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Can’t concentrate

student tries to learn for a test but can’t concentrate.

Making coffee
work out
tired looking at the page
wikipedia waste of time


The student sits on his bed as the camera zooms in. A teacher’s voice is heard.

Teacher (V.O)
‫אתה נכשל בקורס‬.
‫המבחן הזה הוא ההזדמנות האחרונה שלך‬.
‫אם אתה לא מצליח לעבור את המבחן הזה‬
‫!לצערי לא תוכל להמשיך בתואר‬

The student is pondering, after a few seconds he comes to a conclusion. Crash zoom to a closeup of
his face. He looks determined.


Upbeat music is playing. Insert shots of books being piled up. Writing utensils being gathered. The
phone is being put on quite mode. The student opens the book with a determined look and starts
reading. He tries to think and understand the material. Insert shot of a pencil being tapped on the
table. The student thinks for a bit and gets up from his chair.

INT. Kitchen. NIGHT

Insert shot of a cabin with coffee. Insert shot of him pouring water into a mag.


Insert shot of him entering the room and putting the coffee on the table. He looks satisfied and starts
concentrating on his studies again. He looks at the book looking frustrated. He looks at the
computer clock. Insert shot of the computer clock. He continues to look at the book bored. Quick
cuts of him fliping the page in the book. Reading intently. He looks at the computer clock again.
Insert shot of the computer clock, it has been 1 minute. He thinks for a minute and opens youtube
while sipping the coffee. He laughs while watching Shachar Hason. The video ends he looks at
book again like he doesn’t recognize it. He gets up again.
INT. Kitchen. NIGHT

He puts clothes into the drier and he stares at it bored. He looks determined again and enters the
room again to study. He sits in front of the book. But quickly moves to his phone to send whatsapp
messages. He laughs at a message he reads, and looks at his biceps. Insert shot of him getting up
and doing 2 pull ups. He looks tired. He then does other exercises. He gets up from the floor and
looks at the book again with drudgery . He lies on the bed with wide open eyes thinking about his

He changed to a sitting position. He pulls out the phone and calls a friend.

The student
‫ תקשיב אני מחפש‬,‫היי בני‬
‫עבודה דחוף‬..
‫יש אפשרות אני בא לעבוד אצל‬
‫?אבא שלך‬

‫ כבר הגיע זמן‬,‫מה עם הלימודים‬

The student
‫לא אחי‬..
‫ כי המורים דפוקים‬,‫עזבתי שם‬.
‫אבל אני צריך עבודה כמה שיותר מהר‬
‫?תוכל לעזור לי עם זה‬

‫!בטח אחי‬

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