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(Incorporating the principles of
ecologically sustainable development)
Link to other sections:
Introduction and Background
Climatic data and design process
Subdivisional design
Building and Landscape design

Researched compiled and authored by

Ron Apelt LLB, Grad. Dip Land. Arch,
M. (Blt.Env) Land. Arch
Principal Project Officer
Environmental Management
Built Environment Research Unit
Building Division
Department of Public Works

E-mail contact:

Endorsed by Director
Built Environment Research
Built Environment Research Unit
Building Division
Department of Public Works

First posted 24 December 2002

Last updated 28 July 2003

© The State of Queensland Department of Public Works 2003.


BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN ......................................................3
Value Existing Site Resources ..............................................................3
Existing vegetation ................................................................................3
Earthworks ............................................................................................3
Reduce Resource Use/Waste ................................................................3
Reduce site coverage ...........................................................................3
Optimise material use ...........................................................................3
Design for durability ‘long life’................................................................3
Reduce Energy Use – Increase Efficiency............................................4
Residential End Uses ............................................................................4
Energy efficiency principles...................................................................5
Internal room zoning .............................................................................5
Shading of windows and walls ..............................................................5
Ventilation (or air exchange): ................................................................7
Window Types.......................................................................................8
Other selection criteria for windows ......................................................8
Thermal mass .....................................................................................14
Roof colour..........................................................................................14
Design buildings to use renewable energy..........................................14
Landscape Design and Thermal Comfort............................................15
Reduce Water Use ................................................................................17
Water conservation .............................................................................17
Design a water-efficient landscape .....................................................17
Domestic water use.............................................................................19
Water strategy.....................................................................................19
Suggested approach ...........................................................................19
Reuse .....................................................................................................20
Grey water reuse.................................................................................20
Recycle ..................................................................................................21
Health and Safety..................................................................................21
Indoor air quality..................................................................................21
Design for safety .................................................................................24
Accident prevention.............................................................................24
The materials presented in this publication are distributed by the Queensland Government as an information source
only. The State of Queensland makes no statement, representation, or warranty about the accuracy or completeness
of any information contained in this publication. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability
(including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a
result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way for any reason.

The Guidelines: Towards a More Sustainable Subdivision (incorporating the principles of ecologically sustainable
development) were written with a residential subdivision in mind, however the principles and practices identified are
applicable to any land development involving buildings. The difference between residential buildings and other
building forms are in its function, materials and specific design criteria.

© The State of Queensland Department of Public Works 2003.



Value Existing Site Resources

Design to minimise impact on and maximise potential of site resources

The site evaluation will guide the building design. Build around the features
that will enhance the appearance or functionality of the design and operating
costs. Site resources important to the building design include: vegetation,
soils, water resources, important natural areas, solar access, wind/breeze
direction and slope.

Existing vegetation
Conserve existing vegetation as a landscape feature.

Use existing site grades to minimise site excavation (cut and fill).

Reduce Resource Use/Waste

Reduce site coverage

Consider building upwards rather than outwards. Reduce internal air
circulation space. Optimise use of interior space through careful room layout
design so that the overall building size and amount of resources used in
constructing and operating it are kept to a minimum.

Integrate indoor/outdoor spaces with well-designed landscaped areas.

Optimise material use

Minimise waste by simplifying building geometry and designing for standard
ceiling heights and building dimensions. Avoid waste from structural over-
design (use optimum-value engineering/advanced framing).

Design for durability ‘long life’

Design the building so that the environmental impacts of construction are
extended over as long a period of time as possible. The structure must be
durable and robust enough so that it has a flexible future functional use
appropriate for a variety of lifestyles. A building with a durable style and
which is easily adaptable will be less likely to be demolished and more likely
to realise a long life.


Reduce Energy Use – Increase Efficiency

Reduce energy consumption by designing a building, which uses

energy more efficiently

Design buildings, which require less energy (energy conservation) to cool or

heat by incorporating natural cooling, passive solar heating and day lighting.

For more information about ‘Energy Efficiency in the Home’ refer to: Environmental Protection
Agency ‘Guide to Energy Efficient Home Design’ and other similar publications at

‘Energy-efficient home design’ refers to the design of homes that generally

maintain the internal living environment in the human comfort zone throughout
the year, without the need for energy to be consumed for cooling or heating,
or, if energy is used, it is at an absolute minimum. Similarly, there is a need
for only minimum energy for lighting, water heating and other services
necessary for comfort and amenity.

Space Heating Space Cooling

88% of all 2%
residential 3%
operational Cooking
greenhouse 7%
gas emissions
are attributable
to electrical
appliances and
water heating

Electrical Appliances
Water Heating & Equipment
33% 55%

Residential End Uses

In terms of end use share, electrical appliances and equipment dominated
Queensland residential operational greenhouse gas emissions in 1999,
accounting for some 55% of the state total. Water heating is the next most
significant with 33% followed by cooking (7%), space cooling (3%) and space
heating (2%). For more information about ‘energy savings’ on ‘water heating and electrical
appliances’ refer to: Appliances
Source: Lifecycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimates and
Projections for Queensland Building, Construction and Associated Industries Sector prepared
by Energy Efficient Strategies February 2000 for Built Environment Research Unit.


Energy efficiency principles
It is recognised that there are many competing interests when incorporating
these energy efficiency principles into a design, but the emphasis is to include
as many of the principles of ‘smart design’ and ‘passive solar design’ 8 that do
not conflict with sound ‘urban design’ 9 principles of ‘good manners
architecture’. 10

Incorporate these design principles into the design wherever possible.

The building’s orientation and positioning on the site can be advantageous for
maximising the benefits of passive solar design. This design principle has
considerable energy saving advantages in temperate and subtropical climates
during the cooler months and for hot, humid climates in summer months.

If the major living areas can be orientated to face true solar north, the benefits
are free warmth and light as the sun passes low in the northern sky in winter.
Conversely, orientating the building to capture the prevailing breezes is very
advantageous in subtropical and tropical climates during the hot, humid
summer months.

Internal room zoning

The orientation and grouping of rooms of a similar function (e.g. living areas,
service areas and sleeping areas) can assist in minimising heat loss in winter
or equally, maximise the benefits in summer of the local climatic conditions,
such as cooling prevailing breezes.

Where possible, the garage, laundry, bathroom and storerooms are best
positioned on the western wall of the building as they assist in minimising heat
transfer into the living areas. Ideally, in the subtropics and tropics, bedrooms
are best positioned on the southern side of the building where the solar heat
gain is minimal. Bedrooms on the north and east walls require shading
devices that can capture the warm winter sun.

Shading of windows and walls

East- and west-facing walls and windows are the most important to shade, as
solar heating is most intense on these orientations, especially the summer
sun. Reduce unwanted morning and afternoon solar heat gain by minimising
or protecting extent of walls and windows facing east or west.

Windows facing east or west should be protected by a sufficiently wide

horizontal-shading device (such as wide eaves, verandah or pergola), a

A concept that harnesses the sun’s energy for controlling the lighting and heating of internal and external spaces,
incorporating the beneficial aspects of wind energy, particularly in residential building design and site planning.
Urban design is about the planning, design and organisation of the space between the private/public interface and
the public space, which incorporates societies economic, social and environmental systems that are reflected in the
physical built environment.
This jargon term is a concept, which recognises the important responsibilities that a designer or a team of
designers has to the neighbours and residents of an area. The quality of the development is measured in terms of
respect towards its neighbours and the way it has a positive contribution to the street.


vertical shading device or the window should be small and placed high on the
wall under the eave.

External sun-shading devices are preferred to internal and interstitial shading

devices. Use eaves 450 mm (minimum), preferably 600–900 mm wide (wider
in the tropics), on all elevations to partially protect top of external walls from
direct solar radiation. 11

Design and planning considerations such as wide eaves, wall insulation, location of habitual
rooms and the use of strategically placed trees all assist in reducing the solar heat load on a
house. Photo: Lindsay Soanes Photographer for Department of Housing.

For more information about ‘passive solar design principles’ refer to:
Australian Construction Services (1983), Energy-Efficient Australian Housing, AGPS,
Ballinger, J. A., Prasad, D. and Rudder, D. K., (1997), Energy-Efficient Australian Housing,
2nd ed., AGPS, Canberra.
Evans M., (1980) Housing, Climate and Comfort, The Architectural Press Limited, London.
Greenland, J. and Szokolay, S.V. (1986), Passive Solar Design in Australia, RAIA, Canberra.
Olgyay, V., (1967), Design with Climate – Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Saini, B.S. (1970), Architecture in Tropical Australia, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.
Saini, B.S. (1973), Building Environment - An Illustrated Analysis of Problems in Hot Dry
Lands, Angus and Robertson (Publishers) Pty Ltd in association with the Royal Australian
Institute of Architects, Sydney.
Saini, B.S. (1980), Building in Hot Dry Climates, John Wiley and Sons, Sydney.
Szokolay, S.V. (1982), Climatic Data and Its Use in Design, RAIA Education Division,
Szokolay, S.V. (1987), Thermal Design of Buildings, RAIA Education Division, Canberra.

Phillips, R. O., (1992), Sunshine and Shade in Australasia, CSIRO, Division of Building Construction and
Engineering, Technical Report 92/2, CSIRO, Canberra; Olgyay, V., (1967), Design with Climate – Bioclimatic
Approach to Architectural Regionalism, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey pp67-83.


Szokolay, S.V. (1991), Climate, Comfort and Energy, Design of Houses for Queensland
Climates, Architectural Science Unit, The University of Queensland.
Willrath H. (2000), (Reprint), Energy Efficient Building Design Resource Book, Renewable
Energy Centre, Brisbane Institute of TAFE.

For more information about ‘planning, designing and construction of domestic housing’ refer
Wilkie, G. and Arden, S. (1989) (Reprint), Building your own home-A comprehensive guide for
owner builders, Weldon Publishing, Willoughby, NSW, Australia.
Wilkie, G. and Arden, S. (2001) (Revised and updated for GST), Building your own home - A
comprehensive guide for owner builders, Lansdowne, Australia.

Slotted soffitting assists in venting roof

cavity. Photo: M.Ball.

High-level ventilation provides an efficient

access for venting roof cavity.

The window design presents a number of

choices in controlling the ventilation to this
bedroom. Photos: R.Apelt

Ventilation (or air exchange):

Aligning windows and doors should assist in maximising natural ventilation to
allow for the capture of prevailing breezes and to allow cross-flow breezes in
summer. Reduce unwanted winter drafts by sealing air leaks around doors
and windows.


Provide high-level ventilation through roof cavity space via slotted soffits
and/or vented gable ends and/or roof vents.

Window Types
Choose window types that offer the best ventilation performance or
alternatively look at design combinations that fit the situation
 Fanlight/hopper windows – 0–99% (opening)
 Louvres/casement windows – 0–99% (opening)
 Sliding/double-hung sashes windows – 0–50% (opening)

High-level ventilation is provided by a High-level ventilation is achieved by a

modern interpretation of the age-old fanlight. modern secure version of the age-old
The flow of air through a house assists with
improving indoor air quality and passive The benefit of such a window design is its
cooling of the internal living areas. ability to assist with indoor air quality through
air convection currents, which allows the hot
High-level ventilation assists in the removal air to escape from within the house assisting
of a build-up of warm air within the house. It in passive cooling of the internal living areas
provides very little air movement at body and some dilution or removal of pollutants.
level. Photo: R.Apelt Photo: C.N.Gray for Department of Public

Other selection criteria for windows 12

 Size and shape
 Style
 Frame materials
 Glass colour and clarity

 Optimising daylight
 Glare control
 Prevent fading
 Thermal comfort
 Resistance to condensation

Carmody, J., Selkowitz, S. & Heschong, L. (1996), Residential Windows – A Guide to New Technologies and
Energy Performance, W. W. Norton and Company, New York at p21 and 143.


 Ventilation/operating type
 Noise/sound control
 Maintenance
 Durability (warranty)

Energy performance (see below):

 Basic energy-related properties
 Annual heating and cooling season performance
 Long-term ability to maintain energy performance

 Initial cost of window units and installation
 Cost of interior and exterior window treatments
 Cost of maintenance
 Frequency of replacement
 Resale value
 Initial cost of heating and cooling system
 Annual cost of heating and cooling energy

Consider the use of low ‘E’ (low emissivity) glazing or a high-performance
glazing such as ‘optilight’ particularly on the western-facing elevations and
other areas where avoidance of direct solar radiation is needed. Select
glazing with an appropriate ‘Solar Heat Gain Coefficient' and that is 'Solar
Spectral Selective', using the Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS)
program that is required to minimise the thermal (solar) transmittance of
glazing on particular elevations.

Glazing includes the window framing as well as the glass material used within
the window frame. The type and design of the window is important in
controlling breezes and the amount of solar radiation into the room.

Clear float glass offers very little relief in reduction of transmitted radiant heat
with approximately 80% transmitted through the glass. Tinted glass transmits
approximately 50% and specialised glazing material (eg low emissivity glazing
or a high-performance glazing) transmits approximately 10% to 40%
depending on the sophistication and complexity of the glazing materials.

‘Supertints’ are a further extension of the family of tinted glass products and
are often termed ‘spectrally selective’. ‘Supertints’ are a ‘middle of the road’
solution to many of the glazing problems of minimising the thermal (solar)
transmittance and maximising light transmittance.

As a general rule, avoid large areas of east and west facing glazing, however
where unavoidable the windows should be shaded and/or recessed using
shading devices and overhangs to cut out low sun angles, minimising
excessive solar access.


For more information about ‘domestic windows and shading’ refer to: Environmental
Protection Agency ‘Guide to Energy Saving for Windows’ at:
bin/w3-msql/sustainable_energy/publicat/msqlwelcome.html?page=index.htm and
Australian Window Association at: and Efficient Windows Collaborative

Select and locate suitable plant species to assist in shading. When planting
against a house, ensure that physical subterranean termite barriers are
continuous and integral. It is important to regularly inspect these planting
areas for maintenance against termite entry, possible building damage and
visual outlook.

Ensure trees and other plantings do not over-shade north-facing glazing in

winter – consider semi-deciduous or deciduous plantings and location of
particular plant species on northern side of the building. Planting moderate
size shade trees to the southeast and southwest will assist in providing
summer shade to the walls and roof.

Well-shaded walls and windows as a result An attractive massing of tropical plantings,

of wide eaves and appropriate landscape which assists in modifying the internal, air
planting assists in a cooler internal temperature by shading and increasing the
environment. Photo: C.N.Gray for moisture content of the air. Photo: M.Ball
Department of Public Works.

For more information about ‘landscape design, energy conservation and thermal comfort’
refer to:
Clouston, B., (ed) (1990), 2nd ed., Landscape Design with Plants, published for The
Landscape Institute, Heinemann Newnes, Oxford London.
Environmental Protection Agency at
Greenwood, J.S., Soulos, G.P. and Thomas, N.D., (1998), Under cover: Guidelines for the
shade planning and design, NSW Cancer Council and NSW Health Department, Sydney.
Olgyay, V., (1967), Design with Climate – Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.


Robinette, G.O. (1972), Plants, People and Environmental Quality: A Study of Plants and their
Environmental Functions, U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, Washington,
D.C. in collaboration with the American Society of Landscape Architects Foundation.
Robinette, G.O. ed., (1977), Landscape Planning for Energy Conservation, Environmental
Design Press, Reston, Virginia.
Robinette, G.O., and McClennon. C. eds, (1983) Landscape Planning for Energy
Conservation. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc New York.
Saini, B.S. (1973), Building Environment - An Illustrated Analysis of Problems in Hot Dry
Lands, Angus and Robertson (Publishers) Pty Ltd in association with the Royal Australian
Institute of Architects, Sydney.

Where skylights are necessary for day lighting of internal rooms, select
skylights that are ‘spectrally selective’ using the Skylight Energy Rating
Scheme (SERS) program that is required to minimise the thermal (solar)
transmittance of glazing on particular elevations.

Ensure that building materials and construction techniques are beneficial in
controlling internal temperatures for thermal comfort. Insulate walls, ceilings
and/or roof spaces with products that meet the recommended ‘R value’ 13 .

Insulating ceilings and walls of a building reduces the heat flow between the
outside to the inside and vice versa. In summer, up to 35% of the heat in your
house enters through an uninsulated ceiling, while up to 15% to 25% enters
through uninsulated walls.

Roof cavity insulation can reduce as much as Ventilation of roof cavity and reflective foil
30% heat transmission entering the habitual blanket under roof sheeting are the first line
living space in the rooms below. Photos: of resistance in preventing radiated heat into
C.N.Gray for Department of Public Works. the habitual rooms below.

Ensure insulation materials perform adequately when fire tested to AS 1530.3

– Methods for fire test on building materials, components and structures.
Insulation ratings are expressed as R-values. The R-value indicates the
material’s resistance to heat transmission.

A measure of thermal resistance - refer to:
AS 2627.1 Thermal insulation of dwellings - Part 1: Thermal insulation of roof/ceilings and walls in dwellings,
AS 3999 Thermal insulation of dwellings – bulk insulation – insulation requirements, and appropriate Australian
Standard for individual product type.


For more information about ‘insulation’ refer to Environmental Protection Agency ‘Guide to
Home Insulation’ at:

Recommended thermal insulation values for tropical and subtropical

climates are:
Note: The Building Code of Australia takes precedent over the following
suggested requirements.

For more information about the ‘Building Code of Australia’ and ‘energy efficiency measures’
refer to:


Light-coloured Colorbond roofs/ceilings spaces (total thermal resistance):
Heat flow downwards (only) R2.5 (minimum)
External walls
Heat flow inwards (only): R1.0 (minimum)


Light coloured Colorbond roofs/ceilings spaces (total thermal resistance)
Heat flow downwards/outwards: R3.0 (minimum)
External walls:
Heat flow outwards: R1.5 (minimum)

Thermal Simulation Computer Modelling using the Building Energy

Rating System (BERS) 14 .

Building Energy Rating Scheme (BERS) is a design tool, which provides a

star rating, 0–5, in half-star intervals that enable designers and consumers to
easily distinguish the thermal performance of various house designs within
specific climatic zones 15 .

BERS is a graphics-oriented computer-based ‘House Thermal Performance

Rating Scheme’ which uses state-of-the-art thermal analysis procedures to
achieve current best practice in providing design advice to the building
profession and provides an energy performance report on the efficiency of the
building shell of a house or similar dwelling type.

The BERS star rating of a building reflects its predicted thermal performance
within a specific climate type for a standard set of user behaviour patterns and
comfort zones. It takes into account many factors including the building
structure (building envelope), air temperature, ventilation rate, solar and
internal heat gains. In regions where buildings may be heated and cooled, the
rating reflects the sum of the heating and cooling energy required to maintain
certain zones in the building within a comfort temperature band. This is

Willrath H., (1997) Assigning Thermal Star Ratings to Queensland Houses, Queensland Department of Public
Works and Housing. More information refer
An example being Rockhampton which is based on CLIMAT07, Central Coastal Queensland Rockhampton Area:
BERS 3.5 stars not more than 130 MJ per square metre of floor area should be required to maintain temperatures
between 22 and 28°C. The hourly data should be from Rockhampton, 1983.


expressed in terms of Yearly Heating and Cooling Energy per square metre of
conditioned floor area (MJ/m²).

A realistic target for a reasonably energy-efficient building is a BERS

rating of 3.5 stars.

Note: The BERS thermal simulation computer modelling is no substitute for a

well-analysed climatically appropriate design.

The Queensland Development Code provides a framework within which

Queensland-specific building codes can be consolidated into a single

The codes cover Queensland matters outside the scope of and in addition to
the Building Code of Australia, such as requirements for private health
facilities and on-site building standards.

Application of these codes will result in cost-efficient buildings and a more

efficient development approval process.

For more information about the ‘Queensland Development Code’ refer to:

Nationwide Housing Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS)

NatHERS and BERS are thermal simulation software programs used to
provide ratings of energy efficiency in different house designs. The program
is based upon energy flows through the building shell/fabric.

NatHERS and BERS are only design tools to review design responses.

NatHERS and BERS do not acknowledge the 35-40% of hot water energy
consumed in a house, which is a third of the operational energy, used in a
house. In Queensland the energy use breakdown is very different to Southern

For more information about ‘NatHERS’ refer to:

CSIRO Australia Advances Series Four Energy Efficient Houses

The following are climatic data files for various climatic zones on the eastern
coastline of Queensland.

Climat 05 North Coastal Queensland Townsville Area

The performance standard required for a 3.5 star building is 225 MJ/m2 (4.0 star building is
200 MJ/m2) of conditioned floor area per annum with thermostats set at temperatures
between 23° and 28° C.

Climat 07 Central Coastal Queensland Rockhampton Area

The performance standard required for a 3.5 star building is 130 MJ/m2 (4.0 star building is
110 MJ/m2) of conditioned floor area per annum with thermostats set at temperatures
between 22° and 28° C.


Climat 09 Amberley Air Force
The performance standard required for a 3.5 star building is 120 MJ/m2 (4.0 star building is
100 MJ/m2) of conditioned floor area per annum with thermostats set at temperatures
between 21° and 27° C.

Climat 10 Brisbane Airport

The performance standard required for a 3.5 star building is 105 MJ/m2 (4.0 star building is 90
MJ/m2) of conditioned floor area per annum with thermostats set at temperatures between 21°
and 27° C.

Thermal mass
Construction materials such as concrete, brick, block, aerated auto-claved
(AAC) concrete and other solid masonry materials are considered as having
high thermal mass. These materials absorb heat during the hottest part of the
day and during the night release the stored heat as they cool.

However, high thermal mass materials are considered very effective against
rapid heat transfer, which is mainly due to their properties to absorb heat from
solar radiation at a much slower rate than lightweight materials with a low
thermal mass.

Some authors claim thermal mass to be unsuitable for some climates such as
the tropics and sub tropics, however, depending on the design application,
thermal mass can contribute to energy efficiency.

Lightweight materials of timber, steel and the various building cladding

materials absorb heat quickly and conversely cool down quickly. Ensure that
all these walls are adequately insulated to achieve a minimal heat flow
inwards R-value of one. Consider the benefits to be gained from the thermal
mass for thermal comfort in your design options. A composite construction
may be a compromise solution ideally suited to the local climatic conditions.

Roof colour
Select a light roof colour to reflect unwanted summer heat. The reflectance of
a surface is a measure of the energy that is neither absorbed nor transmitted
and is expressed as a ratio of the reflected energy to the total incident
radiation energy (sunlight).

Design buildings to use renewable energy

Consider the future installation and placement of photovoltaic arrays on the
roof. Consider the optimum roof pitch to accommodate photovoltaic arrays in
your climate.
For more information about ‘renewable energy’ refer to:
Alternative Technology Association website:
Australian Greenhouse Office website:
Environmental Protection Agency website:
French, J. and Sullivan, B. (1994), Switch Home-based power, water and sewerage systems
for the twenty-first century, Aird Books, Victoria, Australia.
Gray, A.T, (1997) (Reprint), The Earth Garden Book of Alternative Energy, T C Lothian Pty
Ltd, Victoria.


The roof pitch for this photovoltaic array is
25o, which is ideal for Rockhampton.
Photos: C. N. Gray for Department of Public

Building colour
Select light colours externally to reduce heat load on building fabric.

Light colours have the ability to reflect solar radiation and assist in reducing
internal temperatures. The proportion of solar radiant energy that passes
through a material is measured by a solar absorptance value. A solar
absorptance value is expressed as a scale from 0 to 1. Dark colours readily
absorb solar radiant energy and have an absorptance value at the higher end
of the scale (eg 0.9) and light colours are at the lower level (eg 0.2).

Typical absorptance values for various colours are described in the following


Colour Typical Absorptance
Slate (dark grey) 0.9
Red, green 0.75
Yellow, buff 0.6
Light grey 0.45
Off white 0.35
Light cream 0.3

Source: Building Code of Australia, refer to ‘energy efficiency measures’:

Landscape Design and Thermal Comfort

A carefully considered design of the external environment can be extremely
beneficial in terms of thermal comfort. Appropriate selection and placement of
trees and shrubs, trellises and pergolas to shade the walls and windows can
greatly moderate the temperature inside the building. Equally, the selection


and placement of an appropriate paving material in and around a building can
dramatically have an impact on the internal temperature of a building.

For example, the planting of semi-deciduous/deciduous trees to the north can

provide shade in summer and allow sunlight to enter through the windows in
winter. Planting moderate size shade trees to the southeast and southwest
will assist in providing summer shade to the walls and roof.

The functional use of groundcovers as a ground surface layer provides for a

visually pleasing environment that effectively reduces ground surface
temperatures and unnecessary reflective sunlight and heat. The appropriate
shading of the car park area with trees and shrubs is absolutely essential for
reducing the albedo effect and providing a more visually pleasing

Street tree planting is required to assist in the shading of the street footpath,
in order to moderate reflective sunlight and heat. Street tree planting is to be
coordinated with the relevant local government.

A well-designed landscaped garden enhances the appearance of a house, assists in

modifying the indoor air temperature and increases the resale value of the asset. A careful
selection of plant species and mulching can reduce unnecessary maintenance and water use
in a home garden. Photo: C.N.Gray for Department of Public Works.

For more information about ‘landscape design’ generally refer to:

Booth, N. K. and Hiss, J. E. (2002), 3rd ed. Residential Landscape Architecture - Design
Process for the Private Residence, Prentice Hall
Church, T.D., Hall, G., Laurie, M. (1983), Gardens are for People, 2nd ed., Mc Graw-Hall Book
Company, San Francisco.
Clouston, B., (ed) (1990), 2nd ed., Landscape Design with Plants, published for The
Landscape Institute, Heinemann Newnes, Oxford London.
Eckbo, G., (1956), The Art of Home Landscaping, F.W. Dodge Corporation, New York.
Hannebaum, L. G. (2002) 5th ed. Landscape Design: A Practical Approach, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.


Lochhead, H. (1987), Gardens for Living - A Framework for Garden Design, Greenhouse
Publications Pty Ltd, Richmond, Australia.
Nelson W. R. (1985), Planting Design - A Manual of Theory and Practice Stipes Publishing
Company, Champaign, Illinois.
Thompson, J (1996) A Practical Guide to Urban Landcare Project Series Number 4: Trees
and Shrubs in the Urban Environment, Landcare Support Unit, Department of Natural
Resources, Brisbane.

Reduce Water Use

Water conservation
Consider roof water catchment systems and tanks to collect rainwater for
potable use or landscape irrigation. Retention of stormwater on site also
reduces downstream flooding impacts. Ensure roofing material and water
quality enhancement devices (e.g. filters/first flush mechanisms) are
incorporated into the water catchment system.

Design a water-efficient landscape

Minimise the area of conventional lawn areas. Lawns have a high impact
because of water use, pesticides and herbicides use as well as pollution
(noise and air) generated from mowing.

Retain and value existing vegetation (refer ‘Value existing site resources’

Landscape with plant species that are drought-tolerant, relatively low

maintenance in nature and form. Ensure that the plants selected are robust
and have a long life span. Consider the adaptability of the plant species to a
range of soil types and aspects. Mulch planting areas regularly and plant
perennial groundcovers so that soil moisture is retained, reducing water
consumption and evaporation and inhibiting weed growth.

Select species suitable to the climate and local rainfall. In other words, select
the right plant for the right location and function.

No preference is given to either ‘exotic’ or ‘cultivated indigenous’ plant species

as domestic/commercial landscapes are artificially created environments and
the selection of an appropriate plant species is based on a set of design
parameters for a particular situation. The qualities of the plant species are
paramount to the decision, not its country of origin.

However, if the project is a matter of landscape restoration and habitat

enhancement, careful selection and consideration of local indigenous plant
species are priorities. Consider plant species with habitat and food value for
local indigenous fauna. Increase diversity in selection to provide habitat


For more information about a ‘water efficient landscape’ refer to:
BDP Environment Design Guide:
The BDP Environment Design Guide provides building design professionals with accurate,
accessible, professional literature on how to reduce the environmental impact of the built
van Dok, W. (2001), ‘Minimising Water Use in the Landscape’ The Environment Design
Guide, Design Strategies Note No. 43 Royal Australian Institute of Architects, Red Hill ACT,
DES 43 November.
Walsh, T., (1995), Water-Saving Gardening, Water-wise plants in Australia, Reed Books Pty
Ltd, Australia.


Domestic water use

Water strategy
A strategy to reduce household water consumption can be easily achieved by
adopting the concepts of ‘volume fill’ and ‘volume flow’.

‘Volume fill’ is water used to fill a bath or laundry tub, washing machine,
dishwasher, kettle in a quick time where the water use is under more direct
control of the person turning the tap on and off.

‘Volume flow’ is using water in an efficient manner from an outlet such as a

showerhead, tap or toilet cistern. Hydraulically controlling the delivery of
water (flow rate) from these outlets can dramatically reduce the consumption
of water in a home.

The average domestic water flow rate (water pressure) is 20–30 litres per
minute depending on the proximity and height difference from the reservoir.

The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) – National Labelling

Scheme is a useful measure to use in reducing water consumption through
water-efficient products and fittings. For more information go to ‘Products and
Initiatives’ then to ‘Water Ratings and Labelling Scheme’ at

Water Rating Efficiency National Labelling Scheme

‘AAAAA’ (5A) Rating: Excellent (less than 6 litres per minute)
‘AAAA’ (4A) Rating: Very High (less than 7.5 litres per minute)
‘AAA’ (3A) Rating: High (less than 9 litres per minute)
‘AA’ (2A) Rating: Good (less than 12 litres per minute)
‘A’ (1A) Rating: Moderate (less than 15 litres per minute).

Water Rating Efficiency National Labelling Scheme also extends to

dishwashers and clothes washing machines. When purchasing these new
appliances, consider the water and energy use characteristics of the products.
It will assist in saving water, energy, and money as well as benefiting the
environment. To find out more about these water-efficient products or flow
control devices contact your local plumbing supply outlet, hardware store or
qualified plumber.

Suggested approach
As a guide the following locations should be fitted with taps or flow control
devices with the following flow rates.

Flow control devices can be fitted to existing tapware to deliver water at

a more efficient rate.

Shower: AAA water-efficient shower rose or ‘flow control devices’ that deliver
water at 9 litres per minute.


Kitchen sink: AAA rated tapware or ‘flow control devices’ that deliver water at
9 –12 litres per minute.

Vanity hand basin: AAA rated tapware or ‘flow control devices’ that deliver
water at 6 litres per minute.

Bath, laundry tubs/washing machine: A rated tapware or ‘flow control

devices’ that deliver water at 12–15 litres per minute.

Toilet suites: AAA rated 6/3 litre dual flush unit.

Garden tap: Fit only a Type 1 backflow prevention device (fit a proprietary
mechanical/electronic timer to tap to limit over-use of watering).

‘AAA’ rated shower rose delivers water efficiently and effectively reducing the consumption of
our most precious natural resource water. Photos: R.Apelt and C. N. Gray


Grey water reuse

Look into the feasibility of grey water reuse

Water from sinks, showers or clothes washers (grey water) can be recycled
for irrigation in some areas or in flush toilets. Subject to local authority
approval, divert grey water for storage and reuse in gardens. If currently
prohibited, consider designing the plumbing for easy future adaptation.

Note: This concept requires a degree of investment to be economically viable

and is possibly more suitable for incorporating into a cluster development or


where space is available for storage and water treatment. Investigate the soil
composition for drainage and monitor soil to avoid contamination. Some plant
species are not tolerant of some of the mineral nutrients e.g. phosphorus,
boron are chemical elements frequently found in detergents.

For more information about ‘grey water reuse’ refer to:

Alternative Technology Association website:
Brooker, N. (2001) ‘Greywater and Blackwater Treatment Strategies’ Environment Design
Guide. Technologies Note No. 11. Royal Australian Institute of Architects, Red Hill ACT, TEC
11 November.
French, J. and Sullivan, B. (1994), Switch Home-based power, water and sewerage systems
for the twenty-first century, Aird Books, Victoria, Australia.
Wolverton, B.C. (Bill) Dr., and Wolverton, J.D., (2001), Growing Clean Water: Nature’s
Solution to Water Pollution, Wolverton Environmental Services, Inc., USA.


Make it easy for occupants to recycle waste

Design for easy access to refuse and recycling bins to encourage use and
provide good access for removal of materials.

Make provisions for storage and processing of recyclables – design space for
recycling bins near the kitchen, under-sink compost receptacles and the like.

Where appropriate, design to allow space for on-site composting facilities.

Do not install ‘waste disposal units’ as these transfer all the nutrients into the
sewerage system. These ultimately end up in our waterways and seas.

Health and Safety

Indoor air quality

Most people are well aware of external air pollution and turn to government
agencies for mitigation. However, our own homes are sources of pollutant
levels that can be considerably worse if left unventilated and not maintained
refer and
tm and

Some building materials are notorious for off-gassing VOCs such as toluene,
xylene or formaldehyde – e.g. Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) and
laminated particleboard; other materials may produce dust or fibres. Some
building materials or building techniques harbour biological organisms, which
are injurious to human health – e.g. moulds and dust mites; refer

The other human health risk is the obsession with pesticides and cleaning


The following indoor air quality strategy is offered as a guide.

 Design out these possible problems by careful selection of building

materials and considered detailing to prevent opportunities for these
events to initially occur.
 Select building materials that are low in VOCs e.g. Dulux/Berger ‘Breathe
Easy’ refer
(Note: light colours are low in VOCs). Building materials such as solvent-
based finishes, adhesives, carpeting, particleboard and many other
building products contain high levels of VOCs. Select building materials
that are easily cleaned, durable and require minimal maintenance.
 Allow the building materials to off-gas in the open air before installation
and/or where appropriate provide freestanding oscillating fans or extractor
fans to vent or dilute indoor air during construction.
 Dilute the off gassing after construction and during habitation with a built in
‘ventilation strategy’ – e.g. high-level windows with security screening, use
of low-energy fans or an ‘electrical/mechanical air exchange ventilation
 Minimise the extent of carpet.
 Maximise floor surfaces that are highly durable, easily cleaned and
maintainable e.g. ceramic tiles.
 Install underlay that inhibits and controls dust mites, bacteria and fungi
from populating your carpet – e.g. Dunlop ULTRAtac underlay (Ultra Fresh
Treated) refer
 Minimise the use of pesticides and cleaning agents; use low toxic
pesticides if required.
 Use ‘indoor plants’ as biofilters for improving indoor air quality; refer and NASA Plant Study.
 Consult also the US EPA website for more information on a variety of air
quality issues:

Simple slotted sliding doors assist in Indoor plants such as these bamboo palms
providing internal ventilation as well as (Chamaedorea seifritzii) assist in providing a
privacy. Photo: R.Apelt casual aesthetic environment and aid in
removal of some of the airborne pollutants.
Photo: R.Apelt


For more information on ‘allergy free strategies’ and ‘other health matters’ refer to:
Baggs, S and J. (1996), The Healthy House: the Gaian approach to creating a safe, healthy
and environmentally friendly home, HarperCollins Publishers, Sydney.
Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Heritage (1995), 2nd ed., The Six Step
Guide to Painting your Home – Lead Alert, Environment Australia, Canberra.
More on lead refer to: and
Cooper Marcus C and Barnes. M., (1999) Healing Gardens Therapeutic Benefits and Design
Recommendations, John Wiley & Sons, USA.
D'Alessio, V. (2002) Allergy Free Home A Practical Guide to Creating a Healthy Environment,
New Holland, Sydney.
Gray, A. T. and Hall, A., (1999) Forest – Friendly Building Timbers, Earth Garden Books,
Trentham, Victoria.


Design for safety

Accident prevention

Home safety is about preventing accidents and injuries in and around the

Reduce the risk of accidents and injury to people in the home, especially
young children and older people, by a little planning and some detail
designing so that anticipated risks such as falls, burns, scalds, cuts, bumps,
poisoning, electrocution, fire and vehicles are minimised.

Appropriate selection of products, materials, placement of fittings and

equipment within the home can prevent people being injured or at least,
reducing the severity of the injury.

Denying access to poisons, medications, detergents, electrical appliances and

hot water for young children is a simple design decision, with the solution
being a ‘kidsafe’ locked cupboard for safe storage and gadgets such as
electric cord retrievers.

‘Kidsafe’ magnetic latch prevents young

children from accessing cupboards and
drawers allowing for safe storage. Photos:
C.N.Gray for Department of Public Works.

Incorporating thermostatic mixing values into

hot water lines in the bath and shower
prevent scalding.


These simple preventative measures minimise injury and provide a safe and
secure home environment for all ages. The Queensland Health (1998)
publication ‘Child Home Safety Construction Guidelines’, ‘Poisonings in
Children’, ‘Pool Fencing – It’s the Law’, the Office of Fair Trading publications
‘About Baby and Children’s Safety’, ‘Keeping Baby Safe - A Guide to Nursery
Furniture’, ‘Hazards to Children under Three Years’ and the Australian
Standard AS 4226 are useful guides to gain a greater understanding of the
design issues for safety around the home.

The following checklist is offered as a brief guide to address some home

safety issues.

 Design out sharp edges and corners.

 Select and fit recessed handles to doors, drawers and the like in narrow,
restricted spaces.
 Consider the installation of in-wall sliding doors where space is restricted.
 Ensure sufficient workspace is available adjacent to cooking appliances.
 Ensure that tempering values or thermostatic mixing values are
incorporated into hot water lines in the bath and shower.
 Check the floor tile rating for compliance with the application, particularly
its slip resistance rating.
 Ensure that ‘kidsafe’ locks are installed on all medicine cabinets, cleaning
product cupboards and garden equipment (e.g. tools, fertilisers, pesticides
and herbicides).
 Minimise the purchase of household cleaners; these items occupy a lot of
space and need to be secured. The greater the number of household
cleaners, the greater the risk for small children and the more likely that
items will not be secured because of limited space.
 Avoid planting plant species that can be harmful to human beings. Select
plant species that are free of thorns, spikes and irritating stimulose leaves,
and are low-risk allergic plant species and are not recognised as
poisonous plant species. It should be noted that most plant species are
potentially harmful to humans (especially children) in some manner, either
by ingestion, skin contact, by inhalation and eye poisoning. Suggested
strategies are be aware of the potential problems, assess the potential
risks and avoid the planting of harmful plant species within the property


For more information on ‘home safety’ refer to:
Hartley, S., (ed) (1990) Make Your Home Safe and Secure The Working Weekend
Series, J. B. Fairfax Press Pty Ltd, Sydney.
Queensland Health, West Moreton Public Health Unit, (1998) Child Home Safety
Construction Guidelines, West Moreton Public Health Unit (Goodna), Paradise Printers
Pty Ltd, Gold Coast.
Queensland Government, Queensland Health, Child Home Safety Construction
Guidelines, West Moreton Public Health Unit, Goodna.
Queensland Division of Kidsafe is situated at Kidsafe House, 50 Bramston Terrace,
Herston, Telephone 07 3854 1829 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 3pm).
Queensland Department of Housing, Smart Housing at

For more information on selecting ‘plant species’ and for general information about
‘protecting children from household poisons’ refer to:
Lake, J., (1998), ‘Creating low-allergen gardens’, Australian Horticulture, May issue, pp
Queensland Health's Poison Information Centre on 13 11 26 (24 hours, 7 days a week)
for advice if they suspect a child has been poisoned.
Ragg M., (1996), The Low Allergy Garden, Hodder and Stoughton, Rydalmere, NSW
Huntington L., (1998) Creating a Low Allergen Garden, published by Mitchell Beazley,
Wilson, S., (1997), Some Plants are Poisonous, Reed International Books Australia Pty


 Install security locks and screens on all windows and doors, so that
personal security is maintained.
 Install a wide-angle viewer to the front entry door so that the visitor is
easily recognised.
 An intercom is an efficient secure alternative to face-to-face contact
providing privacy and security.
 Ensure that ‘kidsafe’ locks are fitted to all property gates and external
doors of house. Consider fitting self-closing and self-latching gates
enclosing a safe and secure play area.
 Ensure all water bodies are secured and fitted with ‘kidsafe’ locks.
 External fishponds must be securely covered with a tamperproof metal grill
so that, it prevents entry by a young child.

Good quality ‘Kidsafe’ ‘Lokk Latch’ simple push

lockable gate latches provide button front release located
good security and peace of on the gate frame.
mind. This quality gate latch
is called a ‘Lokk Latch’.

This is another ‘Kidsafe’

lockable gate latch called the
‘Magna Latch’ vertical pull.
A magnetic ‘side pull’ latch is
also available.

A similar top pull model of the

‘Magna Latch’ is ideally
suitable for pool enclosures
providing safety and piece of
mind. Photos: R. Apelt

 Ensure that the ‘safety switch’ fitted to the main switchboard is regularly
tested for its proper operation.
 Plan a fire route and ensure that all occupants understand what to do if a
fire occurs.


 Ensure that all smoke detectors/alarms are hardwired and have a long-life
lithium battery installed; for guidance refer
ty_standard_guidelines/pdf/smoke_alarms_emergency_lighting.pdf and
 Ensure fire safety hazards in the kitchen are minimised with the aid of fire
fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire blankets.
 Design out trip zones at doorway thresholds; provide an even transitional
grade so that steps are eliminated.

Home fire safety equipment is an investment A carefully considered design of a trip free
in personal safety, health and well-being. threshold is also an investment in personal
Photo: C.N.Gray for Department of Public safety, health and well-being. Photo:
Works. R.Apelt.

For more information on ‘accessible housing’ and for general information about ‘good design
practice’ refer to:
Building Commission Victoria et al (2002), Welcome – Design Ideas for Accessible Homes,
Building Commission Victoria.
Queensland Department of Housing, Smart Housing at
Master Builders Association of the ACT (2001), Housing for Life, Master Builders Association,
Lyneham, ACT, Paragon Printers, Canberra. ISBN 0908222 16 5
North Carolina State University: The Center for Universal Design:

Link to other sections:

Introduction and Background
Climatic data and design process
Subdivisional design
Building and Landscape design


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