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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

2023 ‫دورة ماي‬ ‫وزارة التربيية الوطنية‬

‫ ساعة ونصف‬:‫المدة‬ - ‫ رابعة متوسط‬- ‫اختبار في مادة اللغة االنجليزية‬
Our world regularly faces natural disasters. In February 2023. Turkey experienced a terrible earthquake
that caused damage and loss of life. In the aftermath of the disaster, many charitable organizations and
individuals provided aid and support to the victims.

One of the charities involved in the relief effort was the Turkish Red Crescent which provided shelter,
food and medical assistance to those affected by the earthquake. In addition, many local and international
organizations such as UNICEF, World Vision, and Oxfam also joined forces to provide aid to the affected

Many people also played an important role in the relief effort. They made donations to charity
organizations, while others volunteered their time and skills to help. Social media was also used in sharing
information and resources to help those in need.

The charitable response to the earthquake in Turkey was a test to the power of human kindness and
generosity. People came together to help those in need, demonstrating the compassion and resilience of the
human spirit.

Adapted from:

Read the text carefully and do the following activities.

Part One: (14 pts.)
A/ reading Comprehension: (7 pts.)
Activity One: Choose (a, b or c) to complete the following sentences. (3pts.)
1. .......... experienced a terrible earthquake.
a- Hungary b- Turkey c- Germany
2 - International organizations such as……………joined forces to provide aid.
3- Many people made ………….to charity organizations.
a- Donations b- forces c- information
Activity Two: Read the text again and answer the following questions. (2pts.)
1- What did Turkish Red Crescent provide?
2- What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
Which …………..
They …………..
Activity Three: Match the words in column A with their equivalents in column B. (2pts.)
- Associations - community.
- Disaster - oganizations
- Help - aid
- society - catastrophe

2 ‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬
B/ mastery of Language: ( 7 pts.)

Activity One: Fill in the gaps with the suitable words. (2pts.)
Many/help/work/ positive / suffering

Charity ……………………….is the act of voluntary offering...........................for the benefit of people who
are.......................... from poverty or health problems in order to make……………………. Difference in their

Activity Two: Put the verbs in brackets in the suitable tense: (3pts.)
If you (to participate................. in charity work, you (to become)................................closer to

Allah, So, (not to hesitate) take action

Activity Three: Classify the words according to the pronunciation of the final "s":(2pts.)
donations - wishes - volunteers - hopes

/s/ /z/ /ɪz/

1- …………………….. 1- …………………….. 1- ……………………..

2- …………………….. 2- …………………….. 2- ……………………..

Part Two: Situation of Integration ( 6 pts.)

During Turkey's earthquake lot of people engaged in charities in order to help those who were affected
severely. One of your friends sent you a letter telling you that he thinks that volunteering in charities is a lost of
both time and money

Write for him a letter in which you will try to convince him about the importance of volunteering in charities.

Write about:

- The importance of charity work

- Use Arguments and sequencers
- Use the simple future tense


2 ‫ من‬2 ‫صفحة‬

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