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Multi-factor-controlled ReRAM devices and

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their applications
Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,
10, 8895
Bai Sun, †*ab Guangdong Zhou, †c Tian Yu, d
Yuanzheng Chen, a

Feng Yangb and Yong Zhao*ab

Resistive random access memory (ReRAM) based on a resistive switching (RS) effect is a new type of
non-volatile memory device that stores information based on the reversible conversion of resistance
states controlled by an electrical pulse. The RRAM has many advantages such as high read/write speed,
high storage density, and low power consumption. In particular, many recent studies have found that
the conversion of resistance states in some RRAMs can be controlled by extra factors except electrical
pulses, such as light, magnetic field, mechanical force, moisture, temperature, acid-base (pH), and so on.
The multi-factor-controlled ReRAM devices are expected to be used in the manufacture of multistate
memory for information processing, special sensors and neuromorphic applications; thus, it can be
Received 16th December 2021, expected to be used in multifunctional devices with wider applications. Therefore, the development
Accepted 16th May 2022 of multi-factor-controlled ReRAM devices is of great significance. In this review we discuss the
DOI: 10.1039/d1tc06005h research progress, current problems, and future development trends for the multi-factor-controlled
ReRAM devices for information processing, neural sensing and neuromorphic applications in artificial intelligence.

1. Introduction
School of Physical Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Advanced
Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education of China), Southwest Jiaotong The advancement of nanodevice manufacturing technology has
University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China. E-mail:, greatly promoted the development of information technology. Traditional memory devices are facing huge challenges because
Superconductivity and New Energy R&D Center, Southwest Jiaotong University,
traditional memory technologies are about to reach the physi-
Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China
School of Artificial Intelligence, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China cal limit of their storage.1,2 In particular, the von Neumann
College of Physics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China bottleneck caused by the central processing unit (CPU) and
† These authors equally contributed to this work.

Dr Bai Sun received his PhD degree Dr Guangdong Zhou received his
in the Faculty of Materials and PhD degree at the Faculty of
Energy from Southwest University Materials and Energy from
(China) in 2015, and conducted Southwest University (China) in
postdoctoral research at the Uni- 2018. He conducted his post-
versity of Waterloo (Canada) from doctoral research at Southwest
2018 to 2021. Currently, he is an University during 2018–2020. His
associate professor at Southwest research focuses on the physical
Jiaotong University. His research mechanism of memristor and
interests mainly focus on the memristor-based functions includ-
development of new energy ing memory logics, displays and
materials, the preparation of synapses. His memristor related
Bai Sun memristive devices and their Guangdong Zhou researches are supported by the
applications in brain-like chips, Postdoctoral Program for
neural synapses, neural networks, neuromorphic computing, Innovative Talent Support of Chongqing. During the past 10 years,
information sensing, intelligent electronic skin, etc. more than 90 peer-reviewed papers were published.

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data storage unit is an important factor for the limitation of state (LRS), which is usually defined as logic ‘‘0’’ and ‘‘1’’ in logic
further increase of storage density and processing speed.3–5 function and data storage applications. Traditionally, these two
Therefore, the development of new types of memory devices is states can be controlled by applying a sufficiently large electrical
extremely important for high-tech daily life. In various new pulse on the two electrodes of the device with a sandwich
concept memory devices, the ReRAM devices based on RS structure.12,13 In many previous studies, the significant RS beha-
effects, such as memristors, phase change memories (PCM) vior has been observed in many oxide materials, such as NiO,
and spin torque memories (STM), have many obvious advan- ZnO, TiO2, ZrO2, Al2O3, Nb2O5, Ta2O5, Fe3O4, Zn2SnO4, SrZrO3,
tages among all competitors for high-performance memory, BiFeO3, SrTiO3, Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3, etc.14–20 In addition, it has also
logical function, neural networks, neuromorphic computing, been found that many biomaterials also have a resistance con-
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

and so on.6–10 These advanced operations are expected to version effect comparable to that of oxide materials.21–25 These
promote the vigorous development of artificial intelligence. studies imply that the materials used to fabricate ReRAM devices
ReRAM devices have received extensive attention due to have the advantage of wide selection. In fact, the diversity of
their fascinating potential applications spanning informa- materials for device preparation also implies the complexity of its
tion science, materials science, physics, chemistry and physical mechanism and the wide range of applications.
biomedicine.11 This technology can perform reversible RS In many current reports, it is considered that ReRAM devices
between the high resistance state (HRS) and the low resistance have potential applications in multistate memory. Thus, it can
significantly improve the storage density and read/write speed
of the memory devices.26–30 Unlike other memory devices,
except electrical pulse control, the RS effect of some special
Dr Yuanzheng Chen received his materials can also be controlled by extra-factors, such as light-
PhD degree at the State Key Lab illumination, magnetic field, mechanical force, moisture, tem-
of Superhard Materials of Jilin perature, acid-base (pH), and so on.31–47 It can be seen from
University (China) in 2014. And Table 1 that light and moisture are currently the two most
then he joined Southwest popular control methods because light and moisture are easily
Jiaotong University (China) as implemented. The RS behavior controlled by multiple factors
an associate professor. Recently, greatly enriches the physical process of the RS phenomenon.
he moved to the Beijing Therefore, these multi-mode response ReRAM devices are
Computational Science Research attracting more and more interest for advanced applications,
Center for postdoctoral research, for performing some tasks such as in sensors and detectors, not
and to the National University of just as memory devices for information processing.
Singapore as a visiting scholar. For information storage applications, the ReRAM devices
Yuanzheng Chen His research focuses on controlled by the multi-factors provide the basis for the pre-
functional device design and the paration of multistate memories, which not only open the way
discovery of new chemical and physical properties using density towards ultra-high storage density memory devices, but also lay
functional theory (DFT) calculations. a theoretical basis for a device integrating multiple physical

Dr Feng Yang received his Dr Yong Zhao is currently a

Master’s degree in Physics and Professor of Physics at Fujian
Chemistry of Materials from Normal University, and a Chair
Yanshan University in 2005 Professor at Southwest Jiaotong
(China). He then joined the University (SWJTU). He received
Department of Polymer Science his PhD degree from the
& Engineering & State Key University of Science and
Laboratory of Silicon Materials Technology of China in 1988.
at Zhejiang University and During 1988-1990, he was a
completed his PhD degree in lecturer and an associate
2008. Afterwards, he became a professor at the School of
lecturer (2008–2011) and associ- Physics at Zhejiang University.
Feng Yang ate professor (since 2011) at Yong Zhao During 1992-2003, he is a
Southwest Jiaotong University. Senior Researcher Fellow,
His current research interests include the surface photovoltage, Research Professor at the University of New South Wales. Since
photoelectronic, memristor, and resistive switching properties of 2003, he has been a Chair Professor and Director of
metal oxide nanomaterials. Superconductivity R&D center at SWJTU. He has been working in
the field of superconductivity and functional devices for the last
40 years.

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Table 1 Some extra-factor-controlled ReRAM devices and their potential applications

Functional layer Top electrode Bottom electrode Extra-factors Potential applications Ref.
Al2O3 Pd SiO2/Si Light Complex memory architectures 31
ZnO nanorod Au ITO Light Information storage devices with optical writing 32
CeO2 x ITO AlOy/Al Light Non-volatile optoelectronic memory devices 33
rr-P3HT/PCBM Ag ITO Light Non-volatile memory and image detector 34
ZnO rods Ag FTO UV light Multilevel memory device 35
BiFeO3/ZnO Ag FTO Light Multifunctional electronic devices 36
Zn0.95Co0.05O Pt Pt Magnetism Random access memories with encoded quaternary information 37
BiFeO3/g-Fe2O3 Ag FTO Magnetism and light Multistate memory controlled by light and magnetism 38
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SrTiO3 d Pt Pt Moisture High-performance anionic–electronic resistive switching 39

TiOx Ag FTO Moisture Multilevel resistive switching memory 40
MoOx Ag Ag Moisture Bifunction device with logic gate and display 41
a-Carbon Ag Ag Moisture Self-powered memory system 42
Pt nanogap Pt Pt Temperature High-temperature memory device 43
C15H11O6 Ag FTO Moisture and temperature Green multifunctional electronic device 44
GeS2 Ag W Mechanical stress Stress-aware programming device 45
NiO/ZnO GaIn ITO Bending Bending-controlled resistive switching device 46
(C7H7O4N)n Ag FTO pH pH-controlled resistive switching device 47

rr-P3HT: regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophen-2,5-diyl); PCBM: phenyl-C61-butyric acid methylester.

realize a multistate memory pattern to improve the storage

capacity of ReRAM devices.31–36 The light-control mode can
also be useful for long-distance applications and enables
operation without electronic disruption interference.48–50 In
this way, the operation of involving optical signals in ReRAM
devices should have potential application prospects. In addi-
tion, the photoelectric RS property can also be beneficial for the
preparation of multifunctional electronic devices, such as
photoelectric sensors and photodetectors.51,52 If the wavelength
and frequency of light are taken into consideration, light-
controlled ReRAM devices will further present more application
For the study of introducing optical signals into ReRAM
devices, Mariana Ungureanu et al. firstly demonstrated a light-
controlled RS memory in a Pd/Al2O3/SiO2/Si structure.31 By
testing the RS effect under light-illumination, it was found that
the resistance states of the device can be simultaneously
controlled both by voltage pulse and light. This device can
Fig. 1 Some ReRAM devices can be controlled by multi-factors.
add the light as a new control pattern which is different from
the traditional RS memory device controlled by only an elec-
performances for artificial sensing applications. Therefore, the trical pulse. Fig. 2a shows the as-prepared ReRAM device with
research on ReRAM devices controlled by multi-factors is very the vertical stacks of a Pd/Al2O3/SiO2/Si multilayer structure.
imperative for practical application. In this review, we will This ReRAM device can be made to have different exposure
discuss in detail the research progress on the preparation of areas by an etching method. During the measurement of I–V
ReRAM devices controlled by multi-factors. Although the clas- curves for two devices with different light-exposed ring areas at
sification may not be accurate and strict enough, in order to room temperature, an interesting phenomenon can be
give a clearer discussion, we tried to make a classification, as observed in that the current increase of the device became
shown in Fig. 1. Then, the current problems are thrown out and more significant when the device with a larger area was exposed
some suggestions for improvement are given. Finally, the under light-illumination. Fig. 2b clearly shows the mechanism
development trends in future research are outlined. dynamic process of carrier movement when the device with a
light-exposed area (AL) of 1.0 cm2 was irradiated. According to
the theory of solid physics, the carrier concentration in the
2. Research progress depletion region of the interface can be changed by light-
illumination. For an RS memory device, it allows a light to
2.1 Light-controlled ReRAM devices control the writing process of information. It implies that this
Recently, light plus electric pulse-controlled RS memory beha- ReRAM device is expected to be developed as a light-assisted
viors have been reported in many works, which is expected to multistate memory. Besides, the light-controlled ReRAM device

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Fig. 2 (a) Schematic diagram of the as-prepared ReRAM device with a Pd/Al2O3/SiO2/Si structure; (b) the dynamic process of a light-controlled ReRAM
device. Panels a and b were reproduced with permission.31 Copyright 2012 Wiley-VCH. (c) Schematic diagram of the light-controlled new concept logic
devices. Panel c was reproduced with permission.32 Copyright 2013 Wiley-VCH. (d) Schematic diagram and operation mechanism of the light-controlled
ITO/CeO2 x/AlOy/Al device. Panel d was reproduced with permission.33 Copyright 2015 Wiley-VCH.

has the capability to work as a light sensor and light-electric under constant sunlight and photoelectric sensors. Further-
signal detector,53,54 a combination that opens the door to novel more, Hongwei Tan et al. reported the design and construc-
multifunctional devices. tion of an optoelectronic RS memory device with integrated
In the research of photoelectric devices, ZnO is an important demodulating and arithmetic functions for information
member of semiconductor materials. ZnO is usually an n-type technology.33 The as-prepared ReRAM device is composed of
semiconductor with four crystal structures, namely the wurtzite a simple ITO/CeO2 x/AlOy/Al multilayer structure (Fig. 2d). In
phase, sphalerite phase, NaCl structure, and CsCl structure, this work, an electrically erasable persistent photoresponse
respectively. ZnO has a large energy band gap and exciton characteristic in the as-prepared memristive device can be
binding energy, high transparency, and excellent luminescence observed. The first-digit information can be transmitted and
performance at room temperature. Therefore, it has been demodulated from the wavelength of the light beam. The green
usually used in the research of many optoelectronic devices. light with a wavelength of 560 nm and the blue light with a
Here it should be mentioned that Jinjoo Park et al. designed a wavelength of 499 nm can be demodulated as ‘‘0’’ and ‘‘1’’,
new conceptual method for controlling memristors based on respectively. At the same time, the second-digit binary informa-
ZnO nanorods.32 The schematic diagram of the light-controlled tion can be carried and demodulated with the intensity of the
new concept logic devices is illustrated in Fig. 2c. By adjusting light beam, where 4 and 6 pW mm 2 for either colored light
the angle of light incidence on the device, it can be found stand for ‘‘0’’ and ‘‘1’’, respectively. Thus, the four pieces of two-
that the obtained signal can be switched reversibly between digit information of ‘‘00’’, ‘‘01’’, ‘‘10’’, and ‘‘11’’ can be demo-
the memristor and the resistor. This reversible switching dulated and stored from the wavelength and intensity of
device between memristor and resistor has many interesting the incident light beams, with the corresponding device resis-
potential applications.55,56 The inset of Fig. 2c shows a three- tances of B1.5  1010, 9.0  109, 4.3  109, and 1.7  109 O
dimensional (3D) cross-sectional view of different regions of a in response to the optical beams of green light with lower
memristor and resistor. This novel design concept is widely intensity (GL), green light with higher intensity (GH), blue
applicable in many light-controlled multifunctional devices. light with lower intensity (BL) and blue light with higher
When the light radiation incident at y = 601 irradiated the intensity (BH), respectively. Finally, the word ‘‘NIMTE’’ can be
device, the device showed no significant memristive effect. This demodulated from the light signals by and stored in the ITO/
is in stark contrast to when the device exhibits bipolar RS CeO2 x/AlOy/Al device. This work demonstrates the possibility
characteristics when the light incident on the sample at an of using a photoresponsive ReRAM device for future high-
angle of y = 101 with respect to the normal irradiates the device performance information storage, computing and communica-
array. Thus, the structure and design methods of the as- tion applications.57–59
described device can stimulate future technological develop- At present, it is undeniable that the selection of suitable
ment of nanodevices, such as the development of manufactur- functional materials is still a challenge in order to achieve high-
ing information memory devices that perform optical writing performance photo-electronic ReRAM devices.60–62 Sebastian

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Fig. 3 (a) Microscope photo of a 32  32 array detector. (b) A schematic cross-sectional view of a single unit of the ReRAM device, showing the materials
used in each component. (c) Optical photograph of the fabricated image detector array on the flexible substrate. (d) The I–V curve of the organic
photodiode under dark conditions and using different power illumination. (e) The I–V curve (red line) of the organic photodiode under dark conditions
and the hysteresis I–V curve (blue line) of the organic ReRAM device on top of the organic photodiode. Panels a–e reproduced with permission.34
Copyright 2015 Wiley-VCH.

Nau et al. introduced a unique imaging device concept using an the reverse current of the diode. In the forward direction (0 V -
organic and flexible detector array with simple passive matrix 6.0 V - 0 V), the photodiode is conductive and does not act as a
wiring.34 The appropriate functionality of this concept was current-bottleneck for the organic ReRAM device. A typical
demonstrated in single elements and an array structure with hysteretic I–V characteristic with an obvious RS effect can be
32  32 cells, which was integrated into an organic and flexible clearly observed in this organic device. When the applied
passive-matrix image detector array (Fig. 3a). As illustrated in voltage was scanned back to 6.0 V again, the ReRAM device
Fig. 3b, a single pixel of the as-presented image detector, which exhibited a very obvious low reverse current. Although the
is comprised of a vertical stack of an organic photodiode and an organic ReRAM device had switched to its LRS, the current still
organic non-volatile multibit ReRAM device. As an organic did not increase significantly. This work proposed a unique
photodiode, a well-known system based on a photoactive layer image detection array technology based on an organic ReRAM
consisting of a blend of regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophen-2,5- device. Since organic materials usually have the advantages of
diyl) (rr-P3HT) and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methylester (PCBM) good scalability, flexibility, bendability, and light weight, com-
was used to form a p–n bulk-heterojunction in the interface pared with traditional inorganic image detector technology,
between the two electrodes. Fig. 3c shows an optical photo- this organic device technology has many applications, espe-
graph of a high-density array of image detectors fabricated on a cially in wearable electronics.63–65
flexible substrate, indicating that the as-fabricated ReRAM With the development of light-controlled ReRAM devices,
device has good flexibility and can be bent under a small the wavelength of light has also become a factor worth con-
clamping force between the fingers. The detection mechanism sidering. For example, the ultraviolet (UV) light-controlled RS
of a single pixel using the device is that the illumination using behavior has attracted the attention of researchers.66–69 It
the organic photodiode will cause the voltage drop across the should be mentioned that Paola Russo et al. reported, for the
two devices to be redistributed. This can be used to trigger a first time, the multilevel current amplification of ReRAM
threshold event, which causes the non-volatile resistance devices induced by UV light illumination based on ZnO
changes of the organic ReRAM device to change. A typical I–V rods.35 In this work, in order to study the electrical perfor-
curve of the organic photodiode at different illumination con- mances of the ZnO rod-based ReRAM device, Ag as the top
ditions is shown in Fig. 3d. The current of the device shows an electrode and FTO as the bottom electrode of the ReRAM device
obvious gradual increase trend with the increase of the light were fabricated. A schematic of the Ag/ZnO rods/FTO device is
power density in the negative voltage region. The I–V curves of displayed in the insets of Fig. 4a and b. The electrical measure-
the vertically stacked combination of both devices are shown in ments were performed in the dark and under UV irradiation.
Fig. 3e and can be described as follows: Initially the organic Considering that the nanorod array usually has an obvious
ReRAM device is at the HRS. When the I–V sweep was started at leakage current, a relatively small applied voltage was used for
–6.0 V and then the bias was decreased to 0 V, it detected only the ZnO rod-based ReRAM device. A sweeping voltage of 4.0 V

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Fig. 4 (a) I–V curves of the ReRAM device with a Ag/ZnO rods/FTO structure under dark conditions and (b) under UV irradiation with a sweeping voltage
of 4.0 V for the first cycle (black curves) and after 40 cycles (red curves). (c and d) UV photoresponse time of the as-prepared ReRAM device in the
constant positive voltage region and negative voltage region, respectively. Panels a–d were reproduced with permission.35 Copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH.

was applied at the top electrode Ag, and the bottom electrode preparation process, while the ZnO film is a stable n-type
FTO was kept grounded. The I–V curves are displayed in Fig. 4a semiconductor. Therefore, a p–n junction would be formed at
and b, respectively, in which it can be observed that the current the interface of this heterojunction. At this time, the holes in
of the device is increased by nearly an order of magnitude when BiFeO3 can be diffused into ZnO, and the electrons in ZnO can
UV irradiation was applied to the ReRAM device. The photo- be diffused into BiFeO3. Thus, an internal electric field would
response performances of the ReRAM device under positive and be formed inside the p-n junction, and the direction of the
negative voltage are shown in Fig. 4c and d, in which we can see internal electric field is directed from ZnO to BiFeO3. When the
that UV light has a very significant modulation effect on the device was exposed to light-illumination, it further strengthens
output current of the Ag/ZnO rods/FTO device. Therefore, a the internal electric field because a large number of photo-
conclusion can be drawn from this work that the UV-induced generated carriers was generated inside BiFeO3 and ZnO,
multilevel current amplification can be employed for the opti- resulting in an obvious NDR phenomenon being presented.
mization of the devices’ performance by controlling the UV Therefore, the formation of this internal electric field leads to
exposure. This work provides a good valuable reference for the the appearance of the NDR effect. Through the above analysis,
preparation of UV-controlled ReRAM devices, UV-response the RS memory behavior can be attributed to the formation of
field-effect transistors (FET), real-time UV detectors, and so oxygen vacancies assisted Ag conductive filaments, while the
on.70–72 NDR effect can be attributed to the inner electric field and the
In our previous work, a light-induced negative differential efficiently separated photo-generated electrons and holes
resistance (NDR) effect in a ReRAM device with a Ag/BiFeO3/ under light-irradiation in the interface of the BiFeO3/ZnO p–n
ZnO/FTO structure was observed.36 The I–V characteristics heterojunctions. This work opens up a new way to design a new
show asymmetric behavior under dark and light-illumination type of electronic device which can be conversed between RS
conditions, respectively. We can observe that an NDR effect memory and NDR effect by using light-illumination. Indeed,
occurs when the device was exposed to light-illumination many works report that the NDR effect has very important
conditions. Based on conductivity analysis, the physical potential applications in electronics.73–77 Therefore, it is
mechanisms of the RS and NDR effect for the Ag/BiFeO3/ZnO/ expected that the light-induced coexistence of the RS and
FTO device were proposed. Based on the energy band structure NDR effect has highly important potential applications in the
and electron–hole pair separation in the p–n heterojunction, it photo-electric multifunctional electronic devices.
is well known that the BiFeO3 film is a typical p-type semicon- In short, through the above discussion of the light-controlled
ductor due to the formation of oxygen vacancies during the ReRAM devices, it can be seen that the light-controlled RS

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memory behavior shows an increasingly important duo as it Guang Chen et al. firstly fabricated a RS device with a Pt/
provides a reliable basis for the development of multistate mem- (Zn0.95Co0.05)O/Pt sandwich structure on the SiO2/Si substrate
ory using light as an additional control parameter. In particular, with Ti as the buffer layer.37 In the RS device, a (Zn0.95Co0.05)O
the light-controlled RS behavior can also be applied to other film with a thickness of 60 nm acts as the functional layer of the
functional electronic devices, such as light sensors, light- device, and Pt acts as the top and bottom electrodes. The inset
controlled field effect transistors (FET), light image detectors, of Fig. 5a shows a schematic diagram of the 3D structure of the
light-controlled synaptic devices, light-controlled neural networks, RS device and the test circuit. To demonstrate the effect of RS
photo-rechargeable battery, and so on.78–82 Therefore, the devel- behavior on the magnetic properties of Co:ZnO, Fig. 5a shows
opment of light-controlled ReRAM devices will have broad the magnetization hysteresis loop of the as-prepared Pt/
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

potential application prospects for multifunctional electronic Co:ZnO/Pt device, in which the magnetic field (H) was applied
devices in the future. in-plane, and the diamagnetic signal of the substrates was
subtracted by testing a clean substrate. Fig. 5b shows I–V curves
2.2 Magnetism-controlled ReRAM devices with 30 consecutive cycles for one of the memory cells with a
It is well known that magnetic phenomena and electrical stable RS characteristic along with a clear set and reset process,
phenomena are essentially related. The electrical applications indicating a bipolar RS behavior was obtained from the as-
of devices are usually significantly affected by a magnetic field prepared samples. The inset of Fig. 5b presents the endurance
because the magnetic properties of materials are closely related properties of the RS device, which shows that the Pt/Co:ZnO/Pt
to the movement structure of electrons. Recently, magnetism device can continuously switch exceeds 300 cycles with slight
controlled electronic devices have also been a very popular attenuation. This data shows that the RS device has the
research field because the magnetic field is not blocked by capability of being an information storage device. Reversible
obstructing objects.83–85 In particular, the application of mag- control of saturation magnetization (MS) in a sequence of more
netic field-controlled devices is even more widely used in HRS/LRS cycles is presented in Fig. 5c. In addition to the MS
biomedicine.86,87 Therefore the magnetic field as a very effec- modification, the coercivity (HC) was also modulated reversibly
tive control method has also been used in ReRAM devices in between 68  3 and 94  4 Oe with the RS behavior, which
recent years of research.37,38 shows a robust and stable variation of 35% accordingly, as

Fig. 5 (a) The magnetization hysteresis loop of the as-prepared RS device with a Pt/Zn0.95Co0.05O/Pt structure at room temperature when the sample
plane is parallel to the direction of the magnetic field. (b) The semilogarithmic I–V curves with 30 cycles for the RS device. (c and d) The MS and HC are
reversibly modulated by the RS effect of the device. (e) Schematic of ferromagnetic ordering based on the bound magnetic polarons (BMP) mechanism at
HRS. (f) Mechanism of the RS and magnetic modulation during the set process. All panels were reproduced with permission.37 Copyright 2012 Wiley-

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depicted in Fig. 5d. Hence the initial ferromagnetism of the device the magnetic field controlled RS behavior. Obviously, the
at HRS is naturally explained by the bound magnetic polarons magnetic field can effectively control the set and reset voltage
(BMPs) mechanism (Fig. 5e), in which it is discounted in this of the RS device. In addition, this device is also controlled by
scenario for a lack of enough oxygen vacancy (VO) in the insulating light-illumination (the related data is not shown here). The
Co:ZnO composite to achieve effective coupling. During the set physical mechanism of the magnetic field and white-light
process, accumulations of VO resulting from the oxygen migration controlled RS behavior of the Ag/[BiFeO3/g-Fe2O3]/FTO device
to the anode are aligned along the film growth direction to form is displayed in Fig. 6c. It should be noted that the ferroelectric
conductive filaments (Fig. 5f), resulting in the RS device entering polarization of the BiFeO3 nanoparticle and the magnetization
the LRS or ‘‘ON’’ state from HRS or ‘‘OFF’’ state. Therefore, the Pt/ of the g-Fe2O3 nanoparticle are the key roles for the magnetic
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

Co:ZnO/Pt device achieves a reversible conversion of resistance field and white-light simultaneously controlled RS effect in the
between HRS and LRS in the magnetic field. Therefore, the BiFeO3/g-Fe2O3 heterojunction based ReRAM device. BiFeO3 is
combination of the RS and magnetic modulation gives rise to a typical multiferroic material, thus it has both ferroelectricity
the integration of ferromagnetism and electrical properties into and ferromagnetism. The ferroelectric polarization of BiFeO3
an RS device with a Pt/Co:ZnO/Pt structure, which is promising for results in an extra opposite-direction electrical field (Ei) in
broadening the applications from RS behavior to magnetism the BiFeO3/g-Fe2O3 composite film. Light-illumination can
controlled multifunctional devices.88,89 enhance the ferroelectricity of BiFeO3, which leads to increas-
Based on the above research, a magnetic field controlled ing the extra opposite-direction electrical field (Ei) in the
ReRAM device with a Ag/[BiFeO3/g-Fe2O3]/FTO structure was BiFeO3/g-Fe2O3 composite film. In addition, the magnetic field
also designed.38 Fig. 6a shows a schematic representation of can magnetize the g-Fe2O3. The J–V curve of the RS device
the sandwich RS device. Fig. 6b displays typical current density- shows a macroscopic change because of the micro-rotation of
dependent voltage (J–V) curves on linear scale in various the magnetic domain of g-Fe2O3 and the ferroelectric domain of
magnetic fields from 0 T to 2.5 T, which exhibit an asymmetric BiFeO3 in the light-illumination and magnetic field. Therefore,
hysteresis behavior with a significant bipolar RS effect. The such an RS memory can be controlled simultaneously by
inset of Fig. 6b is a schematic diagram of the test method for voltage pulses, magnetic field and light-illumination, which

Fig. 6 (a) A schematic representation of the magnetism-controlled ReRAM device with a Ag/[BiFeO3/g-Fe2O3]/FTO structure. (b) The linear scale J–V
characteristic curves in various magnetic fields, and the inset is the schematic diagram of the testing circuit in a magnetic field. (c) Ferroelectric
polarization of BiFeO3 under an applied voltage. By applying a magnetic field or white light, ferroelectric polarization of BiFeO3 can be increased. All
panels were reproduced with permission.38 Copyright 2015 Royal Society of Chemistry.

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reveals the potential for next-generation nonvolatile memory impact on the performance and application of electronic
applications based on a multifunctional composite material. devices. However, the regulation of moisture on electronic
Based on the above discussion, it can be seen that the devices has become a research focus with the development of
magnetic field controlled RS effect is also a research focus multifunctional devices.93–95 In particular, many studies have
because the magnetic field can’t blocked by obstacles, thus the reported the regulation of moisture on ReRAM devices.96–102
magnetic field controlled electronic device can be effectively Next, we will discuss in detail the research on moisture-
used in medical diagnosis and treatment.90–92 Therefore, the controlled ReRAM devices.
magnetic field controlled ReRAM devices should have potential For the first time, Felix Messerschmitt et al. prepared a
applications in advanced multifunctional electronics. ReRAM device with a Pt/SrTiO3 d/Pt structure and demon-
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

strated a reversible transition from standard RS behavior at

2.3 Moisture controlled ReRAM devices ambient humidity to a capacitive-coupled memristive effect in a
With the miniaturization of integrated circuit packaging and dry atmosphere.39 Through electrochemical reaction analysis,
the development of surface mount technology, the develop- the RS behavior based on oxygen anionic–electronic transfer
ment of non-gas-sensitive surface mount devices has been very with the bit structures in cross-plane configuration consisting
rapid. Due to moisture absorption, its attenuation rate also of two Pt electrodes separated by a SrTiO3 d thin film, as shown
remains high. Therefore, moisture has always had a negative in Fig. 7a. Several microelectrodes were structured onto the

Fig. 7 (a) Schematic representation of a single RS device with a Pt/SrTiO3 d/Pt structure exposed to moisture and performance test circuit diagram.
(b) Results of cyclic voltammetry measurements with 200 consecutive cycles at a constant sweep rate of 0.05 V s 1. (c) Schematic diagram of the
electrochemical reaction dynamics of moisture in the memristor. Panels a–c reproduced with permission.39 Copyright 2015 Wiley-VCH. (d) Schematic
diagram of the reaction of water molecules (H2O) with oxygen vacancies at the surface and interface of an RS device with a Ag/TiOx/FTO structure. (e and
f) The I–V curves of the RS device under RH of 0% and 95%. Panels d–f reproduced with permission.40 Copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH.

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sample to characterize the memristive behavior and assure In addition, our group developed an RS device with the
reproducibility of the RS measurements including a close-to- lateral Ag/MnOx/Ag structure based on a single MnOx nanorod
application multibit cross-bar array with the thickness of the on a Si substrate with an insulating layer of SiO2.41 An inter-
SrTiO3 d film of about 720 nm. The RS characteristics of the esting phenomenon was observed in that the RS device showed
Pt/SrTiO3 d/Pt devices using cyclic voltammetry under ambi- a typical resistor property under dry ambience, while it demon-
ent conditions are shown in Fig. 7b. We can see that this strated the reversion between resistor and memristor under
logarithmic form I–V curve is obvious non-zero crossing, and moisture ambience. Fig. 8a shows a schematic diagram of the
it can be repeated for 200 consecutive cycles, suggesting the Ag/MnOx/Ag device when input electric pulses of 0.7 V were
RS device has a good stability with information storage applied under the moisture of RH = 65%, and the reading
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

capacity. Fig. 7c shows that moisture influences the overall voltage of 0.5 V was employed at the same time. It was found
electronic structure at the space-charge region of the metal/ that a low current of B5.0 nA was presented from the ReRAM
oxide interface. The results were discussed in relation to device even without any inputs. The current versus input signal
the changed Schottky barrier by adsorbed surface water plot demonstrated that the output value can be well maintained
molecules (H2O) and its interplay with the charge transfer for 50 seconds when applying different inputs to the device.
in the SrTiO3 d thin film. From a fundamental perspective, Furthermore, the display logic was defined to be ‘‘1’’ when the
these results show that moisture cannot be neglected in output current exceeds 200 nA. Thus, a pre-stored single letter
the development of an anionic–electronic RS device as hydro- ‘‘G’’ can be further presented by the codes ‘‘01000111’’ accord-
xyl interactions seem to be crucial to the basic property ing to the American Standard Code for Information Inter-
of memristive devices. These new insights on moisture con- change (ASCII), as shown in Fig. 8b. The other letters of the
trolling the I–V profile transition from a standard memristive alphabet (‘‘I’’ and ‘‘T’’) can be displayed by the same pattern.
behavior to a fully capacitive-coupled memristive effect Therefore, the memory logic functions, namely, the memory
allow us to formulate future device design guidelines to logic gates and logic displays are feasible after applying the
tweak the resistance ratios and their addressable states and moisture and electric pulses to the single MnOx nanorod-based
to engineer high-performance anionic–electronic ReRAM ReRAM device.
devices. In the past few years, Z. L. Wang and C. G. Hu have stressed
Inspired by the above research, we also designed a ReRAM that the self-powered system, which shows the brightest pro-
device using moisture controlling based on an Ag/TiOx/F- spect applications in smart sense and portable microelectronic
doped-SnO2 (FTO) structure, and observed a coexistence of devices.103–107 In previous reports, the moisture-powered sys-
negative differential resistance (NDR) and RS memory at room tem has also been developed.108–110 In particular, Prof. Dai’s
temperature.40 It was found that the coexistence starts to group developed a moisture-powered information storage
appear when the RS device was exposed to a humidity environ- device for the first time.111 Based on the inspiration of the
ment, and the phenomenon gradually became obvious when it above research, flame synthesis carbon-based nanogenerators
was exposed to a relatively high humidity with a relative (Carbon-NGs) were developed, which can be triggered by water
humidity of 35%, and then becomes dramatically enhanced evaporation at room temperature.42 These devices show a
as the relative humidity becomes higher. Fig. 7d shows a favorable open-circuit voltage of B1.0 V and short-circuit
schematic diagram of a water molecule (H2O) reaction with current of B100 nA. The typical I–V measurements illustrate
oxygen vacancy (Vo) at the surface of the RS device and the that the device has obvious bipolar RS behavior. A resistance
interfaces of Ag/TiOx and TiOx/FTO. The I–V hysteresis can be ratio (RHRS/RLRS) of B8 can be obtained and well maintained
found in Fig. 7e and f under the bias voltage scan rate of for 104 s without almost attenuation at a reading voltage of
1.0 V s 1 with the bias voltage sweep sequence between 6.0 V 0.5 V, indicating the ReRAM device has potential applications
and 6.0 V. A typical RS phenomenon can be observed in the RS in information storage. Fig. 8c shows a schematic of the self-
device under relative humidity (RH) of 0% from Fig. 7e. How- powered memory system including the Carbon-NGs and carbon
ever, a strong NDR appeared when the relative humidity was memristor. The output current of the carbon memristor versus
improved to 95% in Fig. 7f. A strong NDR behavior was the time was tested when the Carbon-NGs cells periodically
observed in the RS memory cell under RH of 95% demonstrat- reverse the Ag electrodes inserted into deionized water (Fig. 8d),
ing a coexistence of NDR and RS. The coexistence can be showing a periodic output of current and open circuit voltage
realized at room temperature using the RS device with an Ag/ signals. Fig. 8e displays the schematic of the CS-AFM measure-
TiOx/FTO structure by operating at different relative humidity ment using the carbon materials and a constant bias voltage of
(RH) levels. This research reveals that the coexistence of NDR 0.1 V applied to the carbon layers. These results show the
and RS was greatly enhanced when RH was changed from 35% carbon-NGs system possibly has potential for application in
to 95%. In contrast, there exist almost two orders smaller moisture-controlled memristive sensors. Therefore, the a-
saturation current and no NDR in high vacuum. Therefore, carbon-based self-powered memory system has provided a
this work demonstrates that moisture-modulated coexistence voltage source as well as sensing to the testing environment.
of NDR and RS gives an insight into the influence of water From the above analysis, it is not difficult to see that the
molecules (H2O) on transition-metal-oxide-based ReRAM moisture controlled RS effect has many meaningful applica-
systems. tions in a humid environment and under water-rich conditions.

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Fig. 8 (a) Operating schematic diagram of the memristive device under an electric pulse of 0.7 V and moisture. (b) The logic display of the word ‘‘GIT’’
according to the ACSII. Panels a and b were reproduced with permission.41 Copyright 2019 Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Self-powered memristive
system. (d) The output current versus the time for the Carbon memristor after integrating with three Carbon-NGs cells with expected voltage outputs.
(e) Schematic of the CS-AFM measurement using the a-carbon materials. Panels c–e were reproduced with permission.42 Copyright 2019 Elsevier.
(f) Schematic diagram of the potential applications of moisture-controlled memristors.

This is mainly due to the decomposition reaction of water multistate storage, but also can be applied to humidity sensing,
molecules (H2O) inside the functional material under an exter- which has potential multifunctional characteristics.
nal applied voltage, and then will give rise to a chemical
reaction with oxygen vacancies or other ions in the active 2.4 Effect of temperature on ReRAM devices
material, which further caused the change of the RS effect. In In current research, temperature has also been involved in the
addition to ReRAM devices, the moisture controlled electronic research of ReRAM devices as a control parameter.43,44,117,118 In
devices, such as moisture-powered nanogenerators, moisture- general, temperature-controlled devices have the following
powered detectors and moisture-powered sensors have also advantages: (i) since an intelligent temperature controller has
been widely reported.112–116 Therefore, moisture-controlled the technology of temperature control by programming in
ReRAM devices have opened a path for the development of a different periods, it can realize automatic controlling of the
new type of electronic devices. Finally, it should be mentioned devices in different periods through intelligent and humanized
that the memristive effect controlled by the extra-factor programming settings. (ii) The temperature of the device can be
has potential application value for preparing multistate sensed by using a highly accurate thermal element, so that the
memory.44,45 In such devices, because the addition of water device can be accurately controlled to operate at a certain
(H2O) can modify the memristive properties of the device, temperature. (iii) It can be implanted into the human body as
multiple logic states can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 8f. Thus, a medical device to detect the human body’s condition in real
it is undeniable that this moisture-controlled memristive effect time, and reflect the health or other conditions through tem-
can also be used in sensors. Therefore, the proposed moisture- perature. Therefore, temperature-controlled ReRAM devices
regulated memristive behavior can not only be applied to should have many potential applications in wearable products,

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Fig. 9 (a) Schematic diagram of a nanogap-based RS device and SEM images of a Pt nanowire fabricated on a SiO2/Si substrate. (b) Nanogap formation
sequence. (c) SEM image of a Pt polycrystalline nanowire with nanogaps. (d) Stability of the HRS and LRS of the sharp-edged Pt nanogap at 873 K. Panels
a–d were reproduced with permission.43 Copyright 2016 NPG publisher group.

medical diagnostic devices and temperature-controlled mem- temperature from room temperature (25 1C) to 250 1C, the
ristive sensors. nonpinched I–V at low temperature changes into a pinched I–V
Hiroshi Suga et al. prepared a highly stable, nonvolatile, loop at high temperature (Fig. 10b4). This may be because the
high-temperature memory based on the RS effect of a poly- ionic activity in the active material is increased due to
crystalline platinum (Pt) nanogap by high-resolution electron reinforcing thermal shock with increasing the temperature,
beam lithography and lift-off techniques.43 In this work, the which makes it easier to ionize atoms and then it can be
researchers prepared the simultaneously pattern multiple Pt transported more rapidly. As a result, it is easy to form ionic
nanowires with a width of 500 nm and a length of 5 mm. conduction paths, resulting in an I–V curve with pinched
Thereby they obtained a non-volatile nanogap memory on the behavior. Therefore, the experimental data were obtained in
Si substrate with 300 nm thick SiO2, as shown in Fig. 9a. Then, C15H11O6-based devices when the ReRAM device was subjected
a shaping current was applied to open the gap in the nanowire to an external stimulus (e.g., voltage, moisture, or temperature),
using a probe station equipped with a source meter (Keithley which explains a reversible transition from a nonpinched I–V
2636) (Fig. 9b), which can confirm whether the gap was hysteresis loop to an ideal pinched I–V hysteresis loop. This
successfully formed. The SEM image of a Pt polycrystalline work indicates that the natural biomaterials can also be used to
nanowire with nanogaps is shown in Fig. 9c, which exhibits a prepare temperature-controlled ReRAM devices, and it can be
nanogap of approximately 10 nm between the Pt electrodes. expected to be applied to the production of sustainable, green
Finally, a long-term retention measurement was performed, in and pollution-free electronic devices.
which we can see that the resistances of HRS and LRS are Based on the discussion about the preparation of
basically unchanged within 8 hours at 873 K (Fig. 9d). These temperature-controlled ReRAM devices, it can be found that
results indicate that the nanogap-based ReRAM device has a temperature-controlled ReRAM devices have a wide range of
stable resistance memory window, and it is suitable for the application prospects because the temperature is an easily
preparation of ReRAM devices as information storage devices. controlled parameter. Especially, the temperature-controlled
This work indicates that the nanogap-based RS device can work ReRAM device can be applied to programmable temperature
at high temperature, which expands the temperature range of controlled electronic devices, such as temperature-controlled
the RS device works. sensors, temperature-controlled detectors, temperature-
In order to further expand the choice of materials for the controlled medical treatment, and so on.119–125
preparation of memristors, exploring the use of natural bioma-
terials as functional layers to prepare memristive devices 2.5 Effect of mechanical stress on ReRAM devices
has attracted the attention of many researchers. In our The influence of mechanical stress on device performance is
previous work, a memristor device with a Ag/C15H11O6/FTO also an important aspect. For example, the strain of a ferroe-
structure was prepared using natural biomaterial anthocyanin lastic material is a nonlinear function of the mechanical stress
(C15H11O6) as the functional layer.44 The preparation process of that it is subjected to a device. Ferroelastic materials have a
the device using a spin coating method is shown in Fig. 10a. wide range of applications in materials science.126–130 Similarly,
The I–V curve of the Ag/C15H11O6/FTO device from 2.0 to 2.0 V current research indicates that the RS effect of some materials
was first measured, and an obvious nonpinched (non-zero- is also regulated by mechanical stress. Next, we will discuss the
crossing) I–V hysteresis characteristic at ambient conditions control and application of mechanical stress to the RS effect.
(Fig. 10b1) was observed. When applying a larger voltage and Stefano Ambrogio et al. showed that the asymmetry of the
moisture, the I–V hysteresis curve changes from nonpinched migration barrier can be explained by the mechanical stress
(non-zero-crossing) to pinched (zero-crossing) characteristic, as gradient opposite to the growth of conductive filaments based
shown in Fig. 10b2 and b3. Moreover, with increasing the on the GeS2 functional layer, and helps to retract it during the

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Fig. 10 (a) The preparation process of a biomemristor by using natural biomaterial (C15H11O6) as the functional layer. (b) The transition between the
capacitive-coupled memristive and pure memristive effect. (b1) The initial I–V curve. (b2) Applying larger voltage. (b3) Adding moisture. (b4) Increasing
temperature. Panels a and b were reproduced with permission.44 Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.

negative erasing process.45 Fig. 11a shows the measured I–V nanocomposite thin films were used as the functional layer in
curve for an RS memory device, in which the Ag works as the the ReRAM device. Fig. 12a shows the RS device was continu-
top electrode, the GeS2 electrolyte as the functional layer and W ously deformed by sinusoidal bending under the force of the
metal as the bottom electrode. The set transition from the high external force. Fig. 12b shows that the ON/OFF resistance ratio
resistance state (HRS) to the low resistance state (LRS) takes of the RS device drops more than 10 times after 100 consecutive
place at Vset of B0.3 V, while the reset transition from LRS to cycles, and the distribution of threshold voltage increases
HRS occurs at Vreset of B 0.2 V. In the set process, the linearly with the increase of bending time, which can be
conductive filament was first formed by nucleation followed attributed to the internal conduction filament of the functional
by conductive filament growth, which was activated by positive layer being broken. In addition, it can be found that the
ion migration as shown in Fig. 11b. To illustrate the impact of threshold voltage was increased with the decrease of the bend-
stress gradient on the impurity migration in the ReRAM device, ing radius, and after 100 consecutive cycles, the switching
Fig. 11c–e shows the energy potential profile for ion migration characteristics remained reduced at a bending radius of
at V = Vset (point P1 in Fig. 11f), V = VC (bias point P2) and V = 15.2 mm, as shown Fig. 12c. Fig. 12d shows an atomic force
Vreset (bias point P3), respectively. After the nucleation of the microscopy (AFM) image of the NiO/ZnO film fabricated on the
conductive filament and during its growth under an applied poly (ether sulfone) (PET) substrate. It can be observed that
voltage, the mechanical stress (hence U) can be released the surface of the NiO film is relatively smooth compared with
through plastic relaxation, as described in Fig. 11g. This the ZnO film, so this sample can be regarded as the ZnO
process allows the growth of the conductive filament by plastic nanoparticles embedded into the NiO film. In addition, the
relaxation of the surrounding electrolyte to be accommodated. schematic illustration of the O2 transfer in the NiO/ZnO layer
The results provide a new direction for improving reliability (sectional view) is also shown in Fig. 12d. It is known that the
and switching of RS memory through control of the stress breaking position in the oxygen vacancy path is an important
around the accommodating either through electrolyte engi- feature of the RS mechanism. For this device, the cathode
neering or stress-aware programming schemes. interface may be localized due to the filament with a smaller
Furthermore, the effect of bending on RS behavior was diameter on the cathode side, as shown in Fig. 12e. This
investigated by Hai-Lin Yuan and Jian-Chang Li.46 The NiO/ZnO mechanical stress can effectively affect the formation and

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fact, the human body is a typical environment in which pH is

maintained in a dynamic balance. Therefore, pH-controlled
memristors have the potential to be applied as implantable
electronic devices. Next, we will discuss in detail the regulation
of pH on the RS performance in recent research works.
For the first time, we prepared a RS memory device with the
structure of Ag/(C7H7O4N)n/F-doped SnO2 (FTO) using natural
biomaterial (C7H7O4N)n extracted from a lichen plant,47 and
pH-controlled RS behavior was observed during the self-colored
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

switching layer of (C7H7O4N)n. An external voltage was applied

to measure the I–V curves of the Ag/(C7H7O4N)n/FTO cells under
a compliance current of 1.0 mA. The first cycle I–V curves on a
linear scale at different pH conditions are shown in Fig. 13a–c.
The measured electrical I–V curve of the RS device shows an
obvious non-zero-crossing behavior, which strongly suggests a
capacitive effect existed in this RS device, and can explain the
appearance of a reverse non-zero current with a decrease in the
positive voltage. As shown in Fig. 13d, the interface based on
the Ag/(C7H7O4N)n/FTO cell can be equivalent to a parallel plate
capacitor. When a positive external voltage was applied to the
RS cell, the positive charges migrated toward the FTO electrode
Fig. 11 (a) The I–V characteristic of the ReRAM device with set and reset and accumulated at the interface of (C7H7O4N)n/FTO, while the
transitions under a positive and negative voltage region. (b) Schematic negative charges moved to the Ag electrode and accumulated at
illustration of the potential energy profile of ion migration for zero or the interface of Ag/(C7H7O4N)n, as shown in Fig. 13e, leading to
positive applied voltage. (c–e) Profiles of the potential energy for ion a capacitive effect being formed in the testing process. The
migration within the stress field at the three bias points. (f) Schematic
reversible switching between HRS and LRS of the memristive
illustration of the asymmetric I–V curve indicating the three bias points.
(g) Schematic representation of the change in stress gradient (hence U) effect is equivalent to the charge and discharge of the capacitive
over time in response to cation migration and subsequent plastic relaxa- effect. The internal electric field, which was generated after the
tion of stress due to viscous flow. Panels a–g were reproduced with capacitive effect is formed, is the physical mechanism that
permission.45 Copyright 2014 Wiley-VCH. causes the I–V curve to non-crossing zero. In a word, this
ReRAM device provides a promising application in the pH-
controlled neuromorphic artificial synapse as well as a selec-
disconnection of oxygen vacancy conductive filaments. There-
tion of memory states. As mentioned above, the human body is
fore, this study shows that the oxygen in the air can easily enter
an environment in which the pH is dynamically balanced, thus
the device functional layer through the film crack, thereby
the pH-controlled ReRAM devices have the function of real-time
reducing the oxygen vacancy density and weakening the con-
detection of human pH.
ductive filament in the functional layer. In short, this work may
In fact, pH-controlled sensors and batteries are currently
provide some useful information for further understanding the
attracting extensive research because of their attractive applica-
working mechanism of flexible ReRAM devices under bending
tion prospects.146–150 The pH-controlled ReRAM devices also
have rich physical connotations and excellent potential appli-
Through the above analysis, we can see that the stability of
cation value. The pH controlled RS effect can be used in many
the flexible ReRAM devices under repeated bending conditions
multifunctional devices because organisms usually have a
is the key factor to achieve a practical application. Currently, in
relatively stable pH environment, so that the performance of
order to improve the working stability and long-term retention
ReRAM devices can indirectly understand the pH of the organ-
of flexible ReRAM devices, organic materials with good flexible
ism, so as to achieve the purpose of real-time detection for
properties have also been involved in the research of ReRAM
organisms. Therefore, pH-controlled ReRAM devices should
devices.130–140 It is expected that this flexible ReRAM device can
have potential applications in the fields of biomedicine and
be used in the field of future wearable electronics.
medical diagnosis.

2.6 Effect of pH on ReRAM devices

In many previous works, the regulation of pH on the perfor- 3. Applications
mance of devices, such as a sensor and detector, has been
reported,141–145 but the regulation of pH on ReRAM devices has It can be seen from the above discussion that the RS effect
rarely reported. In recent work, we have studied the regulation controlled by multi-factors has the function of preparing a
of pH on the performance of natural biomaterial-based mem- memristive sensor, which has a very advanced potential appli-
ristors, and obtained some meaningful research results.47 In cation in many multifunctional devices. Furthermore, by

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Fig. 12 (a) Schematic illustration of the bending test for the NiO/ZnO naocomposite film-based ReRAM device. (b) The dependence of Vset, Vreset and
ON/OFF ratio on the bending times, respectively. (c) Effect of bending radius on the ON/OFF ratio, Vset and Vreset, respectively. (d) AFM image of the NiO/
ZnO film fabricated on a PET substrate and schematic illustration of the O2 transfer in the NiO/ZnO layer. (e) Schematic of the switching mechanism and
corresponding energy band diagrams for NiO/ZnO devices at zero bias, forward bias, and reverse bias, respectively. Panels a–e were reproduced with
permission.46 Copyright 2019 Elsevier.

introducing flexible substrates, such devices can be applied as perceiving external stimuli, so that people can recognize the
skin-connected or skin-like electronic sensors.151–155 For example, stimuli applied to the skin,157–160 as shown in Fig. 15a. Bowen
Changhyun Pang et al. presented a simple architecture for a Zhu et al. integrated the RS memory device with a resistive
flexible and highly sensitive strain sensor that enables the detec- pressure sensor, thereby successfully achieving the transmis-
tion of pressure, shear and torsion.156 Fig. 14a–d show schematic sion and recognition of mimicking human tactile perception
illustrations of the assembly and operation of a flexible, sand- and tactile memory, and can reconfigure the resistance state in
wiched device in which two layers with high-density (B1 : 85  the memory unit by applying pressure on the pressure
109 cm 2) nanohairs replicated from a silicon master were sensor.161 As shown in Fig. 15b, the device realized the integra-
reversibly bonded between two flexible polydimethylsiloxane tion of the RS memory device and the pressure sensor by
(PDMS) supports (B500 mm thickness each). Fig. 14b presents a replacing the bottom electrode of the pressure sensor with
photograph of the real device with good softness, and the the top electrode of the ReRAM device. Fig. 15c schematically
corresponding SEM image is shown in Fig. 14c. Its working illustrates the operation process: letter molds made of SU-8 on
mechanism is shown in Fig. 14d. When uniformly paired, a small the PET film were put on the top of the device. Fig. 15d shows a
displacement of hair-to-hair interlocking in response to external digital photo of a letter mold ‘‘T’’ on the top of device arrays. As
loading can be precisely converted into a change in the electrical illustrated in Fig. 15e, the device only beneath the letter molds
resistance signal with compressive deformations, as illustrated in can be programmed to LRS by a positive voltage sweep from 0
Fig. 14e. Therefore, the assembled device was used to detect the to Vprogram, providing discernible current mapping of the device
dynamic motion of a small bouncing water droplet and the subjected to external pressure. This device has potential appli-
physical force of a heartbeat, indicating its potential for applica- cation characteristics in the manufacture of electronic skins,
tions in real-time monitoring, skin-like wearable electronics or humanoid robots, and human-machine interfaces. Therefore,
implantable medical devices. the design and integration of this haptic memory device
It is well-known that the skin transmits sensory information provide guidance for future sensing and memory devices to
to the brain through neurons to form a tactile memory when imitate other human sensory memory functions. This study

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Fig. 13 (a–c) The typical I–V characteristic curve of the RS device with Ag/(C7H7O4N)n/FTO structure in the first sweeping cycle under different pH
conditions. (d) The interface of the RS device can be equivalent to a parallel plate capacitor. (e) The charge distribution under the charge state in the as-
prepared ReRAM device cell. Panels a–e were reproduced with permission.47 Copyright 2019 Royal Society of Chemistry.

opens up a new way for the development of next-generation test, were carried out as presented in Fig. 15g. The touching
high-performance sensing systems. sensing–memorizing–integrated system (integrating ReRAM
In a recent study, researchers used memristors to achieve and triboelectric nanogenerator) matrix with 3  3 pixels in a
human sensory memory and developed a new device that size of 1 cm  1 cm was constructed. Accordingly, the measured
combines a bionic electronic skin (e-skin) and non-volatile currents from each ReRAM cell were summarized and the
ReRAM device to create a self-powered artificial tactile memory results were in good agreement with the motion trajectory.
system.162 Yihui Sun et al. developed a fully self-powered Therefore, the preparation of this fully self-powered sensor and
flexible smart e-skin integrated with a ReRAM device and memory integrated system may open up new research avenues
triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) to successfully memorize for the next generation of high-performance intelligent sys-
the mechanical stimuli.163 The touching sensing–memorizing– tems, which can be applied to smart sensors, electronic skin
integrated system was composed of a ReRAM device with a Au/ and artificial intelligence.
Ta2O5/AZO structure and poly tetra fluoroethylene (PTFE)/Al In addition to the ability to perceive external stimuli, the eye
triboelectric nanogenerator device, and the diagram of the can also perceive light to provide visual information from the
device structure is illustrated in Fig. 15f. Meanwhile, a series surrounding environment.164,165 Based on a light-controlled RS
of measurements without external bias, containing a respon- effect, Shuai Chen has also designed a facile architecture to
sive test, nonvolatile test, anti-interference test and recoverable construct an artificial flexible visual sensing system by

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Fig. 14 Multiplex, flexible strain-gauge sensor based on the reversible interlocking of Pt-coated polymer nanofibres. Panels a–e were reproduced with
permission.156 Copyright 2012 Nature Publisher Group.

employing an UV-motivated ReRAM device.166 Fig. 16a shows a and memory devices, thereby opening up new possibilities for
schematic diagram of human visual reception and recognition the application of flexible visual memory devices in wearable
information. It is formed by receiving image information from electronic devices and electronic eyes in the future.
the retina, which enables individuals to remember the observed In addition, Feichi Zhou et al. showed a simple two-terminal
image information.167,168 In this study, they used the ReRAM optoelectronic resistive random access memory (ORRAM)
device to prepare a bio-inspired flexible visual sensing system synaptic device for an efficient neuromorphic visual sensing
by rationally integrating UV image sensors. In the as-prepared system that exhibits non-volatile optical RS and light-tunable
bio-inspired visual storage unit, the top electrode of the ReRAM synaptic behaviours.169 Fig. 16b illustrates the schematic struc-
device was replaced by one electrode of the image sensor at ture of the designed two-terminal ORRAM with a structure of
both ends, thereby forming a series of integrated visual storage Pd/MoOx/ITO on a SiO2/Si substrate. The inset of Fig. 16b
devices. From the result of RS performance of the device, it can presents a cross-sectional SEM image of the as-fabricated RS
be found that the device can adjust the dark current of the device. Fig. 16c illustrates the schematic structure of an 8  8
image sensor to match the resistance state of the ReRAM ORRAM array, in which each structural unit is equivalent to a
device. The resistance state of the image sensor can be excited synapse. In the image recognition process, the researcher
by external UV light from HRS to LRS. The decrease in resis- transmits the preprocessed image to a three-layer artificial
tance in the image sensor will cause the voltage on the ReRAM neural network to complete the image training and recognition
device to increase, which would cause the resistance of the function, which shows that perfect neuromorphic preproces-
ReRAM device to change from the HRS to the LRS, and the sing can be achieved. Therefore, ORRAM synapse devices have
optical information would be stored in the ReRAM device. shown great application potential in the application of neuro-
Therefore, the designed bio-inspired flexible visual sensing morphic vision sensing systems by simplifying circuits and
system provides a novel way to integrate functional sensors reducing power consumption, which helps to effectively

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Fig. 15 (a) Schematic diagram of human skin responding to applied pressure. (b) Schematic diagram of the haptic memory device that comprises pressure sensing
and RS memory devices. (c) Schematic diagram of recording pressure distribution on letter molds. (d) A digital photo of the mold (letter ‘‘T’’) put on integrated device
arrays. (e) Mapping of the letters ‘‘N’’, ‘‘T’’, and ‘‘U’’. Only device cells beneath the characters can be programmed to LRS. Panels a–e were reproduced with
permission.161 Copyright 2016 Wiley-VCH. (f) Schematic diagram of the integrated TENG and ReRAM system. (g) Photograph of a cell matrix with 3  3 pixels and
relevant current mapping before, in and after press. Panels f and g were reproduced with permission.163 Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society.

Fig. 16 (a) Schematic diagrams of a human visual system when a butterfly was observed by eyes. Panel a was reproduced with permission.166 Copyright 2018
Wiley-VCH. (b) Schematic structure of the MoOx ORRAM. (c) Schematic structure of an 8  8 ORRAM array. Panels b and c were reproduced with permission.169
Copyright 2019 NPG publisher group.

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process a large amount of dynamic visual information from the systems based on memristors can systematically simulate the
surrounding environment.170–172 functions of the biological visual nervous system, thereby
Pei et al. have developed a new method, in which the expanding the potential applications of memristors in artificial
memristors were completely used to simulate the artificial intelligence. In order to achieve strong perception and informa-
visual perception nervous system (AVPNS),173 as shown in tion processing capabilities of biological vision, photoelectric
Fig. 17a. The system consists of two parts with quantum dot- synaptic units were required to have excellent light response
based photoelectric memristor and nanosheet-based threshold capabilities and tunable plasticity. Xu’s group showed an
switching (TS) memristor. It can use photoelectric and TS artificial synapse based on a perovskite doped with a methyl-
memristors to realize synapse, leakage integral emission ammonium (MA) halide.174 The schematic diagram of an as-
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

(LIF), and neuron function. Applying the proposed AVPNS, it prepared organometallic halide perovskite (OHP)-based artifi-
can successfully demonstrate the biological image perception, cial synapse is shown in Fig. 17b. The introduction of MA
integration and firepower, as well as the process of biosensiti- halide additives into formamidine lead iodide (FAPbI3) can
zation. In addition, the system can accurately simulate the self- effectively improve the morphology and crystallinity of the film,
regulation process of the speed conference control system in an thereby effectively expanding the adjustment range of synaptic
unmanned car. Therefore, this research shows that hardware plasticity. It reveals the influence of light irradiation on shaping

Fig. 17 (a) Visual perception of a nervous memristor-based system imitating the human visual system, and fully memristor-based artificial nervous
system circuit, consisting of a synaptic device (TPI) and a neuron constructed using a TSM (MAM), a capacitor (10 nF), and a resistor (10 kO). Panel a was
reproduced with permission.173 Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (b) Schematic diagram of the OHP-based artificial synapse. Panel b was
reproduced with permission.174 Copyright 2021 Elsevier. (c) Schematic illustration of optoelectronic synapses stimulated by three types of light pulses.
(d) Schematic diagram of the photo-induced polarization switching in the BaTiO3 film underneath the monolayer MoS2. (e) A schematic image of
encoding the color information into the corresponding photocurrent intensity. Panels c-e were reproduced with permission.175 Copyright 2021 Elsevier.

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the plasticity of synapses to realize important synaptic func- with a high switching ratio and good non-volatile memory
tions. With the aid of light stimulation, the device realizes high- function. This was achieved by light-induced ferroelectric
order learning behaviors, including dynamic logic operations polarization, which can use wavelength-dependent optical sen-
and conditioned reflexes. In the simulation, a higher accuracy sing and multi-level optical memory characteristics to achieve
of handwritten digital pattern recognition was achieved. In neuromorphic visual preprocessing in the sensor. A schematic
addition, the correlation between light irradiation and hybrid image of encoding the color information into the corres-
perovskite-based artificial synapses can be used to sense envir- ponding photocurrent intensity is shown in Fig. 17e. The
onmental changes and adjust information processing effi- simulated artificial neural network constructed by the vision
ciency. Therefore, this work provides a new idea for building sensor with neuromorphic preprocessing function shows that
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

advanced artificial intelligence systems. the image recognition rate of the revised National Institute of
Furthermore, the rapid development in the field of artificial Standards and Technology (NIST) handwritten data set can be
intelligence has led to an urgent need for a neuromorphic significantly improved by reducing redundant data. This work
vision sensor inspired by the retina with integrated sensing, shows that 2D semiconductor/ferroelectric phototransistors
memory and information processing functions. Based on this, can provide promising hardware implementations in artificial
Du et al. proposed a neuromorphic vision sensor with a photo- intelligence applications for building high-performance neuro-
transistor structure composed of a single layer of MoS2 and a morphic vision systems.
ferroelectric BaTiO3 film.175 Fig. 17c shows the schematic Through the above discussion, we can clearly understand
illustration of optoelectronic synapses stimulated by three that traditional photodetectors can detect images like the
types of light pulses with wavelengths of 450 nm, 532 nm, retina, but they lack the memory function of the visual cortex,
and 650 nm. The schematic diagram of the photo-induced as shown in Fig. 18a. Thus, the integration of light sensors and
polarization switching in the BaTiO3 film underneath the memory devices has become an urgent research bottleneck for
monolayer MoS2 is shown in Fig. 17d. It shows that the light artificial intelligence applications. Among them, the integra-
pulses can change the upward polarization state in the ferro- tion of light sensor and RS memory is one of the favorable
electric layer to a downward polarization state as the illumina- solutions. In fact, memcapacitors and meminductors also pre-
tion time increases. In addition to the conventional electrical sent many potential application advantages similar to
tuning of ferroelectric polarization, phototransistors can also memristors.176–179 The constraint relationship between the
exhibit neurosynaptic behavior with an adjustable light dose, voltage and current of the capacitive element and the inductive

Fig. 18 (a) Schematic illustration of a human visual sensing system. (b) Schematic structure of an Au/LSNO/Au photoelectric memcapacitor. Panels a
and b were reproduced with permission.180 Copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH. (c) Schematic diagrams of a human vision system and neuromorphic vision using
the optoelectronic memristor. Panel c was reproduced with permission.181 Copyright 2022 Wiley-VCH.

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Fig. 19 (a) Schematic diagram of the moisture-powered ReRAM device with a W/WOx/OAC/Pt structure and its moisture-powered reading operation.
(b) Typical I–V curves of the ReRAM device for 100 continuous cycles. (c) Power-free reading of the HRS/LRS through human breath after reversible RS
operations. (d) Demodulated display results of the word ‘‘NENU’’ according to ASCII eight-bit code obtained in moisture-powered reading operations.
Panels a–d were reproduced with permission.182 Copyright 2020 Elsevier.

element is expressed by the derivative or integral, so it is called nanogenerator layer occurs in this integrated device, which
a dynamic element. That is to say, the voltage of the device is allows simultaneous modulation of the resistance state and
related to the history of the current, and it has the function of open circuit voltage (Voc) of a memristive device. Fig. 19a
memorizing current and is a memory element. Lei Zhao et al. depicts the memristor with a multi-layer stack of W/WOx/
recently reported a new design by a planar Au/La1.875Sr0.125NiO4 OAC/Pt and the motivation of the moisture-powered memristor,
(LSNO)/Au structure, as shown in Fig. 18b, which uses a photo- which can be used to realize the power-free reading operation
electric memcapacitor for artificial optoelectronic synapse of RS memory. Subsequently, this memristor device presented a
applications.180 This research represents a new paradigm for typical bipolar RS behavior as shown in Fig. 19b, in which it can
artificial optoelectronic synapse sensing systems and opens up be seen that the device has a good RS performance with long-
an opportunity for developing low-power humanoid optoelec- term stability. The low/high-level Voc rather than the HRS/LRS
tronic devices for artificial intelligence applications in the will be regarded as the readout signal, as illustrated in Fig. 19c.
future. In addition, X. Shan et al. developed a plasmonic As shown in Fig. 19d, Voc signals of the HRS and LRS were
photomemristive device using Ag–TiO2 nanocomposite thin respectively represented by the binary values 1 and 0. The pre-
films as the functional layer of the device,181 demonstrating a programmed single letters ‘‘NENU’’ can be simultaneously
multifunctional integrating visual sensing device with low-level displayed by the standard eight-bit code of the American
image preprocessing (Fig. 18c). Moreover, the photomemristive Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) under the
device can also perform high-performance image processing circumstance of human-breathing operation. Therefore, this
functions with a high recognition rate and accuracy for research proposed a new concept of the moisture-powered
advanced image recognition application in artificial intelli- memristor, which may open the pathway to the development
gence. Therefore, this work developed a novel plasmonic of self-powered memristive sensors. The self-powered memris-
optoelectronic ReRAM device with full light modulation cap- tive sensor can be used in some implantable bioelectronics in
ability, which will facilitate the further development of efficient the future.183–186
neuromorphic vision.
With the diversification of electronic device applications,
the research of self-powered sensor devices is more and more 4. Conclusion and outlook
favored by scientific researchers. In order to design some new
devices with self-powdered capabilities, Ye Tao et al. reported a As shown in Fig. 20, the multi-factor controlled ReRAM devices
moisture-powered memristor in a multi-layer structure of a based on RS behavior can be applied to memristive
W/WOx/oxygen-plasma-treated amorphous-carbon (OAC)/Pt sensors,187–190 which is expected to be applied to more
structure.182 The reversible oxygen migration across the WOx/ advanced artificial intelligence devices, bio-sensing, medical
OAC interface formed between the memristor layer and the diagnosis, etc. Thus, more advanced multifunctional devices

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In summary, such ReRAM devices add extra-factors as extra

control parameters besides the traditional electrical pulse to
manipulate resistive memories, and it can realize more func-
tions so as to be better used in artificial intelligence, such as
integrating the photodetectors with the nonvolatile memory
devices, which can simulate visual sensing and visual memory
functions. Therefore, the multi-factor controlled ReRAM
devices reveal the potential of functional integration for next-
generation nonvolatile memory and other applications in
Published on 16 May 2022. Downloaded by National Central University on 9/19/2023 4:18:15 AM.

electronics, physical devices, bio-sensing, medical diagnosis,

and so on.

Author contributions
Fig. 20 The multi-factor controlled RS behavior can be applied to mem-
ristive sensors, which is expected to be applied to advanced artificial B. Sun drafted the review manuscript. G. Zhou made revisions.
intelligence devices. T. Yu and Y. Chen made some discussions. F. Yang and Y. Zhao
gave some useful suggestions. All authors gave their approval to
the final version of the manuscript.
should be developed by the multi-factor controlled RS effect. In
particular, in order to achieve a fully practical multifunctional
biomedical device based on the RS effect for long-term contin- Conflicts of interest
uous operation in the human body, the development of bio-
safe materials is very important.191–194 It is undeniable that The authors declare no conflict of interest.
devices fabricated using organic materials have many signifi-
cant advantages.195 Therefore, in the development of current
multi-factor controlled ReRAM devices, the choice of functional Acknowledgements
materials is also a factor that needs to be considered. Recently,
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the
the choice of functional materials can be transitioned from
Sichuan Science and Technology Program (Grant No.
semiconductor materials to organic materials, biomaterials
2020YJ0086), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
and polymer, thereby preparing the ReRAM devices with
Universities (Grant No. 2682021CX076), and the National Key
flexible properties, laying the foundation for wearable
R&D Program of China (No. 2017YFE0301401), and Y. Zhao is
grateful to the Fujian Normal University for the financial
In addition, the preparation of implantable electronic
support of the talent project.
devices is an indispensable key technology in biomedicine,
which is also an important support for the development of
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 8895–8921 | 8921

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