Analysis of The State and Dynamics of The Development of The Advertising Market in Kazakhstan Trends, Changes and Prospects

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МРНТИ 19.01.

JEL Classification: M37

Analysis of the state and dynamics of the development of the advertising

market in Kazakhstan: trends, changes and prospects

Kh. Kurbanov
Narkhoz University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

The purpose of the study: The study is aimed at analyzing the current state and
dynamics of the development of the advertising market in Kazakhstan, as well as
identifying key trends and providing recommendations for future research.
Research methodology: The study is based on statistical data for 2022 and 2023
provided by the Central Asian Advertising Association (CARA) and the DASM
Group. The main methods include data collection from reports and surveys, statistical
analysis, comparative analysis and data visualization.
Originality/Value of the study: The study provides up-to-date data on the
distribution of advertising budgets across various media channels, identifies the main
trends and changes in media consumption, and analyzes the growth of various market
segments. This allows advertisers and analysts to better understand current market
processes and adapt their strategies to achieve greater efficiency.
The results of the study: The total volume of advertising in Kazakhstan in 2023
amounted to 1134 billion tenge, which is 33% more than in 2022. Online advertising
showed the greatest growth, increasing by 56% and reaching 537 billion tenge.
Television remains an important channel for advertisers, showing an increase of 14%.
Outdoor advertising grew by 34%, especially in the digital outdoor structures
(DOOH) segment. The main drivers of growth are an increase in the activity of
current advertisers and the development of innovative advertising formats and
Keywords: advertising market of Kazakhstan, digital advertising, media
consumption, advertising budgets, market trends, advertising strategies.
The media and advertising market of Kazakhstan has shown significant
development in recent years, which makes it one of the most dynamic sectors of the
country's economy. In the context of rapidly changing media consumption and
technological innovation, it is important to understand how advertising budgets are
distributed, which channels and segments are leading, and which trends determine the
future of the industry.
With the development of technology and the increasing availability of the
Internet, the Kazakh advertising market is undergoing significant changes. Traditional
channels such as television and radio are losing ground to digital media, which are
becoming increasingly popular among advertisers and consumers. Consumers spend
more time online, using social media, mobile apps and online platforms for
information and entertainment. This requires advertisers to adapt their strategies to
effectively reach their target audience.
The relevance of this study is due to several factors. Firstly, the rapid
development of digital technologies leads to an increase in the number of Internet
users and an increase in time spent online, which makes digital media a key
communication channel for advertisers. This requires a detailed analysis and
understanding of current market trends and dynamics. Secondly, changes in consumer
preferences and media consumption are forcing advertisers to adapt their strategies in
order to remain competitive. Understanding these changes is important for
developing effective advertising campaigns. Thirdly, economic conditions, including
the growth of Kazakhstan's economy and an increase in advertising budgets, create
new opportunities and challenges for the market. The analysis of these factors helps
to better predict the development of the market and determine strategic directions for
Relevance: The main problem faced by the Kazakh advertising market is the
need to adapt to changes in media consumption and audience preferences. In recent
years, there has been a significant shift towards digital platforms such as social
media, video services and mobile applications. This change requires advertisers to
review their strategies and reorient budgets to new channels in order to remain
effective and competitive.
The share of digital media in the Kazakh advertising market is constantly
increasing. In 2023, the share of digital advertising reached 47%, which for the first
time exceeded the share of television, which amounted to 35%. This growth is due to
the high level of Internet penetration, which in 2023 amounted to 91.2%. Advertisers
should take this change into account and invest in digital channels such as contextual
advertising, banners and video advertising on social platforms.
Modern consumers are spending more and more time online, using various
devices to access information and entertainment. The average Internet user in
Kazakhstan spends about 3 hours a day online, with the main device for access being
a smartphone. This requires advertisers to develop mobile strategies and create
content tailored to mobile devices. Consumers are also becoming more selective and
demanding a personalized approach, which makes it harder for advertisers to keep
their attention.
Technological innovations play a key role in the development of the
advertising market. The introduction of Big Data, programming and performance
areas has become an integral part of modern advertising campaigns. These
technologies allow you to more accurately target your audience, measure the
effectiveness of advertising costs and adapt campaigns in real time. However, the use
of these technologies requires significant investments in infrastructure and staff
training, which can be a problem for some companies.
To successfully adapt to changes, advertisers must constantly monitor the
market and analyze data. This includes studying the behavior of the audience,
analyzing the effectiveness of various advertising channels and formats, as well as
tracking new trends and technologies. Without constant monitoring and analysis,
companies risk missing important changes in the market and losing their competitive
Together, these factors emphasize the need for flexibility and adaptability of
the Kazakh advertising market. Advertisers must be ready to respond quickly to
changes in media consumption and implement new technologies in order to remain
effective and successful in a rapidly changing market.
The main provisions of the study: The main provisions of the study include an
analysis of the distribution of advertising budgets between various media channels
such as television, radio, outdoor advertising and digital media in order to identify the
most effective channels to reach the target audience. The study also aims to identify
the market segments showing the greatest growth, with special attention to digital
media, which are becoming leaders in the field of advertising. Analyzing current
trends and changes in consumer behavior will help you better understand how to
adapt advertising strategies to new conditions, including studying audience
preferences, time spent in various media channels, and the effectiveness of
advertising campaigns. The main categories of advertisers, their contribution to the
total market volume and key factors affecting their advertising budgets will be
considered to determine which industries are the main engines of growth of the
advertising market in Kazakhstan.
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the current state of the
advertising market in Kazakhstan, based on statistical data for 2022 and 2023, to
identify key trends and make recommendations for future research. To achieve this
goal, the following issues will be considered: how are advertising budgets distributed
between different media channels, which media channels and market segments are
showing the greatest growth, what trends and changes in media consumption have
been observed in recent years, and which categories of advertisers are the main
engines of market growth. The answers to these questions will help to better
understand the current processes in the advertising market of Kazakhstan, as well as
to form forecasts for the future, which will be useful for both advertisers and analysts
and researchers in the field of media and advertising.
Literature review: The purpose of the literature review is to analyze and
systematize existing research and data on the advertising market in Kazakhstan. This
allows you to identify key trends, identify the main changes in the market structure
and understand what factors influence the dynamics of advertising expenses. A
review of the literature helps to form a complete picture of the current state of the
market, its potential and possible directions of development, which, in turn,
contributes to the development of effective strategies for market participants.
An analysis of the data provided by the Central Asian Advertising Association
(TSAR) and the DASM Group allows us to conclude about the dynamic development
of the advertising market in Kazakhstan. Major media channels such as television and
digital platforms continue to play a key role in companies' advertising strategies. In
2023, the share of digital media was 47%, overtaking television, which accounted for
35%. Radio and outdoor advertising also occupy a significant market share. The total
volume of advertising in 2023 amounted to 1134 billion tenge, which is 33% more
than in 2022. In 2022, the main channels were television and online advertising,
which continued to grow in 2023. The press showed a 10% decrease in advertiser
activity in 2023. Pharmaceuticals, food products and financial services remain the
leading categories of advertisers. In 2022, the top 20 advertisers accounted for 12%
of the total market. Digital media growth is expected to continue and investments in
online advertising, in particular in video advertising and performance areas, are
expected to increase.
The CARA documents include "Overview of the media market of Kazakhstan
2022-2023", "Advertising volume in Kazakhstan for 2023" and "Advertising market
volume in Kazakhstan for 2022". These documents provide detailed information
about the market structure by media channels, the volume of investments in
advertising segments, the dynamics of media consumption and budget allocation.
Digital media is becoming the dominant channel in the Kazakh advertising market. In
2023, the share of digital media was 47%, which overtook television (35%). The
growth of investments in online advertising continues, which confirms an increase of
56% in 2023. Despite the decline in the share, television remains an important
channel for advertisers. The television advertising segment showed an increase of
14% in 2023, due to the high occupancy rate of advertising blocks and steady
demand. Outdoor advertising showed a 34% growth in 2023, especially in the DOOH
segment, which attracts attention due to the availability and responsiveness of digital
screens. The press continues to lose ground, which is reflected in a 10% reduction in
advertising costs in 2023. This long-term trend is observed not only in Kazakhstan,
but also on a global scale. Economic stability and GDP growth contribute to an
increase in advertising budgets. Population growth and increased incomes also have a
positive impact on the market.
The DASM Group data presented in the document "Media Market
Overview(MMO) 2023" includes an analysis of audience and media consumption,
economic indicators affecting the media market, demographic data and socio-
economic factors, major trends in media consumption and advertising strategies,
statistics on the use of digital platforms and social networks, as well as forecasts for
future periods. The Internet audience of Kazakhstan numbers 173 million people, the
average age of users is 40 years. More than 90% of users access the Internet at least
once a day, the average stay time is about 3 hours. The GDP forecast for 2023-2025 is
5-6.8%, inflation is 5-8%. These indicators affect advertising budgets and cost
allocation. The population of Kazakhstan at the end of 2023 is 20.01 million people.
The average monthly income in 2023 is 393,605 tenge. In 2023, the main tools for
advertisers were video, social networks, banner advertising, search and use of
influencers. WhatsApp remains the absolute leader among messengers, whose share
decreased slightly in 2022, but continues to lead in terms of the number of users. It is
predicted that digital media will continue to grow, the share of e-commerce will
increase and software solutions will be used to manage advertising campaigns.
The literature review is important for understanding current trends and changes
in the advertising market of Kazakhstan. It allows you to identify the key factors
influencing the distribution of advertising budgets and media consumption, and also
helps to identify areas for future research and development strategies. The
systematization of data from various sources makes it possible to analyze the market
more deeply and develop sound recommendations for advertisers and media agencies.
Applied research methods: Data collection: The main data was collected from
reports and reviews provided by the Central Asian Advertising Association (CARA)
and the DASM Group. These data include the volume of advertising budgets,
distribution by media channels and the dynamics of their growth.
Statistical data analysis: Data on the volume of advertising for 2022 and 2023
were analyzed, which allowed us to identify the main trends and changes in the
Comparative analysis: A comparative analysis of changes in the distribution of
advertising budgets across various media channels in 2022 and 2023, as well as the
growth dynamics of online advertising, has been carried out.
Data visualization: Graphs and diagrams illustrating the distribution of
advertising budgets and the dynamics of their growth were created to visually present
the results of the study.
Results: The advertising market in Kazakhstan is showing significant growth,
confirming sustainable development in various segments. In 2023, the total volume of
advertising in the country amounted to 1134 billion tenge, which is 33% more than in
2022 (Table 1). This growth is the most significant in recent years and indicates a
high level of advertiser activity in all major media channels.

Table 1 – The distribution of advertising budgets by major media channels for 2022
and 2023:
Media Channel 2022 (billion tenge) 2023 (billion tenge) Growth (%)
Television 352 401 14%
Online advertising 344 537 56%
Outdoor advertising 109 146 34%
Radio 37 39 5%
The press 11 10 -10%

Television remains an important channel for advertisers, showing growth of

14% in 2023. The volume of advertising on television has reached 401 billion tenge.
The growth was due to the stabilization of the economy, an increase in real incomes
of the population and high demand for television as the most popular communication
channel. In the television segment, there have been significant changes in the market
structure, including the redistribution of TV channels between sellers and the
activation of advertisers from the Internet environment, such as Yandex, Ozon and
Online advertising shows the highest growth among all media channels,
increasing by 56% and reaching 537 billion tenge in 2023. The main growth drivers
include an increase in the activity of current advertisers, an increase in the number of
advertisers, the development of performance and e-com directions, as well as the use
of Big Data for targeting. Video advertising remains the leading segment, but there is
also a noticeable increase in demand for banner and contextual search advertising.
The outdoor advertising market grew by 34% in 2023, reaching 146 billion
tenge. The main contribution to the growth of the segment was made by the
development of digital outdoor structures (DOOH), which provide advertisers with
new opportunities for targeting and interacting with the audience. In 3-4 quarters of
2023, operators actively installed new digital designs and replaced classic formats.
Radio continues to show positive dynamics, showing an increase of 5% in
2023. The volume of advertising budgets in the radio segment has reached 39 billion
tenge. The restoration of the radio segment began in the summer of 2022, and it
continued in 2023 due to an increase in the activity of current advertisers and the
return of the categories of advertisers of the pre-pandemic period.
The press remains the only segment to show a 10% decline in 2023. The total
volume of advertising in the press amounted to 10 billion tenge. This decrease is due
to the long-term trend of reducing the activity of advertisers in this segment, as well
as current economic and political factors.
The advertising market in Kazakhstan continues to show steady growth,
especially in the digital media segment. In 2023, the total volume of advertising
reached an impressive 1,134 billion tenge, which is 33% more than the previous year.
This growth is due to the active development of online advertising, which showed an
increase of 56%, as well as a significant increase in outdoor advertising and
stabilization of the television and radio segments.
The main drivers of growth include an increase in the activity of current
advertisers, an increase in the number of new advertisers, as well as the development
of innovative advertising formats and technologies such as Big Data and
programmatic targeting. Economic stabilization, the growth of real incomes of the
population and the high level of Internet penetration in all regions of the country have
also become important factors.
For the further successful development of the advertising market in
Kazakhstan, advertisers need to take into account changes in consumer preferences.
The shift towards digital media and the growing interest in video content require
companies to adapt their strategies and use new channels to interact with the
audience. The introduction of technologies such as programmatic targeting and the
use of data to personalize ads is also a key element of a successful advertising
In conclusion, the prospects for the advertising market in Kazakhstan look
positive. Companies that can quickly adapt to changes and effectively use new
opportunities will have significant advantages in a competitive market.
Discussion: The media and advertising market of Kazakhstan has shown
significant development in recent years, which makes it one of the most dynamic
sectors of the country's economy. In the context of rapidly changing media
consumption and technological innovations, it is important to understand how
advertising budgets are distributed, which channels and segments are leading, and
which trends determine the future of the industry. The purpose of this article is to
provide an overview of the current state of the advertising market in Kazakhstan,
based on statistical data for 2022 and 2023, to identify key trends and make
recommendations for future research.
The main problem faced by the Kazakh advertising market is the need to adapt
to changes in media consumption and audience preferences. The increasing share of
digital platforms, changes in consumer habits and the need to integrate new
technologies require constant monitoring and analysis. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the current state and dynamics of the development of the advertising market
in Kazakhstan. The tasks include studying the structure of the distribution of
advertising budgets across the main media channels, identifying key trends and
changes in media consumption, analyzing the growth dynamics of various market
segments, identifying the main categories of advertisers and their contribution to the
overall market volume.
An analysis of the data provided by the Central Asian Advertising Association
(CARA) and the DASM Group shows that television and digital platforms remain the
main media channels in Kazakhstan. In 2023, the share of digital media reached 47%,
overtaking television, which accounted for 35%. The largest growth was recorded in
the online advertising segment, which increased by 56% compared to the previous
year. The hypothesis of this study is that digital media will continue to lead the
Kazakhstani advertising market in the coming years, due to the high level of Internet
penetration and changing consumer preferences.
The dynamics of the development of the advertising market in Kazakhstan
demonstrates positive trends. In 2023, the total volume of advertising in the country
amounted to 1134 billion tenge, which is 33% more than in 2022. It is important to
note that the distribution of advertising budgets across the main media channels for
2022 and 2023 showed that online advertising and outdoor advertising are the main
engines of growth. The online advertising market in Kazakhstan is showing
significant growth, which is confirmed by data for 2023, when the online advertising
segment grew by 56% compared to the previous year. This growth is due to several
key factors: an increase in advertiser activity, an increase in the popularity of video
advertising, the development of performance areas, the use of Big Data and
programming. Along with online advertising, the outdoor advertising segment is also
showing steady growth. In 2023, outdoor advertising increased by 34% compared to
2022, due to the development of digital outdoor structures (DOOH) and the
expansion of infrastructure.
Analysis of data over the past few years shows that the growth of the digital
advertising segment is a steady trend. For example, in 2022, online advertising also
showed significant growth, increasing by 56% compared to the previous year. This
indicates a continued increase in advertisers' trust in digital media and their high
efficiency. However, when assessing the current state of the market, several
limitations should be taken into account: insufficient attention to small and medium-
sized businesses (SMEs) and the influence of global political and economic factors.
Global political and economic events, such as the war between Russia and Ukraine,
disruption of logistics chains and bureaucratic delays, have a significant impact on
the advertising market in Kazakhstan. In 2022, many customers reduced or canceled
advertising activity due to these factors.
The main limitations of this study include the lack of detailed data on the SME
segment and the impact of external factors on the market. For a more accurate
understanding of the dynamics of the development of the advertising market in
Kazakhstan in the future, it is recommended to conduct regular and more detailed
studies, include data on SME advertising budgets, investigate the influence of
external factors and develop data analysis methods. Thus, the advertising market in
Kazakhstan continues to demonstrate growth and development, but requires a deeper
and more comprehensive analysis to make informed decisions and develop effective
Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research: The media
and advertising market of Kazakhstan has shown significant development in recent
years, which makes it one of the most dynamic sectors of the country's economy. In
the context of rapidly changing media consumption and technological innovations, it
is important to understand how advertising budgets are distributed, which channels
and segments are leading, and which trends determine the future of the industry. The
purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the current state of the advertising
market in Kazakhstan, based on statistical data for 2022 and 2023, identify key trends
and make recommendations for future research.
The main problem faced by the Kazakh advertising market is the need to adapt
to changes in media consumption and audience preferences. The increasing share of
digital platforms, changes in consumer habits and the need to integrate new
technologies require constant monitoring and analysis. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the current state and dynamics of the development of the advertising market
in Kazakhstan. The tasks include studying the structure of the distribution of
advertising budgets across the main media channels, identifying key trends and
changes in media consumption, analyzing the growth dynamics of various market
segments and identifying the main categories of advertisers and their contribution to
the overall market volume.
Limitations of this study include limited access to data on small and medium-
sized businesses, lack of information on the impact of global factors on the local
market, and limited attention to long-term trends. In the future, it is recommended to
conduct a more detailed analysis of the impact of new technologies on advertising
strategies and media consumption. Future research should include more detailed data
on the advertising budgets of small and medium-sized businesses, take into account
the impact of global economic and political events, conduct a deeper analysis of long-
term trends and their impact on the market, explore the impact of new technologies
on advertising strategies, and take into account regional peculiarities.
The advertising market in Kazakhstan is showing steady growth, especially in
the digital media segment. The main trends include an increase in the share of online
advertising and the steady growth of outdoor advertising. To achieve sustainable
development in the future, advertisers should take into account changes in consumer
preferences and actively introduce new technologies and approaches into their
The advertising market in Kazakhstan continues to show steady growth, with
particular success in the digital media segment. In recent years, there has been a
significant increase in the share of online advertising, which in 2023 reached 47% of
the total market volume, overtaking television with its 35%. This indicates a change
of leaders in media channels and the growing influence of digital technologies on the
advertising industry.
The main trends: Growth in the share of online advertising: In 2023, online
advertising showed an increase of 56% compared to the previous year. The main
drivers of this growth were an increase in the activity of current advertisers, an
increase in the number of new advertisers and the development of such areas as video
advertising, performance and e-commerce. It is important to note that video
advertising remains the most popular segment among digital formats.
Stable growth of outdoor advertising: The outdoor advertising segment also
showed positive dynamics, increasing by 34% in 2023. Special attention is paid to the
development of digital outdoor structures (DOOH), which attract advertisers with
their accessibility and efficiency. In 2023, the installation of new digital designs and
the replacement of classic formats significantly increased interest in outdoor
Television and radio: Despite the decline in the share of television in the total
advertising market, this segment continues to be significant, showing an increase of
14% in 2023. Radio also showed positive dynamics with an increase in advertising
volumes by 5%, despite the recovery processes after the pandemic.
Decrease in activity in the press segment: The press continues to experience a
decrease in interest from advertisers, which is associated with a long-term trend of
decreasing activity in this segment. In 2023, the volume of advertising in the press
decreased by 10%, which confirms the need to adapt this segment to new realities and
digital transformations.
Recommendations for advertisers: In order to achieve sustainable development
in the future, advertisers should consider several key aspects:
Integration of new technologies: Advertisers should actively introduce new
technologies and approaches into their strategies. This includes the use of
programming, big data and performance marketing, as well as the development of
special projects and interactive advertising formats.
Focus on digital platforms: With the growing penetration of the Internet and
changing consumer habits, companies must strengthen their presence on digital
platforms such as social networks, video hosting and e-commerce platforms.
Adapting to changes in media consumption: It is important for advertisers to
take into account changes in audience media consumption. The growing popularity of
mobile devices and social networks requires a review of strategies and a
redistribution of budgets in favor of mobile and social advertising.
Development of local platforms: In the context of global political and
economic changes, advertisers should pay attention to local platforms and resources
that can offer more sustainable and adaptive solutions for advertising.
Development prospects: In the coming years, Kazakhstan's advertising market
is expected to continue to grow, with an emphasis on digital media and new
technologies. It is predicted that the share of online advertising will continue to
increase, which will require advertisers to be flexible and ready to adapt. It is also
important to take into account the regional characteristics and needs of the Kazakh
audience, which will allow more effectively reaching target groups and increasing the
return on investment in advertising.
In conclusion, the advertising market of Kazakhstan is at the stage of active
development and transformation. Successful strategies in the future will be based on
innovation, digitalization and a deep understanding of consumer preferences.


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Қазақстанның жарнама нарығының жай-күйі мен даму

динамикасын талдау: үрдістер, өзгерістер және перспективалар

Х. Курбанов
Нархоз Университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан Республикасы

Зерттеу мақсаты: Зерттеу Қазақстанның жарнамалық нарығының

ағымдағы жай-күйі мен даму динамикасын талдауға, сондай-ақ негізгі
үрдістерді анықтауға және болашақ зерттеулер үшін ұсыныстар беруге
Зерттеу әдістемесі: зерттеу Орталық Азия жарнама қауымдастығы
(CARA) және Dasm тобы ұсынған 2022 және 2023 жылдардағы статистикаға
негізделген. Негізгі әдістерге есептер мен сауалнамалардан деректерді жинау,
статистикалық талдау, салыстырмалы талдау және деректерді визуализациялау
Зерттеудің өзіндік ерекшелігі/құндылығы: зерттеу жарнамалық
бюджеттерді әртүрлі медиа арналар арқылы бөлу туралы өзекті деректерді
ұсынады, медианы тұтынудағы негізгі тенденциялар мен өзгерістерді
анықтайды және нарықтың әртүрлі сегменттерінің өсуін талдайды. Бұл
жарнама берушілер мен талдаушыларға ағымдағы нарықтық процестерді
жақсырақ түсінуге және тиімдірек болу үшін стратегияларын бейімдеуге
мүмкіндік береді.
Зерттеу нәтижелері: Қазақстандағы жарнаманың жалпы көлемі 2023
жылы 1134 млрд теңгені құрады, бұл 2022 жылмен салыстырғанда 33% - ға
артық. Ең үлкен өсімді онлайн-жарнама көрсетті, 56% - ға артып, 537 млрд
теңгеге жетті. ТЕЛЕДИДАР жарнама берушілер үшін 14% өсіммен маңызды
арна болып қала береді. Сыртқы жарнама көлемі 34% - ға өсті, әсіресе цифрлық
сыртқы дизайн сегментінде (DOOH). Өсудің негізгі факторлары қолданыстағы
жарнама берушілердің белсенділігін арттыру және инновациялық жарнама
форматтары мен технологияларын дамыту болып табылады.
Түйінді сөздер: Қазақстанның жарнама нарығы, цифрлық жарнама, медиа
тұтыну, жарнама бюджеттері, нарық үрдістері, жарнама стратегиялары.

Анализ состояния и динамики развития рекламного рынка

Казахстана: тенденции, изменения и перспективы

Х. Курбанов
Университет Нархоз, Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Цель исследования: Исследование направлено на анализ текущего
состояния и динамики развития рекламного рынка Казахстана, а также
выявление ключевых тенденций и предоставление рекомендаций для будущих
Методология исследования: Исследование основано на статистических
данных за 2022 и 2023 годы, предоставленных Центральноазиатской рекламной
ассоциацией (CARA) и Группой DASM. Основные методы включают сбор
данных из отчетов и опросов, статистический анализ, сравнительный анализ и
визуализацию данных.
Оригинальность/ценность исследования: В исследовании представлены
актуальные данные о распределении рекламных бюджетов по различным
медиа-каналам, выявлены основные тенденции и изменения в потреблении
медиа, а также проанализирован рост различных сегментов рынка. Это
позволяет рекламодателям и аналитикам лучше понимать текущие рыночные
процессы и адаптировать свои стратегии для достижения большей
Результаты исследования: Общий объем рекламы в Казахстане в 2023
году составил 1134 млрд тенге, что на 33% больше, чем в 2022 году.
Наибольший рост продемонстрировала онлайн-реклама, увеличившись на 56%
и достигнув 537 млрд тенге. Телевидение остается важным каналом для
рекламодателей, показав рост на 14%. Объем наружной рекламы вырос на 34%,
особенно в сегменте цифровых наружных конструкций (DOOH). Основными
факторами роста являются повышение активности существующих
рекламодателей и развитие инновационных рекламных форматов и технологий.
Ключевые слова: рекламный рынок Казахстана, цифровая реклама,
медиапотребление, рекламные бюджеты, тенденции рынка, рекламные

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