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 Student Number: 3143116

 Module: JV601
 Date: 16th December

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The air pollution in China

Nowadays many kinds of pollution are becoming more and more

serious in China, one of them is the air pollution.

There are many reasons to make air pollution, the first

reason is cars. During more families using a car as their

instrument to transport, the pollution that made by cars is

quite much. Many people believe their own car cannot be so

much important to the environment, so many people do not

want to change their cars to public transportation, this is

a truly a not good choice. The China government also has

noticed this situation, so they made a policy few years ago

to forbid all the cars can be used at the same time—

instead of they allowed some of the cars can be drive on

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the other cars can be

drive at Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Sunday all the

cars are allowed to be used (of course that means Sunday is

the busiest day in a week). This policy really helped

decrease the number of the using cars, so the air pollution

that made by cars also decreased.

More and more factories is the second season of the air

pollution in China. “The question really should be how

factories ‘have’ affected the environment, as there is no

doubt that they have played a major role in the damage

caused to the environment. In fact, it has been claimed

that factories are to blame for as much as 2/3rds of the

pollution that has caused climate change. (2018, FIELD.

ORG. UK)” The developing economic made many new factories

appeared in China. These factories certainly acted very

important characters in the modern China, but if China

government do not focus on the bad influence of these

light-industry and heavy-industry factories, the air

pollution will bother the Chinese’ life quality so much.

So, the China government decided to solve this problem, in

2003 the China government made a great policy called

Scientific Outlook on Development. This policy encourages

the boss of factories use the green source instead of the

unclean source to use. And they also will give some

punishment to the factories who continue to use much

unclean source.

The third reason of China’s air pollution is the

agriculture. Although now many farmers have already changed

the way they used to make warm, but there are still many of

them use the unclean source to make warm, such as straw.

Straw is a cheap source and very easy to get that, but the

air will be polluted by that very much. This problem needs

every Chinese farmer to give up these unclean sources.

Air pollution is no more such a serious problem in China.

Many people and the Chinese government have done a lot to

solve this kind of problem, these actions truly have good

influence on the China’s environment. But that doesn’t

mean China has already do not have air pollution anymore,

both individual and government need to protect this hard—

won gains.

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