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Semana 13

A: Hi Willian, how’s everything?

W: Great Alvaro, and you?

A: I’m fine. Willian, how do you see yourself in 20 years?

W: Well, I see myself working in one of the best companies like tesla or google. And I also see
myself having my own business finishing my degree. Achieving all my goals that I had as a
child, and also helping my mom and giving her the best life. I would like to take my mma to the
United States. But I still lack English, but I will continue practicing until I finish in advanced.

A: Interesting willian, you already have your future well defined. I'm glad it's so.

W: And you, how do you see yourself in 20 years?

A: In 20 years I see myself already having my degree, having my own business. Also, apart from
that my dream is to be a pilot in the best airlines, like Emirates, Lan, etc. But that depends on
English since that is the basic language for that career, and I will continue because that dream
is going to come true.

W: Seriously pilot, what a nice race. I hope you achieve that dream you have since childhood. It
was a pleasure to have talked with you and to know a little more about your goals and your

A: I say the same willian, I hope you achieve everything you have said and be happy with your
mom. You know that dreams come true as long as one never gives up.

W: Yes, Alvaro, well, take care, we'll talk.

A: Okay Willian, good luck.

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