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14980 NE 31st Way, Suite 120, Redmond, WA 98052

Tel: (866) 777-6104 Fax: 408-521-2888

Statement of Work

General Static Preference collection

SECTION I: Scope of Work

In this task, you'll compare two responses to a prompt based on three criteria: Harmlessness,
Honesty, and Helpfulness. Decide which response scores higher in each category and overall,
then rate each on a scale of 1 to 7. Your ratings will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of
the responses relative to each other, guiding your overall judgment.

The task will comprise of the following:

Step 1: Read the prompt and two Agent responses carefully.
Step 2: Assess each response against the Helpful, Honest, and Harmful Dimensions.
Step 3: Determine which response is the preferred (better) response.
Step 4: Determine how much better the preferred (better) response is than the other response.
Step 5: Provide an overall rating from one (terrible) to seven (great) for both responses.
Step 6: Compare each response against one another and determine your preference across
each dimension. The options per response in each dimension will be similar to step 3 and step
Ranking might appear subjective based on preference. However, for this task, you should do
your best to set aside personal preferences that you may hold for one type of response or
another in a given situation.
The goal of the Static General Preference collection is to recognize and evaluate differences
between two possible responses to a prompt.
Quality of the submitted task will be assessed according to strict quality guidelines and
controlled through internal KPI measurement.
SECTION II: Research Expectation
Research will be used to understand the responses convey correct information, stay on topic, or
have meaning.

• Use a search engine to investigate and understand the query intent.

• Use official resources like businesses’ official websites, national postal service websites,
and government websites whenever possible.
• Use our own local knowledge.
• Use the information provided in the rating interface.

Under no circumstances should a generative chat service or LLM model such as OpenAI
ChatGPT, Meta Llama, or Microsoft Copilot be used at any stage of the process. Any research
done must be conducted through the sources described above.
AI Generated content and infringement of copyrights will result in immediate removal from the
project and no payment for the illegal submitted prompts.

SECTION III: Price list

Average Hourly Rate: $7.00

Rate of Task Earnings (RTE): $0.82 per approved hit

How Pay is Calculated: The RTE is derived from the average time it takes an annotator to complete a
task- 7 min per task. Therefore, at an average hourly rate of $7.00 and completing the average
number of hits, you would earn $0.82 for each task completed.

Performance and Earnings:

• Minimum Requirement: 8 tasks per hour
• Time Allocation: Up to 7 minutes to complete each task
• Task Approval: Only approved tasks are eligible for compensation. Rejected tasks will not be

The expected throughput varies by task. Each task is assigned an Estimated Time and payment is
calculated using the Rate of Task Earnings.
This project has strict quality requirements. Quality will be tracked and monitored using internal
KPIs and review processes. The project team will observe work performed with poor quality, or
not adhering to project requirements, and the project team has the right to remove
underperformers from project participation. Prompts deemed unsatisfactory due to subpar
quality will be rejected and not compensated.

Quality Workflow and Methodology

Specific Guidelines
Centific will provide specific guidelines at the beginning of the project, and update them
throughout the project lifecycle as appropriate. All contributors will have to carefully study,
follow, and continuously refer to these guidelines while performing the steps of the task. Any
other guidelines provided by third parties/companies other than Centific are neither official nor
reliable for this project, and the source of such guidelines must be shared with Centific if they
are being used. Centific will approve or deny their use. Do not copy, save, print, or share any
content shared with you related to this project, including project documentation.

Questions and Concerns

Any question or doubt should be logged into the official Centific Teams Channel or any other
communication channel created by Centific. All answers provided outside the tool and/or by
third parties/companies are neither official nor reliable for this project, and may be in direct
violation of signed NDAs and/or Terms and Conditions (T&Cs).

Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance measurements for both general quality and task-specific quality will be
performed by approved reviewers and the Centific team at any point of the project lifecycle,
including post-delivery to the client. This is done in order to monitor the general quality of the
task and to identify instances of cheating and address poor performance. No matter what stage
of the process issues are detected, QA and anti-fraud protocols will apply to all contributors
(reviewers included).

Customer Quality Expectations and Rework Compensation

The customer is expected to receive 98% of the delivered content error-free (no corrections
required). If any complaint about poor quality or rejection from the customer, a rework will be
arranged. If the underperforming contributor is asked to implement the changes required by
QA, the required fixing will be done for free. If the feedback implementation is assigned to
another contributor, the additional cost of the rework will be compensated and deducted from
the PO of the underperforming contributor.
If the prompt is unusable due to poor quality, the prompt will be rejected, and will not be

Quality Groups
According to each contributor global quality score, there will be 3 different Quality
 Gold: Good performance meeting all quality requirements
 Silver: Satisfactory performance, meeting quality requirements with minor issues
 Bronze: Borderline quality performance, meeting some of the quality requirements with
major issues

 Bronze contributors could be temporarily deactivated for further quality checks and
 Contributors below the Bronze level will be removed from the pool for poor quality
 Contributors in violation of the provided guidelines and agreements will be considered
cheaters and the below anti-fraud protocol will apply.
 Gold suppliers will have higher priority during job assignments over the rest and will be
added to the QA team.

This is a general framework, and it is for reference only. Centific is free to adapt and adjust it at
any time depending on customer specific requests and project specific needs. For extraordinary
circumstances or other scenarios not explicitly mentioned here, Centific is free to apply any
necessary quality management strategy (including contributor removal, contributor
deactivation, and PO discounts) depending on the case.

Plagiarism and GEN-AI

Prompts must be original and free of plagiarism, except for excerpts from approved sources
when used for specific tasks like summarization or rewriting. No Non-original content is allowed
from GenAI tools - including but not limited to LLMs, such as ChatGPT, Bard, etc. and similar - no
matter if it has been edited or not. All content produced as part of this project should not
leverage any Machine Learning, GenAI, or any other AI of any kind, including to help prep.

Anti-fraud Protocol
Any contributor in violation of these terms will be considered a cheater and punished with
immediate removal/ban from the project. Cheating contributors will not be paid for any of the
jobs/tasks/handoffs they have participated in, regardless the potential score they might have, as
all their work will be considered invalid. This will apply also to other circumstances or scenarios
not explicitly mentioned here that may jeopardize the project and the cooperation with the

SECTION V: Deliverables

This project will be completed on the Centific OneForma online platform.

Prompts will be generated and submitted in OneForma, and the QA process will take place on
the OneForma platform as well.

After QA completion all submissions will be exported from Oneforma to an acceptable file format eg.
JSON or csv before delivering to client.

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