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 Compression  MOPU
Feasibility    Study  &  Budget  
Partners: Petronas Carigali – Schlumberger Alliance
Project: Samarang EOR Project
Location: Offshore Sabah, East Malaysia
Scope : Compression MOPU Feasibility Study & Budget

Project  at  Glance    

The   Samarang   Field   is   a   mature   field,   located   in   the   South   China   Sea,   72   km   NW   of   Sabah   Crude   Oil  
Terminal,  by  ~  34  m  of  water  depth.    
It  is  further  developed  by  Petronas  Carigali  –  Schlumberger  Samarang  alliance.    

While  the  FEED  for  wells  &  brownfield  modifica8ons  

is   ongoing,   Early   Produc8on   can   be   obtained   by  
interim   Compression   &   Power   Genera8on.  
Compressed  gas  would  be  used  to  Gas  LiC  wells  and  
the  Power  Genera8on  to  supply  ESP’s.    

The  Interim  facili8es  would  be  located    on  a  jack-­‐up  

MOPU  close  to  SMG-­‐A  exis8ng  plaPorm.      

MOPU  Topside  Requirements  

§    Gas  LiC  Compression  Capacity    50  MMscf/d  
ü    Inlet  Pressure  3  Barg  
ü    Discharge  Pressure  62  /  200  Barg  
§  1  MW  Power  Genera8on  
§  Associated  U8li8es  
 The  Project  entailed  4  main  Scope  Elements:  
Ø MOPU  FaciliDes  –  the  scope  includes  the  supply  of  a  MOPU  facilty  on  a  day  rate  basis  to  service  the  
compressor   and   power   genera8on   requirements.   The   facility   will   be   temporarily   moored   alongside  
the   SMG-­‐A   plaPorm   and   fully   comply   with   Malaysian   Na8onal   and   PCSB   requirements   for   a  
produc8on   facility.   The   scope   includes   the   conversion   of   a   jack-­‐up   support   unit   to   a   MOPU   at   a  
suitable  marine  repair  classifica8on  and  cer8fica8on.    

Ø Bridge   Link   –   the   scope   includes   the   engineering   design   and   fabrica8on   to   supply   an   access   /   facili8es  
bridge  from  the  MOPU  to  the  SMG-­‐A  to  carry  the  process  and  fuel  gas  pipe  work;  power  ESD,  F&G  
DCS,  telecom  cabling;  and  services,  drains  and  flare  pipe  work.    

Ø SMG-­‐A   Tie-­‐ins   –   the   scope   includes   the   iden8fica8on,   engineering   and   installa8on   of   all   8e-­‐ins  
required   to   hook-­‐up   the   MOPU   to   the   exis8ng   SMG-­‐A   systems,   this   includes   all   structural  
modifica8ons  for  the  Bridge  Link  installa8on.  
Ø OperaDon   /   Maintenance   of   MOPU   –   the   scope   includes   the   iden8fica8on   of   all   opera8onal   and  
maintenance  requirements  for  the  medium  term  use  of  the  MOPU  at  SMG-­‐A.  Various  alterna8ves  to  
be  considered  and  included  in  the  budget  proposal  with  the  preferred  op8on.  
Compression MOPU
Feasibility Study & Budget

Aramis Scope
Schlumberger  entrusted  Aramis  to  develop  a  Proposal  to  be  submiled  to  Petronas  Carigali.  The  Proposal  entailed  5  
steps  worked  in  parallel  to  meet  the  required  delivery  schedule.  

Step  1:  Scope  DefiniDon  


§ Iden8fy  key  deliverables  and  milestones  

§ Agree  work  priori8es  to  be  undertaken    
§ Agree  WBS,  responsibili8es  and  delivery  8metable  
§ Iden8fy  level  of  effort,  primary  discipline,  availability  
§ Iden8fy  any  issues  requiring  further  Client  clarifica8on  
§ Access  historical  Project  data  for  similar  MOPU  
Step  2:  Conceptual  Engineering  &  Design  
§ Develop  a  WBS  to  a  sufficient  detailed  level  to  allow  
for  the  development  CTR  es8mates  
§ For  each  element  of  the  Project  Scope  Aramis  
provided  an  Execu8ve  Summary  and  details  including:      
ü Scope  of  Supply  /  Boundary  Limits  
ü Interfaces  Lis8ng  /  Tie-­‐Ins    
ü Func8onal  Specifica8on  &  Major  Equipment  List     Seafox  type  4-­‐Legged  Jack-­‐Up  MOPU  
ü Delivery  Schedule      
ü Cost  Es8mates:  Capex/Opex    
ü Descrip8on  of  required  valida8on  work  (if  any)  
ü HSE  &  other  Key  Risks/Issues    
Step  3:  Budgetary  Cost  and  Schedule    
§ Prepara8on  of  a  Rough  order  of  Magnitude  (ROM)  
Budgetary  Cost  Es8mate    
§ Level  1  Schedule:  Implementa8on  of  the  solu8on  
including  cri8cal  Milestones  

Step  4:  Risks/Issues  Register      

Develop  a  Preliminary  Risk  Register  highligh8ng  the  
major  issues  based  on  Technical,  Economical,  
Commercial,  Opera8onal  and  Poli8cal  risks  iden8fied  
during  the  proposal  development  including:  
ü Iden8fy,  characterize,  and  assess  threats    
ü Assess  cri8cal  assets  vulnerability  to  threats    
ü Determine  the  risk  -­‐  probability  and  consequence  
ü Iden8fy  ways  to  mi8gate  those  risks  and  
priori8ze  risk  reduc8on  measures  
Step  5:  Project  ExecuDon  Plan        
Develop  a  high  level  Project  Execu8on  Plan  (PEP)    

Aramis Group Operational Headquarters E-05-01, Plaza Mont' Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Organization chart
Tel: +603 6201 0388 - Fax: +603 6201 1088 Website:

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