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Created By Twinkle Gupta, MandeepPal Singh

Created On 01/10/2006
Current Ownership Twinkle Gupta, MandeepPal Singh
Reviewed by Anurag Goel
Contributions from
Purpose Automation Data Processing for Procure to Pay

Document History
Version DD/MM/YYYY Author Reviewer Description
1 01/10/2006 Twinkle Gupta, Anurag Goel Initial Version
MandeepPal Singh


1.1 PRESENT SCENARIO………………………………………………………… 3

1.2. PROPOSED SYSTEM…………………………………………………………….3
1.3. TECHNOLOGY USED……………………………………………………………3

2.2 IMAGE POOLING COMPONENT………………………………………………..4

3.1 DISPATCH PATTERN…………………………………………………………12

4.1 INVOICE CREATED IN SAP ……………………………………………………13

1.1 Present Scenario
Progeon has many multinational companies as its Client who have sap implementations
for all their process management. For the database management in their respective sap
Implementations for eg. Processing of scanned invoice images and updating data in their
sap system consumes a lot of time since it involves updating data first in the workflow
tool and then updating the sap database.
An agent in Progeon receives the scanned image of the document (an invoice from the
vendor) and enters the data accordingly in the R/3 Database each time a new scanned
image is received in the form of attached document .In this way data is updated in the R/3

1.2 Proposed System

In the proposed system the agent need not log in to the sap system and the data is
updated in the sap system directly. In this way a valuable amount of time will be saved.
Thus more invoices can be processed in lesser time thus saving more manual agent effort.
In data updating also providing authorized access to sap system of the organization

1.3 Technology
Our team studied the various systems pertaining to Procure to Pay.
The team chose XI as the middleware integration tool.
XI was implemented across the organisation so as to enable the integration of the SAP
system with Documentum workflow tool.
Technology Environment:
l SAP R/3
l Documentum Workflow Tool(VB.NET)
l XI as Middleware


If the document is a fax it will go to the fax folder and the scanned image will go the scan
folder likewise according with the date If the invoice is sent in paper then it needs to be
scanned & added in the Imaging System. # Tool Used: Imaging System eg 170 system,
Sprinter, Tranmi etc.
Here it copies the invoice image to date wise folder (\\fcoelab\2992006\). (Sample Folder)

2.2 Image pooling component

It uploads the invoice document from the folder to the documentum and triggers the work flow.

2.3 Introduction to Workflow Tool

• Workflow system Logon screen

The user will logon with a unique user-name. Login to work flow tool. (http://prps-pc-

Manager user id & password

User id : ashlev_pereira
Password : temp@123

Agent user id & password

User id : balaji_bs
Password : temp@123

The user can log on with various roles for example as manager or an agent etc.The
manager has some other additional administrative tasks.

This will take the user to the main page.

• Main page after Agent logon

This is the Home page for the workflow where we can see the manager attributes reports
and the inbox where all the invoices are present.
For e.g.
1) If the role is manager he can see invoices of all the agents
2) If it is agent then he can only see the invoices assigned to him
Introduction to Workflow Tool Contd...

• Screen for Pending Invoices

When the user clicks on the inbox in which the invoices are listed.
The invoices which are not processed are in bold.

• Main page for Manager Logon screen

This is how workflow tool look like when manager logs in.

Introduction to Workflow Tool Contd...

• Manager Inbox screen for Invoices:

Further he can create users, roles, modify users, manage passwords, queue management
Some difference in the manager’s logon and agents logon is as follows
• The manager has some additional privileges of creating roles
• The manager can assign tasks to the agents.

• Manager is creating new user with a role

Introduction to Workflow Tool Contd...
• Triggering a Invoice in SAP system

When agent clicks on the Invoice queue in the worklist, then user will enter and update
the data. The indexing is done in the lower part of the screen where different fields and
the data will be updated accordingly.

When the agent clicks save then 3 different things get triggered.
(1) It will close the workflow
(2) It will update index value in documentum.
(3) It will invoke sap application and invoice will be generated if the update is
In case if update is not successful it will automatically go to the failure queue.

In the dispatch pattern manager dispatch the invoices to agents. This could be done
either by Automatic or manual dispatch. There are various algorithms which he can
choose to dispatch work such as ‘least used recourse’, ’round robin’, random etc.

The workflow will do the load balancing according to the number of users

When the invoices received as paper or fax enter the BPO they need to be indexed. An
agent fills up the indexing field in the tool which eventually moves to the working folder
of the agents. Indexing can be done based on the following fields:
o PO based or Non- PO based
o Invoice No
o Invoice Date
o Invoice Amount
o Vendor Name
o Business Unit of the client
o Type of Invoice: RM/GL/FA/RA
# Tools used: Workflow Management tool eg Stelta, Tranmit, Sprinter
The invoice then comes into the working folders. The cases should be tracked on time
stamp for SLA purposes. As the case moves from 1 folder to another they should be
tracked for “Pick-up Time” & “Saved Time”

4.1 Invoices Created in SAP system

SAP server configuration:

User id : user-01
Password: infy123
The transaction code used for viewing the invoice created in SAP is MIR4.
Enter test invoice no as 5400000029 and Fiscal year as 2006.
You will see this output which will give all the details of the invoice.

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