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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Identify proper and common nouns;
B. Differentiate proper and nouns, and common
C. Appreciate the use of common and proper nouns in our daily life.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Common and Proper Noun

B. References: 1/nouns/lesson-2/common-andproper-nouns speech/nouns/common-and-propernoun.html nouns-common-nouns

C. Materials:
For the teacher: PowerPoint Presentation.
Pictures. Video Presentation For the student: Pen, notebook, bond paper

D. Teaching strategies: Discussion. Recitation, Games, Video Presentation

III. Lesson Proper

A. Daily Classroom Routine:

 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

B. Review of the Past lesson:

Teacher will ask the students about their last topic, which is elements of a story. The teacher
asks the students to give the five elements of a story.

C. Motivation

Song about Proper and Common Nouns:

D. Lesson Proper

For today's lesson we are going to identify proper and common nouns, differentiate proper and
common nouns and appreciate the use of common and proper nouns in our daily life.

• The teacher will instruct the pupils to listen carefully and follow the instructions of the activity.
• Both students grade 2&3 watch video presentation about the differences of Proper and
Common nouns.

Activity 1:

There is a table with five columns, including s). the (person, place, things, animals, and ideas or
events). If you believe that this word is a person, then place it in the column of that person,
and so with others. Write if it's common nouns or proper nouns.

Persons Places Things Animals Ideas/Events

boy father Mario teacher Ms. Lina

Philippines town city Pasay City pork
Table cellphone book IPhone Sampaguita
Cat Fish dog bird Philippine Eagle cat
Holiday Mother’s Day party Christmas season

Activity 2:


There will be PowerPoint presentation with a noun on each slide. One pupil will come to the int.
front of the room and sit with their back to the PowerPoint. The rest of the students take turns
has describing the words on the slides, and the student at the front has to guess them. After
guessing the word, they will identify if the noun is a common or proper noun.


Ati-atihan Festival Andres Bonifacio

Mango Anahaw
Activity 3:

Tell Me Something About a Secret

Pupils are given a word (a noun, specifically) that is related to the topic. The students must
hide the word in a speech about the topic- they're trying to make sure the other students can't
guess the secret word. The other students listen carefully to the speech and attempt to guess
the secret word. The student will be able to tell if the word is a common or proper noun.


1. Soap
2. Independence Day
3. Bear Brand
4. Pants
5. Store

E. Generalization.


1. What is Noun?

2. What are the two kinds of Nouns?

3. Based on your understanding what is Common Nain?

4. Based on your understanding what is Proper Noun?

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Write at least 3 Proper Noun for each Common Noun in the Circle.

Prepared by:
Rodgie C. Andajer
Gilmar L. Gorospe
Mark Adrian G. Martinez

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