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WEEKS 1 - 3: Study skills

● Apply study skills: listening, reading, comprehension, concentration,

memory, organisation and time management.
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❖ Study skills - abilities to listen, read, understand, concentrate, remember and
organise your learning material, and manage your studying time.
❖ Concentration – ability to focus and pay attention.
❖ Study method – way to study, learn and remember.
❖ Creative thinking – generate new or unusual ideas; think in a different way.
❖ Critical thinking – the skill of analysing and evaluating information.

o Listening
- Listen carefully to what is said
- Listen with your ears but also with your eyes.
- Make notes; write down only key words (important words)
- Ask questions.
- Repeat content in own words.

o Reading and comprehension

- Read more slowly than usual.
- Read the material more than once.

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- Reading out loud may help you understand.
- Ask who?, what?, where? and when? , while you are reading.
- Make notes and underline important words.
- Look new words up in a dictionary.
- Make sure you understand what you are reading.
- Read small sections at a time.

o Increase your concentration and memory skills

- Avoid distractions (disturbances).
- Find a quiet place to study
- Switch off cell phone
- Put up a “do not disturb” sign
- Take deep breaths and stretch regularly
- Take a 5 minute break every hour
- Try studying in a group
- Reward yourself when you have completed a section
- Understand what you want to remember
- Make summaries and learn them
- Make a mind picture of what you want to remember
- Learn actively
- Tell someone else what you have learnt
- Make acronyms
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- Make up your own questions and try to answer them

o Organise and manage your time

- Watch out for the following time wasters :
▪ Computer games
▪ Cut / file your nails
▪ Read all the messages you have send and receive on your cell phone
▪ Run around looking for stationary
▪ Sharpen your pencils
▪ Let people interrupt you

o Get organised
- Draw up a table / schedule and stick to it

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- Balance study time with rest and exercise
- Take regular short breaks
- Spend more time on weaker subjects
- Study during the time of day that you have the most energy
- Keep all the things you need to study in one place
- Avoid time wasters
- Once a week, have an overview of the next weeks responsibilities

● Apply effective study methods: note-taking, mind-mapping, summarising,

selecting important concepts

o Note taking
- Listen carefully to the teacher
- Listen with an aim
- Use abbreviations and symbols when you take notes
- Use short sentences and key words
- Write down only the main points
- Group ideas together
- Use your own words
- Connect ideas with arrows and lines
- Underline / highlight important facts

- Reread your notes as soon as possible

- File your notes
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o Mind mapping

- Write the topic in the middle of the page

- Write the heading / subheadings around the topic
- Group similar headings together
- Join the topic and headings with lines / arrows
- Add facts and ideas, only using key words
- Use colour / different fonts
- The mind map should be an “at glance” summary of the content

o Construct an essay / assignment

- Understand the topic
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- Olan your task / essay
- Write an introduction
- Write the body of the essay
- Show what you know
- Stick to the topic
- Write a conclusion

o Select concepts and content

- Look at the headings and subheadings of each chapter; it will give you a good
idea of what is important.
- Look for key words.

● Develop and apply critical thinking, creative and problem-solving skills

o Critical thinking
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is this a fact?
- Is this an opinion?
- Is it a belief?
- Is it a generalisation?
- Is it important and core information?
- Who said / wrote this?
- How is it the same / different from existing knowledge?
- When was it written / said?

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o Creative thinking
- Look for many possible answers.
- Brainstorm ideas.
- Draw pictures.
- Ask yourself questions such as “What if ... ?”
- Ask the question as many times as possible, providing a different answer
each time.

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o Problem solving
- First you have to know what the problem is.
- Write down what you know. What are facts?
- What information do you need? Gather the information.
- List the possible options or choices or solutions.
- Decide on the best solution. Give a reason for your choice.
- Check how well you have done. Is the solution the correct one? Did it have the
required outcome?

● Analyse own performance in assessment tasks: internal and external


❖ Assessment – process of gathering evidence of performance.
❖ Informal assessment – not recorded, does not count for marks.
❖ Formal assessment – recorded, required, counts for marks.
❖ Study plan – a plan of what you are doing and need to study for a week/

o Internal assessment
- Happens inside the school
- Tasks set and marked by teachers
- Informal assessment is not for marks that need to be recorded, but it is
used by the teachers to assess your performance and progress.
- Formal assessment is part of the assessment program and is recorded
and used for promotion / progression purposes
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- External assessment
- Takes the form of examinations
- Question papers are set outside the school by the district, province or
national department

- Develop a study plan: organisation of activities, time management,


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WEEKS 4 & 5: Social and environmental responsibility

● Display an awareness of contemporary social and environmental issues

that impact negatively on local and global communities.

❖ Social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a society. It is
a group of common problem in present-day society and one that many
people strive to solve.
❖ Environmental issues are problems with the planet's systems e.g. air, water,
soil, etc. that have developed as a result of human interference or
mistreatment (abuse) of the planet.

o Contemporary social issues

▪ Crime and violence

Social issues and their harmful effects

1. Poverty

2. Food security and production

3. Unequal access to basic resources and services

o Contemporary environmental issues

● Demonstrate understanding of the concepts: social and environmental


o Concepts

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▪ Environmental justice is the right to a safe, healthy productive and
sustainable environment.

● Environmental injustice
- people with fewer choices suffer the most from pollution, work that
is harmful for their health and from lack of resources (resource
depletion) poor people have unequal access to basic resources
such as water and energy.

▪ Social justice means redressing the situation whereby people with fewer
choices (the poor and disadvantaged) often suffer most from discrimination
(e.g. race, religion etc.) and a lack of acknowledgement of their human
rights and access to service (e.g. health, education) and infrastructure
(e.g., water, housing).

o Research social issues that impact on local and global communities:

crime, violence, poverty, safety and security, unequal access and lack of
basic services and resources (water and health services), etc.

Crime and violence

- Crime has the harmful effect of making people angry, fearful,
distrustful and sad.
- Violence causes people to get injured or to die.
- Crime and violence are violations of our Constitution and Bill of

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▪ Poverty
- Poverty means you are too poor to pay for your basic needs.

▪ Food security and production

Food security
- It means that everyone has access to enough, safe, healthy and
nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and preferences.
- Food security is threatened by things like droughts, fires and wars.

▪ Unequal access to basic resources and services

a) Water
- Some people have little/limited access to water.
- Every household in SA is supposed to get 6000 litres of water free
annually. If you use more than the allocated amount, you pay for it.

b) Health services
- Basic primary health care is free.

o Evaluate the harmful effects of these issues on personal and community


▪ Crime and violence

It can lead to:
- post-traumatic stress disorder.
- depression/sadness
- fear, anxiety, worry
- heart attacks
- obesity due to overeating/comfort eating
- loneliness due t staying away from others
- physical injury, permanent body disfigurement or scarring

These develops after: a harmful event like a highjack, attack, mugging

or assault.
Sufferers experience: lack of sleep, flashbacks, worry, nightmares, and
loneliness, lack of trust, forgetfulness and lack of concentration.

▪ Poverty
- Poverty is closely linked to poor health, lack of food, lack of
resources and services, lack of access to safe and healthy
environment, fewer educational opportunities
- Lack of housing
- In SA 1,875 million people are still living in shacks.
- Unemployment; not having work is one of the main causes of

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▪ Food insecurity leads to :
- Undernourishment = you don’t get enough nutrients you need to
grow properly and stay healthy.
- Malnutrition = you don’t get the right amount of vitamins, minerals
and other nutrients you need for healthy tissues and organ

▪ Global hunger
- 925 million people do not have enough food to eat.
- 98% of the world’s hunger people live in developing countries.
- In SA 2,2 million households are regarded as food insecure and

▪ Unequal access to basic resources and services

(a) Lack of water

- When one tap is shared by many people and used for drinking and
washing, the water can get polluted.

(b) Limited access to health services

- Specialised health services are available only to those who are able to
afford it as it is very expensive.
- Provinces with fewer resources and more poor people are not able to
offer the basic primary health care to all that need it.

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WEEKS 6 & 7: Social and environmental responsibility

● Develop and apply social, constructive and critical thinking skills

necessary to participate in civic life:

❖ Social thinking skills are skills that enable you to see a need or a
problem and want to do something about it.
❖ Constructive thinking skills are skills that let you think in a helpful
❖ Critical thinking skills help you to get knowledge and strengthen your

o Social thinking skills are skills help you to consider the view points and
feelings of others.

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o Constructive thinking skills helps you to interpet or understand events calmly
and logically instead of being very emotional to the events that happen.
- The way you understand eventd wll have an effect on the way you feel
and think about them.
- You think in an optimidtic way; you see the positie side.
- A constructive thinker/positive thinker:
▪ Understnd that failure is an opportunity to learn.
▪ Welcomes challneges and optimism (being hopeful) and without fear.
▪ Tyink productively; does not waste time feeling bad and not taking

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o Critical thinking


● Skepticism – doubt
● Equitable – fair, just and impartial
● Algorithm – a process to be followed I n problem-solving.

o Social responsibilities including the knowledge and skills to make

informed decisions and take appropriate action

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HOW TO MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION: An exemplar of application

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Less crime More crime

Criminals are
Crime get worse

What happens? What happens?

Don’t report
Report crime

o Youth service

Use a decision tree to help you decide on what actions to take. A decision tree is a
diagram you make to help you chose the best action to take.

A decision tree:
- Represents each choice with a branch
- You can have more than one branch to represent different choices.

development: identify and research youth and civic organisations,

community services or projects and volunteerism
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▪ Be a volunteer
- Public / community organisations work towards improving life for
- Youth service and volunteerism are ways to contribute to building a
just and equal South Africa.
- Civic responsibility means :
● You take actions on social and environmental issues
● You know your rights come with responsibilities
- Volunteering means :
● To give your time freely to benefit others

▪ Examples of youth and civic organisations:

- National Youth Development Agency
- Uviwe Child and Youth Services
- Lovelife
- South African Youth Council

o Purpose and contribution, areas of strength and possible improvements

▪ Community service, projects and volunteering are part of our African
philosophy of ubuntu
▪ They help to stop poverty, disease and the violation of human rights.

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o Report on own contribution to these services, projects and
organisation: a group or individual project to address a contemporary
social issue that impacts negatively on local and/or global communities

▪ How to take action

It bs every person’s duty and responsibnility to become involved in
community and public life. We all need help to ensure that all people have
their social and environmental rights.
- Social responsibility means to do your best to promote community health
and well-being.
- It includes having the knowledge and skill to
make inofrmed decision and take action.
- Take action to deal with social issues e.g.
crime, fraud, etc.
- Know where to get help.
- Know where to report problems.


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