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Assignment 6

“essay on the topic “Neuromarketing in managing consumer behavior””

Kurbanov Khalmurad
specialization «MARKETING»
Specialty code: "7M04118 – Marketing"
In the modern world of marketing, the trend of using neuromarketing as a
tool for effective management of consumer behavior is becoming more and more
noticeable. Neuromarketing combines the principles of neuroscience with
marketing strategies to better understand consumer reactions to advertising,
products and brands. This direction allows companies not only to analyze, but also
to predict customer behavior. The purpose of this essay is to study the theoretical
aspects of neuromarketing and give examples of its successful application in the
practice of consumer behavior management.
Theoretical aspects of neuromarketing
Neuromarketing is based on the use of neuroscience methods to study and
analyze the behavioral and psychological reactions of consumers. Key
technologies include functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI),
electroencephalography (EEG), as well as the study of eye movement and
biometric measurements. These methods allow you to observe brain activity and
physiological reactions, providing information about how consumers perceive
advertising messages, products and brands on an unconscious level.
The use of neuromarketing to manage consumer behavior
The use of neuromarketing in marketing strategies allows companies to
improve their products and advertising campaigns based on a deep understanding
of the brain processes of consumers. An example of a successful application of
neuromarketing is PepsiCo, which used EEG to determine consumer reactions to
different flavors of drinks. This data helped the company adapt its advertising
strategies and product packaging, increasing their appeal on a subconscious level.
Another example is the use of FMRI by Frito—Lay to change the
packaging design of its snacks. Studies have shown that bright packaging colors
activate associations with taste and pleasure among consumers, which, in turn,
stimulates their purchasing activity.
Neuromarketing opens up new horizons for managing consumer behavior
by offering marketers tools to more accurately and effectively influence their target
audience. The integration of neuroscientific methods into marketing activities not
only enhances the understanding of consumer preferences, but also contributes to
the creation of more personalized and emotionally attractive advertising
campaigns. This area will continue to evolve, providing more and more innovative
approaches to analyzing and managing consumer behavior in the future.
1. Возможности и ограничения использования методов нейромаркетинга
2. Клиент на проводе 2009
3. Нейромаркетинг как новый метод получения данных в маркетинге

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