(Q2) 2Y - SSA Practice

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c) desejo de mudança da
equipe de inteligência do


Google, só manifestado após a
empresa ter tido problemas
com a IA.
MR. GLAUCO SOUZA d) “reação” um tanto
indiferente da personagem IA,
1. No cartum, um humano caminha para quem essa informação é
ao lado de uma forma de conhecida, mas sem qualquer
Inteligência Artificial (IA), valor.
interagindo com ela. Pode-se e) ambiguidade da situação,
afirmar que o sentido humorístico em que o humano indaga a
do texto é produzido pelo/a própria IA acerca do futuro
dela, contudo não parece ter
uma resposta.

Driving an electric car in

New Zealand

I'm just back from a trip to

Timaru in the shared electric
car. It turns out that Timaru is
about as far as you can get
a) proposta um tanto absurda from Lyttelton on a single
da própria Inteligência charge. I hadn't realized that
Artificial, em pleno século XXI, even having the air blower
on does reduce the range (I
que chega a parecer uma
knew not to use the AC), so I
grande ironia.
drove into the campground
b) complexidade da pergunta with only 10% battery. I'd also
formulada, já que a IA ainda forgotten that campgrounds
não consegue dominar todos require you to have those
os sentidos da comunicação weird blue plug things but
humana. luckily the owner lent me
c) o(a) turista/narrador, após
one for free. He also let me
charge for free which was uma viagem de fim de
very generous. I left the car semana, considerou que usar
parked up for most of the um carro elétrico
weekend, as we were able to compartilhado na Nova
walk to a dog friendly park Zelândia é positivo, sendo esse
and a very dog friendly beach
tipo de veículo mais eficiente
(where we launched the
paddleboard). do que ele(a) esperava.
d) um(a) escritor(a) aprovou
On the way back, Molly and I dirigir um carro, por
stopped in Rakaia for a fast experiência, nas ilhas do
charger and a coffee. It was território da Nova Zelândia e
so efficient I charged it up compartilhá-lo com alguns
more than I expected to.
turistas, enquanto se
When I got home, I made the
most of the extra charge by aventurava por praias e
heading over the hill for a vilarejos isolados.
surf. A nice way to end a e) alguns turistas
holiday weekend. consideraram que o uso do
carro elétrico seria dispensável
na Nova Zelândia, já que os
barcos são seguros e fazem
2) O Texto consiste num melhor a travessia dos mares,
pequeno relato de viagem. além de ser economicamente
Considerando as informações viáveis.
nele apresentadas, é
CORRETO afirmar que READ THE TEXT 3, 4, 5.
a) o narrador usou um carro
elétrico na Nova Zelândia, How bike-friendly, slow
porém encarou grandes streets' are changing cities
desafios, principalmente
quando se deslocou para as 19th November 2020.
cidades mais distantes e/ou
Moving around Bogotá can
praias isoladas. be a bit of a Jekyll-or-Hyde
b) as férias poderiam ser mais experience. On one hand, the
divertidas na Nova Zelândia se city is infamous for having
não fosse pelo tempo que os the world’s worst traffic. Yet,
turistas levam para chegar de on the other, its cycling
infrastructure is considered
carro elétrico às cidades
an exemplary model of
costeiras e/ou às praias onde
sustainable urban mobility,
são permitidos animais. according to the
Copenhagenize Index, which wheeled commute. Now,
ranks bike-friendly cities. The many advocates are working
Colombian capital even with local governments in
spawned a now-international the hope of turning these
movement in the 1970s pandemic-response
called Ciclovía, which sees 1.5 measures into lasting
million people pedal across changes – ones that are
128km (80 miles) of car-free more plausible now than
streets each Sunday ever after lockdowns
morning. provided an unprecedented
opportunity to fast-track
So, when the pandemic infrastructure trials.
reached its shores in mid-
March, Bogotá Mayor Claudia Tabitha Combs, a lecturer at
López, an avid cyclist herself, the University of North
enacted one of the world’s Carolina, has been
first plans to encourage bike crowdsourcing data on local
travel, using traffic cones to actions affecting walking and
create 76km of temporary cycling during the pandemic.
lanes. She‟s identified at least 365
global cities that have
“Everyone started using a allocated new street space
bicycle, and they already for these activities since
knew how to get around on March. “This was clearly a
one because we have this phenomenon that was
bike culture thanks to the taking place in cities all
Ciclovía,” says Carlos Pardo, a around the world at roughly
local cycling advocate at the the same time,” she recalls of
New Urban Mobility Alliance. her decision to document
He got involved at the outset the movement. “It was like a
of the pandemic by simultaneous global
partnering with a local brainwave.”
bikeshare company to
provide 400 free e-bikes to Some cities created pop-up
health workers. He’s busy bike lanes. Others
persuading the public that implemented slow streets‟
the government’s new bike by erecting makeshift
lanes should become barriers and reducing speed
permanent fixtures in limits so that walkers and
Bogotá. bikers could safely share the
road with necessary vehicles.
Biking has enjoyed a In Europe, Paris fast-tracked
renaissance around the a plan to create 650km of
world as urbanites shun temporary and permanent
public transport for the bikeways, while Rome
relative safety of a two- introduced 150km of its own.
times, could take a decade of
But these measures have not meticulous planning. “During
been without their the pandemic, cities tried to
detractors. Berlin was forced shrink that process down to a
to remove eight hastily couple of months or a couple
implemented bike paths in of weeks in some places,”
September, and New York says Tabitha Combs. “I can‟t
City also struggled with its stress how revolutionary this
implementation, which relied is in the field of
either on community transportation planning.”
members or law
enforcement to police new Disponível em:
configurations, neither of https://www.bbc.com/worklif
which were particularly e/article/20201112-how-bike-
welcomed. friendly-slow-streets-are-
changing-cities. Por Mark
New biking infrastructure Johanson. Acesso em: 08 jul.
has played a key role in 2021. Texto adaptado.
incentivising distanced open-
air travel. At the outset of the
3) De acordo com o texto, é
pandemic, sales for bikes
were up 75% in the US and CORRETO afirmar que
63% in the UK. Advocates
have long touted biking‟s a) no período mais crítico da
ability to increase public Pandemia, algumas
health and reduce metrópoles reestruturaram
automobile traffic. Of course,
suas ciclovias, a exemplo de
getting urbanites on bikes is
Roma, Berlim e Nova Iorque,
an easy sell in the current
climate. Next comes the que passaram a oferecer, em
question of how cities can articulação com fabricantes de
keep them in the saddle bicicletas, transporte seguro e
once the coronavirus passes, economicamente sustentável
particularly as enthusiasm aos trabalhadores.
has already waned in places
b) em várias cidades da
such as the UK, where a new
report shows having access Europa e dos Estados Unidos,
to a car is more important quase não há espaços para a
than ever. criação de novas ciclovias, por
isso, leva-se muito tempo e
There are signs that planejamento, para a
governments around the aprovação de projetos que
world are actively capitalizing
possibilitem melhorias
on this moment. Some are
rolling out experimental pilot significativas ao trânsito e, ao
programmes that, in normal mesmo tempo, que protejam
o meio ambiente.
c) o ciclismo desfruta de um razão da boa estrutura viária
renascimento em todo o das cidades, mas, em seguida,
mundo, já que os habitantes houve desinteresse, porque as
das cidades evitam o pessoas encararam a crise
transporte público pela pandêmica e voltaram a
segurança de fazer seu valorizar os carros de luxo.
percurso diário de bicicleta, e b) O parágrafo 5 informa que,
muitos defensores estão durante a Pandemia, houve
trabalhando com os governos grande adesão ao transporte
na esperança de transformar coletivo nas maiores
algumas medidas de resposta metrópoles do mundo,
à pandemia em mudanças fenômeno que ocorre
duradouras. principalmente na Europa e
d) em todo o mundo, nas Américas, segundo uma
governantes estão coletando pesquisa da Universidade da
dados previamente para Virgínia do Norte.
implantar novas ciclovias e c) De acordo com o parágrafo
elaborando projetos de alto 9, a implementação de
investimento, visando programas de mobilidade nas
solucionar problemas de cidades pequenas é urgente e,
urbanização e saúde pública segundo Tabitha Combs, a
causados pela Pandemia. bicicleta é a mais
e) quando a Pandemia atingiu revolucionária forma de
a costa de Bogotá (Colômbia), transporte atualmente, seja
em meados de março, a para uso diário do trabalhador,
prefeita Claudia López seja para lazer.
elaborou um dos melhores d) No parágrafo 1, entende-se
planos do mundo para mudar que o trânsito em Bogotá,
o transporte urbano, porém, capital colombiana, é um dos
logo retrocedeu, restringindo o piores do mundo, porém sua
uso de bicicletas aos infraestrutura cicloviária é
trabalhadores da saúde. considerada um modelo
exemplar de mobilidade
4) Considerando a ideia urbana sustentável, segundo o
central de cada parágrafo Índice Copenhagenize.
citado, marque a alternativa e) Segundo o parágrafo 7, as
CORRETA grandes cidades sofreram
embargo jurídico na criação de
a) De acordo com o parágrafo ciclovias, e os governantes
8, as vendas de bicicletas tiveram de buscar apoio da
aumentaram na Europa em comunidade jovem para ativar
velhas pistas, fato que os without their detractors.” (7th
motivou a construírem paragraph), os termos
autoestradas em tempo sublinhados referem-se aos
recorde. fatos narrados a seguir, no
mesmo parágrafo.
5) Assinale a alternativa e) Na frase: “I can’t stress how
CORRETA. revolutionary this is in the field
of transportation planning.”
a) Em: “Moving around Bogotá (9th paragraph), Tabitha
can be a bit of a Jekyll-or-Hyde Combs expressa frustração
experience.” (1 st paragraph), a diante dos acontecimentos.
expressão em destaque indica
uma ideia de contraste, algo
que é esclarecido no trecho 6) According to the text, the
seguinte: “On one hand, the word ITS is a
city is infamous for having the
world’s worst traffic. Yet, on
the other, its cycling
infrastructure is considered an
exemplary model (...)”.
b) No trecho: “Everyone started
using a bicycle, and they
already knew how to get a) noun.
around on one because we b) subject.
have this bike culture thanks c) verb.
to the Ciclovía,” says Carlos d) possessive adjective.
Pardo...” (3rd paragraph)”, os e) possessive pronoun.
verbos sublinhados são,
ambos, irregulares, e o termo 7) According to the situation
destacado em negrito faz in the cartoon, WIPE OUT is a
referência ao sujeito da oração verb, and the CORRECT
seguinte – we. translation in the context is
c) De acordo com o contexto e
a gramática, as palavras a) destruir.
grifadas ability, easy e b) salvar.
particularly (8 th paragraph) c) socorrer.
são, respectivamente, d) humanizar.
advérbio, substantivo e e) acolher.
d) No trecho: “But these
measures have not been 8. Adut Akech is a young South
Sudanese-Australian model. Read
this interview with her, which example, is still too rare. […]
was published in an Italian
magazine, and fill in the blankets
with an appropriate verb from the 2. Based on the previous text,
box below. Use the simple past. choose the correct sentences
about Adut Akech.

be • do • dream • have • take a) She lived in a refugee camp.

• teach
b) Her older sister didn’t go to
c) She’s doing an online course in
with Adut
d) She believes there is enough
Akech diversity in fashion.

[…] What was 3. Write 4 sentences about your

your idea of a past experiences. Use verbs and
‘dream life’ time expressions from the boxes
during those difficult times? below to help you
I ______________ of an education, a
Verbs Past time
home, and enough food for my family.

And now what is your dream life? • was / wasn’t • yesterday

Finishing my studies, first of all. I • learned / didn’t • when I was a
_________________ my diploma and I’ve learn child
• went / didn’t • two days/years
just started in Economics. Online,
go ago
though, because of all the traveling. […] • did / didn’t do • last
Who ______________ you to write? ar
My older sister, the only one of us who
was able to attend school, which 1.
______________ expensive in the refugee 2.
camp. We _________________ advantage 3.
of the daylight because at night we 4.
only ___________________ one oil lamp.
[…] 4. Get to know some inspiring
women who grew up to be
Do you think there’s enough diversity scientists. Fill in the blankets with
in fashion? an appropriate verb from the
I think there could be more. Seeing a boxes to complete the texts. Use
non-white woman selling perfume, for the simple past.
former Brazilian soccer player.
Read it and do exercises 8 and 8
advance • design • develop •
develop • serve discover • implement • be • be • join • persist • start • want
found revolutioniz


PROCTER Achievem S
Achievement: ent: Achievemen
Zoologist who Oceanogra t: Physicist
_______________ pher who and
_ ___________ mathematici When Sisleide “Sissi” Lima do Amor
understanding _ new an who ____________ young, it was against
of reptiles and species, _____________ the law for girls to play soccer in
amphibians, made __ wavelet Brazil. But Sissi ______________ to play,
_______________ record- theory, which even if she got in trouble. So, she
___ as curator setting _____________ ________________ , first in secret,
at the London dives, ___ audio turning other toys into soccer balls
Zoo, pioneered ___________ and visual and practicing whenever she could.
humane design _____ processing, Eventually, Sissi’s parents got her a
for zoo habitats, pioneering medical soccer ball. When she ______________
and undersea imaging, fourteen, two years after Brazil made
______________ exploratio seismology, it legal for girls to play soccer, Sissi
innovative n and ________________ playing
veterinary technologi surveillance, professionally and then
surgical es, and among many __________________ the first Brazilian
techniques ___________ other women’s national soccer team. At
__________ technologies. the height of her career, Sissi was
Mission As president called the “Queen of Brazilian
Blue to of the football” and today is credited with
champion International inspiring a generation of Brazilian
creation of Mathematics girls to be unafraid to take the field.
marine Union,
sanctuarie _____________
6. Based on the previous text,
s ____
worldwide. innovative answer the questions below
initiatives to
support a. Was it possible for women to play
teaching soccer in Brazil when Sissi was
math around young?
the world.
b. How old was Sissi when she
5. The text below is about another started playing soccer
inspiring woman, Sissi, who is a professionally?
c. What did people call Sissi at the recognized for her persistent struggle
height of her career? for democracy, human rights and
environmental conservation. She has
addressed the UN on several occasions
and spoke on behalf of women at
special sessions of the General
Assembly for the five-year review of the
earth summit. She served on the
commission for Global Governance and
Commission on the Future. She and the
7. Answer the questions below Green Belt Movement have received
about Wangari Maathai. numerous awards, most notably The
2004 Nobel Peace Prize. […]
Maathai chair: chefe • on behalf of: em nome de

Wangari Muta a. Where was she born?

Maathai was
born in Nyeri, b. When was she born?
Kenya (Africa)
in 1940. The
first woman in c. What is she internationally
East and famous for?
Central Africa
to earn a d. What award did she receive in
doctorate degree. Wangari Maathai 2004?
obtained a degree in Biological
Sciences from Mount St. Scholastica
9) Based on the text about
College in Atchison, Kansas (1964). She
subsequently earned a Master of Wangari Maathai, fill in the
Science degree from the University of blanket with an appropriate
Pittsburgh (1966). She pursued doctoral word/expression in order to
studies in Germany and the University complete the timeline below.
of Nairobi, obtaining a Ph.D. (1971) from
the University of Nairobi where she also
taught veterinary anatomy. She 1940 Wangari Maathai ______________
became chair of the Department of born in Nyeri, Kenya.
Veterinary Anatomy and an associate
professor in 1976 and 1977 respectively. 1964 ____________ a degree in
In both cases, she was the first woman Biological Sciences.
to attain those positions in the region. _____ Earned a Master of Science
Wangari Maathai was active in the ____ degree from the University of
National Council of Women of Kenya in Pittsburgh.
1976-87 and was its chairman in 1981-87.
[…] Wangari Maathai is internationally 1971 Obtained a Ph.D. from the
University of Nairobi where she
also _________________ veterinary

1976 ______________ chair of the

Department of Veterinary

_____ Became an associate professor.


1981 Became the chair of the


2004 ________________ the Nobel Peace


10) Reorder the words in the

items below to write sentences
about Wangari Maathai.

a) to obtain a Ph.D. / She / the first

woman in East and Central Africa /

b) was / the first female professor /

She / at the University of Nairobi

c)for environmental conservation /

became / She / famous for fighting

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