOCK Switch for 3 seconds. 按住“鎖定設定”3秒。

● Lock Indicator is shown on the LCD display. While the ● 液晶顯示屏上顯示鎖定。設定為鎖定期間,除了電
lock is set, all the Switch except for Power switch is 源開關外,所有其他開關均無法運作。
not operated. ● 再次按住鎖定設定3秒,便會解除鎖定。
● When pressing the Lock Switch for 3 seconds again,
the lock is cancelled.
Press the SWING Switch. 按下“擺動開關”。
● The automatic louver is moved for front: 45° back: 47° ● 自動風向板會重覆移向前方45°及後方47°。
repeatedly. ● 再次按下擺動開關後,就會停止移動。
● When pressing the SWING Switch again, the move is
6 Press the HUMIDITY Switch. 6 按下“濕度開關”。
● CO indicator is displayed. Press the HUMIDITY ● 屏幕上會顯示CO。按下濕度開關後,CO顯示便會
Switch then the CO indicator is changed to 30%. 變更為30%。
● Indoor humidity can be set from 30% to 80% per 5%. ● 室內濕度可設定為30%至80%,以每5%增加。
● The SET HUMIDITY Indicator is changed in this sequence: ● 設定濕度顯示會按下列順序變更:
CO → 30% → 35% → 40% ...... → 80% CO → 30% → 35% → 40% ...... → 80%

7 Press the TIMER Switch. 7 按下“定時器開關”。

● The OFF timer can be set from 1 to 12 hours (per 1 ● 抽濕機運作期間,自動停止定時設定可設定為1至12
hour) while the dehumidifer is operated. Set time is 小時(每1小時)。液晶顯示屏上會顯示設定時間。
indicated on the LCD display. ● 到達設定時間後,抽濕機會自動關上。
● When set time comes, the dehumidifier is turned off ● 設定定時器12小時後按下定時器開關,定時器顯示
automatically. 便會消失。再次按下定時器開關,定時器便會顯示1
● When pressing the TIMER Switch in set timer 12 hours,
the TIMER indicator disappears.
When pressing the TIMER Switch again, the TIMER
indicator shows 1 hour.
8 Press the POWER Switch again. 8 再次按下“電源開關”。
● The LCD display disappears and operation stops. Then ● 液晶顯示會消失,並停止運作。然後自動風向板便
the automatic louver closes. 會關閉。

16 17


Insert the power plug into an outlet. 將電源插頭插入插座中。

● Hear beep sound three times. This is Standby Mode. ● 你會聽到三聲“咇”聲,這顯示正處於待命模式。
Press the TIMER Switch. 按下“定時器設定開關”。
Press the POWER Switch. 按下電源開關。 ● The setting time “X hours” on the LCD display will ● 液晶顯示屏上會顯示"X小時"的設定時間。
● The dehumidifier is turned on and Automatic ● 開啟抽濕機,並啟用自動抽濕模式。 appear.
Dehumidifying Mode is started. ● 每按一次,便會依照順序來顯示時間。(當自動開
● 在任何模式也可設定自動停止定時設定。 ● Every time the switch is pressed, the hour is displayed
● SHUT-OFF TIMER can be set in any MODE. 啟定時設定未有啟用,並處於待命狀態時,便會
from 00 to 12 in order. (00 is just Standby condition
and ON timer is not set yet) 顯示為00)
Press the TIMER Switch. 按下“定時器設定開關”。 → 01 → 02 → 03 …… 12 → 00 → 沒有顯示
● The setting time “X hours” on the LCD display will ● 液晶顯示屏上會顯示“X小時”的設定時間。 → 01 → 02 → 03 .... 12 → 00 → no display
appear. ● 每按一次,便會依照順序來顯示時間。 (cancelling setting)
● Every time the switch is pressed, the hour is displayed → 01 → 02 → 03 …… 10 → 12 → 沒有顯示 ● The time indicator moves forward when the switch is ● 按住開關約1秒後,顯示的時間便會增加,並持續
from 01 to 12 in order. (設定解除) kept pressed for more than approximately 1 second, and 依次增加。
→ 01 → 02 → 03 .... 10 → 12 → no display it keeps moving in order continuously.
● 啟用自動開啟定時設定後,每經過一個小時,時間
(cancelling setting) ● After the On timer is set, the number in the time indicator 上顯示的數字便會減少“1”。
● 按住開關約1秒後,顯示的時間便會增加,並持續 is reduced by “1” for each hour passed.
● The time indicator moves forward when the switch is 想變更設定時間時,請按下定時器設定開關,再設定
kept pressed for more than approximately 1 second, and 依次增加。 To change the setting time, press the TIMER Switch to set 想要的時數。
it keeps moving in order continuously. ● 在設定自動停止定時設定後,每經過一小時,時間 the time again.
● After the Shut-off timer is set, the number in the time 顯示便會減少“1”。
indicator is reduced by “1” for each hour passed. To cancel the setting 解除設定時
To change the setting time, press the TIMER Switch to set ● Keep pressing the TIMER Switch until 00 is indicated in the setting time.
the time again. ● 按住定時器開關,直至設定時間顯示00為止。

To cancel the setting 解除設定時 The setting time can be changed after setting the On timer.
● Keep pressing the TIMER Switch until nothing is indicated in the setting time. ※ 啟用自動開啟定時設定後,設定時間也可變更。
● 按住定時器開關,直至沒有顯示任何設定時間。
The setting time can be changed after setting the Shut-off timer.
※ 啟用自動停止定時設定後,設定時間也可變更。 Operation type Situation Mechanism of operation
運作種類 在這種情形時 運作的原理

THE MECHANISM OF THE SHUT-OFF TIMER / 自動停止定時設定的原理 When the user wants to ● The operation will start after the time has been set.
On timer start operation after
自動開啟定時 setting the time. ● 設定時間後,運作便會開始。
Operation type Situation Mechanism of operation
運作種類 在這種情形時 運作的原理 當使用者想在設定時間
When the user wants to ● The operation will stop after the time has been set.
Shut-off timer stop to operation after The time can be set only during the operation.
自動停止定時 setting the time. ● 設定時間後,運作便會停止。
※ 只有在運作時,可進行時間的設定。

The time can be set only during the operation.

※ 只有在運作時,可進行時間的設定。

18 19
● When the water receptacle is full, the operation stops automatically, hear beep sound 10 times.
ABOUT THE FAN / 關於風量切換 Then LCD display disappears, and FULL WATER Indicator is displayed.
● When the receptacle is re-installed after the water is drained again, the operation automatically
■ Fan speed can be set from level 1 to 3 in “Continuous Dehumidifying Mode”. starts and the LCD display reappears. The operation of Mode and automatic louver is same as
■ 在連續抽濕模式中,風扇速度可設定為1至3級。 before FULL WATER.
■ The number of wing and bar show the setting level. ● 盛水容器水滿後,抽濕機會自動停止運作,響起10下“咇”聲,並顯示“滿水”。
■ 兩側及顯示列的數字會顯示設定級別。 ● 將水倒掉後,再把盛水容器放回原位,抽濕機會自動運作,液晶顯示屏也會再度顯示
Operation type Situation Mechanism of operation
運作種類 在這種情形時 運作的原理
Level 4 Level 4 is available in Automatic Clothes Drying Mode only.
4級 4級只適用於衣物自動乾燥模式。 While the FULL WATER Indicator is displayed, all the Switch except for POWER Switch is not available.
When the SHUT-OFF TIMER is set, even while FULL WATER Indicator is displayed, the setting time of SHUT-OFF TIMER
Level 3 When the user wants to dry clothes quickly. ● Fan speed is high.
moves forward.
3級 當使用者希望快速乾衣。 ● 風扇速度較高。
When the water receptacle is removed without FULL WATER, hear beep sound 10 times. This is normal.
Level 2 When the user wants to dehumidify quickly. ● Fan speed is medium. ※ 顯示“滿水”後,除了電源開關,所有其他開關均無法使用。
2級 當使用者希望快速抽濕。 ● 風扇速度中等。 ※ 啟用自動停止定時設定後,即時顯示“滿水”,自動停止定時的設定時間仍會繼續增加。
※ 如果尚未“滿水”時移出盛水容器,抽濕機會響起10下“咇”聲。這是正常情況。
Level 1 When the user wants to operate with reduced ● Fan speed is low.
1級 noise. ● 風扇速度較低。
當使用者希望操作時減少噪音。 ABOUT ABNORMAL CONDITIONS / 關於異常情況

● If any abnormality occurs in the dehumidifier, the operation is stopped and Indications
ABOUT THE SWING / 關於擺動功能 abnormal indications are displayed on the LCD. Then the automatic louver Object part /構件
■ You can switch the swing of automatic louver by pressing the SWING Switch. closes automatically.
Swing Indications ● The abnormal status is as the right table. C1 Defrost sensor /除霜感應器
■ 你可按下擺動開關,切換自動風向板的擺動功能。
擺動 顯示 ● If the abnormal indications are displayed, immediately turn off the dehumidi-
fier and consult your dealer. Temperature-humidity sensor /
The automatic louver will open fully to adjust the position when the operation starts. C2
ON 溫度濕度感應器
After the operation is stopped, the automatic louver will close fully. ● 如果抽濕機發生任何異常情況,便會停止運作,液晶顯示屏上顯示詳
Do not move the automatic louver manually or put weight in it, as either action may 開 細的異常情況,然後自動風向板便會自動關上。 C7 Motor /馬達
cause damage to it. ● 異常狀況如右表所列。
If some object hits the swing and the position of the swing is changed, press the ● 如果液晶顯示屏上顯示異常情況,請馬上停止運作,與購買銷售店聯 C8 Radiator /散熱器
Swing Switch again to reset the position. 絡。
The level of noise from the fan depends on the direction of air. OFF
※ 運作開始時,自動風向板將完全開啟以調整位置。 關
※ 停止運作後,自動風向板將會完全關上。
※ 請勿以手扳動自動風向板,或是在上面放重物,這是造成破損的主因。
※ 自動風向板因碰觸其他物體而改變擺動位置時,請再按一次擺動開關進行設定。
※ 風吹的聲音大小,會隨著風吹的方向而變化。 ABOUT DEFROSTING / 關於除霜

● When defrosting starts, DEFROSTING Indicator is displayed.

● The operation will resume after defrosting.
● The operation of Mode and automatic louver is same as before defrosting starts.
● 開始除霜運作後,液晶顯示屏的顯示會消失並顯示“除霜中”。
● 除霜運作結束後,再度開始運作。
● 開始除霜前,操作模式及自動風向板的運作保持不變。

The compressor will stop during defrosting and the noise may vary. This change is due to the automatic defrosting operation
to defrost the inside of the unit, and it is not a malfunction. Please wait for a while.
※ 在除霜時,壓縮機將會停止運作,並且運作聲和平時也會不太一樣。這是因為在進行自動除霜運作以清除內部的結

20 21
How to move casters ● Open and close windows and doors of ● 應儘量減少開關房間的門窗。
腳輪移動的方式 room no more often than necessary: 屋外空氣進入會使抽濕效果降低。
If external air enters the room, the dehumidify-
● Move the unit using casters (4 wheels). ● Lift dehumidifier to move it when there is height cation effect will be reduced.
● 請使用腳輪(4輪)來移動。 difference or stairs.
● 若房間地面高低不平,或需上落樓梯時,請提起
● Use a dressing room beside bathroom, etc. to operate ● 利用浴室換衣服的地方運作機器,使風直
the dehumidifier so that air is blown onto clothes. 吹到衣物上。
The smaller the room space, the faster drying will finish. 房間越小衣物乾起來越快。充分脫水直至
Fully squeeze dry laundry so that no water droplet will 洗衣物的水滴不再滴下抽濕機上。低溫時
fall on the dehumidifier. At low temperature(lower than (約20℃以下)乾燥困難。
approx.20°C), the laundry will be hard to dry out.

● Before the dehumidifier is moved, stop the operation, drain water in the water receptacle, and reinstall
the water receptacle. If the dehumidifier is moved with the container full of water, water comes out
of the water receptacle, and it may wet the floor. Cover of drain outlet Drain outlet
● If the dehumidifier tilts or moves, it may damage the floor. Also, water in the dehumidifier may spill Be sure to clean the drain outlet and 排水口的蓋子 排水口
and wet the floor. hole of water receptacle lid at least 口小孔至少一次。
WARNING once every half a year.
警告 ● 在搬移抽濕機時,請停止運作、倒掉盛水容器內的水,裝回盛水容器後再進行移動。若是在有水的 ● 排水口
警告 ● Drain outlet
狀態下搬移,水面會晃動而從盛水容器中溢出,因而弄濕地面。 Remove the water receptacle. Move the
● 若是將抽濕機傾斜搬移,會傷及地面。而且抽濕機內的剩水也會弄濕地面。 cover of drain outlet sideways then clean the ,然後用棉花棒整理乾淨排水口。將蓋
drain outlet with object such as cotton bud. 子放回原位,然後插入盛水容器。
Cotton bud
Replace the cover and insert the water
How to drain water in the water receptacle receptacle.

Pull out the water receptacle securely. ● Lid of the water receptacle ● 盛水容器的蓋子
Remove the water receptacle and the lid. 移出盛水容器及蓋子,用棉花棒清潔蓋子
請平穩地將盛水容器取出。 HITACH

Clean the hole of lid with object such as 上的小孔,並將蓋子放回原位和插入盛

cotton bud. Replace the lid and insert the

water receptacle. 水容器。

Hold both sides of water receptacle and 用手抓住盛水容器的兩側,並輕輕向前
slowly pull it toward the front so water does 拉出盛水容器,注意不要將水灑出。 Hole of lid
Cotton bud
not spill. fingers so it does not move. 蓋子上的小孔

Hold the handle and bottom of water 用手抓住盛水容器的把手與底部,平穩

地搬運,取出蓋子,將盛水容器傾倒, Make sure that no water or foreign 是否有水或物體進入浮筒?
receptacle, carry it securely, take off the lid
object is in the float: Float
● 水或任何物品掉入浮筒時,請勿開始運
and tilt the water receptacle to drain water 將水從排水口排出。 浮筒
● Do not run dehumidifier with water or 作。
from the drain outlet. foreign material inside the float.
If water is left in the float after cleaning the 用水清洗盛水容器等情況下,如浮筒內仍
water receptacle with water, automatic stop 殘留有水分的話,有可能會使滿水時的
Match the widths of water receptacle and 盛水容器的寬度對準機體寬度後,將盛 device to stop operation when the water is 自動停止裝置不能正常操作,因此請務
dehumidifier and gently insert the water 水容器輕輕放入機體內部。 full may not work properly. Wipe off the 必將水分完全擦乾。此外,請勿放入任
receptacle all the way in. water in the float completely. Never put any Water receptacle 何物品。
foreign material in the float. 盛水容器


Hold both sides of water receptacle with 用手抓住盛水容器的兩側,邊用手指按

hands and push using thumbs, while at the 著機體(以防止機體移動)。 HAVE SOME SPACE AROUND THE 請空出周圍的空間
same time holding dehumidifier with other DEHUMIDIFIER: ● 空氣吹出口和吸入口若是被堵塞,便會形成
fingers so it does not move. ● If the air outlet and the inlet opening 運作的負擔而引起故障,並降低抽濕效果。
are blocked, it may cause malfunc-
tions because of overloading. ● 抽濕機與室內的兩面牆壁之間,請如圖示
● Have some space between the dehu- 一般空出足夠的空間。此外,對於其他的
midifier and two walls behind it, as 壁面,也請留出開放的空間。
● If water drains from areas other than the drain outlet, water may spill and wet the floor.
shown in the figure. Have open
CAUTION ● 如果將水從排水口以外的位置排出,水會漏出並弄濕地板。 spaces on the other sides.
注意 Side >20cm Rear >20cm
側面20cm以上 背面20cm以上
22 23
保養與檢查 外殼的保養
■ Clean the dehumidifier periodically to ensure long, trouble-free use.
Use soft cloth moistened with lukewarm water or neutral 請用軟布蘸溫水或中性洗滌劑擦拭。
■ 為延長抽濕機使用壽命,請定期進行保養。
detergent to clean the case of dehumidifier.
CAUTION Before cleaning, be sure to turn off the dehumidifier and unplug the power cord from the AC outlet. After cleaning with neutral detergent, be sure to wipe 用中性洗滌劑後,請一定要用蘸清水的布擦拭乾
注意 在進行保養時,務必停止運作,從插座上拔下電源插頭。 it off using cloth moistened with clean water. 淨。
Use dry cloth to wipe off any water drops from the case. 用乾的布擦拭外側的水滴。


空氣過濾器的保養 cloth
moistened with
clean water.
If dust accumulates on the air filter, it will not 空氣過濾器被灰塵堵塞時,不僅使降低濕度
only take much more time than usual to lower 所需時間增長,還可能導致機器故障。請按
the humidity, but also cause a fault. Clean the 照下述步驟每兩周一次進行保養。
filter once every two weeks by the following
procedure: ● Water splashed on the dehumidifier will degrade insulation or cause rust.
Use a cloth tightly wrung out when cleaning the operation block (operation switch, etc.).
Remove the filter frame. 移出濾框。 ● Do not use the following when cleaning. Using such an object will damage the plastic parts.
Thinner, benzene, alcohol, oil, soap powder, polishing powder, alkaline detergent, boiling water, acid
detergent, scrubbing brush.
● When using chemical dust cloth, follow the instructions.
● 抽濕機沾水後會使絕緣性能降低、機器生鏽。擦拭操作部(運作開關等)的周圍時,請將布擰乾。
Remove the air filter from the filter frame. 將空氣過濾器從濾框移出。 注意 ● 請勿使用下述物品擦拭。可能會損壞塑料品。稀釋劑、揮發油、酒精、石油、肥皂粉、研磨粉、
Dirt in the air filter can be washed out with 空氣過濾器的 污,須以清水沖洗或以吸 性洗滌劑、熱水、酸性洗滌劑、刷帚等等。
water or removed with a vacuum cleaner. If 塵器來吸除。用清水沖洗後要充分陰乾。
it is washed with water, dry it in the shade. ● 使用化學抹布,應按照其注意事項。


Re-install the air filter in the filter frame as 將空氣過濾器重新安裝至濾框內,並將 盛水容器的保養
it was, and attach the filter frame to the 濾框裝至主要裝置上。
main unit.
The water receptacle is a critical component in the dehumidifier: Full water level in it, and its presence or absence, will
always be detected.
Handle the receptacle with care so that it is not bent out of shape: If it is deformed, the dehumidifier may not work.
● Use water to wash the float and water receptacle.

● 浮筒應與盛水容器一起清洗。

● Completely wipe off all water from the float: If water

remains in the float, the auto stop mechanism may not
● Do not wash the air filter with hot water over 40°C work normally when full water level is detected.
When drying the filter, do not expose it to direct sunlight, to prevent shrinkage. CAUTION ● 如果在浮筒中殘留有水,可能導致滿水時自動停止
● After cleaning the air filter, do not forget to insert it. 注意 裝置不能正常工作,所以請將水擦拭乾淨。 Water receptacle Float
If the dehumidifier is operated without the filter, dust will accumulate inside it, causing a fault. 盛水容器 浮筒
CAUTION ● 請不要用高於40℃的溫水清洗空氣過濾器。
注意 此外,在晾乾時,不要放置在陽光直射處。可能導致變形。
● 清理結束後,務必安裝好空氣過濾器。

24 25
保養與檢查(續) 提出修理時
發生故障 ?
Before calling service, check the following items.
Do not allow anyone other than qualified service personnel to remove this cabinet.
Check the following once every half year to one year to 為了能放心使用機器,應半年到一年進行一次下
secure safe use. If you have any doubts, immediately 述檢查。此時,如有疑問,請立即與銷售店聯
consult your dealer. 絡。 Phenomena / 狀況 Checking points / 檢查事項

Does power plug generate abnormal heat? 電源插頭是否異常發熱?

The dehumidifier can Any indicator is shown on the LCD display. 液晶顯示屏顯示所有資料。
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by 電源延長線受到損壞時,為了避免發生事故,必 not be operated even if The water receptacle is not installed correctly. 盛水容器是否正確地 入機內?
the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly 須由廠家或專業服務人員,或具有同等資格的人 The dehumidifier is defrosting
the POWER Switch is 是否正在除霜(除霜顯示燈點亮)?
qualified person in order to avoid a hazard. 員來更換此延長線。
turned on. (DEFROSTING INDICATOR is displayed). (詳細請參照第21頁)
Is there any crack or scratch on power cord? 電源線上是否有斷裂、劃傷? 即使已開啟電源開關, (Refer page 21 for details) 電源插頭是否完全插進插座?
Is air filter torn or otherwise damaged? 空氣過濾器是否損壞? 抽濕機亦無法運作。 The power plug is not inserted securely into 家中保險絲或電流斷路器是否斷了?
the power outlet. 是否停電?
The breaker or fuse blown. 盛水容器是否已經滿水?
Power failure occur.
The water receptacle is full of water.

Dehumidifying cannot The air filter is clogged with dust. 空氣過濾器網眼是否堵塞?

STORING DEHUMIDIFIER be done sufficiently. Room temperature /humidity is low. (Refer 溫濕度是否過低?(詳細請參照第7頁)
長期閑置不用時 抽濕量少時: page 7 for details.) 空氣吸入口及吹出口是否受阻?
The air suction port or air outlet is blocked.
● If you do not use the dehumidifier for a long period of time, store it after performing the following procedure:
● 換季等長時間不使用機器的情況下,為延長使用壽命應進行下列處理後保存。 Humidity not reduced Doors or windows has been opened 是否頻繁開關門窗?
properly. frequently. 是否正在使用石油取暖器或其他會產生
Clean the air filter. 濕度不降低時: There is a devide which generates steam, 水蒸氣的設備?
Unplug the power cord from the AC outlet.
將電源插頭從插座上拔下。 清理空氣過濾器。 such as oil stove, etc. 房間是否太大?
Room is too large.

Noisy sound is heard. The floor is not steady. 地板是否有不穩定情況?

發生噪音時: The dehumidifier is not installed correctly 是否由於置放抽濕機不佳或不平穩?
and is unstable. 盛水容器有噪音時,請取出盛水容器重
If noise is heard from water receptacle, 新裝好。
Dispose of all water in the receptacle. Dry the dehumidifier in a well-ventilated place which is remove it once, and then reinsert it securely.
將殘留在盛水容器中的水全部倒掉。 not exposed to direct sunlight for half a day. Then cover
the dehumidifier with a vinyl bag and store it in the Drying of washing is Dry air does not strike washing. 抽濕乾燥風吹到晾著的洗濯物嗎?
upright state.
slow. Amount of washing is too much. 洗濯物的量是否特別多?
在陽光直射不到、通風好的地方,晾乾半日,然後 洗濯物不容易乾燥時: Room temperature is 20°C or less. 室溫是否低於20℃?
Room is too large. 是否在很大的房間內乾燥衣物?

26 27
提出修理時(續) 規格

Phenomena / 狀況 Checking points / 檢查事項

Type Accessories
型 式 RD-250EX 附 件
Clothes do not dry soon. The following are not defects of the dehumidifier. 這並非故障:
Quantity of 25.0L/D (when the room air temp. is 30°C and the relative hum. 80%)
衣物總是不乾 1 When the dehumidifier starts to operate, the 1 啟動使用時,房間內一時會有發黴般氣味
Dehumidified Water 14.6L/D (when the room air temp. is 26.7°C and the relative hum. 60%)
room air may smell dustly for a while. 。此是室內的牆壁或其它地方的水分被吸 抽 濕 水 量 25.0公升 日(室溫30℃,相對濕度80%時)
Because the moisture comes out of the walls 出時的臭味並非發自抽濕機。 14.6公升 日(室溫26.7℃,相對濕度60%時)
and other parts of the room. This is not a 2 這房間的濕度很高時,盛水容器上可能凝
smell from the dehumidifier. 結露水。這是因為抽濕水較冷的關係,並 Outer Dimensions 644 mm (Height) x 378 mm (Width) x 287 mm (Depth)
外 表 尺 寸 高644毫米×寬378毫米×深287毫米
2 When the humidity is very high, condensed 非機器故障。
water may adhere to the water receptacle. 3 有時會發出像流水般的聲音。此是冷卻劑 Rated Voltage 220 V Instruction manual.......1
This occurs due to cold water from 的流動聲。 額 定 電 壓 220伏 使用說明書.............1個
dehumidifying and is not a problem. Rated Frequency 50 Hz
3 Some time, sound like water flowing is 額 定 頻 率 50赫
heard. This is the sound that refrigerant flow Consumption Power 330 W
in the refrigerator. 消 耗 電 量 330瓦
Weight 15.0 kg
重 量 15.0公斤
The following do not indicate a fault: 這些不是故障
● After the dehumidifier is operated, the room smells moldy ● 機器運作後不久屋內有黴味。這是從牆壁等處抽出的
for a while. This odor is caused by moisture derived from 水分的氣味,不是抽濕機的氣味。 ● Specification may be changed partially for improvement of the product.
wall, etc., and does not originate from dehumidifier. ● 產品如果改良,各部份規格時有變更情況。
● This dehumidifier is provided with auto defroster.
● If the humidity is too high, moisture may condense on the ● 濕度非常高時,盛水容器上出現結露。這是抽濕水的 ● 本抽濕機內裝有自動除霜裝置。
water receptacle. This is because the dehumidified water is 溫度低,是正常現象。
cold, and does not indicate a fault.

● A sound like water flowing is heard occasionally. The sound ● 經常有流水的聲音。這是抽濕機內冷卻劑的聲音。

is heard when refrigerant flows inside the dehumidifier. 選購配件
● 檢查過上述事項後,機器狀況仍然不良,請將電源插 The following optional accessories are available. Order and purchase from your dealer.
● If the dehumidifier remains defective after checking the 頭從插座上拔下,立即與購買的銷售店聯係。 本公司備有下列選購配件。可向零售商定購。
above and performing due corrective action, immediately
unplug and the power cord and consult your dealer. Drain hose 排水管
(Service parts No: RD-250EX 031) (維修零件號碼RD-250EX 031)
Drain hose for continuous drainage: Use this to drain 用於連續排水的排水管。在連續排出抽濕水的情況下
dehumidified water. 使用。
If the following phenomena occur, immediately 出現下列情況時,請立即與商店聯絡。
consult your dealer.
Air filter
(Service parts No: RD-250EX 002) 空氣過濾器
■ If the following phenomena occur, immediately ■ 出現下述故障,請馬上停止運作,與購買銷售店聯
The standard effective lift of the air cleaning filter is about (維修零件號碼RD-250EX 002)
turn off the dehumidifier and consult your 絡。
1 year. 空氣淨化過濾網的標準有效使用時間大約為1年。
dealer. ● 漏電斷路器、保險絲經常斷開時。
● When breaker and fuse blow frequently. ● 由於不小心使水或異物落入抽濕機內時。
● When foreign object or water enters the dehumidifier. ● 電源插頭或電源線溫度異常高時。
● When power plug or power cord is abnormally hot.

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● For continuous drainage, inquire at the dealer about a drain hose (sold separately; refer to “Optional Accessories” on page 29).
● 連續排水時,請向零售店購買另購品的排水管(請參考29頁「選購配件」的介紹頁。)。

Remove the water receptacle. (☞Page 22) Drain hose opening 移出盛水容器。(☞22頁)
Remove the rubber lid of drain hose 取出排水管口的膠蓋。
Move the cover of drain outlet sideways 從旁邊移動排水口的蓋子,將排水管插
then insert the drain hose into the drain 入喉口。
outlet. 使用排水管時,放在平坦的地板上,不
When using a drain hose, put it on flat floor 要屈曲,否則可能無法順暢排水。
and do not fold it. Otherwise water may not
flow out smoothly.

When stopping continuous drainage / 停止連續排水時

● Remove the drain hose and close the rubber lid.
● Install the water receptacle.
● 移出排水管,並關上膠蓋。
● 裝上盛水容器。

● Install the drain hose to slope downward. Make sure that water runs in the hose during the trial operation.
● When installing the drain hose, avoid the end of the hose from going in water or causing winding hose.
● Do not perform continuous drainage in an environment where the ambient temperature of drain hose
drops below freezing point.
● If there is a difference in temperature between water in drain hose and ambient temperature, moisture
may condense on the surface of hose. Depending on the environment where the dehumidifier is being
CAUTION used, use generally available insulation material to insulate the hose.
注意 ● 請將排水管順著由上往下的方向安裝,並進行運作測試來確認水流是否正常。
● 請勿將排水管的端口放入水內,或使排水管中段彎曲。
● 排水管的安裝場所溫度在冰點以下時,請勿使用。
● 排水管內的水溫和周圍溫度有差異時,排水管的周圍會結露。根據不同使用環境,應對排水管


● For the use of the dehumidifier in continuous drainage, inspect the filters for dirt, the clogging in the drain outlet, and so
on, once very two weeks, and confirm that there is no malfunction.
● 在使用連續排水時,請每隔兩星期檢查一次過濾器的 污和排水口的堵塞情形,確認沒有任何異常。

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