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Lev QID Question Answer (a) Answer (b) Answer (c) Ans
8 20Q Basic Aerodynamics
8.1 2 (3Q) Physics of the Atmosphere
International Standard Atmosphere
8.1 2 (ISA) application to aerodynamics
When dealing with atmospheric Integrated Systems International International Surface
conditions and the flight performance of Analysis. Standard Atmosphere.
1 8.1 b
an aircraft, what do the letters I.S.A. Atmosphere.
stand for?
The "International Standard Atmosphere" C.A.A. F.A.A. ICAO
2 8.1 (ISA) is specified by c
3 8.1 As altitude increases, air pressure: increases. decreases. remains unchanged. b
As altitude increases beyond the decreases. increases. remains constant.
4 8.1 tropopause, the air temperature c
As altitude increases towards increases. remains unchanged. decreases.
5 8.1 approximately 50,000 ft, the air density c
With the same thrust settings, an aircraft is more dense. is less dense. contains less
6 8.1 flies faster at high altitudes than at low moisture b
altitudes because the air
Temperature is more critical when gases. liquids. solids.
7 8.1 measuring the density of: a
Material with a specific gravity of less sink in water. float in water. evaporate
8 8.1 than one will c
The density of the air in the atmosphere directly proportional indirectly proportional not related
9 8.1 is ___________________ to the a
pressure exerted on it.
The atmosphere surrounding the earth 100 miles. 275 miles. 500 miles.
10 8.1 extends upwards for approximately: c
Most text books recognize that there are six four two
11 8.1 _____ separate, concentric, gaseous b
layers making up the earth’s atmosphere.
Almost all modern aircraft operate in the tropopause. troposphere. stratosphere.
12 8.1 layer of air called the a
The upper level of the stratosphere is 7 miles above sea 40 miles above sea 200 miles above sea
13 8.1 approximately level. level. level. b
The air of the earth’s atmosphere is: a non-compressible inert at all ranges and a compressible fluid
fluid without the good to breathe. with the ability to flow
14 8.1 ability to flow or or change shape c
change shape when when pressure is
pressure is applied. applied.
The temperature of the tropopause is -35 C to -57 C. +35 C to -57 C. +15 C to -35 C
15 8.1 approximately a
In aerodynamics, "lapse rate" refers to temperature pressure decreases temperature
16 8.1 the rate at which decreases with with increase in increases with a
increase in altitude altitude increase in airspeed
The average temperature lapse rate in 2° C for every 5000 ft. 1° C for every 2000 ft 2° C for every 1000 ft.
17 8.1 the troposphere is c
In the tropopause, the atmosphere air temperature humidity increases to
18 8.1 contains no oxygen remains constant as saturation level b
altitude increases.
The Earth’s atmosphere contains 21% oxygen, 78% 78% oxygen, 21% 78% oxygen, 21%
19 8.1 nitrogen and 1% rare rare gases and 1% nitrogen and 1% rare a
gases nitrogen gases
On an extremely hot day the volume of expands, becoming expands, becoming contracts, becoming
20 8.1 air thinner and less more dense and thinner and less a
dense therefore heavier dense
The amount of water vapour in a given decreases as the depends on the increases as the
mass of air temperature remains temperature of the air temperature remains
21 8.1 constant and if the air is over a constant b
large mass of water
Most pressures expressed in pounds per Do not consider are refered to as are measured against
22 8.1 square inch. atmospheric pressure p.s.i.d. a vacuum a
At constant temperature and pressure, inversely proportional not affected by proportional to
23 8.1 the density of air in the atmosphere is to humidity humidity humidity a
The capacity of the air to absorb water decreases with increases with is unaffected by
24 8.1 vapour temperature temperature temperature b
The amount of water vapour present in dewpoint absolute humidity relative humidity
the atmosphere compared with the
25 8.1 c
amount that would be present in
saturated air, is termed
At constant pressure, the temperature at dewpoint absolute humidity relative humidity
26 8.1 which air becomes saturated with water a
vapour is termed
In conditions of high humidity, the take off shorter longer unaffected by
27 8.1 run of an aircraft is humidity b
The amount of water vapour contained in relative humidity dew point absolute humidity
28 8.1 the atmosphere at any one time is termed c

8.2 2 (9Q) Aerodynamics

8.2 2 Airflow around a body
Bernoulli’s Principle as applied to the a body at rest will the pressure of a for every action, there
science of aerodynamics states that: remain at rest until a liquid or gas is an equal and
29 8.2 force is applied decreases at points opposite reaction. b
where the velocity
Aerodynamics is the study of aircraft and how they moving air and the aerofoils and how
30 8.2 fly. forces it produces. they work. b
According to Bernoulli's theorem, the is maximum in the decreases as static increases as static
31 8.2 dynamic pressure stagnation point pressure decreases pressure decreases c
In the direction of air flow, a venturi tube a convergent - a divergent - two convergent ducts
32 8.2 forms divergent duct convergent duct a
The airflow over the upper surface of a increases in velocity increases in velocity reduces in velocity
33 8.2 cambered wing and pressure and reduces in and increases in b
pressure pressure
Which of the following statements, about 1 is incorrect and 2 is 1 and 2 are correct 1 is correct and 2 is
a venturi in a sub-sonic airflow, are correct incorrect
correct? 1. the dynamic pressure in the
34 8.2 undisturbed flow and in the throat are a
equal; 2. the total pressure in the
undisturbed flow and in the throat are
The continuity equation states: If the area sonic not changing decreasing
of a tube is increasing, the speed of the
35 8.2 c
subsonic and incompressible flow inside
Boundary layer, laminar and turbulent
flow, free stream flow, relative airflow,
8.2 2 upwash and downwash, vortices,
36 8.2 The Boundary Layer is a separated layer of turbulent air moving sluggish, low energy c
air forming a from the leading edge air that sticks to the
boundary at the to trailing edge wing surface
leading edge
The layer of air over the surface of an camber layer boundary layer transition layer
aerofoil which is slower moving, in
37 8.2 b
relation to the rest of the airflow, is known
as the
The area above an airfoil's upper surface the boundary layer the transition region stagnation point
38 8.2 where airflow changes from laminar flow b
to turbulent flow is known as
The boundary layer of a body in a moving a thin layer of air over a layer of separated a layer of air over the
air stream is the surface where the flow where the air is surface where the
39 8.2 air is stationary turbulent airspeed is changing c
from free stream
speed to zero speed
Compared with a turbulent boundary has greater drag due is thicker has a greater
40 8.2 layer, a laminar boundary layer to skin friction tendency to separate c
from the surface
The boundary layer becomes turbulent just aft of the between the transition just in front of the
41 8.2 separation point and separation points transition point b
A laminar boundary layer is ______ and thick; more thick; less thin; less
42 8.2 has ______ drag than a turbulent layer c
The boundary layer is thickest at the leading thickest at the trailing constant thickness
43 8.2 edge edge from leading to b
trailing edges
It can be said that the airflow around an laminar incompressible turbulent
aircraft travelling at subsonic speeds
44 8.2 (less than 300 mph; 483 km; 260.5 knots) b
reacts as though it is ___(1)___.
In a stationary subsonic streamline flow (I) decrease, (II) (I) increase,(II) (I) increase,(II)
pattern, if the streamlines converge, in increase increase decrease
45 8.2 this part of the pattern, the static pressure a
(I) will _____ and the velocity (II) will
During aircraft flight with forward air forward aft below
speeds less than 300 mph (260.5 knots),
46 8.2 pressure disturbances are formed a
_________ of the parts of the aircraft,
such as the wing's leading edges.
The transition point on a wing is the point the flow separates the boundary layer the flow divides to
47 8.2 where from the wing surface flow changes from pass above and b
laminar to turbulent below the wing
Vortex generators on the wing are most high speed low speed high angles of attack
48 8.2 effective at c
Wing tip vortices create a type of drag form drag induced drag profile drag
49 8.2 known as b
When landing behind a large aircraft, the below the large above the large below the large
pilot should avoid wake turbulence by aircraft's final aircraft's final aircraft's final
flying approach path and approach path and approach path and
50 8.2 landing behind the landing behind the landing before the b
large aircraft's large aircraft's large aircraft's
touchdown point touchdown point touchdown point
When departing behind a heavy aircraft, above and downwind below and downwind above and upwind
51 8.2 the pilot should try to avoid wake from the heavy from the heavy from the heavy c
turbulence by manoeuvring the aircraft aircraft aircraft aircraft
The wake vortices behind a large aircraft at V2, in the flare on rotation, as the at V1, when lift dump
52 8.2 begin on takeoff ____ and end on landing nose wheel goes is selected b
______ down
The wind condition that requires strong crosswind light, quartering light, quartering
53 8.2 maximum caution when avoiding wake headwind tailwind c
turbulence on landing is a
As the angle of attack increases, the moves towards the moves towards the does not move
54 8.2 stagnation point upper surface lower surface b
The stagnation point on an aerofoil is static pressure plus static pressure minus dynamic pressure
55 8.2 dynamic pressure dynamic pressure only a
The stagnation point on an aerofoil is the the suction pressure the boundary layer the airflow is brought
56 8.2 point where reaches a maximum changes from laminar completely to rest c
to turbulent
With increasing angle of attack, the (I) up; (II) aft (I) down; (II) forward (I) down; (II) aft
stagnation point will move (I) ______ and
57 8.2 the point of lowest pressure will move (II) b
_______. Respectively (I) and (II) are
The terms: camber, chord, mean
aerodynamic chord, profile (parasite)
drag, induced drag, centre of
8.2 2 pressure, angle of attack, wash in &
wash out, fineness ratio, wing shape
and aspect ratio;
The "camber" of an aerofoil section refers curvature of the angle of incidence angle which the
58 8.2 to the median line of the towards the tip of a aerofoil makes with a
aerofoil wing the relative airflow
The wing camber of an aircraft is the curve of the an imaginary line the curve of the
wing's upper and through the airfoil wing's upper surface
59 8.2 lower surfaces from leading edge to a
trailing edge
When a simple flap at the trailing edge of camber; decreased; thickness; increases; camber; increased;
the wing is rotated downward, the increase increase increase
60 8.2 _______ of the airfoil is effectively c
_______, with a consequent _______in
Cl max for the wing
The imaginary straight line that passes centre of pressure direction of relative chord line
61 8.2 through an aerofoil section from leading airflow c
edge to trailing edge is called the
The "chord line" of a wing runs from the centre of the half way between the between the centres
leading edge of the upper and lower of the wingtips
62 8.2 a
wing to the trailing surface of the wing
A line drawn from the leading edge to the mean camber line mean curvature line mean chord line
trailing edge of an airfoil and equidistant
63 8.2 at all points from the upper and lower a
contours is called the
Mean chord is equal to (tip chord + root wing area divided by wing span divided by
64 8.2 chord) / 2 wing span wing area b
A wing with a span of 50 ft and an area of 4 ft 10 ft 1000 ft
65 8.2 200 sq. ft.has a mean chord of a
A line from the center of curvature of the the upper camber line the mean camber line the chord line
leading edge of a cambered airfoil to the
66 8.2 trailing edge, equidistant from the top and b
bottom surfaces is
The Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) for the average chord of the chord of a large the chord of a
67 8.2 a given wing of any planform is the actual airplane rectangular wing rectangular wing with c
same moment and lift
An aircraft wing with the same curve on sweptback symmetrical asymmetrical
68 8.2 the top and bottom surfaces is referred to b
Compared to a cambered airfoil, the zero lower higher the same
69 8.2 lift angle of attack of a symmetrical airfoil b
The angle between the chord line of the angle of attack angle of incidence angle of dihedral
70 8.2 wing and the longitudinal axis of the b
aircraft is termed the
Wing span is defined as the distance from leading edge to from wing tip to wing from wing tip to
71 8.2 trailing edge tip fuselage center line b
The center of pressure (CP) is the point thrust drag lift
72 8.2 from which ______ acts. c
The center of pressure of an aerofoil is 30 - 40% of the chord 30 - 40% of the chord 50% of the chord line
73 8.2 located line back from the line forward of the back from the leading a
leading edge leading edge edge
The Centre of Pressure is the point on the chord point of maximum center of gravity of
line at which the pressure on the under the wing
74 8.2 resultant lift force surface of the wing a
may be said to act
The C of G moves in flight. The most movement of movement of the consumption of fuel
75 8.2 likely cause of this is passengers center of pressure and oils c
As the angle of attack of an airfoil moves forward moves rearwards is not affected
76 8.2 decreases, the centre of pressure b
As the angle of attack of an airfoil moves forward moves rearwards remains the same
77 8.2 increases, the centre of pressure a
If the C of G is aft of the Center of changes in lift when the aircraft when the aircraft
Pressure produce a pitching sideslips, the C of G yaws the
moment which acts to causes the nose to aerodynamic forces
78 8.2 increase the change turn into the sideslip acting forward of the a
in lift thus applying a Center of Pressure
restoring moment
The "angle of incidence" of an airfoil is underside and the underside and the chord and the
79 8.2 the angle between its horizontal plane longitudinal datum horizontal plane c
The angle of incidence of a wing is an longitudinal axis lateral axis vertical axis
80 8.2 angle formed by lines parallel to the a
chord line and the
During flight, the air pressures created when the angle of when aircraft speeds when the AOA is high
above and below the aircraft's wing are attack is high are low and the airspeed is
81 8.2 different. This is known from the study of low c
basic aerodynamics. When are these
pressure differences the greatest?
When does the angle of incidence when the aircraft when the aircraft is it never changes
82 8.2 change? attitude changes ascending or c
Most aircraft are designed, while flying 2 to 4 degrees 4 to 8 degrees 12 to 14 degrees
83 8.2 straight and level, to have their wings a
leading edges meet the airflow at
Induced drag is commonly known as inversely proportional usually created by the
profile drag to the square of the disruption of the flow
84 8.2 aircraft's speed of air around the b
aircraft's surfaces.
Induced drag is greatest towards the greatest towards the greatest towards the
wing root and wing tip and tip and downwash
85 8.2 downwash is greatest downwash is greatest decreases from tip to c
at the tip towards the root root
Induced drag is equal to profile drag equal to profile drag never equal to profile
86 8.2 at stalling angle at Vmd drag b
Induced drag is inversely proportional proportional to speed not related to speed
87 8.2 to the square of a
Winglets decrease the static decrease the induced increase the
88 8.2 lateral stability drag maneuverability b
When are wing tip vortex created? when the airplane when the wing only in airplanes with
89 8.2 starts produces lift a short wing span b
Induced drag is caused by skin results from disturbed is associated with the
friction airflow in the region of lift generated by an
90 8.2 c
mainplane aerofoil
With an increase in aircraft weight Vmd will be at the Vmd will be at a lower Vmd will be at a
91 8.2 same speed speed higher speed c
For a given IAS an increase in altitude no change in the an increase in an increase in profile
92 8.2 will result in value of induced drag induced drag drag b
For any given speed, a decrease in increase decrease remain the same
93 8.2 aircraft weight, the induced drag will b
If the weight of an aircraft is increased, will increase will decrease will remain the same
94 8.2 the induced drag at a given speed a
As the speed of an aircraft increases the increases decreases decreases at first
95 8.2 parasitic drag then increase a
Induced drag on an aircraft's airfoil if the aircraft's speed if the aircraft's speed if the aircraft's speed
surface is inversely proportional to the decreases by 1/2, decreases by 1/2, decreases by 1/2,
96 8.2 square of the aircraft's speed. What does then induced drag then induced drag then induced drag c
this actually mean? decreases by 8. decreases by 2. decreases by 4.
When an aircraft experiences induced air flows under the air flows under the neither a or b since
drag wing spanwise wing spanwise induced drag does
towards the tip and towards the root and not cause spanwise
97 8.2 a
on top of the wing on top of the wing flow
spanwise towards the spanwise towards the
root tip
The induced drag of an aircraft increases with increases if aspect decreases with
98 8.2 increasing speed ratio is increased increasing speed c
Parasite drag consists of what drag form, skin friction and form, induced and form, induced and
99 8.2 types? interference skin friction interference a
Which of the following types of drag parasite drag induced drag interference drag
100 8.2 increases as the aircraft gains altitude? b
If you are flying at 100 kts and you increases with 100% quadruples decreases with 200%
101 8.2 increase your airspeed to 200 kts, b
parasite drag
Which relationship is correct when if you double the if you double the if you double the
102 8.2 comparing drag and airspeed? airspeed you double airspeed the induced airspeed the induced c
the induced drag drag is halved drag is reduced to ¼
With all other conditions remaining the half a factor of 4 zero
103 8.2 same, reducing the aircraft speed by half b
will reduce lift by
As aircraft airspeed doubles parasite drag parasite drag parasite drag
104 8.2 increases by 4 increases by 8 decreases by 4 a
The relationship between induced drag directly proportional inversely proportional directly proportional
105 8.2 and airspeed is, induced drag is to the square of the to the square of the to speed b
speed speed
A spherical-shaped airfoil will reduce 5% 50% 25%
106 8.2 form, or pressure drag, by b
Profile drag depends largely upon is the sum of induced is proportional to the
107 8.2 angle of attack drag and skin friction square of the speed c
Interference drag can be reduced by fairings winglets wing fences
108 8.2 a
Induced drag varies ______ with speed, inversely inversely proportional, inversely proportional,
lift varies _____ with speed and profile proportional, proportional, inversely inversely proportional,
109 8.2 a
drag varies _______ with speed proportional, proportional proportional
110 8.2 Streamlining will reduce form drag induced drag skin friction drag a
You are flying near sea level with a true are both smaller are both higher both remain the same
air speed of 200 kts. You then climb to
111 8.2 10,000 ft and keep the same true speed. a
The drag and IAS
A fully streamlined airfoil shape reduces 5% 50% 25%
112 8.2 drag by how much? a
When the weight of an aircraft increases, decreases increases remains the same
113 8.2 the minimum drag speed b
Minimum total drag of an aircraft occurs at the stalling speed when profile drag when induced drag is
114 8.2 equals induced drag least b
As the angle of attack is increased (up to pressure difference lift increases both a and b are
the stall point),which of the following is between top and correct
115 8.2 correct? bottom of the wing c
116 8.2 A swept wing tends to stall first at the root tip center section b
What type of drag, depends on the parasite drag form drag skin friction drag
117 8.2 smoothness of the body, and surface c
area over which the air flows?
A laminar boundary layer will produce more skin friction less skin friction drag the same skin friction
118 8.2 drag than a turbulent than a turbulent one drag as a turbulent b
one one
Thickness-to-chord ratio is maximum wing mean chord divided mean chord divided
119 8.2 thickness divided by by maximum wing by the mean a
the mean chord thickness thickness
The fineness ratio of an airfoil is thickness / chord ratio thickness / span ratio mean chord /
120 8.2 thickness ratio a
The fineness ratio is the inverse of the equal to the the inverse of the
121 8.2 thickness-to-chord thickness-to-chord taper ratio a
ratio ratio
The units of wing loading (I) W / S and (II) (I) N / m²,(II) N / m² (I) N / m3,(II) kg / m² (I) kg / m,(II) N / m²
122 8.2 dynamic pressure q are a
Wing loading is the maximum all up the maximum all up the ratio of the all up
123 8.2 weight multiplied by weight divided by the weight of the aircraft b
the total wing area total wing area to its basic weight
124 8.2 Aspect ratio is given by the formula mean chord span span 2 area span 2 mean chord b
Compared with a low aspect ratio wing, a is more rigid has less induced drag has a higher stall
125 8.2 high aspect ratio wing angle b
For a given angle of attack induced drag greater on a high greater towards the greater on a low
126 8.2 is aspect ratio wing wing root aspect ratio wing c
A high aspect ratio wing has a increased induced decreased induced decreased skin
127 8.2 drag drag friction drag b
A wing with a very high aspect ratio (in increased drag at a high stall speed poor control qualities
128 8.2 comparison with a low aspect ratio wing) high angles of attack at low airspeeds b
will have
An aspect ratio of 8 means the span is 8 times the mean chord is 8 the area is 8 times
129 8.2 the mean chord times the span the span a
What is the difference between a high high aspect wing has delta wing has a both the same span
130 8.2 aspect wing and delta wing? greater span to chord greater span to chord to chord ratio a
ratio ratio
Aircraft flying in the transonic range most sweptback wings advanced high wings
131 8.2 often utilize supercritical airfoils a
An aircraft wing with an aspect ration of the mean chord is six the wing span is six the wing area is six
132 8.2 6:1 is proportional so that times the thickness times the mean chord times the span b
What is the effect of high aspect ratio of it is reduced because it is increased it is unaffected
an airplane's wing on induced drag? the effect of wing-tip because high aspect because there is no
133 8.2 vortices is reduced ratio has greater relation between a
frontal area aspect ratio and
induced drag
Geometric washout means that there is an airflow the tip of the wing has the tip of the wing has
134 8.2 along the wing that more angle of attack less angle of attack c
keeps it clean than the root than the root
Washout refers to a wing design with a a wing design with an a wing design with a
greater angle of increasing angle of greater angle of
135 8.2 incidence at the wing incidence from the attack at the wing root a
root than at the wing wing root to the wing than at the wing tip
tip tip
A wing designed with "wash-in" has a greater angle of an increasing angle of an increasing angle of
incidence at the wing incidence from the attack from the wing
136 8.2 b
root than at the wing wing root to the wing root to the wing tip
tip tip
The increased upwash experienced at a forward movement a rearwards an increase in the
137 8.2 the leading edge of a wing when trailing of the C of P movement of the CG angle of attack c
edge flaps are lowered causes
Thrust, Weight, Aerodynamic
8.2 2
Thrust acts approximately parallel to the longitudinal lateral vertical
138 8.2 aircraft's ________ axis. a
During a change in flight path of an lift weight drag
aircraft from straight and level flight to
139 8.2 climb, the ________ will always act b
vertically downward through the aircraft's
8.2 Weight is equal to volume x gravity mass x acceleration mass x gravity b
Generation of Lift & Drag, Angle of
8.2 2 Attack, Lift coefficient, Drag
coefficient, polar curve, stall;
Lift and drag on an aerofoil are vertical chord line relative wind/airflow longitudinal axis
140 8.2 respectively parallel to the b
Drag is in the direction of - and lift is chord line relative wind/airflow horizon
141 8.2 perpendicular to the b
When air flow velocity over an upper pressure increases, pressure increases, pressure decreases,
142 8.2 cambered surface of an aerofoil lift decreases lift increases lift increases a
decreases, what takes place?
143 8.2 To produce lift, an aerofoil must be asymmetrical symmetrical either a or b above c
Compared to a wing at sea level at 200 kt 1.4 times the lift twice the lift the same lift
144 8.2 TAS, a wing at 40,000ft at 400 kt TAS c
and the same angle of attack will have
The amount of lift generated by a wing is square root of the
145 8.2 square of the velocity velocity a
directly proportional to the velocity
How efficiently an aircraft's wing changes the lift / drag ratio the coefficient of the coefficient of lift
146 8.2 velocity into lift is known as pressure c
Which of the following is true? lift acts at right angles lift acts at right angles lift acts at right angles
to the wing chord line to the relative airflow to the relative air flow
147 8.2 and weight acts and weight acts and weight acts at b
vertically down vertically down right angles to the
aircraft center line
The measure of an airfoil's effectiveness lift/drag ratio coefficient of lift centre of pressure
148 8.2 is termed the a
The polar curve of an airfoil is a graphic CD and angle of TAS and stall speed CL and CD
149 8.2 relation between attack c
The lift / drag ratio of an aircraft's airfoil is the angle of attack is the angle of attack is the angle of attack is
150 8.2 at maximum when small, around 8 to 12 small, around 2 to 4 large, around 14 to 16 b
degrees. degrees. degrees.
When a trailing edge flap is fully lowered the C of P moves to the C of P moves to the C of P moves
the rear and lift / drag the rear and lift / drag forwards and lift /
151 8.2 b
ratio is unaffected ratio is decreased drag ratio is
If the weight of an aircraft is increased, decrease increase not be affected
152 8.2 the maximum lift-to-drag ratio will c
The maximum lift-to-drag ratio for an minimum glide minimum glide minimum glide
aircraft is 13:6. Calculate the minimum angle=4.2 degrees; angle=3.2 degrees; angle=5.2 degrees;
glide angle and the maximum range maximum range=25.6 maximum range=15.6 maximum range=35.6
153 8.2 measured along the ground covered by miles miles miles a
the airplane in a power-off glide that
starts at an altitude of 10,000 ft.
The highest lift/drag ratio is greatest at low altitudes the point just before the optimum angle of
154 8.2 the stalling angle attack c
The maximum lift/drag ratio of a wing at the angle of attack during take off at an angle below
occurs where the wing which the wing
155 8.2 develops its develops max lift c
maximum lift
The optimum angle of attack of an the aerofoil produces the aerofoil produces the highest lift/drag
156 8.2 aerofoil is the angle at which maximum lift zero lift ratio is produced c
As the angle of attack of a wing is the C of G moves aft the C of P and the C of P moves
increased in level flight and the C of P transition point move forward and the
157 8.2 forward forward stagnation point aft b
over the upper
The angle at which the chord line of the angle of attack angle of incidence resultant
158 8.2 aerofoil is presented to the airflow is a
known as
Most aircraft are designed with a negative positive neutral
_________ angle of incidence in which
159 8.2 the leading edge of the wing is higher b
than its trailing edge.
The rate of airflow around the wingtips of increases varies decreases
an aircraft in flight ________ with the
160 8.2 pressure difference created between the b
top and bottom surfaces of the wing.
When an aircraft stalls lift and drag increase lift increases and drag lift decreases and
161 8.2 decreases drag increases c
The stalling of an aerofoil is affected by airspeed angle of attack transition speed
162 8.2 b
If the wing tips stall before the root on a roll pitch nose up pitch nose down
163 8.2 swept wing aircraft, the aircraft will b
164 8.2 During a turn, the stalling angle increases decreases remains the same c
When spinning to the left, which wing(s) only the right wing is both wings are stalled neither wing is stalled
165 8.2 are stalled? stalled b
On a straight wing aircraft, stall root on a high tip on a high tip on a low thickness
166 8.2 commences at the thickness ratio wing thickness ratio wing ratio wing a
A stalled aerofoil has a lift/drag ratio more than the lift/drag zero less than the lift/drag
167 8.2 ratio prior to stall ratio prior to stall c
168 8.2 The lift /drag ratio at stall increases decreases is unchanged b
The Lift/Drag ratio of a wing at the stalling of a negative value low high
169 8.2 angle is b
One purpose of vortex generators is to prevent tip stalling to reduce the severity to prevent spanwise
170 8.2 on a swept wing of shock induced airflow a
airflow separation
At stall, the wingtip stagnation point moves toward the moves toward the doesn’t move
171 8.2 lower surface of the upper surface of the a
wing wing
Stall strips are always made of metal and on the leading edge fitted forward of the
cause the wing tip to of a wing and cause ailerons and cause
172 8.2 stall the wing root to stall the wings to stall b
Low wing loading increases stalling increases lift, stalling decreases stalling
173 8.2 speed, landing speed speed and speed, landing speed c
and landing run maneuverability and landing run
Aerofoil contamination including ice,
8.2 2 snow, frost.
Formation of ice on the wing leading lower speed higher speed and a higher speed and a
174 8.2 edge will cause an aircraft to stall at a higher angle of attack lower angle of attack c
Heavy rain can increase the stall speed water increases the the extra resistance the aerodynamic
of an aircraft because viscosity of air slows the aircraft surfaces can become
175 8.2 distorted by the extra c
weight of the water
If ice is present on the leading edge of 5-10% 10-20% 30-40%
176 8.2 the wings, it may increase the landing c
distance due to higher Vth with

8.3 (5Q) Theory of Flight

Relationship between lift, weight,
8.3 2 thrust & drag;
8.3 On an aircraft in flight, drag is opposed by weight lift thrust c
If the thrust-drag couple overcomes the upwards downwards neutral
lift-weight couple, the force produced by
177 8.3 the tail of the aircraft to maintain straight a
and level flight must be
If the thrust reduces relative to drag, the remain the same reduce increase
178 8.3 speed of an aircraft will b
During a change in flight path of an weight drag lift
aircraft from straight and level flight to
glide, the ________ will always act
179 8.3 b
through the center of pressure and is
parallel to the flight path, opposing
In a constant speed climb, the aircraft's lift weight thrust
180 8.3 ________ must be greater than it's drag. c
In the glide attitude of an aircraft, which of thrust lift drag
181 8.3 the four forces is missing? a
182 8.3 The forces acting on a glider are lift, weight, thrust lift, drag, weight lift and weight only b
183 8.3 A constant rate of climb is determined by weight wind speed excess engine power c
8.3 2 Glide ratio

8.3 2 Steady state flights, performance;

During normal, straight and level flight, 2 4 3
184 8.3 the aircraft revolves about or around, how c
many axes?
During straight and level flight at constant lift is equal to weight lift is greater than lift is greater than
185 8.3 speed, the and thrust is equal to weight, and thrust is weight, and thrust is a
drag greater than drag less than drag
In straight and level flight and at a weight thrust drag
186 8.3 constant speed, lift must equal a
The forces acting on an aircraft in level lift, thrust, and weight lift, thrust, weight, and lift, drag, thrust
187 8.3 flight are drag b
If the Centre of Gravity of an aircraft is zero upwards downwards
188 8.3 behind its Centre of Pressure, the tail b
loading in straight and level flight is
If the Centre of Gravity of an aircraft is zero upwards downwards
189 8.3 forward of its Centre of Pressure, the tail c
loading in straight and level flight is
8.3 2 Theory of the turn;
When turning, an aircraft "slips" sideways and downwards and downwards and
190 8.3 outwards from the inwards toward the outwards from the b
turn. turn. turn.
An aircraft entering a level turn will only if there is an only if there is an in all cases
191 8.3 require more lift increase in speed increase in angle of c
As aircraft turn radius decreases, load increases decreases remains constant
192 8.3 factor a
The load factor of an aircraft in straight 0 +1 -1
193 8.3 and level flight is b
An aircraft banks into a turn. No change the aircraft enters a the aircraft turns with the aircraft yaws and
194 8.3 is made to the airspeed or angle of side slip and begins no loss of height slows down a
attack. What will happen? to lose altitude
If an aircraft is slipping in a turn the bank angle is too bank angle is too nose of the aircraft is
195 8.3 great small too low a
An aircraft sideslips. What helps to fin gives rolling dihedral causes the tailplane
restore the aircraft? movement aircraft to roll straight
196 8.3 and the fin increases b
the yaw rate
Which of the following gives an unstable wing sweep flap extension dihedral
197 8.3 contribution in sideslip? b
When an aircraft is in a sideslip wing dihedral will wing anhedral will the fin will cause the
cause a rolling cause a rolling rolling moment which
198 8.3 moment which moment which increases the sideslip a
reduces the sideslip reduces the sideslip
If the aircraft is slipping in a turn, the bank angle is too bank angle is too nose of the aircraft is
199 8.3 great small too low b
The load factor n is always larger than 1 always smaller than 1 smaller, equal to or
larger than
200 8.3 1,depending on the c
If you increase the angle of a banked turn remain at the same sideslip and lose yaw and slow down
201 8.3 without altering airspeed or angle of height and turn in a height b
attack, the aircraft will smaller radius
If the radius of a turn, flown at constant increase decrease remain the same
202 8.3 IAS is increased, the angle of bank will b
An aircraft banks into a turn. No change the aircraft enters a the aircraft turns with the aircraft yaws and
203 8.3 is made to the airspeed or angle of side slip and begins no loss of height slows down a
attack. What will happen? to lose altitude
If the radius of a turn is reduced the load increase decrease remain the same
204 8.3 factor will a
Influence of the of load factor; stall,
8.3 2 flight envelope and structural
Normal Category aircraft are non 4.4g 3.8g 6.0g
205 8.3 acrobatic with a positive load factor limit b
If an aircraft has a gross weight of 3000 2g 0.5g 9g
206 8.3 kg and is then subjected to a total weight a
of 6000 kg the load factor will be
An airplane accelerates from 80 kt to 160 (i) 4 (ii) 1/2 (i) 1/2 (ii) 1/16 (i) 1/16 (ii) 1/4
kt at a load factor equal to 1. The induced
207 8.3 drag coefficient (i) and the induced drag c
(ii) alter with the following factors
Flight control surfaces are positioned minimum stress on the largest moment ease of servicing
208 8.3 near the extremities of an aircraft to the aircraft structure arm about the center during scheduled b
provide of gravity. maintenance.
Utility Category aircraft are limited to a 3.8g 4.4g 6.0g
209 8.3 positive load factor of No figures in b
Acrobatic Category aircraft can operate at 6.0g 4.4g 3.8g
210 8.3 a positive load factor limit of a
8.3 2 Lift Augmentation
The type of flap which extends rearward a zap flap a Fowler flap a split flap
211 8.3 from the trailing edge of the wing as it is b
lowered is called
When a simple flap at the trailing edge of camber; decreased; thickness; increases; camber; increased;
the wing is rotated downward, the increase increase increase
212 8.3 _______ of the airfoil is effectively c
_______, with a consequent _______in
Cl max for the wing
Slats are designed to reduce the stall reduce the tendency decrease the aerofoil
213 8.3 speed of an aircraft to yaw drag at high speeds a
With the flaps lowered, the stalling speed increase decrease remain the same
214 8.3 will b
When a leading edge slat opens, a gap is allow the slats to allow air flow to re- maintain the same
created between the slat and the wing. Its retract back into the energise the effective surface area
215 8.3 b
purpose is to wing boundary layer on top of the wing
of the wing
Which type of flap increases the area of plain flap Fowler flap all flaps
216 8.3 the wing? b
Kreuger Flaps are normally fitted to the trailing edge of the tips of the wings the leading edge of
217 8.3 Transfer to Mod 11 the wings the wings c
218 8.3 The leading edge slat improves laminar airflow the angle of incidence the stagnation point a
8.4 2 (3Q) Flight Stability and Dynamics
Longitudinal, lateral & directional
8.4 2 stability (active & passive)
219 8.4 Maneuverability is best at aft CG position forward CG position high flap settings a
An aircraft with positive static stability is never dynamically is always dynamically can be dynamically
220 8.4 stable stable stable, neutral or c
Positive static stability of an airplane initial tendency to initial tendency to tendency will be to
means that once it has been displaced move is away from its move is towards its move with an
221 8.4 the equilibrium position equilibrium position oscillating motion of b
decreasing amplitude
If the attitude of an aircraft with neutral continue to diverge oscillate with a fixed remain in the
222 8.4 static stability is disturbed, it will away from the neutral amplitude around the disturbed attitude c
position trimmed position
The ailerons, rudder and elevators are 1st stage flight secondary flight primary flight controls.
223 8.4 categorised as: controls. controls. c
The stability of the aircraft about its lateral longitudinal stability. directional stability. lateral stability.
224 8.4 axis is termed a
225 8.4 Longitudinal instability is controlled by the rudder. ailerons. elevators. c
What additional design feature of the low pressure cells on downdraft on the airflow side force on
aircraft empennage allows the most the upper surface of leading edge of the the tail fin
226 8.4 control of sideslip in a banked or curved the horizontal elevators c
flight path besides a dihedral wing tailplane
If an aircraft has the tendency to remain negative positive neutral
227 8.4 in its displaced attitude it is said to have c
_______ static stability.
If an aircraft has the tendency to move negative neutral positive
farther away from the original attitude
228 8.4 following a disturbance it is said to have a
_________ static stability.
An aircraft, which is longitudinally stable, pitch roll yaw
229 8.4 will tend to return to level flight after a a
movement about which axis?
Longitudinal dynamic oscillation takes on height and load factor height and speed pitch and load factor
230 8.4 two forms. One of these, long period b
oscillation, involves slow changes in
Dynamic longitudinal stability requires an effective elevator a small CG range positive static
231 8.4 longitudinal stability c
If an aircraft has static longitudinal will be dynamically may or may not be will be dynamically
instability it stable dynamically stable, unstable
232 8.4 depending on c
momentum and
damping factors
If an airplane has poor longitudinal reduce in keel install a yaw damper increase stabilizer
233 8.4 stability in flight, what can be done to surface area surface area c
increase the stability?
Which of the following components is fuselage wings horizontal tailplane
234 8.4 most important in determining longitudinal c
static stability?
The effects of CG position on longitudinal forward movement of forward movement of rearward movement
static stability and control response will the CG will reduce the CG will reduce of the CG will
235 8.4 be stability and increase control response and increase stability and b
control response increase stability reduce control
Moving the CG of an aircraft aft in flight increase the angle of reduce longitudinal increase longitudinal
236 8.4 will attack stability stability b
What determines the longitudinal stability the weight of an the location of the CG the effectiveness of
of an airplane? aircraft with respect to the the horizontal
237 8.4 neutral point of the stabilizer, rudder and b
airplane rudder trim tab
Longitudinal stability will be greatest with the center of with the center of when the center of
238 8.4 gravity on the forward gravity on the aft limit gravity is most c
limit forward
The longitudinal stability of an airplane is the Kreuger flaps the center of gravity the rudder
239 8.4 mainly dependent on the size and / or position b
position of
What is the advantage of a variable linkages and increased flight less trim drag and
240 8.4 incidence tailplane over a fixed incidence mechanism less stability and less maximum elevator c
tailplane with elevator and trim tab? complicated weight authority retained
Which part of an airplane provides the the engine the horizontal the fuselage
241 8.4 greatest positive contribution to the static tailplane b
longitudinal stability?
An aircraft continues to oscillate with a longitudinal neutral lateral instability longitudinal neutral
constant amplitude after having static stability dynamic stability
242 8.4 encountered a vertical gust. This kind of c
stability is referred to as
243 8.4 Pitch is movement around the longitudinal axis vertical axis lateral axis c
What happens to the aircraft when you It pitches up. It pitches down. It depends on the
244 8.4 move the cockpit control column forward? position of the b
245 8.4 Rotation about the lateral axis is called yawing rolling pitching c
Rolling is the rotation of the airplane longitudinal axis vertical axis lateral axis
246 8.4 about the a
What happens to the leading edge of the It travels upwards. It travels downwards. It remains stationary.
247 8.4 horizontal stabilator when you push the a
cockpit control column forwards?
The elevators of an aircraft's flight control roll control. yaw control. pitch control.
248 8.4 system are used to provide for: c
The axis that extends lengthwise through longitudinal axis lateral axis. vertical axis
249 8.4 the aircraft’s fuselage from the nose to a
the tail is the
Movement about the lateral axis of an roll. pitch. yaw.
250 8.4 aircraft is referred to as b
Conventional (standard) horizontal positive neutral negative
stabilizers are generally constructed aft of
251 8.4 the aircraft's wings and are set at a slight c
__________ angle, with respect to the
wing chord line.
252 8.4 Ailerons are used to control roll yaw pitch a
When inner and outer ailerons are during take off only at high speeds at low speeds
253 8.4 mounted, outer ailerons are used c
The inboard ailerons on most transport operate at low and are designed to locked out
254 8.4 category aircraft high speeds become "active" mechanically as the a
when the flaps are flaps are retracted.
What design feature is incorporated in the lateral dihedral sweepback differential ailerons
255 8.4 construction of aircraft wings to limit the a
effects of sideslip?
Aileron upfloat is the mechanical a dangerous a technique used that
adjustment of the condition that is involves rigging the
ailerons to provide a experienced during aileron's neutral
greater degree of up- high-speed flight. position to a +4
256 8.4 c
going travel than Another phrase for degree setting that
down travel. this is "flutter". will allow for
additional aileron up-
going travel.
The stability of the aircraft about the longitudinal stability. lateral stability. directional stability
257 8.4 longitudinal axis is the aircraft’s b
258 8.4 Lateral stability is controlled by the ailerons. elevators. rudder. a
An aircraft that tends to return to a wings- longitudinally stable. laterally stable. directionally stable.
level attitude after being displaced from a
259 8.4 level attitude by some outside force b
(turbulent air) is considered to be
Wing dihedral and the vertical fin lateral stability directional stability longitudinal stability
260 8.4 contribute to the aircraft's a
Low-wing aircraft generally have _______ less more the same
261 8.4 dihedral than high-wing aircraft. b
A positive wing dihedral exists when the below parallel to above
262 8.4 aircraft's wingtip is ______ the horizontal c
plane passing through the wing's root.
A negative dihedral exists when the below above parallel to
aircraft's wingtip is _______ the
263 8.4 a
horizontal plane passing through the
wing's root.
264 8.4 Wing sweepback contributes to directional stability lateral stability longitudinal stability b
Lateral control of an aircraft at high angle fences vortex generators wing slots
265 8.4 of attack can be maximized by using b
Correcting for a disturbance which has lateral stability directional stability longitudinal stability
caused a rolling motion about the
266 8.4 longitudinal axis would re-establish which a
of the following?
What effect does wing dihedral have on Reduces stability. Increases stability. Raises the propellors
267 8.4 an aeroplane? away from the b
Wing dihedral and ____(1)_____ assist variable incidence tail side force on a split rudder panels
268 8.4 in controlling side-slip in a controlled turn plane vertical fin b
On a high wing aircraft in a turn the up going wing the down going wing the down going wing
269 8.4 loses lift which has a gains lift causing a loses lift causing a b
de-stabilizing effect stabilizing effect de-stabilizing effect
In a turn the up-going wing causes a de-stabilizing effect de-stabilizing effect stabilizing effect due
270 8.4 due to increased due to decreased to decreased AOA c
On a high winged aircraft in a banked the down-going wing the up-going wing the wing dihedral
271 8.4 turn, which of the following are true? loses lift causing a loses lift causing a causes a stabilizing b
stabilizing effect stabilizing effect effect
Compared with a low-wing aircraft, a high laterally stable longitudinally stable directionally stable
272 8.4 wing aircraft will be more a
273 8.4 Lateral stability is reduced by increasing anhedral dihedral sweepback a
Sweepback of the wings will not affect lateral increase lateral increase lateral
274 8.4 stability stability at high stability at all speeds c
speeds only
Dihedral of the wing is the angle between the angle between the angle between
the 0.25 chord line of the leading edge of the 0.25 chord line of
275 8.4 the wing and the the wing and the the wing and the c
vertical axis lateral axis lateral axis
276 8.4 The lateral axis is also called the pitch axis normal axis roll axis a
Which of the following is the correct the angle between the angle between a the angle between
description of the method for measuring the wing plane and line which passes the 25% chord line
277 8.4 the dihedral angle? the horizontal through the 25% wing and the horizontal a
chord and the axis
horizontal axis
The flaperon is a control that operates flaps and ailerons elevators and ailerons flaps and speed
278 8.4 simultaneously as brakes a
Dutch roll occurs when lateral stability is too directional stability is directional and lateral
279 8.4 great compared to too great compared to stability is equal a
directional stability lateral stability
What will increase the sensitivity to Dutch an increased static an increased static a forward movement
280 8.4 Roll? lateral stability directional stability of the center of a
Which one of the following systems roll spoilers yaw damper spoiler mixer
281 8.4 suppresses the tendency of "Dutch roll"? b
When considering the relationship dominant directional dominant lateral static dominant lateral static
between lateral static stability and static stability gives stability gives an stability gives an
282 8.4 directional stability an increased increased tendency increased tendency c
tendency for dutch for spiral instability for dutch roll
Considering the lateral stability of a swept greater; greater the same; less less; greater
wing aircraft, at high level the static
283 8.4 lateral stability will be ______ and the b
dynamic lateral stability will be ________
With increasing altitude and constant IAS (1) increase; (2) (1) increase; (2) (1) decrease; (2)
the static lateral stability (1) and the increase decrease decrease
284 8.4 dynamic lateral / directional stability (2) of b
an airplane with swept-back wing will
What happens to lateral stability when lateral stability is lateral stability is lateral stability is
flaps are extended? decreased increased as lift is unaffected, as the
285 8.4 a
increased wings are
Lateral static stability is determined by aircraft response to aspect ratio wingspan
286 8.4 sideslip a
Which of the following will reduce lateral anhedral tip tanks dihedral
287 8.4 stability? a
Why do some wings have dihedral? to increase to reduce directional to increase lateral
288 8.4 longitudinal stability stability stability c
Which of the following statements about the effects of static an airplane with an an airplane with an
static lateral and directional stability is lateral and static excessive static excessive static
correct? directional stability directional stability in directional stability in
are completely relation to its static relation to its static
289 8.4 independent of each lateral stability, will be lateral stability, will be b
other because they prone to spiral dive. prone to "Dutch roll"
take place about (spiral instability)
different axis

Which statement is correct for a side slip the required lateral the required lateral the required lateral
condition at constant speed and side slip control force does not control force control force
290 8.4 angle, where the geometric dihedral of an change decreases increases c
airplane is increased?
Dihedral of the wing is the only way to increases the static is only positive for
291 8.4 increase the static lateral stability airplanes with high b
lateral stability mounted wings
The static lateral stability of an aircraft is increased wing span dihedral anhedral
292 8.4 decreased by c
Identify the correct group of aircraft fuselage-mounted low wing; dihedral; high wing; sweep
293 8.4 features that increase static, lateral engines; dihedral; T- elliptical wing back; large and high c
stability. tail planform vertical fin
What is the effect on the lateral stability of lateral stability will be lateral stability will be lateral stability will be
an aircraft when a high-wing is the same as for a low improved reduced because the
294 8.4 employed? wing aircraft airflow at the wing b
root is disturbed
The pendulum effect on a high wing reduces lateral reduces longitudinal improves lateral
295 8.4 airplane stability stability stability c
The effect of a swept wing is to give positive dihedral negative dihedral decreased roll-with-
296 8.4 effect effect yaw effect a
The phugoid motion is a long term normal axis longitudinal axis lateral axis
297 8.4 oscillation around the c
After a disturbance about the lateral axis, statically unstable; statically unstable; statically stable;
an airplane oscillates about the lateral dynamically neutral dynamically stable dynamically neutral
298 8.4 c
axis at a constant amplitude. The airplane
Lateral control of an aircraft at high angle fences vortex generators wing slots
299 8.4 of attack can be maximized by using b
In a roll, which is controlled by moving the deflect downwards raise and the right raise and the right
control column sideways (left or right), and the right aileron aileron to deflect, or aileron to remain
300 8.4 movement of the "stick" to the left will to raise. go down. flush or "fayed" with b
cause the left aileron to the upper wings
The axis that extends through the longitudinal axis lateral axis. vertical axis
301 8.4 aircraft’s fuselage from wingtip to wingtip b
is the
Movement about the longitudinal axis of roll. pitch. yaw.
302 8.4 an aircraft is referred to as a
303 8.4 The rudder / rudders provide for: pitch control. yaw control. roll control. b
The stability of the aircraft about the longitudinal stability. lateral stability. directional stability.
304 8.4 vertical axis is the aircraft’s c
305 8.4 Directional static stability is determined aircraft weight tail volume fin volume c
306 8.4 Directional stability is controlled by the elevators. rudder. ailerons. b
The vertical fin of a single engine aircraft parallel with both the parallel with the parallel with the
307 8.4 is longitudinal axis and longitudinal axis but vertical axis but not a
vertical axis not the vertical axis the longitudinal axis
What gives the aircraft directional vertical stabilizer horizontal stabilizer elevators
308 8.4 a
309 8.4 Directional stability is dependent on dihedral tailplane keel and fin c
Left rudder input will cause left yaw about the right yaw about the left yaw about the
vertical axis and left vertical axis and right vertical axis and right
310 8.4 roll about the roll about the roll about the a
longitudinal axis longitudinal axis longitudinal axis
The pilot uses the rudder to provide lateral axis normal axis longitudinal axis
311 8.4 control around the b
A yaw damper is a system which increase lateral decrease lateral increase directional
312 8.4 stability stability stability c
Which airplane behavior will be corrected spiral dive tuck under Dutch roll
313 8.4 by a yaw damper? c
Ventral fin has its greatest effect at speeds above Mcrit transonic speed low speed, high angle
314 8.4 of attack c
Compared to straight wings, swept back less directional better longitudinal better directional
315 8.4 wings have stability stability stability c
An airplane has static directional stability; nose of the airplane right wing tends to go nose of the airplane
316 8.4 in a side-slip to the right, initially the tends to move to the down tends to move to the c
left right
The vertical fin of a single engine aircraft parallel with both the parallel with the parallel with the
317 8.4 is longitudinal axis and longitudinal axis but vertical axis but not a
vertical axis not the vertical axis the longitudinal axis
Movement about the aircraft's vertical pitch. roll. yaw.
318 8.4 axis is referred to as c
What does the term Canard system mean tail wheel landing multiple main landing aft mounted
to you? gear design (no nose gear tire / wheel horizontal stabilizer
gear installed) assemblies installed eliminated and placed
319 8.4 c
at each main landing forward of the
gear assembly mainplane as a
second airfoil.
What is the primary disadvantage of the critical C of G poor visibility strange appearance
320 8.4 Canard design aircraft? to passengers a
The basic design theory of the inset hinge is a design that has a is a design that has a is a design that uses
method, or style, of aerodynamic projection at one or large area of the a rubberized fabric
balancing both ends of the control surface seal to prevent airflow
surface that designed forward of from flowing between
increases drag on the the hinge line so the gap between the
321 8.4 control surface which when the control T/E of the wing and b
assists the pilot in surface is deflected the L/E of the control
moving the surface in downwards the area surface
flight forward meets the
airstream causing
increased drag
The range of control surface movements high tension in the normal tension in the mechanical control
322 8.4 is limited by control cables control cables stops c

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