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Krista Revell Ed. Tech.

Unit: Skeletal System Lesson 4 Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Writing the lesson plan ______________________________________
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson: 3.1.6.A1 - Describe the similarities and differences of major physical characteristics in plants, animals, fungi, protists, and bacteria 3.1.7.A1 - Describe the similarities and differences of physical characteristics in diverse organisms 10.1.9.B: Analyze the interdependence existing among the body systems. Lesson Objective(s) (Stated in observable and measurable terms) TSWBAT: demonstrate knowledge of the human body by creating a two charts using Microsoft Excel on the skeletal system. TSWBAT: explain the skeletal system by using terminology that is pertaining to this body system. TSWBAT: describe the skeletal system by listing the main parts that are pertaining to this body system. Assessment Plan (What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?) The assessment for this lesson will be for the students to complete the excel activity on the skeletal system. The assessment will demonstrate understanding of the skeletal system and basic use of technology. There will also be a rubric for this activity. Materials: Information regarding the skeletal system. Computers Access to Excel Jump Drive Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs: All students will be included in the lesson. Lesson accommodations or modifications can be made as necessary. Enrichment Techniques: The lesson is intended to enrich computer and technology knowledge while assessing the understanding of a body system.

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson): The students will be taught how to use Excel using a multi-modality format. Directions can be typed out, chunked, in a video format (tutorial), and expressed verbally. I will also offer step by step instruction to those that need it.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set: Introduce activity by telling students everything they should expect from this lesson. Give the students an overview of the lesson and discuss the lesson objectives with them. Make sure the students are prepared fully for this lesson and have an understanding of the skeletal system. The lesson provides the student with plenty of activities and offers variety. Excel is an interactive tool that provides text and visual graphics, which would allow the students to be creative and will peak their interest. The students are engaged in an enjoyable activity. The students will be required to have a computer and the capability to access Excel on their computer. The student will begin with a review of the skeletal system followed by a detailed explanation of how to use Excel. Excel can be explained in a multi-facetted way: auditory, visually, written, or spoken. Detailed Teaching Sequence: (Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred) Introduction of lesson Anticipatory Set: Overview, Objectives, Lesson activities Review of Skeletal System Explanation of Excel Access to Excel Excel Chart Creation activity, charts, and text. Check for understanding (additional assessment tool) Closure Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities Review Worksheet Terminology Handout Excel creation, development of activity. Closure: To close the lesson, I will check the student for understanding. Ask specific questions about the lesson. Review what was covered in the lesson and let the students know what they can expect next class.

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