Captura de Tela 2024-02-16 À(s) 20.49.20

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CNA Queimados - Linguaskill Speaking Practice

Name(s): ________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/_____

Part 1- You will be asked 8 questions. Listen to each question and answer after the
tone. For questions 1-4, you will have 10 seconds to speak. For questions 5-8, you will
have 20 seconds to speak. (2 sets available / for 2 different students // don’t read!)
Option 1:

1- What’s your name?

2- How do you spell your family name?
3- Where are you from?
4- Do you work or are you a student?
5- What do you enjoy doing at weekends?
6- Do you get many opportunities to speak English?
7- What’s the best thing that happened to you last week?
8- Where would you like to live in the future?
Option 2:

1- What’s your name?

2- How do you spell your family name?
3- Where are you from?
4- Are you working or studying at the moment?
5- How interested are you in learning about other countries?
6- How do you enjoy spending your free time?
7- What’s the best way for you to improve your English?
8- If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?

Part 2 - You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each
sentence aloud after the tone. (3 sets available / for 3 different students)
Set 1:

1. Mrs. Green's talk will be 45 minutes long.

2. A new supermarket opened in the town centre last week.
3. All students receive a free dictionary and coursebook.
4. How can I register with an accommodation agency?
5. For a copy of our terms and conditions, please visit
6. Store in a cool, dry place and use before the date on the base of this jar.
7. This communication has been sent to you as you have opted to receive marketing from
our company.
8. While the canteen is being upgraded, temporary catering facilities are available in the
Set 2:

1. After you have finished making online payments, remember to log out of your account.
2. The library is closed for staff training until 11 am.
3. Mrs. Hill would like to accept the invitation.
4. The bus timetable can sometimes change at short notice.
5. Thank you for coming to the film club’s summer event.
6. How easy will it be for students to find accommodation near the university?
7. A ‘UV index’ reading of 11 indicates an extreme risk of harm from the sun’s rays.
8. On average there are twice as many applicants for undergraduate degree courses as
places available.
Set 3:

1. Over 400 people visited our library last month.

2. Staff at the sports centre are not available between 3 and 4 PM.
3. Candidates should select one question only from each topic area.
4. All new students have to be registered with Mrs Clark by the end of Friday.
5. Provided that all equipment has been collected and stored, students may leave the
6. What types of company do the majority of IT students work in, after finishing their degree?
7. Despite some initial misgivings, the new laboratory has proved itself to be an excellent
8. Environmentalists agree that the continued use of private vehicles will result in worsening
air pollution.
Part 3 - You will have 1 minute to talk about a topic. First, you have 40 seconds to read
the task and prepare what you are going to say. You will then have 1 minute to speak.
Please speak for all the time you have. (2 options available / for 2 different students)

Option 1: Talk about an interesting journey you made.

You should say:
- where you went
- why you made the journey
- why the journey was interesting.

Option 2: All university students should do part-time jobs while they are studying.
● What are the advantages?
● What are the disadvantages?
● What is your own opinion?

Part 4 - You will have 1 minute to leave a message for an English-speaking friend about
some visual information. First, you have 1 minute to look at the information and prepare what
you are going to say. You will then have 1 minute to leave your message. The visual
information will stay on the screen. Please speak for all the time you have.
(3 options available / for 3 different students)

Option 1:

Option 2:
(yellow) (blue)
Option 3:
You have been asked to give a presentation about acid rain. This diagram shows the
formation and effects of acid rain. Look at the diagram and then give your presentation,
explaining how pollution causes acid rain.

Part 5 - You will hear 5 questions about a topic. First, you have 40 seconds to read the task.
After you hear each question, you will have 20 seconds to give your answer. Please speak
for all the time you have.
Option 1: A market researcher is doing a survey about homes. He wants to find out your
opinion about homes. He will ask you questions about:
- having a garden
- advantages of apartments
- buying or renting a home
- living in a town centre
- buying things for the home
(questions - don’t read!)
How important is it for a home to have a garden or outside space?
What are the advantages of living in an apartment, compared to a house?
In your opinion, is it better to buy or rent a home?
Some people say it’s best to live in the centre of a town, what do you think?
Why do some people like to buy lots of things for their home?

Option 2: A reporter from a magazine is writing an article about how to have a healthy
lifestyle. He wants to find out your opinion about healthy living. He will ask you questions
- eating habits
- drinking water
- doing exercise
- sleeping
- technology
(questions - don’t read!)
What advice can you give people who want to develop good eating habits?
How important is it to drink lots of water?
In your opinion, is it essential to do some exercise every day?
People say everyone needs at least 8-hour sleep every night, what do you think?
Do you think technology has generally had a positive or negative effect on people’s health?
Extra practice:
1. Are communication skills an integral part of the education system in your country?
2. Some people say that social media has reduced the quality of the way we
communicate. Would you agree with this statement?
3. Is it important to have good communication skills to be able to get a job?
4. In which professions are good communication skills essential?
5. Do you think a person can learn to communicate effectively or is it something innate?
6. To what extent does one’s upbringing influence their ability to communicate?
7. How far does our native language dictate the way we think and rationalize things?
8. Should all people learn foreign languages from a young age?
9. Would you say that being able to speak more than one language opens your mind?
10. When is the best time to learn to communicate well?
11. Should public speaking be a core subject in our schools?
12. Are communication skills more important for people who study for academic or
vocational degrees?
13. What types of jobs do not require effective communication skills?
14. Why do introverts find it so difficult to get their point across?
15. Have you ever experienced a situation in which there was a language barrier
between you and another person?
16. Which technology do you think is most useful to people in their daily life?
17. How important do you think it is to have the newest technology?
18. In your opinion, is social media a good thing or a bad thing?
19. How do you think people feel about online advertising?
20. Some people say we depend too much on technology. What do you think?

Useful resources:
Cambridge English Empower - Upper-Intermediate B2 (book)
Cambridge English Empower - Advanced C1 (book)
FCE B2 Exams - by Pablo DF (Android app)
CAE C1 Exams - by Pablo DF (Android app)
FCE Acad. Listening 2021 for the Cambridge B2 First - by PROSPERITY EDUCATION LTD (Android&iOS App)
FCE Academy 2021 for the Cambridge B2 First - by PROSPERITY EDUCATION LTD (Android&iOS App)
CAE Academy 2021 for the Cambridge C1 Advanced - by PROSPERITY EDUCATION LTD (Android&iOS App)
CPE Academy 2021 for the Cambridge C2 Proficiency - by PROSPERITY EDUCATION LTD (Android&iOS App)
English Proficiency Test - by Apps2all (Android App)
Codycross: Crossword Puzzles - by Fanatee Puzzles (Android & iOS Game)
Words of Wonders: Crossword - by Fugo Games (Android & iOS Game)
Influent - by Rob Howland & Three Flip Studios (PC Game on Steam)
Milliopoly - Language Quiz & Learning - by Aurora Mídia & Games (PC Game on Steam)

Further tips:
Watch cartoons, listen to podcasts, watch live broadcasts, read and watch the news, try to
use more advanced vocabulary (for example: ‘excellent’ instead of ‘very good’), watch series
and movies, join groups, Discord servers, read books and fanfics, follow meme pages, follow
celebrities, watch videos about things you like, join a social cause, find your community,
make friends, take private classes, do online courses, teach English to someone, talk to
yourself, record audios and videos of yourself speaking, write a journal/diary entry every

You’re doing a great job! We believe in you, don’t give up, and don’t freak out (too much)!
Keep up the good work!

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