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Money in Football

By Layne Wright

Hi guys, my name is Layne and today I will be talking about money in

football and why I think the amount of money circulating around the
sport is ridiculous. I think the amount big clubs and organizations are
paying players is outrageous, recently players like Carlos Tevez are
being bought out by big Chinese teams for a Chinese Super League. He
will be earning a staggering £615,000-per-week and that is not
including sponsorships, this is absurd. Big clubs and organizations
shouldn’t be spending this much money on players, this money could
be somewhere else more deserving of it. An example of where this
money could go is to teachers. Teachers don’t get paid enough, the
amount of work they have to do not only in school but after, phoning
parents, planning lessons and marking work at home. There is much
more work being done here in comparison to footballers only really
doing training and playing a few matches every week and earning an
excessive amount of money doing so. Even fans of the sport are tired of
all the money around the sport. Some fans are saying players are no
longer loyal to certain teams, that they are guided by how much money
they are earning in comparison to if they are dedicated to the fans and
the club. The amount of money players earn definitely needs to be
lower and more reasonable opposed to what they are now. Not only
could this benefit other places, but it could benefit the sport itself.
Remove the big money aspect and focus on the core of the sport what
it always was, a game. Organizations need to focus on things that make
an impact instead of something that is nothing more than a game.
Another point I would like to make is how expensive football
merchandise is. How do these clubs expect all of there fans to be able
to afford these kits. Some fans may want to show support for their
team but cant due to the overpricing of the merchandise. Where does
this money go? To the clubs so they can just give it to the overpayed


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