Marketing Research (Advanced Course) MIDTERM 1

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SIW 1 Literature review on the topic «State advertising as an instrument of transformation

of the media market in Hungary»

Kurbanov Khalmurad
specialization «MARKETING»
Specialty code: "7M04118 – Marketing"
The article examines the transformation of the Hungarian media market, largely caused
by changes in the distribution of government advertising. This process is especially relevant for
countries with authoritarian or hybrid regimes, where the state plays a key role in media
financing and can use its influence to support loyal media and suppress critical voices.
The main aspects of the transformation of the media market in Hungary:
Changing the Role of Government Advertising: The redistribution of government
advertising in favor of media loyal to the government contributed to the strengthening of pro-
government media and the restriction of pluralism.
Politicization of the media: The strengthening of ties between political parties and the
media has led to the emergence of media empires strictly controlled by the ruling elite, which has
affected the content and objectivity of media content.
Concentration of Ownership: The purchase of media assets by businessmen associated
with the ruling party has led to a high concentration of media ownership and reduced
competition in the market.
Impact on independent media: The restriction of independent media access to government
advertising and the financial difficulties caused by this led to the closure of many independent
Changing the media landscape: The processes mentioned above have radically changed
Hungary's media landscape, reduced media pluralism and restricted freedom of speech.
The role of the international community: The attention of international organizations to
the situation of media pluralism and transparency of media ownership in Hungary underlines the
international importance of these issues.
Thus, the study shows that the transformation of the media market in Hungary is the
result of purposeful actions by the government aimed at strengthening its control over the media
space through the redistribution of state advertising, politicization of the media and concentration
of media ownership. These processes have caused significant changes in the structure of the
media market, affecting the accessibility of diverse information to citizens and the general media
pluralism in the country.
The methodology used in the study is a comprehensive approach to analyzing changes in
the distribution of government advertising and its impact on the Hungarian media market. This
approach includes several key aspects:
1. Data Collection
Data sources: The study is based on data provided by the international research company
Kantar Media, which specializes in monitoring the media market. These data contain information
on government advertising expenditures from April 2006 to December 31, 2017, including all
types of government agencies and authorities.
Additional data: Data from audits of print circulation (MATESZ), measurements of the
audience of TV channels (Nielsen) and online media attendance (Gemius) were also used, which
made it possible to assess the popularity and influence of media among consumers.

2. Data Analysis
Media Segmentation: The analysis focuses on three key segments of the media market:
national political daily newspapers, two major commercial TV channels and two leading online
news portals. This approach made it possible to study in depth the impact of government
advertising on various types of media.
Measuring the volume of government advertising: The study estimates the share of
government advertising in total advertising revenue for each of the media under consideration, as
well as changes in the distribution of government advertising between them during the study
3. The Theoretical Basis
Theoretical framework: The study draws on theories of political economy of the media,
which consider the interaction between the state and the media, as well as the specifics of state
advertising as an instrument of political and economic influence.
Comparative analysis: The article analyzes how the Hungarian experience correlates with
existing theoretical models, paying attention to the unique aspects of the Hungarian model of
public advertising distribution.
4. Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the analysis of the data and the theoretical framework, conclusions are drawn
about the impact of state advertising on the media market and media pluralism in Hungary. The
study highlights how changes in the distribution of government advertising have contributed to
the concentration of media ownership, the strengthening of pro-government media and the
deterioration of conditions for independent media. In conclusion, recommendations are made to
improve the situation aimed at increasing transparency and fairness in the distribution of public
advertising, which can contribute to the restoration of media pluralism and freedom of speech.
Practical application
The article on the transformation of the Hungarian media market, focused on the impact
of government advertising and political changes, can be a valuable source for analyzing similar
processes in Kazakhstan when writing a dissertation on the topic "Transformation of the media
market in Kazakhstan: trends and prospects." Here are a few aspects in which it can be useful:
1. Theoretical framework
Adaptation of theoretical approaches: The article provides an overview of the theories of
political economy of the media, which can be adapted or applied to analyze the Kazakh context.
This will help determine how political and economic factors affect the media market in
2. Methodological approach
Examples of research methodology: The study offers a detailed description of data
collection and analysis methods that can be adapted for the study of the Kazakh media market.
This includes an analysis of the share of government advertising in media revenues, the impact
on media pluralism and freedom of speech.
3. Comparative analysis
Cross-country comparisons: The study of the transformation of the media market in
Hungary can serve as a basis for comparative analysis with Kazakhstan, identifying similarities
and differences in market dynamics, the role of the state and the impact of political changes.
4. Identification of trends and challenges
Trend Analysis: The study helps identify key trends and challenges in media
transformation, such as concentration of ownership, politicization of media, and how these
aspects affect media pluralism and democracy.
5. Developing perspectives
Forecasting future development: An analysis of the Hungarian experience can offer
lessons and warnings for Kazakhstan, especially in the context of preserving media pluralism
and developing strategies for sustainable development of the media market.
6. Recommendations
Formulation of recommendations: Based on the findings of the Hungarian study,
recommendations can be developed to improve the structure and functioning of the media market
in Kazakhstan, including proposals for regulation and policy in the field of media.
So, the article will provide a theoretical and methodological basis that will help develop a
structured approach to studying the transformation of the media market in Kazakhstan, identify
key factors influencing this process, and propose effective solutions to stimulate the development
of the media sector in the country.
The study of the transformation of the media market in Hungary, focusing on the role of
government advertising and the impact of political changes, is a significant source of knowledge
and methodological approaches applicable to the analysis of similar processes in Kazakhstan.
This research can serve as the basis for a dissertation on the topic "Transformation of the media
market in Kazakhstan: trends and prospects" in several areas.
First, it provides a theoretical framework for understanding the interaction between
government, media and politics, which is critical for understanding the basic principles
underlying the transformation of media markets. Secondly, the proposed research methodology,
including the analysis of data on government advertising and audience, can be adapted to study
the Kazakh context, providing a systematic approach to data collection and analysis.
Thirdly, comparing the situation in Hungary with the Kazakh context allows us to
identify unique and common trends in media transformation, which can contribute to a deeper
understanding of the mechanisms affecting media markets in the post-Soviet space.
Finally, the analysis of the Hungarian experience offers important lessons and
recommendations for Kazakhstan, especially regarding the preservation of media pluralism and
the development of effective strategies to stimulate the development of the media market. These
conclusions and recommendations can serve as a valuable contribution to the development of
media policy and regulation in Kazakhstan aimed at strengthening democracy and freedom of
Thus, the study of the Hungarian case enriches the understanding of the transformation of
media markets in post-Soviet countries and provides valuable methodological tools and
theoretical approaches for analysis and comparison. This study can be an important starting point
for further study of the dynamics of the media market in Kazakhstan, emphasizing the need for
broader international cooperation and knowledge sharing in the field of media research.
1. «State advertising as an instrument of transformation of the media market in Hungary». 2019
Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

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