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Describing our symptoms to the Doctor

Student 1: A (Doctor)
Student 2: B (Patient)
A: Simon white?
B: Yes, I am here doctor.
A: Hello Simon.
B: Hi Doctor.
A: I’m Doctor Allen Right. How are you today?
B: Well…not that great. Doctor, I haven’t been feeling so great lately.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. Please come closer and let me take a look and see what the problem might be.
B: hmmmm…my nose has been running like a faucet for the last few days and recently my eyes have been
feeling itchy and watery. It’s especially bad during the evening time.
A: Oh, how long exactly has this been going on for?
B: I reckon for the last 1 week and my itchy eye started 3 days okay after my trip to Sydney.
A: Okay since last week. Have you been experiencing any other symptoms?
B: I have been having some dry cough. *haaachu* sorry.
A: What about sneezing?
B: Sneezing?
A: Yes, Have you been sneezing a lot?
B: Yes.
A: Since when?
B: I would say since my trip to Sydney 3 days ago. I have been sneezing non-stop and because of that it has
been hard to breathe sometimes especially when it is non-stop.
A: Okay. Let me quickly check your heartbeat and pressure. Ahhh… have you had any sort of fever?
B: ummm, No I don’t think so. What kind of temperature would you be looking at for it to be considered as
A: Anything above 37.6 degree C can be considered as feverish.
B: Okay, so I had been trekking in the mountain during my recent trip to Sydney and during my walk I had
been feeling quite warm. Once I got done with my trek, I checked my temperature, and it was 37.5 degrees C
but only for half an hour. I checked my temperature an hour later and I was running at around 36.6 degrees.
A: Well, since you were walking, I think maybe that’s the reason your temperature was high for a short period.
However, have you recorded a similar temperature any other day after your trek?
B: Well, no to be honest.
A: That’s good news. I think you are having an allergic reaction to pollens and dust
B: Pollens? What is pollens, can you please explain?
A: Pollen are fine powder like substance released by plants during pollen season like spring, summer.
B: oh. Okay. Good to know that.
A: Are you allergic to pollen by any chance?
B: Yes Doctor. Usually during pollen season, I have had similar symptoms just that this time it is slightly worse
than usual.
A: I think your recent trek up the mountain could be a triggering factor.
B: Triggering?
A: Yes, I think during this time the air is filled with pollen and you had been trekking for a few hours I assume
so it must have caused inflammation of your lungs.
B: Oh no Doctor, is it something serious?
A: No no, please don’t worry, It’s completely fine. I am going to prescribe a higher dosage of your regular
allergy pills and it should settle down in a few days. As well as I am going to give you some paracetamol for
your chest pain.
B: A higher dosage? Is there anything to be concerned with doctor?
A: No, there is nothing to be concerned about however since you your reactions are more severe this time it
would be better for you to take a higher dosage as it will help you feel better
B: Pheww. Good to know that doctor. So, how long should I take these medications for?
A: You must take the paracetamol twice a day and the Antizac your allergy pill once only for 2 week
B: Anti--?
A: Antizac
B: Can I take them on an empty stomach?
A: No, you should take the both the pills after a meal. Antizac can be take at any given time, but it’s
recommended that you take in the morning
B: So, I can take it at any time?
A: Yes, that right and drink lots of fluid throughout the day. Okay?
B: Yes, drinking lots of fluid understood.
A: Do you have any other concerns?
B: Not any ant the moment but do I need to see you for a follow-up?
A: Not unless you are getting worse.
B: How about if my symptoms remain the same even after the medication?
A: In that please make another appointment to see me. Now, is there anything else?
B: No. That’s all Thanks.
A: Okay, Take care of yourself and Bye Bye Simon.
B: Thanks Doctor. Bye.

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