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‘The Pedestrian’

Team Members -
Shanon Mahir Apaar Saumya Nayan Aniket


NARRATOR - The street tonight is quiet, but that’s normal now in the year 2053. No one goes
out at night anymore. However there is one exception, a man by the name of Leonard Mead.

(Leonard is peering around the classroom)

He has nowhere in particular to go to, he just simply enjoys walks. While on his walks, he would
pass by many houses with dark windows. The environment was comparable to a graveyard.
Occasionally he would see a shadow in the window or hear murmurings as well.

(Leonard forms a cup shape around his ear)

Leonard had learnt much earlier to wear sneakers rather than hard-heeled shoes which often
triggered the dogs which would result in their barking which would in turn cause the residents to
come to their windows and get startled at the sight of a man walking alone at night.

(Leonard lifts his feet up with his hand and looks at the sole of his shoes)

On this particular evening his journey began in a westerly direction. He walked and walked and
occasionally picked up a leaf from the ground examining its pattern and smelling it.

(Leonard picks up a leaf, looks at it and smells it)

He often whispered to every house as he moved on.

LEONARD - "Hello, in there, What's up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7, Channel 9?

Where are the cowboys rushing, and do I see the United States Cavalry over the next hill to the
NARRATOR - The streets were silent and empty yet he would continue to ask -

LEONARD - "What is it now? Eight-thirty P.M.? Time for a dozen assorted murders? A quiz? A
revue? A comedian falling off the stage?"

NARRATOR - He heard a murmur of laughter but when there was nothing more, he continued
on his way. He stumbled over a particular section of the sidewalk.

(Leonard makes a stumbling motion while walking on the spot)

In ten years of walking, he had never met another person walking, not once in all that time. He
came to a cloverleaf intersection which stood silent where two main highways crossed the town.
(Leonard starts walking towards the classroom door stops, and looks around)

He turned back on a side street, circling around toward his home.

(Leonard turns back and begin walking on the spot)

He was within a block of his destination when the lone police car turned a corner quite
suddenly and flashed a fierce white light upon him. He stood entranced, stunned by the
illumination, and then drawn toward it.

(Leonard walks towards the center of the board still facing towards the teacher desk)
(Leonard covers his face as if blinded by the light)

A metallic voice says to him….

(Voice of the police car is out of stage sight and speaks)

POLICE - "Stand still. Stay where you are! Don't move!"

LEONARD - But - …

POLICE - "Your hands up! Or we'll Shoot!"

NARRATOR - It was the police. An extremely rare occurrence for the police force had been cut
down to one car from the three total since the elections last year. Crime was reducing and only
one police car would be enough for the city of 3 million. The police car said -

POLICE - "Your name?" (stern tone throughout the dialogues)

LEONARD - "Leonard Mead," (speaks very faintly)

POLICE - "Speak up!"

LEONARD - "Leonard Mead!" (louder)

POLICE - "Business or profession?"

LEONARD - "I guess you'd call me a writer."

POLICE - "No profession,"

LEONARD - "You might say that, "

NARRATOR - Mr. Mead had not written in years for books and magazines did not sell anymore.
Now, People sit like the dead before the television.

POLICE - "No profession, What are you doing out?"

LEONARD - "Walking,"
POLICE - "Walking?"

LEONARD - "Just walking,"

POLICE - "Walking, just walking, walking?"

LEONARD - "Yes, sir."

POLICE - "Walking where? For what?"

LEONARD - "Walking for air. Walking to see."

POLICE - "Your address?"

LEONARD - "Eleven South Saint James Street."

POLICE - "And there is air in your house, you have an air conditioner, Mr. Mead?"\

LEONARD - "Yes."

POLICE - "And you have a viewing screen in your house to see with?"


POLICE - "No? Are you married, Mr. Mead?" (Intrigued tone)


POLICE - "Not married,"

LEONARD - "Nobody wanted me," (says with half hearted smile)

POLICE - "Don't speak unless you're spoken to! … "Just walking, Mr. Mead?"

LEONARD - "Yes."

POLICE - "But you haven't explained for what purpose?"

LEONARD - "I explained; for air, and to see, and just to walk."

POLICE - "Have you done this often?"

LEONARD - "Every night for years."

POLICE - "Well, Mr. Mead,"

LEONARD - "Is that all?" (Politely)

POLICE - "Yes, Here. Get in."

LEONARD - "Wait a minute, I haven't done anything!"

POLICE - "Get in."

LEONARD - "I protest!"

POLICE - "Mr. Mead."

NARRATOR - He walked towards the car and peered inside only to see no one in the car, he
then peered into the backseat which appeared like a little cell.

POLICE - "Now if you had a wife to give you an alibi, But-"

LEONARD - "Where are you taking me?"

POLICE - (hesitatingly - wait 2 secs) "To the Psychiatric Center for Research on
Regressive Tendencies."

(Leonard act acts as if hes is entering the car and moves out of frame)

NARRATOR - The car drives away on the backseat, which made for a bland ride until the car
was passing by a brightly lit house when Leonar blurted…..

LEONARD - "That's my house," (still out of frame)

NARRATOR - No one answered him and the car continued down the empty street making no
sound or noise whatsoever.


Person 1 - The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury explores themes of conformity, technology,

and the dehumanizing effect of a society overly reliant on technology.

Person 2 - The lesson of the story can be interpreted as a cautionary tale about the
potential consequences of a society that prioritizes technology and conformity over
individuality and human connection. It suggests the importance of balance in
embracing technological advancements without losing touch with the essence of what
makes us human.

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