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Statement from Semehar Ghebrekidan- 5/3/2024.

For the past ten weeks, I've remained silent. I've been overwhelmed by the outpouring of public
support and to the people who have stood by me, I express my deepest gratitude. But after
enduring 10 weeks of suffering in silence, I can no longer allow the city to control the narrative
of the injustices I've faced at the hands of this local municipality.

Before reaching this breaking point, I exhausted every avenue to resolve these
issues privately, without bringing undue negative attention to the city. Regrettably, they have
shown no regard for the risks they've posed to my child and me throughout this ordeal. I refuse to
continue suffering in silence.

Today, I stand to reveal the truth of what has transpired. Every assertion I make is backed up by
recordings, emails, and other evidence. Each section of my statement will be prefaced by a
relevant quote or proverb, illuminating the significance of the information presented.

Background: If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.
― Zora Neale Hurston

I've been with the City of Sioux City since April 12th, 2021. While in this inaugural role, I
understood that the job was to create, focus, and execute the role, as no one else had taken the
role previously. Refining this role has not been an issue for me as I have had experience creating
a position before and making it overly useful. What I did not understand was the following:

1. I entered a workplace poisoned by Karen Mackey's hostility simply because I wasn't her
preferred choice for the position. She had cultivated a toxic environment, intent on
making my tenure unbearable from the interview.
2. "I was placed under a supervisor who consistently demonstrated a reluctance to prioritize
integrity and fairness. It became clear that ethical conduct and accountability were low on
his list of priorities.
3. What's more, it seems that the Sioux City Council values optics over substance. They
appear content with superficial changes packaged in an appealing facade, rather than
addressing the deep-seated issues plaguing the organization. This indifference only
exacerbates the dire situation I find myself in.

Allow me to provide you with an extensive account of the situation which has only deepened my
concerns including:
1. Suspension
2. Breakdown of Relationship with Karen Mackey
3. Bob Padmore's Alarming Revelations and Inability to Do the Right Thing
4. Pervasive Double Standards and Lack of Support
5. Pregnancy Accommodation Issues
6. Camrie Miranda- Student Intern
7. The Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee
8. DEI to Me
9. To City Council

1. Suspension: They're talking about things of which they don't have the slightest understanding,
anyway. It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves. ― Franz
Kafka, The Trial

Throughout my suspension, the city of Sioux City has created a bewildering process. When I was
dismissed, I received no time or answers to my initial questions: why am I being dismissed or
suspended? As an employee under investigation, I believe I have the right to know. Despite
the city's claims about confidentiality regarding personnel files, Mayor Bob Scott publicly
mentioned my decision to seek legal counsel, implying it was unusual. So, it's all good when you
want to talk about “Semehar's personnel matters”, but the moment there's a question
you don't feel like answering, suddenly it's "We can't discuss that." Seriously? Come
on, let's keep it real here. Given my high-risk pregnancy and lack of answers, obtaining legal
representation was essential. For the past 10 weeks, I've been under unwarranted home
confinement. They stripped away my ability to work remotely and access any relevant
materials. I'm forbidden from representing the City of Sioux City in any capacity. I am not
allowed to work with the Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee. This control and isolation
tactic appears designed to pressure me into resignation. There’s nothing an abuser loves more
than a semantic argument, and when I hear about these people saying things like “It’s not a
suspension, it’s administrative leave” and “she’s not on house arrest, there’s not an ankle
bracelet, she just needs to stay in her house all day and check in with us if she leaves”. Sioux
City is smarter than you think, and they see what you’re doing- I see what you are doing
because it’s familiar to many of us. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be
a duck.

Furthermore, I have never been reprimanded or written up during my tenure, receiving only
encouragement from Bob regarding my performance. Bob failed to effectively communicate and
fulfill his supervisory responsibilities. His negligent supervision should not come at my expense.
Those closest to me have watched me try repeatedly to understand you, to work with you, to help
you, and every time you have burned me, Bob. You never tried to be a manager, let alone a
mentor. As I reflect, it has been heartbreaking to try repeatedly not to upset you only to run into
constantly moving goalposts. You make up the rules of the game as you go, and I have done an
admirable job of keeping up with it- lesser people would have quit long ago, but I have been
dedicated to this work. My dedication makes the rest of you look bad. When you finally come
forward with whatever nonsense you decide to accuse me of, it will still not justify what you are
doing and what you have done to me. When we read in the Journal that there is nothing in my
file, everyone had to wonder but I felt exonerated and liberated from your inadequate leadership.
Creativity is not your strong suit, Bob. Good luck inventing something to justify putting my baby
and me at risk.

I've already undergone an extensive four-hour interview, and all allegations are slated for a pre-
disciplinary hearing in the future. Despite providing comprehensive answers, the city insists on
further proceedings, ignoring the information already provided. The city has resorted to extortion
tactics, attempting to silence me while my health and my child's well-being are
continuously being put at risk. I suspect this retaliation stems from my filing of EEOC and GAO
complaints alleging fraud and misuse of city funds. While they may not admit it publicly, I have
evidence to support my claims. Additionally, I believe that the suspension was triggered by an

email I sent to all members of the City Council on February 20th following the budget meeting
on February 17th, 2024, during which my performance was discussed. In this email, addressed to
the entire City Council, I address various aspects of my internal work allocation, authority,
diversity promotion efforts, and support within the organization. I detailed the challenges I have
faced during my tenure, including resistance to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plan
and internal reluctance to enact necessary changes. Essentially, I lodged a formal complaint with
the City Council, outlining my concerns and seeking a resolution to the issues I had
encountered. It is evident that I faced retaliation for exercising my rights to address grievances
with the City Council, a protected action under the Iowa code. I possess a copy of this email and
can provide it upon request.

Furthermore, Bob Padmore, Alex Watters, Dan Moore, and others have blatantly disregarded a
cease-and-desist notice issued by my attorney regarding the details of my suspension and
pertinent information. This transgression occurred three times. Additionally, an individual from
City Hall, who aided in initiating this investigation, shared distorted information about me with a
known sex offender, Daniel Frazier, who then posted on behalf of that individual. I have no
association with Mr. Frazier, and I suspect he was recruited to disseminate misinformation to
sow confusion or garner public support for the city's unjust actions, which I believe are
retaliatory for engaging in protected activity.

Furthermore, I find it perplexing that I have been subjected to an indefinite suspension, a

measure I have never encountered or heard of before. Additionally, individuals such as Karen
Mackey and Janelle Bertrand, who have also levied false accusations against me, have not faced
comparable consequences. It has been proven that their accusations were unfounded, yet they
have not been subjected to the same level of punishment. Furthermore, it is crucial to highlight
that despite the substantiated allegations against Karen, no disciplinary action has been
taken against her. This disparity in treatment underscores the systemic injustices at play within
the city's administration. Karen Mackey has been shielded from accountability by her Human
Rights Commission, despite engaging in behavior more egregious than any
accusations leveled against me. Janelle Bertrand, on the other hand, seemingly benefits from
preferential treatment by Bob, who overlooks her unprofessional conduct as the head of the City
of Sioux City’s Human Resource Department.

I believe that my age, race, and pregnancy status have all been wielded against me in this
process. Karen Mackey faced no disciplinary action for her role in hiring an individual to stalk
me, while I have been subjected to severe repercussions without cause. Furthermore, Karen
Mackey has accused me of wrongdoing on over 10 occasions, resulting in multiple informal
investigations against me. Despite consistently emerging from these investigations unscathed,
she has never faced any repercussions for her baseless accusations. However, when I filed a
single complaint against her employee regarding what she said to a client, there were attempts to
retaliate against me, even though Karen has a history of making false accusations without

Another stark example is the case of Marty Dougherty from Economic Development, who
physically restrained a female employee. Despite being investigated for his actions; he continued
to work and was only required to issue an apology. This glaring double standard highlights the

discriminatory treatment I have faced based on factors beyond my control. I want to emphasize
that there are still employees working for the city who have engaged in deeply racist behavior,
including coming to work in KKK hoods, defacing walls with racist graffiti, and hurling racial
slurs while targeting African American colleagues with arrows under the guise of "coon
hunting." Despite these appalling actions, my complaints have somehow led to my suspension
while they continue to be employed.

2. Breakdown of Relationship with Karen Mackey: One should punish a child the first time he
comes home with a stolen egg. Otherwise, the day he returns home with a stolen ox, it will be too
late. - Ethiopian Proverb

From the moment she realized that she was not going to have influence or control over me, I
assume she felt disrespected even though all I was trying to do was my job. The first instance I
realized that Karen was not for me was when while I was at work, she asked me if I participated
in protesting. I asked her why she was asking me that and she stated she just wanted to know. I
told her I did not. She then stated that the committee would not have selected me to be the CIL
had they known this.

Post this conversation, I went to Bob confused as to why she said this. Bob stated that that is not
part of my job and that I report to him and not her. The First Amendment protects your right to
assemble and express your views through protest but also states you do not have to protest. I felt
it was weird that Karen asked me something like this, understanding that I could not be
discriminated against for my lack of protesting. It was at this moment that I moved away from
her slowly as I believed she was trying to lead me in a direction to potentially violate a city
code/policy and lose my job. To protect myself, I distanced myself from her. I mean, if
she was truly able to do what I do, she would have already done that in her office and my
position would not have needed to be created. Instead of understanding this common fact, she
upped the ante and personally started attacking me based on protected class matters like my age
and my perceived religious background. This has been the case and continues to be.

The revelation of Ms. Karen Mackey's calculated campaign against me is nothing short of
horrifying. Her invasion of my privacy, her paid spy, and her utter disregard for my rights are not
just policy violations; they are criminal offenses. In a previous investigation that closed on
October of 2023, it has been found that she has made passive-aggressive digs at me publicly and
privately, has continued to refer to me as too young for my role at the city, recruited multiple
staff and members of the public in her games, violated the Harassment policies and City
Standards of Conduct and Work Rules. There is sufficient evidence to show Ms. Mackey
delayed raising concerns related to the inclusivity language being proposed by the ISCAC, and
that there is sufficient evidence that show that Karen paid her niece to spy on me at the 2023
Celebrate Diversity Carnival at WITCC. These blatant violations demand justice and I demand to
work in a harassment-free and retaliation-free workplace.

As I have previously stated, I have distanced myself from Karen, but she continued to reach out
to me through bullying attempts. The whole reason I reported this to the legal department was
that at the “Celebrate Diversity Carnival” at WITCC, she paid her niece to spy on
me. The investigator's report laid bare Ms. Mackey's malice. Her hostility, evident in her memo

to the City Council, reveals a deeply disturbed individual. This is not a mere clash of
personalities; this is a relentless assault on my dignity and well-being. Her refusal to
acknowledge her guilt is an act of unrepentant malevolence that threatens the very fabric of our
organization. I do not have to go into detail as you all should know that at the end of the day, the
whole reason any of this happened is because I was to “kiss the ring” and since I did not do that,
I was on the outs and that she recruited a certain council member and members of the public to
do her dirty work.

The recurrent trend of Karen Mackey steering narratives to discredit perceived competition is a
longstanding issue, not unfamiliar to those acquainted with her actions. This tendency is not
limited to external spheres but has permeated her own LGBTQIA+ community, leaving a
discernible impact. Notably, the existence of two separate LGBTQIA+ organizations in the
Sioux City community is a testament to her efforts to tarnish the characters of key members
within the SUX Pride organization.

In a community as close-knit as Sioux City, fostering unity should be a shared

priority. Unfortunately, Ms. Mackey's actions have led to the creation of hostile environments,
hindering the growth and collaboration of individuals unless they align with the specific
direction she sets. This includes the LGBTQIA+ community and the Native community. This
fragmentation is counterproductive to the spirit of unity and cooperation that is integral to the
success and well-being of the community. It is disheartening to witness the divisive
consequences of Ms. Mackey's actions, particularly in a community where cohesion is
paramount. The importance of fostering an inclusive and supportive environment cannot be
overstated, and her actions run counter to the principles of unity that should underpin our shared

I started paying for parking in May of 2023 in the library parking lot as I feared that I would be
jumped in the parking lot or have something happen to me where no one would see me. As a
current pregnant employee, I am always nervous that I will not be able to defend my future son
or me. I continued to play nice publicly and privately regarding Karen and HRC, but I continued
to get dig after dig. An example that was reported to me and Councilperson
Julie Schoenherr, was that Karen came to my Sounds of West 7th event and told Earl Miller “If
Semehar and Hitler were on the ballot, that I would vote for Hitler before her.” Earl then stated
to Karen “You as a lesbian and as a Human Rights Director can’t be serious” to which she
responded, “You have no idea what kind of hell Semehar has put me through in the
city”. Meaning, that she pulled up to my city event, and whether she was an employee or not at
the event, she spoke like that to people in the audience. As a Human Rights Executive Director,
it is absolutely disgusting, vile, vicious, and highly reprehensible, not to mention counterintuitive
for someone in the position that she is in, to say something like that.

“Defamation is the use of false and malicious statements to malign or damage

a person’s reputation. In the workplace, it has the potential to bring an employee’s character into
disrepute, stifle career development, and create serious health issues. In some cases, defamation
causes irreparable damage.” (Raees Mohamad, “Defamation in the Workplace: How Do You
Protect Your Reputation?”, August 5, 2022, Warner Law.) Because of her statements, she
has been involved in defamation of character.

According to Chapter 32, Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct, Section 5 states: A lawyer should
use the law’s procedures only for legitimate purposes and not to harass or intimidate others. It
also states in Chapter 32, Rule 32:8.5 A lawyer shall not, 3 the communication involves
misrepresentation, coercion, duress, or harassment. It also states on Chapter 32, page 85, Rule
32:8.4 Misconduct, It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to (a) violate or attempt to violate
the Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so
through the acts of another; (b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on
the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; (c) engage in
conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation; (g) engage in sexual
harassment or other unlawful discrimination in the practice of law or knowingly permit staff or
agents subject to the lawyer’s direction and control to do so. This is just under the Iowa Bar
Association for violations.

Per city administrative policies, Karen has violated:

• City’s Conduct Unbecoming Policy
• City’s Standards of Conduct and Work Rules
• A.P. Number 4.03 (Preventing Sexual Harassment)
• A.P. Number 4.38 (Anti-Discrimination)
• The Iowa Civil Rights Act (At a state level)

Reverse Ageism:
Multiple times throughout my time here, she has referred to my young age as an insult. She
admitted to this on February 8, 2023, per the investigation executive summary that she
believed that I was too young for my role and then later reiterated this to the Human Rights
Commission on March 2, 2023. In a confrontation, she openly declared to my face, in the
presence of the City Manager and two council members, Julie Schoenherr and
Matthew O'Kane, that she deemed me too young. Despite her admission, none of them took
any action, despite her consistent belief expressed since my interview that my age was a

Reverse Ageism is the presumption on the part of older workers of youth and its association
with irresponsibility, that is driving reverse ageism. This manifests in ways that often deter
younger workers, such as being patronized via belittling comments, receiving fewer
developmental opportunities, and generally being perceived as incompetent on the grounds of
young age solely. Studies show that the negative implications of reverse ageism are wide-
ranging, spanning from diminished job satisfaction to negative impacts on memory
performance among lower-educated populations. This has a disproportionately
negative impact on young female professionals, who reportedly face this sort of
discrimination at higher rates than their young male counterparts.

Karen Mackey has consistently evaded accountability thanks to the protection of her Human
Rights Commission, despite her actions being more severe than any allegations against me.
Most recently, on April 24th, Karen made a comment on Facebook about my wearing a
cross. Wearing a cross is not an uncommon practice, yet she falsely claimed to Facebook that
she had just noticed it and falsely told her Human Rights Commission that she intended to
text a friend about it. This woman is directly involved in the investigation against me and has

faced no repercussions for her actions. When will the HRC hold her accountable? How can
she claim to be fair and impartial when she repeatedly abuses her power in the city,
consistently employs third parties to carry out her agenda, demonstrates ageism, and
repeatedly displays racist and anti-Christian sentiments toward me? It's baffling, especially
considering her history of underperformance being discussed repeatedly.

3. Bob Padmore's Alarming Revelations and Inability to Do the Right Thing: Counsel and
advise him. If he refuses to listen, then let adversity teach him. -Ethiopian Proverb

Mr. Bob Padmore, my supervisor, possesses a concerning ability to focus on inconsequential

matters while turning a blind eye to the anguish I face. His selective enforcement of policies is a
travesty, a stark reminder of the skewed values that have permeated our workplace. For example,
there have been 2 occasions now that Nicole DuBois the City Attorney has brought to HR
concerning Workplace uniform violations. It is interesting to see Bob handle these types of
concerns quickly but will not handle workplace culture concerns this quickly. It also is
interesting to note that Nicole and I have had a good workplace relationship but now it seems
that she is unable to engage with me professionally and ask me questions about the violations
but instead, runs to attempt to document said concerns. He will not confront situations that make
him uncomfortable. His indifference is not just negligence; it is a betrayal of the trust I once had
in our organization. I have consistently raised my concerns about Ms. Mackey's behavior with
Mr. Padmore, expecting action to be taken. Instead, I was met with dismissive responses, such as
being told to "grow tough skin" and "move forward." Despite being aware of the ongoing issues
between Ms. Mackey and me, Mr. Padmore failed to take appropriate action, claiming that he
lacked authority over Ms. Mackey.

Per the investigation,

“Mr. Padmore admitted that Ms. Ghebrekidan raised issues to him about Ms. Mackey and
that he told Ms. Ghebrekidan that she needed to report the issues to human resources or
the legal department. Neither policy contains an exception for conduct which the
supervisor does not have authority over. In other words, the plain reading of these
policies does not support Mr. Padmore’s statement to Ms. Ghebrekidan that she needed to
make the report to Human Resources or the Legal Department. The investigator does find
it concerning that Mr. Padmore did little to correct the communication and collaboration
issues between Ms. Ghebrekidan and Ms. Mackey. When asked whether he did anything
to try to build bridges between Ms. Ghebrekidan and Ms. Mackey before the February 8,
2023, meeting, Mr. Padmore answered, “indirectly…the friction was so strong from the
beginning so I don’t know if anything would have worked.” Despite knowing that the
friction was so strong from the beginning, Mr. Padmore admitted that the first time the
issues were addressed with both Ms. Ghebrekidan and Ms. Mackey in the same
room was February 8, 2023, several months after the issues began. Mr. Padmore
indicated he tried to address the issues directly with Ms. Ghebrekidan by trying to explain
to Ms. Ghebrekidan that she was the most qualified person for the job and Ms. Mackey
has no influence over Ms. Ghebrekidan or how she does her job. This response was not
effective, and Mr. Padmore should have known it would not be effective after working
with Ms. Ghebrekidan and hearing her complaints about Ms. Mackey and other

individuals. In addition, Mr. Padmore’s lack of response for such a long period likely
contributed to the deterioration in the relationship between Ms. Ghebrekidan and Ms.
Mackey. Indeed, without intervention, both appeared to find it acceptable to continue to
act disrespectfully and unprofessionally towards one another.” To me, if the CEO of an
organization can’t handle something as easy as this from the beginning, what else has he
been neglecting?

Throughout my tenure, I have expressed my concerns to Mr. Padmore regarding the pay equity
disparity I have observed. Having researched the compensation structures for Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion roles in Iowa, I have identified a notable discrepancy between my current pay and
the industry standard. While I acknowledge the technical skills required for various
roles, the strategic planning and initiative responsibilities inherent in my position surpass those
of comparable roles, such as a Reader Service Specialist at the Sioux City Public Library.

Being designated with a high title within the city while not receiving commensurate
compensation or recognition is disheartening. I have undertaken additional responsibilities, such
as the creation of the Limited English Proficiency policy in December 2022, which had not been
addressed appropriately under the supervision of Karen Mackey. Similarly, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Plan and policy for the city have not seen updates since 1972. Despite
bringing these matters to Mr. Padmore's attention on multiple occasions, I have encountered a
persistent reluctance to address the issues promptly. Mr. Padmore has consistently advised me to
wait for annual budget discussions, implying a delay of several years before any potential
resolution. Moreover, his recent response to my annual report, shared with the City Council, was
dismissive and seemed to disregard the substance of my concerns.

I must express my frustration with Mr. Padmore's response, as it implied an attempt to

circumvent my authority and labeled my legitimate requests as inappropriate. I was not
included in any discussions about the upcoming budget, and my allocated budget for the entire
year, covering major events and essential supplies, was not discussed with me. Consequently, I
have personally funded items for events due to insufficient City funds or sought external
donations. I included the details in my annual report to provide transparency about
my department's needs, given my uncertainty about whether Mr. Padmore would adequately
communicate them. Regrettably, it appears that my proactive approach to advocate for my
department and address pertinent issues may have contributed to the perceived bitterness
resulting from a previous investigation.

Emotional Regulation Expectations and Workplace Culture:

A noteworthy discrepancy becomes apparent in the expectations surrounding emotional
regulation within the organization. Despite being held to a high standard of emotional
regulation, Mr. Padmore's approach appears to lack these skills. This incongruity creates
an environment in which I am expected to consistently demonstrate top-tier emotional
regulation without a corresponding commitment from leadership. Addressing this
misalignment is crucial for cultivating a workplace where emotional intelligence is
valued and practiced uniformly.

Moreover, a disheartening perspective has emerged, suggesting that harassment and
discrimination are inherent aspects of the job that cannot be effectively resolved. This
outlook contradicts the principles of equity and inclusion that form the foundation of my
professional ethos. Advocating for a workplace culture that disavows such beliefs is
integral to creating an environment where all employees can thrive without fear of
discrimination or harassment.

On January 17, 2024, during the Affirmative Action Plan meeting, my intern, Camrie
Miranda, observed a concerning behavior from Janelle Bertrand, our HR Director. It was
noticed that Janelle became physically irritated every time I pointed out certain aspects to
her regarding HR matters. Camrie was alarmed enough to pull me aside after the meeting
and express her concern that Janelle might resort to physical aggression. When I later
inquired with Bob about Janelle's behavior during the meeting, he mentioned that she was
stressed due to a surge in fake unemployment claims. However, it raises a perplexing
question about how someone in the role of HR Director, who should be the epitome of
high emotional performance in our building, can be allowed to express their emotions in
such a manner, while I am expected to maintain high performance, especially during my
pregnancy. This incident underscores the need for a consistent and fair approach to
emotional regulation within the organization.

Emotional Boundaries, Unequal Reciprocity, and lack of enthusiasm in his role:

A nuanced challenge arises in the realm of emotional boundaries. While I recognize the
importance of empathy and emotional availability in professional relationships, there
exists a palpable imbalance in expectations. Mr. Padmore frequently shares personal
matters, particularly regarding his son, fostering an expectation of emotional availability
on my part. However, when I seek a similar level of reciprocal support or attempt to
establish professional boundaries, I encounter notable challenges. This imbalance in
emotional dynamics leaves me in a position were expressing discomfort or seeking a shift
in our discussions becomes a delicate matter, given the potential impact on our
professional relationship. Striking a balance in emotional reciprocity is essential for
fostering a healthy and mutually supportive work environment.

Bob Padmore seems to detest his role, and frankly, he's not performing well in
it. He didn't earn his position through election; it was practically handed to him on a
silver platter. Yet, rather than graciously declining, he's opted to spread misery. It's like
they say, hurt people hurt people. Padmore stands as a barrier to our city's progress. A
lot of our issues seem to stem from him; he appears to be the root cause. How many
opportunities will slip through our fingers to cities like Sioux Falls and Omaha
because we're driving away diverse talent? It seems like you expected the city to hire me,
your magical Negro token figure who would unquestioningly endorse everything you do.
You wanted to use me as a shield, so no one could accuse the city government of racism.
Instead, you've directed the full weight of the city's discriminatory practices toward me—
especially considering my vulnerable situation, being pregnant with a high-risk

4. Pervasive Double Standards and Lack of Support: This is the age of truth, & the
truth doesn’t need to be scared at the fact that people tell lies- Katt Williams

The investigator claims that “Ms. Ghebrekidan is quickly offended but does not first seek to
understand a person’s true intentions. Instead, she cuts relationships off and/or refuses to work
with individuals if she perceives their intentions as nefarious in any way” is a cruel trivialization
of my pain. For the investigator to disregard that for 2 years, I was bullied before the incident
that took place in April of 2023 and that for 2 years, my best coping mechanism for myself and
per my supervisors’ instructions was to avoid Karen and use it against me,
is completely inappropriate and would have been a waste of everyone’s time involved.
Understanding Karen is understanding that she pretends to always be the victim and never claims
responsibility for her actions.

Therefore, I was not going to waste taxpayer money to attempt to repair any relationship that 1)
never was had in the beginning and 2) deteriorated because of Karen's behavior and big
mouth. My professionalism and kindness were trampled upon long before the gloves came off
during the investigation. To be assessed like this seems coded in racism and it seems to be tone
policing the reaction of the youngest black female employee in the organization, even though I
have not shown anyone how this continued workplace behavior has truly impacted me. Also, I
find it weird that certain council members continued to attend to force Karen and me to have a
relationship when I was never the aggressor in the situation. I felt like because we were both
people of color and did work in similar areas, they assumed we would be friends and that if
we weren't friends, it was my fault. 1. I don't have to be friends with anyone at work and 2.
assuming POC are all friendly and like each other is racist. There is a saying in the POC
community that is “Skinship is not the same as kinship” Just because she is considered a
POC doesn’t mean it has the capability or capacity to build up other POC. She is for herself.

Tone policing predominantly happens to women, especially Black women. It refers to being
asked to remove any emotion as one speaks, suggests, or recommends in a meeting. In other
words, women are being asked to tailor their message, so the recipient can hear them and what
they are trying to say. At its heart, tone policing is a tactic that is used to dismiss an idea being
communicated because the person expressing it appears to be angry, sad, frustrated, or in an
emotionally charged state. Tone policing often relies on an argument that a person must be able
to address issues in a calm, rational, detached way. Of course, if you are not personally affected
by a particular topic, it is much easier to be levelheaded about it.

Demanding that others who are personally affected be just as calm as you are, is a way to shut
down conversation. To be held to a higher standard than my colleagues, especially when I was
abandoned fighting this battle alone, is an affront to my dignity as a human being. This
organization continues to use tone policing to keep me from speaking about the nonsense that
has continued to harm me daily. Mr. Padmore yelling at me to move on, get thick skin, to tell me
to calm down, to invalidate my concerns by offering up a meaningless comparison to the events
occurring, to telling me to just plain get over it, is how tone policing has been incorporated into
my biweekly/monthly reports for over 2 years.

5. Pregnancy Accommodation Issues: When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the
loser. - Socrates

It has come to my attention that there is no officially documented policy regarding parking
accommodation for pregnant employees, and the current discriminatory practices are based
solely on the subjective interpretation of the HR Director. Furthermore, when employees,
including myself, sought clarification and requested the official policy, the HR Director refused
to provide any written documentation. This lack of transparency and the absence of an official
policy create an environment of uncertainty and leave pregnant employees vulnerable to arbitrary
decisions that go against the principles of fair treatment and compliance with the Pregnancy
Discrimination Act (PWFA).

In addition to these concerns, when I attempted to discuss the discriminatory nature of the
parking policy with my supervisor, Bob Padmore, the city manager, I was met with dismissive
responses. Mr. Padmore summed up the situation by stating that the city's current approach was
the best it could do, dismissing my concerns with the remark that it was unfortunate I felt that
way. This response failed to acknowledge the discriminatory impact on pregnant women and
demonstrated a lack of willingness to address valid concerns.

Moreover, the process surrounding accommodation appears to be flawed. Rather than engaging
in the interactive process as a proactive measure, I was only prompted to discuss it after raising
concerns about the financial burden imposed by the discriminatory parking fees. The fact that the
interactive process was not initiated until financial concerns were voiced suggests a backward
approach and raises questions about the city's commitment to fair and inclusive practices. It is
concerning that providing only one accommodation option, without considering alternatives
through the interactive process while also understanding that if you work in city hall, most of the
parking is owned by the city, does not align with best practices. This approach appears to
be more reactive and may be perceived as a form of retaliation for expressing concerns about the
financial impacts of the discriminatory policy.

This same Director, Janelle Bertrand, who was causing me such issues to get reasonable
accommodation for parking, is the same person who assisted in launching this investigation
against me. She alleged that I inappropriately shared confidential information regarding my
employee accommodations with another employee and that I attacked her. I am allowed legally
to tell anyone of my accommodations whenever and it goes to show you that employees at the
highest level of the city are not willing to do their job correctly or know the rules within
their job as this was one of the reasons I was put on suspension and that they can’t take
accountability for not knowing their roles. I also found it interesting that when she brought this
complaint, she only provided the email where I am asserting my rights and none of her
incoherent babbling that she had produced for a week about what the accommodations process

6. Camrie Miranda- Student Intern: You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can
start where you are and change the ending- C.S. Lewis

I also want to briefly mention my student intern, Camrie Miranda, whom I had the pleasure
of working with for almost two years. Camrie is an exceptional student, and collaborating with
her was a positive experience. Unfortunately, she became collateral damage in
the city's misguided attempt to incriminate me. Initially, when I informed Bob of my pregnancy,
he assured me that Camrie would cover my hours full-time during my maternity leave. However,
after I sent the email outlining my complaints to the council, Bob suddenly informed me that
Camrie would only be able to work 10 to 20 hours a week during my absence. Camrie's well-
being was not considered throughout this process, demonstrating the city's lack of concern for
students and young professionals. They changed her professional trajectory, which indicates that
the city doesn't prioritize retaining or recruiting student interns.

Camrie dedicated herself diligently for two years with the hope of securing an in-house position,
only to have her time cut short due to the city's oversight. Despite this setback, Camrie continues
to thrive, a testament to her resilience. However, it is disappointing to witness Alex Watters, the
Morningside University alumni director, neglecting the interests of a fellow Morningside
University soon-to-be alum, particularly given his role as a council person.

Selling out people who have had your back is not how you’re going to become
mayor. You’ve inflicted chaos on one of your students during what is supposed to be an exciting
and congratulatory time in her life. Treating a member of your own student body as collateral
damage in a petty, illegal, racist, misogynist attack on a woman who has been on your side is so
cold. I worry about your empathy, and I think you will change your mind depending on what
room you are in at any given time. We need reliability in our leadership, and you’ve exhibited
thoughtlessness throughout this. We've also heard in the recording how you struggle to accept
criticism and prefer to argue back to assert your correctness rather than genuinely understand the
grievances you've caused. Your priority lies in defending your ego rather than addressing the
legitimate concerns you've perpetuated.

7. The Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee: Some Leaders Don’t Want the Truth. They
Only want their beliefs to be reinforced- Whitney Living

One additional concern I'd like to address is the role of the Inclusive Sioux City Advisory
Committee, which was established to advise the council on inclusion matters. It has become
apparent that the council and City Manager Bob Padmore are reluctant to make any significant
strides in the realm of inclusion. The purpose of this committee was to offer guidance to the
council on policy changes, community needs, and other pertinent issues. However, it appears that
the council is only willing to act on matters that are convenient or enhance their public image.

For instance, they readily co-sponsor events but shy away from more substantial systemic
initiatives. A prime example of this reluctance is evident in the challenges faced in getting
approval for the Inclusive Language Notice and the EEO Plan. While the Inclusive Language
Notice was eventually approved, it deviated from the original objectives. Similarly, efforts to
develop the EEO Plan were met with resistance, with the Directors of Legal, Human Resources,
City Manager, and Human Rights suggesting it merely become a policy without further action.

Furthermore, there has been an unsettling attempt to delegate my essential duties to a committee
of volunteers, despite the committee's intended role not being centered around event planning.
Additionally, a Sioux City Journal article highlighted a divisive incident where City Manager
Bob Padmore and council member Alex Watters attempted to polarize the committee by
questioning allegiances, a move that was both inappropriate and counterproductive. It is also
alarming that the City Manager appears to be the chair and the staff liaison for a committee,
which is not his priority.

This incident underscores the council and city manager's misguided understanding of diversity
and inclusion, viewing it merely as meeting racial quotas rather than fostering an inclusive
environment for all individuals. They must shift their focus from quotas to genuine inclusion,
ensuring that the workplace is welcoming to individuals of all backgrounds and characteristics.

8. DEI to Me: The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden-
Pierre Bourdieu

When discussing inclusion and my role within the city, it's crucial to recognize that my primary
responsibility was to identify and address gaps in our practices and procedures.
I wasn't hired to simply be a rubber stamp, making everyone feel comfortable regardless of the
realities. My duty was to provide realistic assessments and honest feedback. Advising and
consulting to the best of my ability were key aspects of my role. However, when my efforts were
consistently ignored, it undermined the purpose of my position. I cannot change the fact that I
belong to certain protected classes; that's part of my personal history. Despite my efforts to tailor
my approach to accommodate everyone, it's disheartening to realize that some only value advice
that aligns with their agendas. In the realm of inclusion, it's frustrating that principles of fairness
and justice seem selectively applied, despite my qualifications and dedication.

I'm deeply troubled by the lack of transparency from individuals who claim to champion public
accountability. It's concerning to see elected officials prioritize appearances over meaningful
action. I didn't enter this role as a popularity contest; I earned it through a rigorous interview
process, showcasing my qualifications. Despite my attempts to address harassment and
discrimination openly and honestly, I've been consistently silenced and made to feel responsible
for circumstances beyond my control. It is fundamentally unethical to engage in catfishing
tactics, as it violates the principles of integrity, social responsibility, and respect
for people's rights, dignity, and diversity outlined by the American Sociological Association.
Falsely portraying the City of Sioux City as an organization that genuinely prioritizes inclusion is
deceptive and undermines the trust and respect necessary for a cohesive and equitable
society. Accountability must be prioritized, and it's essential to hold the city accountable for its
actions. Inclusive work is undervalued and challenging, but I've worked tirelessly to champion
the interests of all community members. It's disappointing to see the City Council more focused
on securing their seats than enacting meaningful change.

9. To City Council: One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it
becomes an emergency- Arnold Glasow

When I look at this city council, I don't see the future of Sioux City. I see one skin tone
represented, and some of you were alive when I wouldn't have been able to use the same
drinking fountain. You were elected to represent us, but it’s silly to pretend that this lineup
represents us. I see a bunch of people who are more concerned that people are calling them racist
than they are about their racist behavior. How dare you be upset that people are upset? You did
this. You are public figures, what you do in the shadows comes to light and when you do things
like this, you reap what you sow.

Your self-centered concern for your public relations and image is reprehensible. You’re more
upset that people are calling you racist? Don’t you want to reflect on that? You do not
get to just decide that you are not racist. You do not get to just decide that you are good at what
you do. You do not get to decide what the public should and should not be upset about. You are
trying to gaslight a whole city when you whine about folks being mad. Shame on you for that.

Maybe enough time has passed since we all watched George Floyd’s murder. Maybe you think
people don’t care anymore and you can get away with dropping any commitment to inclusion in
this community. You are wrong. And it should not take a video of a black person dying to spark
your empathy. Our community becomes more diverse every day, and if we want to retain talent
in this city, we need to have leaders who are committed to doing that. What message does it send
when they humiliate their community inclusion liaison like this? Did you not take the time to
think about that? Or do you all just bow down to Bob Padmore when he has one of his little fits?
How many times will you all go to the mat for a man who is this bad at his job? Do citizens
realize the number of outside investigators you've hired to suppress employees? Are they aware
of the considerable funds being squandered on such endeavors? While I may not be the first, I
believe I'm the first to draw attention to this matter. You must introspect and reconsider your
priorities before citizens force change at the ballot box.

Thank you,

Semehar Ghebrekidan


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