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Character Name: Doji Makiko

Player Name: TGO 76 65 40

3 4
Clan: Crane Family: Doji 3 3
2 Reach Doji perfection by
following path of Kakita
School: Kakita Duelist School School Rank 3 school

Obey to her father who has

Roles: Bushi, Artisan
accepted she marries a Bayushi
family member
Artisan Skills Ranks Approaches
Aesthetics 0 Refine Titles: Topaz Champion, Emerald Magistrate
Composition 1 Restore

Design 1 Invert

Smithing 0 Adapt
Attune Distinctions: Reroll up to two dice of your choice when a distinction helps
you on any check.
Martial Skills Ranks Approaches Dangerous Allure (Fire)Command [Fire] Performance [Fire]
Fitness 2 Feint Subtle Observer (Air) Courtesy [Air] Sentiment [Air]
Martial Arts [Melee] 3 Withstand Paragon of Courtesy (Air)
Performance [Air] Martial Arts [Melee] [Air]

Martial Arts [Ranged] 0 Overwhelm Famously Successful (Fire)

Courtesy [Fire] Tactics [Fire]

Martial Arts [Unarmed] 0 Shift Adversities: Reroll two dice showing success or explosive success when an
adversity hinders your check. If you fail, gain 1 Void point.
Meditation 2 Sacrifice
Tactics 1 Bishamon's Curse (Water)
Fitness [Water] Martial Arts [Unarmed] [Water]
Social Skills Ranks Approaches --Select--
Command 1 Trick Passions: After performing any check related to your passion, remove 3
Courtesy 3 Reason
Games 0 Incite Brushwork (Air) Aesthetics [Air] Composition [Air]
Performance 1 Charm --Select--
Enlighten --Select--
Anxieties: After performing a check related to your anxiety, gain 3 strife. Gain
Scholar Skills Ranks Approaches 1 VP if first time this scene.
Culture 1 Analyze Delusions of GrandeurLabor
(Void)[Void] Meditation [Void]
Government 1 Recall --Select--
Sentiment 1 Theorize --Select--
Theology 0 Survey Personality, Habits, and Quirks
Medicine 0 Sense Inappropriate Her face turns red, she starts to speak in an uncontrolled
Outburst manner with a strident voice, then retreats into silence or
leaves the room if feasible
Trade Skills Ranks Approaches --Select-- 0
Commerce 0 Con
Labor 0 Produce Other Character's Name Standing Notes
Seafaring 0 Innovate Daimyo Doji Yachi Status: 75 Father
Skulduggery 0 Exchange Doji Taka Status: 0 Mother
Survival 0 Substist Doji Ichiro Status: 0 Brother
Bayushi Kojima Status : 40+ Engaged
Kakita Toshimoko Status : 60+ Sensei
Seppun Asano ???

80 78 2
A Character Sheet - Conflict Mode
Earth Stance: Others Air Stance: +1 to TN of
cannot spend opp to Attack and Scheme
inflict critical strikes checks targeting you (Earth+Fire)x2
or coditions on you (+2 at rank 4+) Fatigue

Water Stance: 3 4 Fire Stance: If (Earth + Water)x2
Perform a second Strife
you succeed, +1
action on your
turn that does 3 3 bonus success
(Air + Fire) 7
per Strife
not require a
check or share a
2 symbol. Vigilance
type w/your 1st act. (Air + Water)/2 4

Void Stance: You do not Void Points 2 2

receive strife from strife
symbols on checks.

Skill Name Ranks Dangerous Allure (Fire) Bishamon's Curse (Water)

Martial Arts [Melee] 3 Subtle Observer (Air) Delusions of Grandeur (Void)

Meditation 2 Paragon of Courtesy (Air) --Select--

Tactics 1 --Select-- --Select--

Fitness 2 --Select--

--Select-- 0 --Select--


Summary of a Conflict Turn

>Choose Stance (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, or Void)
Way of the Crane P.#65 Core
>Perform Action
Once per per
Once round, you may increase or decrease the
(Intrigue p.254, Duel p.258, Skirmish p.262, Mass Battle p.274)
round, you
>Move before or after action (Skirmish: 1 Range Band) severity of a critical strike you inflict by an amount up to
your school rank.

Weapons Armor
Name Dmg/Deadliness Range Qualities Name Protection Type Qualities
Ceremonial, Razor-Edged,
Megumi Katana 3/6-8 1 Resplendent, kenzo blade Traveling Clothes Physical (2) Durable, Mundane

Wakizashi 3/5-7 0-1 Ceremonial, Razor-Edged Ceremonial Clothes Physical (1) Ceremonial

Yari 5/3 2 Wargear Topaz Armor Physical (5) Wargear, Ceremonial

Technique Types Available

Kata, Shuji, and Rituals

Iaijutsu : Rising Cut

Iaijutsu : Crossing Blade
Warrior Resolve Koku (= 5 Bu) Bu (= 10 Zeni) Zeni
Courtier Resolve
10 5 0
Total XP Spent XP Saved XP XP Spent at Rank 5/Total: 0 /60

Advancement XP spent
80 78 2 Skill Group Martial Skills 0
Skill Aesthetics 0
Skill Survival 0

School Ranks
XP Spent at Rank 1/Total: 20 /20 Skill Theology 0
Advancement XP spent Tech. Grp. Rank 1-5 Fire Shuji 0
Skill Group Martial Skills 14
Skill Aesthetics 0 Tech. Soul Sunder 0 P.#:177 Core
Skill Courtesy 0
Skill Sentiment 0 Tech. Rouse the Soul 0 P.#:223 Core
Tech. Grp. Rank 1 Kata XP spent out of Curriculum 0
Iaijustu Cut: Crossing Completed
Tech. Blade 3 P.#:179 Core
Tech. Cadence 0 P.#:214 Core School M.Ability Strike with No Thought
XP spent out of Curriculum 6 Once per scene, as an Attack and Movement action, you may
make scene,Arts
Martial as an[Melee]
Attack and Movement
(Void) check action,
targetingyou one
may make a
Martial Artsat[Melee]
range 2–3 using
(Void) checka targeting
sheathedone katana or wakizashi.
character at range 2–3
XP Spent at Rank 2/Total: 24 /24 The TN
using of this katana
a sheathed check isorequal to your
wakizashi. target’s
The TN of thisvigilance.
check is equal to your
Advancement XP spent You immediately move to rangevigilance.
target’s 1 of your target and draw the

Experience Points and Advancement Log

Skill Group Scholar Skills 1 weapon
You you used.
immediately moveIftoyou succeed,
range your
1 of your target
target suffers
and draw theaweapon
Skill Martial Arts [Melee] 6 strike
Purchase with
If you severity
succeed, yourequal tosuffers
target the deadliness of your
a critical strike
Cost withweapon
severity equal
Skill Martial Arts [Ranged] 0 Martial Art (melee) 4 2
Skill Smithing 0 Fire Ring 6 2
Tech. Grp. Rank 1-2 Kata 3 Tactics 2 1
Iaijutsu : Crossing Blade 3
Tech. All Arts Are One 0 P.#:222 Core Meditation 4 2
Fitness 4 2
Tech. Thunderclap Strike 0 P.#:180 Core Void Ring 6 2
XP spent out of Curriculum 28 Air Ring 12 4
School Ranks

Warrior Resolve 3
Performance 1
XP Spent at Rank 3/Total: 5 /32 Martial Art (melee) 6 3
Advancement XP spent Government 1 1
Skill Group Artisan Skills 2 Fire Ring 9 3
Skill Martial Arts [Melee] 0 Courtier resolve 3
Skill Meditation 0 Water ring à 3 9
Skill Survival 0 Bless the steel 3
Tech. Grp. Rank 1-3 Air Shuji 0 Smithing 2 1
Mag. d'emeraude XP Spent in Title/ Total: 5 / 30
Tech. A Samurai’s Fate 0 P.#:222 Core xp spent
Water ring à 3 9
Tech. Heartpiercing Strike 0 P.#:176 Core 0
XP spent out of Curriculum 6 0
Completed 0
XP Spent at Rank 4/Total: 0 /44 0 #N/A
Advancement XP spent 0 #N/A
Skill Group Social Skills 0 0

Skill Fitness 0 0
Skill Tactics 0 0
Skill Martial Arts [Melee] 0 0
Tech. Grp. Rank 1-4 Kata 0 Title Mastery Unlocked
Pillar of Calm 0 P.#:216 Core
Striking as Void 0 P.#:178 Core
XP spent out of Curriculum 0
Iaijustu Cut: Rising
Kata CloseCombat Blade P.#:179 Shuji Earth Weight of Duty P.#:217
Activation: TN 3 Martial Arts [Melee] Core Activation: Opportunity Activation Core
Effect: You draw and ready the sheathed weapon
Effect: You draw and ready the sheathed weapon in a in a one- Effect: When you make a Social skill (Earth) check
Effect: When you make a Social skill (Earth) check targeting a character, you may spend (Opp) a
handed grip. If you
one-handed grip.succeed, you deal you
If you succeed, physical
physicalto the targeting a character, you may spend (Opp) as follows:
target equal to the weapon’s deadliness. Your target
damage to the target equal to the weapon’s deadliness. cannot
Your against this damage
target cannot defendif they are this
against Compromised.(Click
damage if they the
other sheathed
other Razor-Edged
sheathed weapon.
Razor-Edged Opp:
Opp: (1):
waythe target
the fears
target failing
fears as aassamurai.
failing a (2): Learn the target’s giri.
weapon. samurai. (2): Learn the target’s giri.

Kata P.#:179
CloseCombat Iaijustu Cut: Crossing Blade Ritual Type Blessing of Steel P.#: 114
Activation: TN 2 Martial Arts [Melee] Core Activation: TN 2 Smithing (Any) Shadowl
Effect: You
Effect: draw
You andand
draw ready the the
ready sheathed weapon
sheathed in a one-handed
weapon in a grip. IfEffect:
you succeed,
Effect:Effect: Ifyou
Effect: youdeal
one ofto
target equal
based toon
ring you
used. (Only
one-handed grip. If you succeed, you deal physical If you succeed, apply one of the following based on what
damage to the target equal to the weapon’s deadliness ring you used. (Only one of these effects can be applied
plus your bonus successes. to an item).
Ready oneone
Ready other sheathed
other Razor-Edged
sheathed weapon.
Razor-Edged Opp:
Opp:- -

Kata General Striking as Air P.#:177 (Technique) Type (Name)

Activation: Opportunity Activation Core Activation: P#.
Effect: When
Effect: youyou
When make a Martial
make ArtsArts
a Martial [Melee, Ranged,
[Melee, or Unarmed]
Ranged, or (Air)Effect:
Effect:you may spend (Opp) in the following way:
Unarmed] (Air) check, you may spend (Opp) in the
following way:

Opp:(1)+: Reserve
(1)+: 1 of1your
Reserve keptkept
of your or dropped dice, plus
or dropped dice,one
plusadditional dieOpp:
per (2) spent this way. Add kept dices when making a check with the same skill before the end

one additional die per (2) spent this way. Add kept dices
when making a check with the same skill before the end
of your next turn
Kata General Warrior's Resolve P.#:178 (Technique) Type (Name)
Activation: 1 Void Point, Support Action Core Activation: P#.
Effect: Remove
Effect: Remove fatigue equal
fatigue to your
equal honor
to your rank.rank.
honor Effect:

Opp:- - Opp:

(Technique) Type (Name) (Technique) Type (Name)

Activation: P#. Activation: P#.
Effect: Effect:

Opp: Opp:

(Technique) Type (Name) (Technique) Type (Name)

Activation: P#. Activation: P#.
Effect: Effect:

Opp: Opp:

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