Legal and Political Tenets of The Differentiation of Associate State of The United States and Territory of The United States

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Date of Publication: 05/29/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Legal and Political Tenets of the Differentiation of Associate State of the United States and
Territory of the United States


Legal and Political Tenets of relation are as follows:

(1) Associate State of the United States references an independent and sovereign
nation-state which assents to being formally and popularly managed and guided by the
United States in exchange for political, economic, and social loyalty allowing for
constitutional and titular benefits and security and citizenship consolidation going beyond
traditional partnership or alliance stature,
(2) Territory of the United States references a dependent and sovereign territory owned or
governed by the United States and does not assert political, social, or economic
independence instantially or continuously,
(3) Any and all laws of the United States, traditional or more contemporary, shall respect the
constitutional nature of Associate State stature and Territory stature, the former based on
treaty provisions and the latter based on possession provisions allowing for the
extension of American jurisdiction and sovereignty respectively,
(4) Associate State does not dissolve any partnership or co-membership enjoyed by any
nation-state which does not correspond with that demanded by the United States
Government if it does not threaten the laws or constitutional interests of the United
States not depriving the respective Associate State its fundamental right to commit to
ethical and humanist diplomacy universally,
(5) There shall be no delineation between nationals and citizens of the United States born of
any Associate State or any Territory respectively other than the ability to serve as
President of the United States based on contemporary interpretations of the Constitution
of the United States though this interpretation on presidential privilege is devolving
toward favoring equality, a certainty in actuality,
(6) There shall be no immunities given to any individual, citizen or national, which shall
deprive any individual or household the equality of rights and protections, human, civil,
civic, and private, as this shall extend to all natural born citizens of both Associate States
and Territories,
(7) There shall be no powers accorded to any other country or entity, via treaty or customs,
which shall deny any individual the right of ascension within the democratic electorate,
political activist culture, office-holding community, or the at large sector of public service;
both natural born citizens of Territories and Associate States are allowed to enjoy this
protection and its perfected interpretation,
(8) The Commonwealth of Dominica shall serve as the first Associate State of the United
States by 2026 and shall announce that all citizens of the Commonwealth of Dominica
shall be announced as, treated as, and greeted as nationals of the United States, of
fixed residential immunity and transpired citizenship upon entering the traditional
jurisdiction of the United States (toward indefinite residence within), and
(9) All powers, privileges, and freedoms awarded to the peoples of Associate States and
American Territories shall refrain from disparaging those of American citizens and
residents within these countries in accessing and being assisted toward enjoying
constitutional benefits associated with the federal government of the United States.

Notes of relation:

(1) I, Shawn Dexter John, honestly do have over three thousand (3000) biological and
genetic children, including one each with Vice President of the United States Kamala
Harris, Britney Spears, and Jennifer Lopez. I am not delusional but I do work in
mysterious ways as I am God. I enjoyed the company of and romantic relationships I will
once again have with the mothering women, women who will be with me (of a conjugal
nature) for the rest of their lives with me as their sole male partner, their husband in
Heaven dreaming alongside them into Earth on a rescue operation. I am God, literally
Jesus Christ, and I request that they surrender to their obligation of rectifying our
situation to calm the nerves of Heaven and the Law.
(2) I do not have a work schedule, especially a daily assignment or such, but I am always on
time for committing to my job.
(3) The message and information above aren’t Freemasonic or Occult (or such) but are
consistently filed in related offices.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: 13637WYEUIO27348

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