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VOCAB of the DAY 01-01-2024

Foreign words
➢ En bloc- All together
➢ En route- On the way
➢ Exparte- One sided
➢ Ex gratia- Payment made out of generosity
➢ Ex officio- By way of office
➢ Euthanasia- Mercy killing
➢ En train- Under progress or process
➢ Exempli gratia- For example
➢ Et al- And others

➢ To pay through the nose- To pay excessively
➢ On cloud nine- Extreamely happy and excited
➢ Verbal diarrhoea- To talk too much
➢ In a pickle- In trouble
➢ Fair and square- Honest and simple
➢ Fit as a fiddle- Being in good health
➢ A Benjamin’s portion- A large portion
➢ A red rag to a bull- A thing of provocation
➢ Mare’s nest- A difficult situation
➢ Dog in a manger- Selfish

➢ Grave- Serious
➢ Integrity- Honesty
➢ Toil- Work hard
➢ Dormant- Hidden
➢ Ponder- Think
➢ Debacle- Failure
➢ Robust- Healthy
➢ Compunction- Remorse
➢ Surmount- Overcome
➢ Fortify- Strengthen

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