Rules&Stories V2

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YOU ARE A GROUP OF GAMERS playing a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying Players: Create your Gamer and their Character
game (TTRPG). Your game is a long-running campaign in which you have already
devoted several months of your time. The goal of every Gamer at the table should be 1. CHOOSE A STYLE FOR YOUR GAMER
to have fun but what that means for each individual may vary widely. In addition, the carefree, serious, bored, hyped, commited, distracted, curious, hungry, hot-headed,
Gamer’s egos may push them from their ideal path. Welcome to Rules & Stories ! calm, tired, amused, pleased, annoyed, excited, something else.
the norm here. Therefore the following names are used: 2. CHOOSE THE FIRST ROLE FOR YOUR GAMER
� Player = You, the player of Rules & Stories. GM, regular, first timer, veteran, nooby, non-gamer/audience
� Gamer = Your character in this game of Rules & Stories.
� Character = Your Gamer’s ttrpg character in the fantasy world. 3. CHOOSE THE SECOND ROLE FOR YOUR GAMER
rule-lawyer, boy-/girl-friend of a regular, having a crush with or crush of a regular,
One of the Gamers may be the GM. This is not the GM of this game. Confused, yet?
troublemaker, actor, drama queen, scribbler, cheater/fudge, edge lord, collector,
most-loved/-hated, sibling, teacher, smartass, power gamer, something else.



Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Thief, Assassin, Fighter,
Paladin, Ranger, Magic-User, Illusionist, Multi-Class,
Multi-Characters, something else.
Give your Character an over-the-top fantasy name.

If you don’t have enough “real” Players (at least 4 sounds good = 1 GM and 3
Gamers) add extra NPCs for the right kind of complexity and chaos. If none of the 6. CHOOSE YOUR NUMBER, FROM 2 TO 5.
� A high number means your better at Rules
Players want to be the Gamer-GM, just add a NPC-Gamer-GM played by the GM.
(mathe, dice, rules of this or other games, gaming

CONTENT AND OTHER WARNINGS theory, clichee character concepts, sticking to

the plan).
� Maybe this game is more fun to read than to play. � A low number means your better at Stories
� Maybe this game is too close to home to be fun. (improv, famous or obscure fiction, acting,
� Includes lots of stereotypes and clichees about nerdy, geeky gamers. performance, weird character concepts,
� This game will include a lot of PvP. breaking/ignoring rules).

This is my inner systems analyst trying to look clever. I don't want to annoy, enrage
or shake anyone up. The part of me that wants to please everyone wouldn't allow it.
I have deepest respect for all my fellow gamers, game designers, geek, nerds and
lovely people who have us as friends.

2 3
As a Gamer you have … Players: Create your Game & the Gaming Room
� an appropriate vessel to drink from (maybe empty, maybe in character, maybe gross)
� a set of dice (maybe incomplete, maybe cup, maybe more than one, maybe fancy/arousing envy) 1. AS A GROUP NAME YOUR GAME:
� something to eat (maybe already only the empty package, maybe something noisy or greasy Castles & Wyverns, Lord of the Gem, Edgelords Ecstasy, Blood Rapture, Game of
or smelly, maybe something way to big, maybe something snobby, maybe something another
Thorns, Earthdusk, Glyphquest, Frog Wizards, Hack & Hack, Wayfinder, Starlight
player wants, too, maybe something you disgust but brought anyway)
Master, Mystic Mydgerd, Legendary, something else.
� maybe insufficient body hygiene or too much cologne
� at least one distraction device (like smart phone, tablet, tamagotchi or fancy tech; cool
new book from another game or fiction, latest geeky must have, something else) 2. WHAT IS THE CRUNCH LEVEL OF YOUR GAME?
� maybe a geeky device that you find cool or useful, but might irritate the other gamers Pick [1-rules light | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6-Rolemaster]. If you cannot decide roll 1d6.
(for example a headlight, an electronic dice with loud sound effects, a voice changer mask, elven
ears, hobbit feet, a talking weapon, a magic 8 ball, something else)
If your Gamer is not the GM you also have … Gamer GM, Gamer, public room or location (add detail)
� a character sheet (maybe plain/boring, maybe DIY, maybe jaw-dropping, maybe crumbled/
torned, maybe subversive, maybe something else)
� your own rule book (maybe from another game, maybe “wrong” edition, maybe newer than 4. AS A GROUP PICK TWO OR MORE STRENGTHS
the one owned by the GM, maybe something else) … and same number of Problems for the room (by transforming Strengths):
� a bag or backpack with mysterious content [or take turns and every player picks a strengths and a problem]
� projector/beamer � (loud, perfect, too cold/hot) air
If your Gamer is GM you also have …
� luxus gaming table conditioning
� a GM Screen (maybe ignored, maybe fancy, maybe tower high, maybe DIY, maybe official, � diorama � loud street traffic or other noise
maybe intimidating, maybe old and worn, maybe something elese) � vast collection of minis � poor lighting
� fancy in-the-mood-device (like sound fx box, adaptive background music, bloodied prop, � theme park level interior design � atmospheric lighting
a skull with a candle on top, maybe something else) � dungeon décor � sound system
� oversupportive mom � props
� Lots of rule/ttrpg books (maybe outdated, maybe also from another (cooler?) game, maybe old and
worn, maybe something else)
� sporadic failure of the � something else
infrastructure or steady as hell
� Excellent/bad WLAN Owner may pick another Strength of
� (not) enough to eat/drink the room.
Player Goal: Having fun with getting your Gamer involved in a � no fresh air/no ventilation What embarrassing deal did you grudgingly
typical ttrpg session with all those usual ups and downs. Even if � very comfortable armchair or sofa accept to organize this space?
this is mainly PvP, please have fun as a Player even if your Gamer � unwanted animal „companions”
has stress or is shouting at the top of their lungs.

Gamer Goal, choose one: Let them suffer, please your ego, fun
above all else, bring the campaign forward, exploid loop holes,
have a memorable session you/they will talk about forever,
win the game, just hanging out with friends, impress your crush,
loot & level, wear a costume and/or makeup, or something else.

4 5
Rolling The Dice RULES & Stories Moment
When you do something risky, … If you have a Rules & Stories Moment you have the chance to change the Energy-
� roll 1d6 to find out how it goes.
at-the-Table (EatT). You have to choose one of the following options
� Roll +1d6 if you’re prepared.
� Add another +1d6 if you’re an expert. OPTION Effect
(the GM tells you how many dice you roll, based on your Gamer and the situation Your gamer get special insight into how the two styles of play
at the table; sometimes a Gamer only thinks of themselves an expert … but aren’t.) can benefit each other and how much your group and your
game benefits from it.

BELOW ABOVE Tell us what your Gamer learned or is excited about. Do you also
share this with your fellow-Gamers or can they recognize that
If you’re using RULES, you want to If you’re using STORIES, you want insight somehow?
roll under your number to roll over your number
You decide if the roll of RULES&STORIES counts as a
Roll your dice and compare each die result to your number. success or a failure.

� If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. Ask another Player a question about their Gamer and they
answer you honestly. Some good questions may be:
The GM says how things get worse somehow. If it’s PvP the other Player can add to it. What are the really feeling about ________? Why do they play?
� If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. What are they trying to achieve in the game/at the table/in life?
What did I overlook? How can I get them to ________? EatT-1
The GM inflicts a complication, “harm”, or cost.
Why is _______ so _______, today? What should I be on the outlook for?
� If two dice succeed, you do it well. Note that in PvP this Who do you think is the coolest/frustrating player at the table?
Good job! also means that The asked Player decides if the roll counts as a success or a
another Gamer failed. failure.
� If three dice succeed, you get a critical success!
Player: be respectful!
The GM tells you some extra effect you get. Gamer: Go as soft or hard No change
The roll counts as a failure and nothing else.
as you like. to EatT
If it’s PvP the other Player can add to it.

If you roll your number exactly at least once, you have a RULES&STORIES After that and if you want to you may change your Gamer’s Goal or Style to
moment (see the next page). something else.

If you want to help someone else who’s rolling, say how you try to help and make a
roll. If you succeed, give them +1d. If you roll RULES&STORIES during this roll,
see above. If you don’t succeed while helping, they may ask you one question as in
Option 2 but without changing the EatT.

6 7
Gamemaster: Create a Session
The plan for today’s session was actually to… [Roll or choose:] That suits someone because… [Voluntary Player chooses and fills the gap]

1 … finish THE epic battle (already been 4 … play a certain system for the first 1 … they want ________________ out 4 … they're not here for the game, but for
running for the last three sessions; lots of time. of the group. ________.
prep; optional: add Boss Fight). 5 … finally try a different style of play 2 … they doesn't feel like playing the 5 … they've wanted to leave the group but
2 … to play the next level of the home (less crunch/more free play, less combat/ game today anyway and prefer ________________ has so far prevented
brewed mega dungeon (many levels already more social free play, less goofy/more deep; ________________ instead. them from doing so.
completed, many more still to come) or vice versa; or something else). 3 … they have to leave urgently and 6 … they have long been thinking
3 … to start early and play longer because 6 … to discuss and decide on which ttrpg haven't told anyone yet, even though ________________ never plays with the
the big end of the campaign is here. to play next their presence is essential for today's necessary seriousness / are simply too
session. serious about it.

The following (game-)problem makes it a serious challenge… [Roll or choose:] And there is also a major non-game problem: [Owner of the room rolls or chooses]

1 … an important (NPC-)Gamer did not 4 The game system is set and someone 1 The deal made for the room is claimed. 4 One of the established problems of the
show up or will be much too late to be (the minority, the majority) want to play gaming room is annoyingly evident.
worthwhile. something else. 2 Room is occupied/must be shared/very 5 Something smells very unpleasant.
2 Someone was brought along unexpectedly 5 The last 4 sessions have been canceled, noisy or the group has to relocate A little at first but then progressively
(a friend, sibling, celebrity, pet, baby, there are contradictory or too few elsewhere. worse.
(ex-)lover, (former) crush, someone else). memories of what happened previously. 3 Mom/Room owner keeps coming in to 6 In the room next door, a heavy metal
3 A Gamer has not brought something Or scheduling shows, that the next session ask something or under some pretext. band is practicing at full volume.
essential to the game (their dice, character will not take place for another five weeks.
sheet(s), rule book(s), prop, did not read what 6 The session is recorded or streamed on
was supposed to be read, something else). Twitch without prior notice.

8 9
Gamemaster: Play the Game
Play to find out if this gaming group will survive e.g. continue to play next week.
Maybe this will be the last session ever of this group? Maybe the gamers will split-up
to re-unite the next logical second minus a particular member? Or will the go
together through tick and thin?

Start with Energy-at-the-Table at 5. Make the current value visible for all players at
any time.

Introduce enough tension into the session to make clear to the players that their
Gamers don’t see eye to eye about why they play. Make clear that breaking up is
always an option. Don’t focus too early on a specific conflict. You never know which
straw will break the camel's back. Pull from your ttrpg experiences.

Call for a roll if the situation is uncertain. Don’t pre-plan outcomes - let the dice fall
where they may. Use failures to push the situation, the Energy-at-the-table and
tension forward. The situation always changes after the roll, for good or for ill.
Ask questions and build on the answers. “That was the third Crit Gamer X rolled in this
session for their Bard Wilbur, the Magnificent. What do you think about this? Are they
probably cheating?” “Everytime you ask Gamer Y what their character does they are busy
one their phone. How does it make you feel?”

If Energy-at-the-Table reaches zero or 10 and/or you feel that the game is over or the
time is up, ask the Players about their Gamers: “Will you show up next session?”.
Ask your players for a vote and have everyone reveal their answer at the same time.
Every player and the group together narrates a short epilog.

10 11
◘ The identity of the ◘ Deviation from the plan
Some Peaks of Awesome main contender is Some ComplicAtions or too long discussions
revealed and one about the plan creates a
or more players bad atmosphere between
◘ The Critical just in the right moment to save ◘ Game-Problem or Non-Game-Problem (as
have previously the players / Endless
the day / to defeat the villain / to make the day chosen during “Worldbuilding”) rears it’s ugly
fallen in love with planning how to tackle the
Why was the Critical so important and crucial head
them. current Character-problem.
right now? ◘ You get a call that you can’t ignore. From whom?
Who shouts "oooh, Who wants to stick to the plan, who
◘ Defeating the Boss Monster with only 1 hit what would happen if you ignore it?
noo!" the loudest? doesn't? who is annoyed and wants
point and no potions left. Which monster was ◘ You came directly from work and did not
Who can't handle it, it to keep going?
defeated and who scored the final blow? What does manage to shower before the session. How bad
who loves it? ◘ A Gamer (including Gamer-GM) splitted the
the group praise this player/character for? is the smell?
◘ The Dragon is killed and the hoard is not lost. party and the system is not meant for it.
◘ The story twist that changes everything and ◘ You see an event online that you need to check
What can you finally buy now? Are you sharing by Who has fun? Who is bored?
nobody saw coming? Was it all planned or „play out right now (NOW!) to avoid missing the
mutual agreement or is a character's hidden agenda Is this part of a hidden agenda?
to find out“? opportunity of a lifetime. What is it? why is it so
now apparent? ◘ No Safety Tools at the table.
◘ A glorious character death What of them will important? why now?
◘ Your crush likes the game and you. What will Why? what do you do? Has someone a problem?
remain for ever? For what deeds and stories will ◘ You’re missing a specific die and you think that
happen next? ◘ Somone is stealing attention / the spotlight
they be part of the table’s history? Will they come (Gamer) has it.
◘ Your friends like your homebrew hack! Do you ◘ There’s an unwanted alpha gamer in the group
back as the god of vengeance? Why? Do they know? Why is it so significant?
see yourself as a game designer now? Is this the of Gamers Who? Why is it a problem? Who has a
◘ The Archenemy defeated. Their body ◘ Name a (real or fictious) game that you would
begging of a great adventure? problem with it/or not?
mysteriously disappeared. What celebration much rather play than this one. How does it
◘ ____________________________________ ◘ A Gamer asked if the group want to continue
takes place in honor of the victory? Real world or show? What do the other Gamers think about it?
◘ ____________________________________ the game/the campaign or switch to something
game world? Who is most excited about their return? ◘ One of the Gamers is quoting an obscure rule
◘ ____________________________________ else Who? Why is it a problem? Who has a problem
◘ Its once again time for Character- and World no-one else knows. Is the rule valid? Will the GM
◘ ____________________________________ with it/or not?
creation! Which new character concept have you overrule it? Who cares?
◘ ____________________________________ ◘ Someone you vouched for is misbehaving.
always wanted to give a try? What should ◘ One of the Gamers is quoting nerdy knowledge
◘ (Your input here. If you have a great moment you Who? Who has a problem with it/or not?
definitely not be missing in the new world? and no one else wants to admit that they don’t
want to share, please contact me via ◘ Someone wants to try-out/introduce a new
◘ Two characters finally find one another. get it. What do you do? house rule. How crunchy is it? Do we already
Which of you is the biggest fan of the two and is ◘ One of the Gamers is quoting pop culture
know if this is a good rule? Is this (part of) a coup?
most delighted that it finally happened? everybody know but one Gamer.
◘ Infrastructure is breaking down. Which part?
◘ A clever / suprising / out of the box solution to What do you do?
Who has a problem with it/or not?
a tricky or otherwise unsolvable problem. ◘ Unwanted PvP between Characters is
◘ Someone’s complaining about to much/not
What's different this time around? spreading to the Gamers. Which Gamers? Has
enough crunch. Who? Who has a problem with
Why is it so much fun for everybody? Who’ll get one of them fun? What is the goal?
it/or not?
the star at the end of the session? ◘ The GM is railroading the Group or a Gamer
◘ Someone’s complaining about to much/not
◘ Everyone holds their breath as the dice are is crashing the prepared scenario/adventure.
enough storytelling/rpg scenes.
thrown and erupts in cheers when the result is What do you do? Has someone a problem with it?
Who? Who has a problem with it/or not?
revealed. What was at risk? Was it a good or a ◘ Your lover/crush is a cause for jealousy.
◘ Too much meta-gaming/discussing the game
particularly bad dice result? Who? whose? what is the reason?
system instead of playing it.
◘ Going over the top for the comedic effect,
Who? Who has a problem with it/or not?)
making everbody laugh. Who and why? Who
didn't really feel like it and then laughed heartily?
◘ Falling in love with the villain / nemesis /
enemy. Who has realized that this is so much Rules & Stories, the TTRPG-TTRPG Thanks to Oli, Mathias, Chris, Eric,
better than just chasing the treasure?
created by Stefan Struck MintRabbit, Jacob
◘ Stealing the McGuffin and running off with
their lover. The characters may hate it, but the
players celebrate it! Who is the biggest fan of this
A hack of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper. Not playtested, yet. If you want to
◘ A character finally reveals their secret The game text is ©2024 by Stefan Struck, give it a try, please let me know.
backstory because it's catching up to them.
Lasers & Feelings is ©20213 by John Harper.
Which character is it and why does it give the
gamer so much pleasure? On what occasion did Dungeon generated using donjon
they almost blurt it out in the past?
Fonts used are Crimson, Kaiju Monster Minis by Epic Isometric Bundle
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