Online Games Developing Mental Alertness 1

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Online Games Developing Mental Alertness

Mar Paul O. Paja

Michael Angelo V. Cuasay

Jhon Brandon Padura

Mira S. Oding

STI College – Pasay

June 28, 2018

Chapter I


Game is one of the greatest technology industry right now. Developer can get so many

advantages, for example Destiny has already smashed analyst expectations for the first-week

sales with a $500 million lunch. From this, we can conclude the game industry is one of the

greatest industry. But now, gaming could make parents worry about their child.

An online game is a video game played over some form of computer network. This

network is usually the internet or equivalent technology. The expansion of online gaming has

reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small networks to the internet and the

growth of internet access itself. Many online games have associated online communities, making

online games a form of social activity beyond single player games (Coursehero, 2018).

Background of the Study

This study aims to investigate the effects of online games mental alertness of students.

Online games refer to games that are played over some form of computer network, most often

the Internet. Online games can range from simple text-based games to games incorporating

complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously (IGI Global,

Statement of the problem

These questions are to seek the effect of Online Games developing Mental Alertness.

1.) Is there an effect on developing mental alertness by playing online games?

2.) What could be the negative effect of playing online games on students?

3.) Is playing online games develop the mental alertness of the students?

4.) Do this developing mental alertness helps students to improve their skills in school?

Significance of the Study

This study will be valuable and significant to the students, parents, and teachers.

To the Senior High and College students of System Technology Institute, this study is

to improve their mental alertness and being quick and smart thinking during class.

To the Senior High and College student’s parents, this study aims to educate theparents

to inform that even if playing online games have negative effects it has also the positive effect

that can help their child to improve their mental alertness

To the System Technology Institute teachers, this study focuses on the teachers to know

that the online games can help their students to be a quick and smart thinkers during the class
Assumptions of the Study

This study is to prove that playing online games can help developing mental alertness and

to rebut the misconception that playing online games badly effect our health. According to

Shodhganga the mental alertness is any function pertaining to the mind, such as awareness,

perception, imagination, reasoning and the like. The alertness means keenly watchfulness ready

for sudden action. This study was also intended to evaluate the mental alertness of the students

that play online games.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The following scope and limitations in this study are recognized by the researcher prior to

the development of this study the following scope and limitation should be kept in mind of the

reader before making any generalization on this study.

This study only focuses on developing mental alertness of the students through playing

online games. Even though playing online games also have negative effect but it is not included

in the study.

Definitions of Terms

 Mental Alertness – was used in this research as being a systematic, logical and analytical

person. To enhance the learning development of a student when it comes to class discussion.

 Online games – game played through internet. It is the independent variable on this

research. Although on this research indicated that playing online games could be beneficial on

students learning development, however the danger begins when these games become addictive

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter comprises the literature and studies from local and foreign sources which

have a significant relation to the present study.Related studies presented are analyzed in the


Foreign Studies

Bensley and Van Eenwyk (2001), stated that the so-called negative effects of playing

violent online games could actually beneficial in an educational context. For example violent

games can provide a useful outlet to alleviate frustrations. They provide a safe outlet for

aggressive tendencies and can be useful in managing aggression show how this view can be

supported by the catharsis theory expounded by Aristotle, the hypothesis being that

observing aggressive play has a relaxing effect by channeling latent aggression and therefore

has a positive effect on behavior. This study shows that online games and other forms of

computer games increase the aggressive behavior of the avid fans of it.

Nicolas Yee (2005), the author of the psychology MMORPG Games, “There are five

factors why players are hooked to online computer games. These are relationship,

manipulation, immersion, escapism and achievement factors.” “Relationship factor users

willingly interact with other users which include a certain degree of disclosure of real-life

problems and issues. While there is a lot of controversy hounding computers games,

researchers suggest that computer games can actually be educational, beneficial and help in

students learning development

According to Western State University study in Vancouver, Canada, persons who play

computer games have better vision compared to non-players. Computer games also assist

students “in improving hand eye- coordination and improve reflexes”. There is also evidence

to suggest that computer games expand a student’s ability on spatial subjects.

Subrahmanyam and colleagues reviews the research on computer use and cognitive skills,

focusing on board array of cognitive compentencies but particularly on visual intelligence

skills, such as spatial skills and iconic and image representation skills.

Emes CE (1999) Can J Psychiatry, in his study, point out that there is the view that

considers such side-effects to be ‘relatively minor or temporary. Emes found playing

computer games as comportable to a mind intensity exercise: with normal use, playing may

neither improve nor harm physical fitness.

The statement of Bensley and Van Eenwyk shows that playing violent online games

help to control the aggression of a person. Nicolas Yee the author of the psychology

MMORPG Games, playing online games can build relationship of two or more other players,

manipulation on how to play the game, immersion, the escapism of the player on how the

game will be finished and how to win the game. As Western State University study in

Vancouver, Canada stated on a research that the players have a better eye coordination and

reflexes compared to non-players. Subrahmanyam and colleagues conclude that playing

online games can help the players to be competent and can improve the spatial skills. Emes

found out that playing computer games can relax your mind if you only use it normally.
The following statements stated these foreign studies, makes the current study reliable

and more of ideas that playing online games is beneficial for a students that can help their

studies in easier way. Playing online games may have negative effect on a students, because

during school hours their mind are still focused on online games.

Local Studies

Gail Ilagan (2005), a Psychology professor at the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU),

said, “Playing online games can be beneficial”. It can help a child to become observant.

However the danger begins when these games become addictive already.”

Rico Punzalan (2005), Mozcom’s Internet service assistant here, believes “there’s really

nothing wrong with the rampant use of computer games”. Benjun Jamora, founder and past

president of the Internet Cafes Association of Davao City (ICAD), says that computer games

“are actually mind games that require a player to think of strategies to properly play a game

and not just any game”.

Dr. Remo Aguilar (2005), senior president of the Philippine General Hospital, said that

computer games “improve logical thinking and enhance problem solving skills”. “There are

also many other educational games which aim to improve communication and problem-

solving abilities, alertness, to locate things easily without straining too much and so on.”

Dan Gatmaitan (2008), leaning computer plays a vital role in developing intrinsic

motivations in child. The computer presents learning situations with the elements of fun.
Computer games and lessons used sounds, movements, colors and graphics very generously

that make learning enjoyable. Child computer interaction helps the child develop into

systematic, logical and analytical person.

Raymond Ricafort (2005), president of Digital Paradise incorporated a chain of

cybercafes in the country also started that the gaming industry’s potential is virtually

unlimited considering these figure: around 500,000 local gamers spend an average of two

hours each day playing a variety of massive multi-player online playing games market

research firm International Data Corporation says the number of online gamers in the county

is expected to reach 6.3 million by 2008.

As Gail Ilagan stated that it could be beneficial to a child on playing online games to be

alert and quick to notice things. Benjun Jamora says that computer games require the players

to think deep how to play the game to win it. As stated of Dr. Remo Aguilar computer games

can improve the logical thinking and enhance the communication, problem solving skills, the

capability and providenceof the players. Dan Gatmaitan, computer games develops the child

to become methodical, rational andmeticulous person. The Digital Paradise discovered that

there are around 500,000 gamers that spend at least two hours a day playing variety of online


It is in the study that playing online games, computer games is beneficial in an

educational context on the students, and helps in learning development. It exercise the mind

and improving hand eye – coordination and improve net lexes. Online games requires the
player to think of strategies to properly play a game. It also helps to improve communication

and problem solving abilities and alertness when they are in school, playing online games

helps the players to improve and develop into systematic, logical and analytical person.



This chapter presents the method to be used in the study. It also describes the subjects of

the study, the instrument used, and the procedure of data gathering and the statistical treatment of

the data.

This study will determine the effect of online games in developing mental alertness by

getting the results of the survey conducted on the senior high school students.

Research Question

This main question of this research is how the online games affects on the learning

development and behavior of the students. As stated by Nicolas Yee (2005) the author of the

psychology MMORPG Games playing online games can be actually be educational and

beneficial and helps students learning development. Child computer interaction helps the child

develop into systematic, logical and analytical person (Dan Gatmaitan, 2008)

Methods of research

The correlation and survey methods of research is used on this research. Correlation

because its main concern is to get the learning attitude of the student as well as the behavior of

the student in school. Correlation is a statistical technique that can show whether and how
strongly pairs of variables are related. It is also a quantity measuring the extent of

interdependence of variable quantities. Qualitative research shall be observed through survey

questionnaire subjects of the study.

The Respondents

In this study senior high school students is the subject, 10 sections of STI Pasay senior

high school is selected to participate in the process. Students are given a set of questions by the

researcher. The researcher briefly explained the instructions of the survey on the students.

Statistical Treatment

To interpret the data effectively, the researcher will employ the following statistical

treatment. The slovin’s formula and the pearson r.

Slovin`s Formula

Slovin`s formula will be utilized on this research. The total number of senior high school

students in STI Pasay is 141. Since the margin of error is 5% the total respondents is 105

students. The respondents will be randomly selected. After determining the respondents, the

researcher will give an instruction.

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2

N= population size

e= margin of error
Since N is the population size, the total number of senior high school students is 141 and

the margin of error is .05. Population size 141 multiplied by margin of error 0.05 is equal to

0.3525 plus 1 is equal to 1.3525. Population size 141 divided by 1.3525 is equal to 104.251.

Therefore the value of the total number of senior high school students to be surveyed is 105.

Pearson r

A Pearson correlation indicates how strongly two variables are linearly related. This is

used to determine the strength of two variables. In Pearson r correlation, both variables should be

normally distributed (normally distributed variables have a bell-shaped curve). Other

assumptions include linearity and homoscedasticity. Linearity assumes a straight line

relationship between each of the two variables and homoscedasticity assumes that data is equally

distributed about the regression line.

𝑛(∑ 𝑥𝑦) − (∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)

√[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]

r= Pearson r correlation coefficient

N= number of observations

Ʃxy= sum of product of paired scores

Ʃx=sum of x scores

Ʃy= sum of y scores

Ʃx2= sum of squared x scores

Ʃy2= sum of squared y scores

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