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Guild: Tracker Name: Notes:

Weapon Feat (once per turn):

Sweep, needs Great Weapon, 2 additional D6 attacks + base attack vs 3 foes in btb

Guild Skills (once per game):

Initiate: Free Held
Tracker/Homing Shot: +2 Attack Roll, -2 DD
Move Dice
Alchemist/Glue Grenade: Large Blast, all models lose move until end of turn & -2DD

Traps/Tracker; shutdown 1 spawn location for 1 turn. Declare after spawning rolls.

D10 Companion
Armour or Dodge/Defend Roll
Heavy Armour (-1" Move 2x D6 DD)

Weapon 1: Dice Bonus 1:

One Hand weapon + 1 Dice Dodge/Defend (Blades or Trackers)
Weapon 2: Dice Bonus 2: Place dice lost to wounds here:
Extra Hand crosbow or pistol (12") + 1 Dice Attack Ranged (Tracker)

Belt Item 1:
Healing Potion: Heals 1 Wound (recover 1 dice).

Belt Item 2:
Arcane Evasion Scroll: teleport 3" but not to enemy contact, LoS not needed, can use in combat

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