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1. In my opinion I completed all the questions accurately and correct.

2. If you would teach this class to my learning requirements, I should look like a quiet and
relaxing environment with not a lot of noise and hardly to nonsocial work with others. It
may look like a very un-stressful environment with longer time in class for assignments I
am also a very visual learner so if you can do an example or sone thing of that nature
that would be great.

3. I think that my personality report was accurate some of the questions I think I answered
incorrectly, but overall, I think it was accurate.

4. My personal traits that are positive are I am very thoughtful also I am organized and a
like to plan work out so I can do it in an organized matter. I do also like to get work done
the day that its assignment, I also think that deadlines are very important. I also think
that I’m very logical and sensible.I also think that I am a sensible person. My more pour
traits are, I’m very anti-social and do not like huge groups of people. I am also shy and
do not like to present. I also think that I do have to look at the bigger picture of things.
And I do have to think more outside of the box too.

5. I have a lot of interests, but I will list 4, one I love planes aviation, really anything that
flies, except for helicopters hate them. Two I figure skate professionally that’s one of my
interests that I love to do. Three,VR games I like them don’t love them because
sometimes they make my feel sick. I also think 3 potential jobs that I can do is, to be
course a commercial pilot I think that I’m going to do this for sure I wanted to do this
since I was five. My second is a figure skater I could do that not my first choice but if I
was given a choose between being a custodian or being a figure skater I would choose a
figure skater. I think I can also be a computer mechanic or text support, or some other
tech job.

6. I think my favorite subjects in school is math, science and social studies. I like math
because I’m good with numbers and I can get subject including number very easily. I like
science because I love learning about elements and theorems, I also like to learn about
Adams and what can essentially keep animals and people alive and well. I like social
studies because I like to learn about the human body and animals and really anything
that is living. I think 3 jobs that can go along with that is probably be a doctor or a
veterinarian. I could also be a mathematician, but honestly, I don’t really want to do
that. I could also be a scientist, or I could aircraft mechanic too.
7. The things that Can fill mt bucket is my friends being around a good work environment
and getting my work done on time. Things that drain my bucket are people coming to
me for help when I do even know how to answer the question. I don’t like when people
act stupid of dumb around me. I also do not like being the only person in the group
doing the work.

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