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You own: a set of gorgeous outfits and wigs, make-up, lots of glitters, GM: RUN THE GAME
feathers and high heels, weapons, shields, basic survival shit
1) A threat ____________________________
Character goal, choose or create your own: become the number one
2) Wants to ___________________
Queen, become a Drag mother/found a Drag family, throw shade 3) So that / to the ___________________
over the other queens, create a legacy house 4) Which will ___________________
You are one of the most gorgeous and fierce creature that has
ever stepped on this earth. Can’t you guess? DARLING, YOU ARE
A DRAG QUEEN! Your goal is to become the number one Queen
in the world, while exploring the world, building a legacy, and GM: CREATE A COMPETITION
defeating evil! The game as a conversation. Play to find out what happens. Describe
the scene, introduce a threat (monster, trap, hazard, etc), and ask the
ROLLING THE DICE players what they do. Resolve the actions in a sensible order and ask
for rolls when the situation is uncertain.
PLAYERS: CREATE YOUR DRAG When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. Roll
Player skill over character skill. Players can’t rely on character
Choose a drag style Fish queen, club queen, goth, pageant, faux queen, +1d6 if you're prepared, and +1d6 if you are an expert. (The GM tells
1 comedy queen, camp, activessle queen, mother or baby queen? .. you how many dice to roll, based on your character and the situation).
abilities to solve problems. Ask the players how they are disarming a
trap or avoiding a hazard. If they want to sweettalk a guard, have
Roll your dice and compare each die result to your number.
them roleplay it out. Let the players use their own puzzle solving
Choose a role: Warrior, Wizard, Thief, Bard, Priest, Monk, Barbarian,
skills: SHADE is not intelligence, and a character with an S&S
2 Ranger, Paladin, Assassian, Necromancer If you are using SHINY (performing, catwalking, make-up, number of 5 can be just as smart, and help to solve problems, as one
fighting) you want to roll under your number. with an S&S number of 2.
Choose a number from 2 to 5 A higher number means you're better
3 with SHINY (everything involving physical expressions such as make-
up, styling wigs, performances/Lip Sync syncing. Also at Fighting,
If you are using SHADE (interactions, jokes, impersonating,
spells) you want to roll over your number.
Only players roll dice. If a monster is attacking, ask the players what
they are doing. If they fail, they take damage or are put in a worse
sneaking, intimidation A low number means you're better with situation. Monsters and other combatants have HP and deal damage
If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The GM tells how
SHADE (everything involving charismatic actions, such as delivering
jokes, “reading” other drags, mocking people, impersonating famous
0 things get worse somehow. I’m gagged!
(DMG). Decide on how much of both, using the Monsters table as a
guide. An enemy’s spell is a threat by itself, and a trap deals the same
characters, magic, knowledge, persuasion). If one die succeeds, bitch, werk: you barely manage it. The GM damage as a monster.

Choose a bond. the player to your left: owes you their life, saved you,
1 inflicts a complication, harm, or cost.
4 related, owes you money, hired you, knew you in war, tried to kill you,
2 If two dice succeed, girl, I am living: you do it well. Good job!
Level Spells
stole your crown, rival
5 Derive your attributes:
If three dice succeed, you get a critical success! The GM
describes some extra glittery positive effects you get.
Illuminate, Telepathy, Mend, Minor Illusion
Beast-Speak, Icebolt, Friendship, Grease
•Your maximum hit-points (HP) is equal to three times 2 Heal, Invisibility, Fireball, Resize, Animate
your S&S number. If you roll your number exactly, you are a real SHADY SHINY 3 Flight, Darkness, Lightning Storm, Summon
When you take damage reduce your current HP by that amount. If you
reach 0 HP you are knocked unconscious, and your allies have one
! queen! You remember you got a special item or help during
the rehearsal that you can use from now on: what is that? Monsters
chance to save you before you die. Discuss it with the GM. Examples: Threat HP DMG
•Your maximum spirit (SP) is equal to ten, minus double Easy 5 2
I met my favourite singer and it filled me with enthusiasm. Another Medium 10 3
your S&S number. queen gave me her heels, they match perfectly with my dress. Hard 20 4
When you successfully cast a spell, reduce your current SP by an amount A queen helped me with my make-up, and I’m looking fancier than Deadly 30 6
equal to the spell’s level. ever.
You regain all your HP and SP during a night's rest. I received a videocall from my family, telling me that they support
•Your weapon damage (WD) is your S&S number minus one. me, and now I feel even more motivated.
When you successfully hit with a weapon, roll a number of d6s
equal to your WD. Deal damage equal to the highest roll. Helping
•Your encumbrance (EN) is equal to your S&S number plus three. If you want to help someone else who’s rolling, say how you
You can carry and wear a number of items equal to this number. try to help and make a roll. If you succeed, give them +1d.

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