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Question 1

a) State FOUR ways in which employees can show tolerance and appreciation for the
diverse cultures within an organization. (4 marks)
Four ways in which employees can show tolerance and appreciation for the diverse
cultures within an organization are:
 Being respectful and open-minded towards colleagues from different cultural
 Supporting and participating in cultural events and celebrations organized within the
 Practicing effective communication by being mindful of cultural differences in language
 Be willing to collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds on projects

b) List FOUR environmentally friendly practices that may be implemented in an office. (4

Four environmentally friendly practices that may be implemented in an office are:
 Implementing strategies to reduce paper waste by promoting digital
 Conduct educational workshops and awareness campaigns to educate employees
about environmental issues
 Installing energy-efficient lighting systems
 Encouraging employees to use eco-friendly transportation options such as

c) Mr. Sugars, manager of Sweets ‘R’ Us wants to market his products throughout the
Caribbean. He is considering using a virtual office space.
i. State FOUR ways in which a virtual office can benefit Mr. Sugars’ company. (4 marks)
Four ways in which a virtual office can benefit Mr. Sugars’ company are:
 Less time is wasted on commuting
 Vehicle emissions and traffic are reduced- a healthier environment
 There may be greater employee productivity
 A decrease in absenteeism results.

ii. Advise Mr. Sugars on THREE resources he needs to consider in setting up the virtual
office. (3 marks)
Three resources he needs to consider in setting up the virtual office are:
 Laptops
 Internet
 Software to set up the business
Question 3
a) For security purposes, members of staff have been given guidelines on the limitations on
the right of access to information within organizations in the Caribbean.
i. List FOUR items of employees’ personal information that are governed by this
regulation. (4 marks)
Four items of employees’ personal information that are governed by this regulation
 Medical information
 Bank Account Details
 Home Address
 Education and Qualification Records

ii. State THREE ways in which copyright may be violated in your country. (3 marks)
Three ways in which copyright may be violated in my country are:
 Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted books, music, films, or other creative works
without the copyright owner's consent.
 Showing or playing copyrighted content in public spaces (e.g., theaters, clubs, events)
without obtaining the necessary licenses or permissions.
 Sharing or distributing copyrighted materials, such as digital files or physical copies,
without proper authorization from the copyright owner.

b) Assume that you are Lorrett Nunes, Office Assistant. You receive a voice message from
Mr. Zerryo, Office Manager, who is overseas. He has asked you to send e-mail messages
to all managers to inform them that the weekly meeting has been postponed. In addition,
they must forward their departmental reports to him via e- mail at
by 30 November 2011. Compose an e-mail to be sent to all managers, as requested by the
Office Manager. (8 marks)

Subject: Postponement of Weekly Meeting and Submission of Departmental Reports

Dear Managers,
I am writing to inform you, on behalf of Mr. Zerryo, our Office Manager who is currently
overseas, that the weekly meeting scheduled has been postponed. The new date and time for the
meeting will be communicated to you soon.
Additionally, Mr. Zerryo requests that each department submits their respective reports
via email to him at no later than November 30, 2011. These reports are
essential for our ongoing projects and planning.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly
via email or phone.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
Lorrett Nunes
Office Assistant

Question 4
(a) List TWO attributes that are required of a purchasing clerk working in a procurement
office. (2 marks)
Two attributes that are required of a purchasing clerk working in a procurement office
 Confidentiality
 Punctuality

(b) Over the past five years, the Kola Company, which started out as a very small company,
has grown so large that management has decided to upgrade from a manual to electronic
stock taking system.

i. List TWO of the electronic devices that may be needed to make the transition. (2 marks)
Two of the electronic devices that may be needed to make the transition are:
 Computers
 Optical bar code scanner

ii. State TWO factors that can hinder the change. (2 marks)
Two factors that can hinder the change are:
 Some employees may resist the transition to an electronic stock taking system
due to unfamiliarity with new technology or concerns about job security.
 The expense of purchasing electronic devices and software may be a problem for
a growing company with limited financial resources.

iii. As the stock control clerk at the Kola Company, you are responsible for the electronic
tracking of stock received and sold. Draw a flow chart beginning with the receipt of the
product and ending at the point of sale, illustrating the list of processes involved in
tracking the stock. (9 marks)
Product Product Order Order Inventory
Inspection Data Entry Picking and
Receipt Storage Processing Fulfilment Update

Question 5
(a) List THREE functions of a Customer Service Department.
Three function of a Customer Service Department are:
 Dealing with customers complaints, questions and queries and ensuring that
customers are satisfied with services and products.
 Explaining to customers the warranty/ guarantee agreement.
 Demonstrating to customers how to use a particular product to ensure their

(b) Identify THREE activities that staff in a marketing office may undertake when launching
a new product on the market. (3 marks)
Three activities that that staff in a marketing office may undertake when launching a new
product on the market are:
 Advertising through the media.
 Giving special offers (e.g. buy one and get one free)
 Organizing trade fairs and exhibitions

(c) On 12 November 2011, Best Stationery Ltd purchased the following items from Office
Pro Ltd:
 60 boxes of No. 10 envelopes @ $10.00 each
 30 packs of ivory stock @ $15.00 each
 10 boxes of A4 paper @ $12.50 each

The terms of sale offered by Office Pro Ltd are a 20% trade discount and a cash discount of
5% if the net amount is paid within 14 days.

i. Complete the Invoice form provided to show the sales transactions. (7 marks)
ii. If the debt was settled within 14 days, calculate the amount that Best Stationery Ltd paid.
(2 marks)

Question 6
a) Susan Maraj is a clerk in the Human Resources Department of a company.

i. State THREE staff welfare duties that Ms. Maraj is likely to perform in her job. (3 marks)
Three staff welfare duties that Ms. Maraj is likely to perform in her job are:
 Ensuring that adequate facilities are available for a safe and healthy work
 Preparing a leave roster for employees
 Referring employees who are experiencing work-related or personal problems to a
suitable person for assistance or counselling.

ii. Identify THREE types of records relating to employees that Ms. Maraj will be required to
maintain in a filing system. (3 marks)
Three types of records relating to employees that Ms. Maraj will be required to maintain
in a filing system are:
 Personal history
 Leave record
 Service Record

Question 7
(a) State THREE reasons why it is necessary for the operations department of a
manufacturing company to put quality control measures in place. (3 marks)
Three reasons why it is necessary for the operations department of a manufacturing
company to put quality control measures in place are:
 Provide management with information relating to the standard of work produced
 Determine actions to be taken to rectify any faults or defects in the job.
 Determine whether the right materials have been used, whether they are of the right
dimensions and whether they can withstand the pressure or wear and tear for which they
are intended.

(b) State THREE ways in which a company can demonstrate compliance with statutory
health and safety requirements. (3 marks)
Three ways in which a company can demonstrate compliance with statutory health and
safety requirements are:
 Removal or reduction of health hazards
 The use of personal protective equipment
 Establishment of guidelines and provision of training in the handling of hazardous

A & B Co, Ltd is a large manufacturing firm. Schedules of the company's fleet of vehicles and
drivers are listed below in Figure 5.

Vehicle Vehicle Number Available days
Truck T3232 Mon, Wed, Fri
Van TA 175 Tues, Thurs, Sat

Driver Assistant Available days
Wins Lott Mark Vince Mon, Tues
Avery Betts Peter James Wed, Thurs
Mark Anton Carl Lorde Fri, Sat

Figure 5: Vehicle and driver schedule

For the first week of November 2011, the following deliveries are to be made to customers:
 Two cartons of replacement machine parts to Fayette Ltd, Guave on Tuesday, 1
November 2011, twenty miles from A & B Co Ltd.
 Twelve cartons of designer handbags to Johnson & Karina in St. Andrew on Wednesday,
2 November 2011. The destination is 20 miles from A & B Co Ltd.
 Six washing machines to Vincent Stores on Lafayette Street, Guave, which is
approximately 25 miles away, on Thursday. 3 November 2011
 One refrigerator to Mrs. Lotta Noise in St. Andrew on Friday, 4 November 2011, thirteen
miles away from A & B Co Ltd

(C) Use the destination sheet provided to organize the transportation schedule for the deliveries
by A & B Co Ltd for 1 to 4 November 2011. (7 marks)

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