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John Milton, the Greatest poet of the Puritan

Q1. The greatest poet among the poets of Puritan Age was:
a. William Drummond(1585-1649)
b. John Milton(1608-1674)
c. George Wither(1588-1667)
Answer: b
Q2. Paying a just tribute to the dominating personality of Milton, who wrote the
following famous line about Milton?
“Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart.”
a. William Wordsworth
b. William Blake
c. William Shakespeare
Answer: a
Q3. Who praised Spenser, Shakespeare and Ben Jonson as poets, but he was
different from them all?
a. Herrick
b. Carew
c. Milton
Answer: c
Q4. Who was considered to be the child of the Renaissance?
a. Shakespeare
b. Milton
c. Spenser
Answer: b

Q5. Milton may be called the last Elizabethan as a/an ______________.

a. poet
b. dramatist
c. artist
Answer: c
Q6. The important Milton’s poems of the early period are:
a. The Hymn on the Nativity, L’Allegro
b. II-Penseroso, Lycidas, Comus
c. Both a and b
Answer: c
Q7. What was the age of Milton when he wrote “The Hymn on the Nativity”?
a. 21
b. 22
c. 23
Answer: a
Q8. Which poem of Milton represents the poet in a gay and merry mood and it
paints an idealised picture of rustic life from dawn to dusk?
a. II Penseroso
b. L’Allegro
c. Lycidas
Answer: b

Q9. The poem which is written in serious and meditative strain of Milton was:
a. II Penseroso
b. L’Allegro
c. Lycidas
Answer: a
Q10. Which poem of Milton is a pastoral elegy?
a. The Hymn on the Nativity
b. L’Allegro
c. Lycidas
Answer: c
Q11. Lycidas was written to mourn the death of which Milton’s friend?
a. Edward King
b. L’Allegro
c. Lycidas
Answer: a
Q12. When the Civil War broke out in 1642, Milton threw himself heart and soul
into the struggle against King ____________.
a. James-I
b. Charles-I
c. Both a and b
Answer: b
Q13. Milton became the Latin Secretary to ____________, when he finding himself
unfit to fight as a soldier.
a. James-I
b. Charles-I
c. Cromwell
Answer: c
Q14. Milton became friendless after the death of __________, and the coming of
Charles-II to the throne.
a. James-I
b. Cromwell
c. Charles-I
Answer: b
Q15. Who wrote Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes after
undaunted by all his misfortunes?
a. Herrick
b. Carew
c. Milton
Answer: c
Q16. The subject-matter of Paradise Lost was:
a. casting out from Heaven of the fallen angles, Satan’s flight
b. Man’s temptation and fall from grace
c. both a and b
Answer: c

Q17. Which poem of Milton is called the last great Elizabethan poem?
a. Paradise Regained
b. Paradise Lost
c. Both a and b
Answer: b
Q18. In which poem of Milton, the most prominent is the figure of Satan who
possesses the qualities of Milton himself, and who represents the indomitable
heroism of the Puritans against Charles-I?
a. Paradise Lost
b. Paradise Regained
c. Samson Agonistes
Answer: a
Q19. Paradise Lost is written in:
a. heroic couplet
b. blank verse
c. none of the above
Answer: b
Q20. Which poem of Milton deals with subject of Temptation in the Wilderness ?
a. Paradise Lost
b. Paradise Regained
c. Samson Agonistes
Answer: b

Q21. In which poem Milton deals with an ancient Hebrew legend of Samson, the
mighty champion of Israel, now blind and scorned, working as a slave among
a. II Penseroso
b. Paradise Regained
c. Samson Agonistes
Answer: c
Q22. “Samson Agonistes” is a :
a. mock-heroic poem
b. tragedy
c. both a and b
Answer: b
Q23. “Eyeless in Gaza at the Mill with slaves”, this line taken from which poem of
a. Paradise Lost
b. Paradise Regained
c. Samson Agonistes
Answer: c
Q24. “to justify the ways of God to men”, this line belong to which poem of Milton?
a. Paradise Lost
b. Paradise Regained
c. Both a and b
Answer: a

On Paradise Lost

John Milton was inspired by the previous works of what authors ?

A. Homer, Virgil, and Dante

B. Dante, Spenser, and Pope
C. Homer, Dryden, and Longfellow
D. Virgil, Shakespeare, and Jane Austen

What poet was famous for his “Eclogues” ?

A. Virgil
B. Shakespeare
C. Chaucer
D. A and B

Even in John Milton’s lifetime, “Paradise Regained” was considered in literary

quality as largely to “Paradise Lost.” ?

A. superior
B. inferior
C. equal
D. irrelevant in comparison

What Biblical story acts as a springboard for John Milton’s “Paradise Regained”

A. The Baptism of Jesus

B. The story of Luke
C. The Ascension of Jesus
D. The Second Coming of Jesus
was the companion in publication to John Milton’s “Paradise Regained.” ?

A. “Paradise Lost”
B. “Areopagitica”
C. “On Christian Doctrine”
D. “Samson Agonistes”

Complete the following statement. John Milton explains in the first 26 lines of
“Paradise Lost” that that goal of his epic poem will be ?

A. to justify the ways of God to humankind.

B. to justify the ways of humankind to God.
C. to justify the ways of Heaven to Hell.
D. to justify the ways of Hell to Heaven.

What character leads Adam and Eve from the Gates of Paradise in the final book
of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” ?

A. Michelangelo
B. Raphael
C. Uriel
D. Michael

According to the “Book of Luke,” Herod was the king of ?

A. Judea
B. Egypt
C. Syria
D. Jerusalem

Which of the following British monarchs was executed during the English Civil

A. Charles I
B. Charles II
C. Queen Anne
D. Henry VIII

In Book Four of “Paradise Regained,” for his final temptation Satan takes Jesus
to what location ?

A. The top of the Pantheon in Rome

B. The Pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem
C. The top of a “Mountain high”
D. “Up to the middle Region of thick Air”
In , a good example of Milton’s sharp rhetorical prose, Milton denounces
restrictive censorship, arguing for freedom of the press ?

A. “Paradise Lost”
B. “Samson Agonistes”
C. “Areopagitica”
D. “Paradise Regained”

Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning John Milton’s poetry ?

A. He followed the Shakespearean rather than the Petrarchan sonnet form.

B. He followed the Petrarchan rather than the Shakespearean sonnet form.
C. He followed the Spenserian rather than the Shakespearean sonnet form.
D. He followed the Spenserian rather than the Petrarchan sonnet form.

What angel often speaks to Adam in Paradise ?

A. Michelangelo
B. Raphael
C. Pandosto
D. Baal

Choose the BEST answer to fill in the blank. John Milton is best described as a
strong who emphasized the freedom of the individual ?

A. Anglican
B. Methodist
C. Protestant
D. Buddhist

Which of the following events occur(s) at some point in John Milton’s “Paradise
Lost” ?

A. Satan contemplates his reflection in a pool of water.

B. Adam contemplates his reflection in a pool of water.
C. Eve contemplates her reflection in a pool of water.
D. All of these

A number of the British Romantic poets argue what character to be the

protagonist (or “hero”) of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” ?

A. Eve
B. Adam
C. God
D. Satan
Which of the following questions would a student of Book Nine of John Milton’s
“Paradise Lost” likely ask ?

A. “What is the precise relationship between Satan, Sin, and Death?”

B. “How, exactly, was Eve tempted to eat of the Tree of Knowledge?”
C. “How, exactly, was Adam convinced to eat of the Tree of Knowledge?”
D. B and C

John Milton deliberately distanced himself from the poets, a group of poets
known for their light, elegant style and frivolous content ?

A. Romantic
B. Victorian
C. Cavalier
D. Enlightenment

In “Samson Agonistes,” the character who tells others of Samson’s death


A. Manoa.
B. Dalila.
C. the Chorus.
D. a Messenger.

In 1660, after the Restoration, Milton suffered which of the following

punishments ?

A. He was imprisoned.
B. His left index finger was chopped off.
C. He was placed in the stocks for a week.
D. A and B

In “Paradise Lost,” Milton calls his Muse by which of the following names ?

A. Uriel
B. Urania
C. Calypso
D. Calliope

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE concerning John Milton’s ideal
republic ?

A. There was to be no king, bishops, or House of Lords.

B. There were to be no churches except Anglican churches.
C. There was to be no Oxford University.
D. A and C
When John Milton studied at Christ’s College, Cambridge, his college was a
stronghold of what religious faith ?

A. Anglicism
B. Puritanism
C. Buddhism
D. A and C

What character in “Paradise Lost” is first tempted to eat of the Tree of

Knowledge ?

A. Raphael
B. Eve
C. Adam
D. The Son

Harapha claims he wishes he could have fought Samson when he had his eyesight

A. he wants to get respect from the Philistine general standing beside him.
B. he wants Samson to break out of prison and kill some more Philistines.
C. he wants to encourage Samson.
D. he wants to seem more heroic than he really is.

In the demonic council of Book Two of “Paradise Regained,” who proposes that
Satan should tempt Jesus with lust for a beautiful woman the way Solomon was
tempted ?

A. Belial
B. Beelzebub
C. Venus
D. Satan

The English masque has its origins in the traditions of what European country ?

A. France
B. Germany
C. Spain
D. Italy

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE concerning Book Two of John
Milton’s “Paradise Lost” ?

A. A debate is held in Hell by Satan and his compatriots concerning whether to

attempt to recover Heaven.
B. Satan embarks on his passage across the great gulf of Chaos.
C. The Narrator invokes his muse by the name of “Holy Light.”
D. The demons begin exploring Hell, engaging in philosophical debates, and entering
singing competitions.

What poets before Milton were famous for writing epics ?

A. Virgil, Shakespeare, and Spenser

B. Homer, Virgil, and Spenser
C. Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Spenser
D. Gilgamesh, Petrarch, and Dryden

Early in Book Two of “Paradise Regained,” who yearns to see the missing Jesus
(who has wandered into the desert) ?

A. First Mary, then Joseph

B. First Andrew and Simon (Peter), then Mary
C. First Mary, then James and John
D. First Peter, then Paul and Mary

Which of the following monarchs was “restored” to the British throne during the
Restoration ?

A. Charles I
B. Charles II
C. Henry VIII
D. Charles III

The character named Comus is often seen by critics as a prototype of what

character Milton later portrayed ?

A. Jesus
B. Samson
C. Satan
D. Adam

Which of the following themes IS NOT important to John Milton’s “Paradise

Regained” ?

A. Sexual desire
B. Seeking God’s Will and Guidance
C. What it means to be the “Son of God”
D. Temptation

In “Samson Agonistes,” Harapha exits because of what reason ?

A. Samson will not fight him.
B. He does not want to fight Samson.
C. He must hurry to catch up with Dalila.
D. He has been called back to his hometown of Gath.

John Milton’s “Paradise Regained” is written in a(n) style ?

A. plain
B. luminescent
C. Latinate
D. Sophistic

In Book Six of “Paradise Lost,” Adam is told of what major event ?

A. The fall of the Son

B. The fall of the Rebel Angels
C. The fall of God
D. The death of Michael

John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” is best described by which of the following genres

A. Pastoral elegy
B. Prose polemic
C. Blank verse tragedy
D. Epic

According to John Milton’s view of the structure of the universe, the “Created
Universe” is surrounded by what ?

A. Heaven
B. Hell
C. Chaos
D. Sunshine

“Samson Agonistes” differs from its source material, the Biblical book of
“Judges,” in what way(s) ?

A. In “Samson,” Harapha is Samson’s enemy, but he is not in “Judges.”

B. In “Samson,” Samson is a Jew, but he is not in “Judges.”
C. In “Samson,” Samson marries the Woman of Timnah, but not in “Judges.”
D. In “Samson,” Samson never worships Dagon, but he does in “Judges.”

John Milton’s “Paradise Regained” is most similar in linguistic style to what

books from “Paradise Lost” ?
A. Three and Four
B. Five and Six
C. Eight and Nine
D. Eleven and Twelve

In Book One of “Paradise Lost,” the narrator identifies the fallen angels or devils
by what names ?

A. Their surnames
B. The names of pagan gods
C. The names of foreign countries
D. The names of the angels they will become

What British Romantic author was particularly inspired by the work of John
Milton ?

A. William Blake
B. Alfred Lord Tennyson
C. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
D. T.S. Eliot

John Milton’s “Comus” is best described by which of the following genres ?

A. Pastoral elegy
B. Prose polemic
C. Blank verse tragedy
D. Masque

“Samson Agonistes” is described as a “Closet Drama,” which


A. it can be acted out on a very small stage.

B. it was written to be read but not acted upon a stage.
C. people will read it in secret and not publically admit they read it.
D. it was written to be acted in a church.

After graduating from university, John Milton toured the continent of Europe
and likely met with which of the following individuals ?

A. Michelangelo
B. Charles II
C. Galileo
D. A and B

Which of the following British monarchs was executed during the English Civil
War ?
A. Charles I
B. Charles II
C. Queen Anne
D. Henry VIII

John Milton’s “L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso” are companion poems and are
both written in ?

A. iambic pentameter
B. tetrameter couplets
C. heroic couplets
D. Shakespearean sonnets

As originally envisioned by John Milton, “Paradise Lost” would consist of how

many books ?

A. Nine
B. Ten
C. Eleven
D. Twelve

In “Paradise Lost,” what is the relationship between Satan and Death ?

A. Death is Satan’s father.

B. Death is Satan’s son.
C. Death is Satan’s brother.
D. Death is Satan’s daughte

In John Milton’s “Paradise Lost,” Satan assumes the character and form of what
creature in order to tempt Eve to eat at the Tree of Knowledge ?

A. A toad
B. A serpent
C. A lion
D. A tiger

In the early books of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost,” Satan conspires with which
of the following characters ?

A. Baal
B. Beelzebub
C. Michel
D. A and B

The English Civil War was waged between what two political groups ?
A. Royalists and Monarchists
B. Royalists and Parliamentarians
C. Parliamentarians and Roundheads
D. Anarchists and Royalists

Near the end of “Samson Agonistes,” Samson has decided not to perform for
attendants at a certain event when (starting with line 1381) he suddenly reverses
positions and agrees to go. Why does he do this ?

A. He experiences some “rousing motions” which might be from God.

B. Manoa convinces him to do it or the Philistines will execute Samson.
C. The Chorus demands he stay in his prison cell and Samson reacts against them.
D. He wishes to see Dalila one last time in the crowd.

What event occurs in the final lines of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” ?

A. Adam and Eve hold hands and walk across an arid plain.
B. Adam and Eve promise to be fruitful and multiply.
C. Adam and Eve curse their God.
D. Adam and Eve curse Satan.

Which of the following elements DOES NOT characterize epic poetry ?

A. An Epic Council
B. An “Arming of the Hero” Scene
C. A “Tragic Recognition” Speech
D. An Invocation to the Muse

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