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Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274

Mobility performance of a rigid wheel in low gravity environments

Taizo Kobayashi a,*, Yoichiro Fujiwara a, Junya Yamakawa b,
Noriyuki Yasufuku a, Kiyoshi Omine a
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Kyushu University, 744 Moto-oka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The National Defense Academy, 1-10-20 Hashirimizu, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-8686, Japan

Received 9 June 2009; received in revised form 16 December 2009; accepted 27 December 2009
Available online 25 January 2010


To investigate influences of gravity on mobility of wheeled rovers for future lunar/planetary exploration missions, model experiments
of a soil–wheel system were performed on an aircraft during variable gravity maneuvers. The experimental set-up consists of a single rigid
wheel and a soil bed with two kinds of dry sands: lunar soil simulant and Toyoura sand. The experimental results revealed that a lower
gravity environment yields higher wheel slippage in variable gravity conditions. In addition to the partial gravity experiments, the same
experiments with variable wheel load levels were also performed on ground (1 g conditions). The on-ground experiments produced oppo-
site results to those obtained in the partial gravity experiments, where a lower wheel load yields lower slippage in a constant gravity envi-
ronment. In low gravity environments, fluidity (flowability) of soil increases due to the confining stress reduction in the soil, while the
effect of the wheel load on sinkage decreases. As a result, both of these effects are canceled out, and gravity seemingly has no effect on the
wheel sinkage. In the meantime, in addition to the effect of wheel load reduction, the increase of the soil flowability lessens the shear
resistance to the wheel rotation, as a result of which the wheel is unable to hold sufficient traction in low gravity environments. This
suggests that the mobility of the wheel is governed concurrently by two mechanisms: the bearing characteristics to the wheel load,
and the shearing characteristics to the wheel rotation. It appears that, in low gravity, the wheel mobility deteriorates due to the relative
decrease in the driving force while the wheel sinkage remains constant. Thus, it can be concluded that the lunar and/or Mars’ gravity
environments will be unfavorable in terms of the mobility performance of wheels as compared to the earth’s gravity condition.
Ó 2010 ISTVS. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction field of robotics, and researches/developments of planetary

rovers based on the terramechanics approaches can now be
Recently, lunar and planetary exploration programs recognized more often (e.g., [1–4]). These studies attempted
have been taking shape in several countries. During the to utilize the terramechanics-based models for autonomous
future in situ exploration missions, wheeled rovers will be robot controls. The wheel-terrain models basically follow
used as efficient and valuable mobile robots for wide area the classic researches by Bekker (e.g., [5]), Wong and Reece
investigations. One of the most challenging problems in (e.g., [6]), etc., and are semi-empirical theories in that they
developing wheeled mobile robots is to ensure sufficient require special tests on the terrain to identify parameters in
mobility on unknown deformable terrain. Since the rovers the models. Based on these classic models, therefore, it is
will be equipped with many observation instruments, difficult to directly evaluate the mobility of the wheels on
ensuring mobility holds an important key to the success the lunar and planetary surface.
of these missions. The importance of “terramechanics” Needless to say, conditions of the lunar/planetary surface
has recently been reacknowledged by researchers in the are quite different from a terrestrial environment in terms of
surface materials, low gravity and high vacuum conditions
Corresponding author. and so on. From a soil mechanics point of view, it is known
E-mail address: (T. Kobayashi). that strength and rigidity of soils vary under the influence of

0022-4898/$36.00 Ó 2010 ISTVS. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

262 T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274

gravity, indicating that trafficability of a terrain will be [11,12]) etc., it was made clear that soil properties, includ-
dependent on gravity, and that mobility performance of ing particle density, grain shape and chemical composition,
wheels will also be significantly influenced by gravity. of the lunar regolith are different from those of terrestrial
Several studies on soil/granular behaviors in low gravity soils. For researches on the lunar/planetary surface, rego-
fields have been conducted to date. Kobayashi et al. [7] car- lith simulants, which are made of terrestrial-based soils
ried out loading experiments of a model footing in low that mimic actual regolith, are often used. In this study, a
gravity environments on an aircraft during variable gravity Japanese lunar soil simulant (FJS-1) produced by Shimizu
maneuvers. Klein and White [8] conducted simple experi- Corporation was used. This material is a well-graded, fine
ments concerning granular flow in rotating drum on granular soil that imitates the chemical composition, parti-
NASA’s KC-135 aircraft. Boles et al. [9] performed soil cle density, particle size distribution and shear strength
cutting experiments with the same aircraft to investigate characteristics of the lunar samples that were brought back
the earth-moving resistance, and Sture et al. [10] conducted by the Apollo missions. In addition to the lunar soil simu-
triaxial compression tests on the space shuttle to examine lant, Toyoura sand, which is frequently used as a standard
the strength of granular materials at very low effective sandy material in soil mechanics studies, was also
stresses. However, there are few experimental studies on employed to examine the influence of material characteris-
the soil–wheel interaction mechanism in low gravity envi- tics on the soil–wheel interactions. Scanning Electron
ronments, and there has not been any clear answer to the Microscope (SEM) photographs and particle size distribu-
simple question of whether gravity condition of the tions of the materials are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respec-
lunar/planetary surface would be favorable or unfavorable tively. Physical properties of the materials are listed in
to the mobility performance. Table 1. Details of the soil strength characteristics can be
In this study, model experiments of soil–wheel systems found in the previous studies by Kobayashi et al. [7] and
were performed on an aircraft that flew in parabolic paths Kanamori et al. [13]. Needless to say, not all of the actual
to generate partial gravity fields. In addition to the partial mobility characteristics of the lunar surface can be pre-
gravity experiments with the aircraft, similar experiments dicted in these experiments with this material. However,
with variable wheel load levels using counterweights were comparisons of the two kinds of materials with different
also performed on the ground (1 g condition). This paper characteristics should allow us to achieve the objective of
attempts to make clear the influences of gravity on the this study.
soil–wheel interactions based on the comparisons of the
two types of model experiments. 2.2. Model test apparatus

2. Experimental method This study attempts to investigate the mobility perfor-

mance of a single rigid wheel that travels straight ahead
2.1. Soil materials on leveled terrains. Fig. 3 shows the experimental appara-
tus used in this study. The model wheel that is made of alu-
Soils that cover the lunar/planetary surface are called minum is in the shape of a cylinder of 150 mm in diameter
“regolith.” From the investigations by Carrier et al., (e.g., and 80 mm in width. The surface of the wheel is roughed so

Fig. 1. SEM photographs of the materials used.

T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274 263

100 plate was placed onto the leveled soil surface, and then the
Lunar soil simulant (FJS-1) soil was tamped down over the plate with a wooden ham-
Toyoura sand mer until it had the desired density. This preparation pro-
80 Range of lunar samples
Percentage passing (%)

cess was repeated after every run. Settlement and/or

disturbance of the model terrains were not observed during
60 the flight maneuvers, though we were apprehensive that the
model terrains might settle down by high-sustained acceler-
ation of the aircraft. Therefore, it is thought the influence
40 of the gravity variation on the initial terrain condition
can be disregarded.
2.3. Parabolic flight and partial gravity

0 The experiments were performed on an aircraft (see

-3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10
Fig. 4) to realize partial gravity environments. As shown
Particle size (mm)
in Fig. 5, the aircraft makes flight maneuver of ascent
Fig. 2. Particle size distributions of the materials used. and decent path. A partial gravity environment is main-
tained for approximately 20–40 s in a convex path. During
the flight, three components of acceleration, namely, fore
Table 1
Physical properties of the soils. and aft (Gx), lateral (Gy), and head to foot acceleration
(Gz), were measured on the body-fixed coordinate system.
Soil properties Lunar soil simulant Toyoura sand
Fig. 5 shows that Gx and Gy are almost zero, indicating that
Soil particle density, qs (g/cm3) 2.95 2.65
it is unnecessary to take the effects of the flight attitude into
Maximum bulk density, 2.02 1.64
qmax (g/cm3) consideration.
Minimum bulk density, 1.49 1.34
qmim (g/cm3) 2.4. Experimental method
Maximum void ratio, emax 0.98 0.98
Minimum void ratio, emin 0.46 0.62
In addition to the partial gravity experiments, a series of
Effective grain size, D10 (mm) 0.014 0.21
Mean grain size, D50 (mm) 0.10 0.26 model experiments with the same testbed were conducted
Coefficient of uniformity, Uc 11.43 1.33 on ground (1 g condition) (See Fig. 6). The partial gravity
Coefficient of curvature, U 0c 1.30 0.98 experiments and on-ground experiments were hereinafter
referred to as PGE and OGE, respectively. In OGE, the
wheel load can be changed by suspending the wheel with
that the wheel grips the terrain. The wheel is held by a shaft counterweights or adding weight to the vertical axis. In
linked to the testbed frame so as to avoid yawing and roll- PGE, both the wheel load and the effective stress in the soil
ing. A ball spline and guide rails are employed at the cou- change with the gravity variation. On the other hand, in
pling parts of the flame so that the wheel can proceed and OGE, the stress condition of the soil is maintained in a
sink freely. Note, however, that it is already known that a 1 g environment, while the wheel load can be changed. If
friction force of approximately 2.0 N gets generated on the any different tendencies are found between OGE and
guide rails. The wheel is self-propelled by a motor that can PGE, it can be concluded that the differences are attribut-
maintain a constant rotational speed of the wheel. The able to the stress conditions in the soils.
angular velocity is held at 0.314 rad/s (3.0 rpm). Active Five variations of gravity were targeted in PGE, namely,
controls by torque and external drawbar forces are not 1/6 g, 1/2 g, 3/4 g, 1 g and 2 g, while OGE was performed
applied in this study. The mass of the wheel system includ- in five wheel load levels, namely, 1/6, 1/2, 3/4, 1 and 2 times
ing the motor, sensors and frame is adjusted to be 10 kg. 98.1 N (10 kg  9.81 m/s2). The gravity condition of 2 g in
Measurements taken were the travel distance (using a PGE was achieved by centrifugal effect via circular flight
non-contact laser displacement transducer), the vertical pattern. PGE was performed three or four times for each
sinkage (ditto), the torque (using a contactless torque gravity condition, while OGE were performed five times
transducer) and the gravitational accelerations (using a for each wheel load level. The gravitational accelerations
three-axis accelerometer) of the field. were measured in the sampling rate of 10 Hz with resolu-
The size of the soil bed is 600 mm in length, 200 mm in tions of less than 1 lg. As a result of the measurements,
width and 100 mm in height. The soil bed was prepared to it turned out that gravity changes during each run were
have relative densities of 50% and 70% for each soil. The not greater than ±0.10 G (standard deviation: 0.03 G or
bulk density, void ratio and shear strength parameters of less) in the cases of 1/6 g, 1/2 g and 3/4 g conditions. In
the soil beds are listed in Table 2. The soil bed preparation the case of 2 g condition with the circular flight pattern,
was achieved as follows. First, the soil was cultivated with a the changes were less than ±0.15 G (standard deviation:
rake to be in a homogeneous loose state. Secondly, a rigid 0.05 G or less). The gravity variation during the runs was
264 T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274

Fig. 3. Model test apparatus.

Table 2
Bulk densities, void ratio and strength parameters of the soils used.
Materials Relative Bulk Void Cohesiona Internal
density Dr density q ratio c’ (kN/ fiction anglea
(%) (g/cm3) e m2) /0 (degree)
Lunar soil 50 1.71 0.72 1.07 40.1
simulant 70 1.82 0.62 2.78 44.6
Toyoura 50 1.47 0.80 2.08 38.2
sand 70 1.54 0.73 2.66 40.7
Cohesion and internal friction angle were obtained from drained tri-
axial compression tests.

minuscule compared to the five variations of the targeted

gravity, and thus, it seems to have a little effect on the over-
all trends in the mobility characteristics. The experimental
conditions are summarized in Table 3. Fig. 4. Aircraft for partial gravity experiments.

3. Experimental results
of PGE on the lunar soil simulant (relative density,
Fig. 7 shows the typical examples of measured data of Dr = 70%). It can be seen in Fig. 7a that, in all cases,
travel distance, sinkage and torque, respectively in the case regardless of the gravity level, sufficient mobility is
T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274 265

Fig. 5. Parabolic flight maneuver.

Fig. 6. Partial gravity experiment (PGE) and on-ground experiment (OGE).

maintained at the start, while slippage begins to occur after because the spin of the wheel turns up the soil beneath the
a while. This time-dependent deterioration in mobility can wheel. In other words, sinkage results in further sinkage.
be explained by the increase of the sinkage shown in Though there are small fluctuations in the data of sinkage,
Fig. 7b. Slippage is attributable to the increase of running this seems to be caused by the mechanical vibration of the
resistance by sinkage, and the slippage also causes sinkage displacement transducer. Fig. 7c shows the changes in
266 T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274

Table 3 mobility performance significantly depends not only on

Experimental conditions. the wheel load, but also on the stress conditions of the
Conditions Value soil. Furthermore, the data demonstrates that a low grav-
Wheel: ity environment is undoubtedly disadvantageous to the
Diameter 150 mm mobility of the wheels on sandy materials.
Width 80 mm The performance of a wheel is often expressed by a
Mass 10.0 kg
Angular velocity 0.314 rad/s (3.0 rpm)
parameter called a slip ratio. A slip ratio can be determined
Surface Rough by the following formula:
Soil bed: V
i¼1 ; ð1Þ
Materials Lunar soil simulant, Toyoura sand rx
Relative density 50, 70%
Size 600 (L)  200 (W)  100 (H) mm where V: wheel velocity, r: wheel radius and x: angular
velocity of wheel. Eq. (1) indicates that a wheel can travel
Targeted gravity levels in PGEa 1/6, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 2 (9.81 m/s2)
Wheel load levels in OGEb 1/6, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 2 (98.1 N)
with no slippage when i = 0, and the slip ratio increases
as mobility deteriorates. Furthermore, a wheel that is com-
PGE: partial gravity experiment.
OGE: on-ground experiment.
pletely stuck is expressed as i = 1.
Fig. 9 shows the changes of averaged slip ratios in all
experimental conditions. For example, by comparing
torque. Fluctuations are also seen in this data, but it seems Fig. 9a-1 and a-2 (the results of OGE and PGE, respec-
to be due to the stick–slip behaviors between the wheel and tively, in the case of the lunar soil simulant (Dr = 50%)),
the soil, and not due to the inherent noises of the data it can be seen that the wheel in OGE demonstrates lower
acquisition system since the range of fluctuations varies slip ratios as the wheel load decreases, while the wheel in
with the time and gravity conditions. This figure shows that PGE shows higher slip ratios as the gravity level is
torque is heavily dependent on the gravity conditions. reduced. These tendencies can be seen in all cases regard-
To examine the trends in the measured data, average less of the material and how it is packed. In the case of
values of travel distance, sinkage and torque in the case Toyoura sand (Fig. 9b), differences in the slip ratios with
of the lunar soil simulant (Dr = 70%) are replotted in respect to the wheel load are clearly seen in OGE, while
Fig. 8. Each plot indicates the average value for a period such considerable differences are not found in PGE, with
of ±0.5 s at the time of interest. A comparison of Fig. 8a the exception of the cases in the 1/6 g condition. Note-
and b reveals different trends between OGE and PGE in worthy is that all data obtained in PGE, except for the
terms of travel distance and sinkage, while similar trend 1/6 g condition, are distributed around the data obtained
is seen in the torque. That is, the comparison of the travel in the 1 g condition, indicating that the wheel on Toyoura
distance illustrates that a lighter wheel can travel a longer sand demonstrates roughly the same mobility as that of
distance in OGE, while the travel distance in PGE tends the wheel placed on earth (1 g condition), provided that
to get shorter with the decreasing wheel load level. As the same shall not apply to the cases in a very low gravity
to the sinkage, there is a clear dependency on the wheel condition, such as 1/6 g. The mechanisms that explain
load level in OGE, while no obvious trend can be identi- why the behaviors differ by the materials are discussed
fied in PGE. Based on these figures, it can be said that the later.

500 25 10
1/6 g
1/6 g 1/6 g
1/2 g
1/2 g 1/2 g
400 20 8
Travel distance (mm)

3/4 g
3/4 g 3/4 g
1g 1g
Sinkage (mm)

Torque (Nm)

2g 2g 6
300 15

200 10 4

100 5 2

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Time vs. travel distance (b) Time vs. sinkage (c) Time vs. torque
Fig. 7. Examples of data measured by PGE (Lunar soil simulant, Dr = 70%).
T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274 267

500 50 10
(a) -1 Travel distance 1/6 W
1/6 W (a) -2 Sinkage (a) -3 Torque
1/2 W
1/6 W 1/2 W
400 40 8
Travel distance (mm)

3/4 W
1/2 W 3/4 W

Sinkage (mm)
3/4 W

Torque (Nm)
1W 2W
300 30 6

200 20 4

100 10 2

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
(a) On-ground
ground experiments (OGE)
500 50 10
(b) -1 Travel distance 1/6 g (b) -2 Sinkage 1/6 g (b) -3 Torque
1/2 g 1/2 g
400 8
Travel distance (mm)

1/6 g 40 3/4 g
3/4 g
1/2 g 1g
Sinkage (mm)

Torque (Nm)
3/4 g 2g
300 2g 6
1g 30

200 20 4

100 10 2

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

(b) Partial gravity experiments (PGE)

Fig. 8. Examples of test results (Lunar soil simulant, Dr = 70%).

4. Influences of gravity on mobility performance that poorly graded soils and/or soils of which particles
are chipped and rounded, such as Toyoura sand, are quick
When the wheel is set-up on the model terrain, a settle- to fluidize under a low gravity condition since the number
ment takes place to some degrees. The amount of such set- of particle-to-particle contact points is relatively few. On
tlement, hereinafter referred to as the initial sinkage, will the other hand, well-graded and/or soils of which particles
depend on the bearing capacity characteristics of the soil– are jagged and of irregular shapes, such as the lunar soil,
terrain system. Fig. 10 illustrates the relationship between can be expected to hold the particle-to-particle structure
the initial sinkage and the wheel load level. In this figure, due to the interlocking effect, even if the contact forces
the wheel load level is employed for the horizontal axis are small. This seems to explain the differences in the soil
so as to simultaneously compare the results of OGE and behaviors.
PGE within the same graph. At the same time, the value Figs. 11–14 show the wheel load level versus travel dis-
of the scale of the horizontal axis indicates the gravity level tance, sinkage, torque and slip ratio at the elapsed time of
(n in ng) in PGE. Regardless of the materials, it can be seen 15 s, respectively. Note that it was confirmed that similar
in this figure that the initial sinkage in OGE increases with trends could be seen before and after the elapsed time of
the increasing wheel load. With PGE, a different trend in 15 s, and, therefore, a similar conclusion can be reached
the materials is seen, that is, the tendency of increase of for any other elapsed time. From Fig. 11, it can be seen
the initial sinkage is sluggish when the gravity is more than that there is a different trend in the travel distance
1 g in the case of the lunar soil simulant (Fig. 10a), while a between OGE and PGE. The travel distance decreases
certain amount is maintained independently of the wheel as the wheel load increases under a fixed gravity condition
load level in the case of Toyoura sand (Fig. 10b). These dif- (OGE), while it is independent of the wheel load under a
ferent behaviors in the soils seem to be due to the differ- variable gravity condition (PGE) when the amount of
ences in the grain shape of the materials. It is believed gravity becomes large. In the comparison of the sinkage
268 T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274

1.0 1.0
(a)-1 OGE (Dr = 50 %) (a)-2 PGE
(Dr = 50 %)
0.8 0.8

Slip ratio
Slip ratio

0.6 0.6

0.4 1/6 W 0.4 1/6 g

1/2 W 1/2 g
3/4 W 3/4 g
0.2 1W 0.2 1g
2W 2g
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s) Time (s)
1.0 1.0
(a)-3 OGE (Dr = 70 %) (a)-4 PGE
0.8 0.8 (Dr = 70 %)
Slip ratio

Slip ratio
0.6 0.6

0.4 1/6 W 0.4 1/6 g

1/2 W 1/2 g
3/4 W 3/4 g
0.2 1W 0.2 1g
2W 2g
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Lunar soil simulant
1.0 1.0
(b)-1 OGE
(Dr = 50 %)
0.8 0.8
Slip ratio

Slip ratio

0.6 0.6 (b)-2 PGE (Dr = 50 %)

0.4 1/6 W 0.4 1/6 g

1/2 W 1/2 g
3/4 W 3/4 g
0.2 1W 0.2 1g
2W 2g
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s) Time (s)
1.0 1.0
(b)-3 OGE
(Dr = 70 %)
0.8 0.8
Slip ratio

Slip ratio

0.6 0.6 (b)-4 PGE (Dr = 70 %)

1/6 g
0.4 1/6 W 0.4 1/2 g
1/2 W
3/4 g
3/4 W
0.2 0.2 1g
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s) Time (s)
(b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 9. Change of slip ratio with time.

(Fig. 12), it can be seen that the wheel load in PGE has obvious change is seen in the travel distance as shown
only a slight influence on the sinkage for both materials. in Fig. 11. In OGE, similarly to the initial sinkage that
It is interesting that there is no significant change in sink- is illustrated in Fig. 10, the sinkage increases as the wheel
age with respect to the wheel load level, although the load level increases. Fig. 13 shows the results of torque.
T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274 269

15 15

Initial sinkage (% of radius)


Initial sinkage (% of radius)

Dr = 50 % Dr = 50 %
Dr = 70 % Dr = 70 %
10 10

5 5

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 10. Influence of wheel load on initial sinkage.

500 500
Travel distance (% of radius)

Travel distance (% of radius)

Dr = 50 %
400 400 PGE
Dr = 70 %
300 300

200 200
Dr = 50 %
100 PGE 100
Dr = 70 %
0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 11. Influence of wheel load on travel distance at elapse of 15 s.

60 PGE 60
Dr = 50 %
Sinkage (% of radius)
Sinkage (% of radius)

Dr = 70 %
40 40

20 20
Dr = 50 %
Dr = 70 %
0 0 OGE

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 12. Influence of wheel load on sinkage at elapse of 15 s.

Roughly speaking, there is no significant difference in tor- by the wheel load. In Fig. 14, the slip ratios indicate an
que between OGE and PGE in terms of its tendencies and opposing trend between OGE and PGE. Specifically,
how it develops based on the initial density. It is worthy OGE shows lower slip ratios with lower wheel load level,
of note that the initial density and sinkage have no influ- while PGE shows higher slip ratios, and this trend
ence on torque, implying that torque is basically governed reverses when the wheel load becomes greater. Moreover,
270 T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274

10 10
Dr = 50 % Dr = 50 %
8 8
Dr = 70 % Dr = 70 %
Torque (Nm)

Torque (Nm)
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 13. Influence of wheel load on torque at elapse of 15 s.

1.0 Dr = 50 % 1.0
Dr = 70 %
0.8 OGE Slip ratio 0.8
Slip ratio

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
Dr = 50 %
0.2 0.2
Dr = 70 %
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 14. Influence of wheel load on slip ratio at elapse of 15 s.

it can be seen that the slip ratio in PGE is less sensitive to Fig. 12a, while, Fig. 15 shows that the rate of sinkage for
the wheel load level compared to OGE. This trend is par- Toyoura sand suddenly increases when the gravity condi-
ticularly noticeable in the case of Toyoura sand. tion is reduced to 1/6 g. This implies that the difference in
It must be noted that Figs. 11–14 present the results of material characteristics yields distinguishing behaviors.
the moments after a fixed elapsed time of 15 s, and, there- As mentioned above, the reason for this behavior also
fore, the amount of sinkage is uneven at the time. To fur- seems to be that Toyoura sand is prone to fluidization in
ther examine the performance of the wheel, data of the a low gravity environment, and that a lack of bearing
moments at a fixed sinkage are also presented in Figs. strength results in such a high rate of sinkage. As shown
15–17. in Fig. 10, it was mentioned that the initial sinkage for
Fig. 15 shows the relationships between the wheel load Toyoura sand in PGE is independent of the gravity envi-
and the rate of sinkage (amount of vertical settlement per ronment, while it increases with increasing gravity in the
unit time) in the moment when the sinkage reaches 15% case of the lunar soil simulant. This figure, on the other
of radius (11.25 mm). Since there are cases, where the sink- hand, shows that Toyoura sand is dependent on the gravity
age did not reach 15% of radius, not all of the experimental condition, while the lunar soil simulant is not. This com-
data could be plotted on the graphs, although general ten- parison makes it clear that sinkage behavior is different
dencies can still be found in the figures. Note also that depending on whether the wheel is rotating or not, and
elapsed-times required to reach the settlement differ for suggests that the mobility performance is governed concur-
each case. The results for OGE show that the rate of sink- rently by two mechanisms, namely, bearing characteristics
age increases as the wheel load increases for both soil mate- to sinkage and shearing resistance characteristics to wheel
rials, while there is no dependence of the wheel load on the rotation. Fig. 16 shows the influence of the wheel load on
rate of sinkage in PGE, except for the case of Toyoura sand torque at a fixed sinkage. Similarly to the results shown
in a very low gravity environment. This trend generally in Fig. 13, the torque in PGE is proportional to the wheel
resembles the results of the lunar soil simulant shown in load level. On the other hand, unlike the trend in Fig. 13,
T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274 271

6 6
Dr = 50 %

Rate of sinkage (mm/s)

Rate of sinkage (mm/s)

Dr = 50 % OGE
Dr = 70 % Dr = 70 %
4 4

2 2

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 15. Influence of wheel load on rate of sinkage at sinkage of 15% of radius (11.25 mm).

10 10
Dr = 50 % Dr = 50 %
8 8 OGE
Dr = 70 % Dr = 70 %
Torque (Nm)

Torque (Nm)
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 16. Influence of wheel load on torque at sinkage of 15% of radius (11.25 mm).

1.0 1.0
Dr = 50 % Dr = 50 %
0.8 PGE 0.8
Dr = 70 % PGE
OGE Dr = 70 %
Slip ratio
Slip ratio

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Wheel load level (times 98.1 N) Wheel load level (times 98.1 N)
(a) Lunar soil simulant (b) Toyoura sand
Fig. 17. Influence of wheel load on slip ratio at sinkage of 15% of radius (11.25 mm).

OGE shows lower torque compared to PGE when the ratio in PGE remains constant even when the wheel load
wheel load becomes large. Variations of the slip ratio are becomes large. This indicates that a wheel, even if it is
shown in Fig. 17. Similarly to Fig. 14, this figure also shows heavy, can travel as long as the sinkage is small.
that the mobility deteriorates in a very low gravity environ- In Fig. 11 through Fig. 17, experimental results were
ment. Meanwhile, unlike the trend seen in Fig. 14, the slip examined from two standpoints, namely, the mobility in
272 T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274

the moments after a certain period of time (Figs. 11–14), under a fixed gravity condition improves as the wheel
and in the moments when the amount of sinkage reaches load decreases, while the mobility deteriorates when both
the same value (Figs. 11–14). From these examinations, it the wheel load and the confining stresses of the soil
can be said that; decrease simultaneously. To understand the mechanism
of these different behaviors, it is necessarily to pay atten-
 Under a constant gravity condition (OGE), the amount tion to the fact that the soil behavior beneath a wheel is
of sinkage decreases as the wheel load decreases. On the influenced by the shearing effect of the wheel rotation,
other hand, sinkage is relatively unchanged with respect as well as the load effect of the wheel weight. A decrease
to the wheel load under variable gravity conditions of confining stresses in sands (frictional materials) due to
(PGE). a gravity reduction yields an increase of flowability of the
 Torque is roughly proportionate to the wheel load and is materials, and an increase of the flowability leads to not
not greatly dependent on amount of sinkage. only a decrease of bearing resistance for the wheel load,
 Gravity conditions in soils have a significant influence but also a decrease of shear resistance for the wheel rota-
on mobility performance, and a low gravity environ- tion. Therefore, the traction of the wheel-terrain interface
ment is disadvantageous to the performance. deteriorates as the gravity level and/or wheel load
 The aforementioned trends can generally be seen for decreases. Based on these findings, it can be said that a
both Toyoura sand and the lunar soil simulant, and is slip occurs easily in a low gravity environment because
not dependent on how the soil is packed. Thus, it can of the loosing of the traction to grip the terrain.
be said that these trends will represent behaviors of Here, it should be emphasized again that the mobility of
granular materials in general. the wheel is governed by two mechanisms: bearing charac-
teristics to the wheel load and the shearing characteristics
In the following section, the mechanism of the mobility to the wheel rotation. The bearing and shearing character-
in a variable gravity environment is discussed. istics will be reflected in the data of sinkage and torque,
respectively. Through the experiments of OGE and PGE,
5. Mechanism of mobility in a low gravity environment it was found that a reduction of the wheel load and/or
gravity has different influences on the amount of sinkage
As shown in Fig. 9, slip ratio varies with time. It appears (bearing characteristics) and torque (shearing characteris-
that a slippage promotes sinkage due to the shearing effect tics), respectively. Fig. 18 shows what will happen to a
of the wheel spin, and then the sinkage results in further wheel with a weight of W in 1 g condition when the wheel
increase of the slip ratio. When the gravity level decreases, load and the gravity environment is reduced to 1/6, for
not only the wheel load, but also the confining stresses in example, and how the reductions of the wheel load and/
the soil, decrease. For frictional granular materials, the or gravity influence the mobility characteristics is summa-
reduction of confining stresses promotes a deterioration rized in Table 4. As can be seen in the A–C relationship
of the bearing capacity, which then results in an increase (comparison between the wheel on earth and that in the
of the sinkage. In the meantime, the decrease of the gravity low gravity environment) in this figure and the table, the
level restrains the sinkage since the effect of the wheel load deterioration of the slip ratio in a low gravity environment
decreases. This means that the effect of the wheel load and is caused by the mechanisms in which the amount of sink-
the effect of soil resistance are in conflict with each other
when the gravity environment changes. The experimental
results of PGE in Fig. 15a indicate that these contrary
effects are canceled out, and as a result, there seemingly A
is less changes in the amount of sinkage. However, these Wheel load: W
two effects are not always exactly canceled out for the case Gravity: 1g
of Toyoura sand as demonstrated in Fig. 15b. It, thus, A-B A-C
appears that the mechanism is complicated because it is • Sinkage: decreased • Sinkage: constant / increased
dependent on the soil materials. Further examinations on • Torque: decreased • Torque: decreased
how the contrary effects balance will be an important and • Mobility: improved • Mobility: deteriorated
interesting problem to be explored.
Again, it was found that the amount of sinkage in
PGE is constant regardless of the gravity condition B: OGE C: PGE
(Fig. 15a), while the slip ratio increases when the gravity Wheel load: W/6 Wheel load: W/6
is reduced (Fig. 17a), indicating that a slip ratio can be Gravity: 1g Gravity: g/6
different even with the same amount of sinkage. This
• Sinkage: increased
implies a complex mechanism of the wheel-terrain interac-
• Torque: decreased
tion, in which the mobility is not attributable only to the
• Mobility: deteriorated
sinkage characteristics. As mentioned in the previous sec-
tion, it was also found that the mobility of the wheel Fig. 18. Mechanism of mobility in lunar gravity environment.
T. Kobayashi et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 47 (2010) 261–274 273

Table 4 two effects are not always exactly canceled out under
Mechanism of mobility in low gravity environment. some circumstances, where the soil material has high
Category/ Mechanism flowability in a very low gravity environment.
relationa (2) The traction of the wheel-terrain interface decreases as
Sinkage: the gravity level and/or the wheel load decreases. Thus,
A–B Decreased: the effect of wheel load decreases, while the it can be concluded that slippage occurs more easily in a
effect of soil resistance is unchangeable
A–C Constant/increased: the effect of wheel load and the effect
low gravity environment compared to a 1 g environ-
of soil resistance are in conflict each other ment even if the same amount of sinkage takes place.
B–C Increased: the effect of soil resistance decreases, while the (3) The mobility of the wheel is governed concurrently by
effect of wheel load is unchangeable two mechanisms: the bearing characteristics to the
Torque: wheel load and the shearing characteristics to the
A–B Decreased: confining stresses in soils are reduced due to wheel rotation. In a low gravity environment, the
the reduction of wheel load. The decrease of sinkage also mobility deteriorates since the amount of sinkage is
influences the decrease of torque
constant or increases (resulting in constancy/increase
A–C Decreased: both the reductions of wheel load and
traction results in the decrease of torque of running resistance), while the shearing characteris-
B–C Decreased: the stresses in soils decrease, even though the tics (traction) deteriorates.
wheel load effect is unchangeable (4) The aforementioned tendencies are found in both of
Slip ratio: the soil materials used in the experiments, namely,
A–B Improved: the running resistance decreases by the the lunar soil simulant and Toyoura sand, and are
reduction of sinkage independent of the packing state of the soils, suggest-
A–C Deteriorated: the reduction of soil resistance (torque) ing that these are common behaviors for granular
provides insufficient traction
B–C Deteriorated: the increase of sinkage and decrease of soil
materials in general.
resistance (torque) result in a significant deterioration of (5) It can be concluded that the lunar and/or Mars’ grav-
slip ratio ity environments will be disadvantageous to the
Correspond to Fig. 18. mobility performance of wheels compared to the
Earth’s gravity condition.
age is constant or increases (resulting in constancy/increase
of running resistance), while the shearing characteristics Although many analytical models for wheel-terrain sys-
(traction) deteriorates. tems had been proposed in the past, it appears that there is
Moreover, the low traction will make it more likely for no model that can accommodate partial gravity environ-
the wheel to get stuck because a wheel without adequate ments. This seems to be due to the fact that it is difficult
driving force will not be able to overcome additional run- to simultaneously evaluate both the bearing characteristics
ning resistance of a climbing slope or a drawbar pull, and and shearing characteristics under the variable gravity con-
so forth, even if it is minor. This suggests that a weight ditions. Developing an analytical model for partial gravity
reduction is not the only goal in terms of improving the environments will be of great importance to predict the
mobility, and the rover may require an adequate weight wheel mobility on lunar/planetary surface. We hope that
to achieve sufficient mobility in cases, where a slope or a this study will make a contribution to modeling of extrater-
pull is expected. Therefore, it can be concluded that low restrial soil–wheel interactions.
gravity environments will be disadvantageous to the mobil-
ity performance of wheels. Acknowledgements
6. Conclusions This study was performed as part of “Ground Research
Announcement for Space Utilization” promoted by Japan
To investigate the mobility of wheeled rovers in low Aerospace Exploration Agency and Japan Space Forum.
gravity environments, model experiments of a soil–wheel The authors are grateful for their support and the assis-
system were performed on an aircraft during variable grav- tance of Messrs. Michio Nakashima, Shigeru Aoki, and
ity maneuvers. The main conclusions of this study are sum- Dr. Hiroshi Kanamori.
marized as follows:

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