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A dungeon generator for

The Unholy Den

Status Imminent danger Who or what dwells here now?

Inactive, because the place Poisonous gas seeps out Lost creatures from a
was invaded. from nearly invisible cracks. dimension of boiling blood.

What brings you here?

You don't know. You simply woke up in here, trapped and afraid.
Entrance Guarded by Distinctive feature

Rune-covered door in a A confused, naked and Tesseract that separates

secluded Sarkash glade. unarmed man. body and soul.

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Sacrificial altar with fresh Inscriptions, the motifs Ruined strawmen. This A box full of ants. Sticky
blood. A statue hangs from cause teleportation. Chest mirror depicts you as net falls down on
the ceiling. marked with explosive hideous. Climb through it intruders. A creature is
runes. to another room. made aware.

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.
v1.0.0 - "Enter the dungeon, and weep"

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