SWERWT003-Practice Assessment

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Learner instructions

Use a black or blue pen. Do not use pencil, erasable pen or white out.
You may use a dictionary.

Task A
Read for general understanding

Read the email quickly to answer Question 1.

1. What is the email about? Choose one answer.

□ a new baby
□ Jane and her boys
□ a birthday party
□ Enmore Park

Read for detail

2. Who is the email to?


3. What is the purpose of the email? Choose the best answer.

□ to respond to an invitation
□ to give an invitation
□ to give a recount
□ to request information
4. Do you think the writer and recipient know each other well?


5. Give two examples from the text that helped you decide in Question 4.



6. Who is Clara?

7. What is the date of the party? ____________________________________

8. What time will the party finish? ___________________________________

9. What does ‘arvo’ mean? _________________________________________

Look at the sentence ‘Keep fingers crossed we can have it outdoors.’

10. What does ‘it’ refer to? __________________________________________

11. What do you think the writer means when he says ‘Keep fingers crossed’
here? Choose one answer.

Be careful Don’t worry Wish us good luck Keep a secret

12. What does Steve need to RSVP by the 7th? Explain it in your own words.

Learner Name: _________________________ Date: __________

Task B

Use a black or blue pen. Do not use pencil, erasable pen or white out.
You may use a dictionary.

1. Plan and draft

You are Steve. Draft a reply to Michael. Show your teacher.

Write approximately 80 – 120 words.

Part 1 - Planning

Before you write your first draft, answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of your letter?


2. Will your language be formal or informal?


3. What language will you use in your email? Choose √ all that apply.

Full forms, e.g. Contractions, Yours sincerely

We have e.g. We’ve

Dear …. Hi …. Best regards

See you. Emoticons, Love from…

e.g. 
4. Plan your email in the space below. Just write dot points, not full

Learner Name: _________________________ Date: __________

Part 2: Write a draft
5. Now write or type your draft. Use your dictionary or spell checker.

Part 3: Check your writing

Have you… √

checked your work count? (approx. 80 – 120 words)

used complex sentences?

used verb tenses correctly?

checked your spelling?

7. Show your draft to your teacher and ask for feedback.

Teacher feedback

Part 4. Finalise your email

8. Use your teacher’s feedback and correction code on the next page to type
your final email.

Send the email to your teacher.

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