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Procedure Sheet

Timing and Stage Name & Aims Procedure Tutor´s Comments

Lead-in • Greet students and ensure they can hear me This was an engaging lead in. You were able to help students and elicit
5 To engage the and see me. the topic you were looking for with the clever use of an extra visual to
S students in the • Get students attention guide students.
T-S context of the lesson. • Ask students to look at the picture and describe
what they see.
• Elicit answer to ICQ “what are you going to write
in the chat box?”
• Share screen 1st slide- and ask students elicit
answers to CCQs. “why do you think she is
worried/stress?” what do you think she has to
do to earn more money?” where does she have
to send her CV?”
• Ask Ss to post answers in the chat box – monitor
Ss and encourage/praise
5 Model Task • Get students attention This acted as a model structure and analysing for structure. Students
S To provide a model of • Ask SS to read Elizabeth’s application email and were able to complete the task successfully and your feedback
S-S the task students will to put the paragraphs in the correct order especially was effective in helping students who had doubts.
T-S do later in the lesson individually.
• Elicit Ss to answer ICQ “What are you going to
do with Elizabeth’s email?”
• Share screen 2nd slide and model the activity
• Share Google doc link in the chat box
• Give Ss few minutes
• Put Ss in breakout rooms S-W to compare their
• Sweep groups to ensure all Ss are in a breakout
room and working.
• Monitor
• End breakout rooms
• Share screen 3rd slide
• Elicit answers

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Procedure Sheet
7 Introducing Language • Get Ss attention
S for the Task to provide • Ask Ss to look at the phrases and complete them You clarified the language effectively and you checked their learning.
S-S necessary language to with the words in the box individually. You used a combination of student and teacher led activities during
T-S complete the task. To • elicit Ss answers to the ICQ “What do you have this stage.
provide a focus on to do with the phrases?”
writing for accuracy. • Share screen 4th slide
• Share link for the Google doc in the chat box
• Give Ss few minutes
• Put Ss in breakout rooms S-W to compare their
• Sweep groups to ensure all Ss are in a breakout
room and working.
• Monitor
• End breakout rooms
• Share screen 5th slide
• Elicit answers
• Get Ss attention
• Share screen 6th slide
• Highlight the form of three functional phrases.
• Elicit CCQs “can we change something in these
3 Preparing to write • Get Ss attention This really helped to set up a successful writing task. Students were
T-S To generate ideas in • Ask Ss to look at the advertisements and make clear on what they were going to write and how to frame it when the
S order to promote notes for an application email individually. activity was completed.
writing production. • elicit Ss answers to the ICQ “What do you have
to do?” “Do you have to do it in pairs or alone?”
• Share screen 6th slide
• Show Ss a model of the ideas I want them to
• Monitor

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Procedure Sheet
10 Writing • Get Ss attention Students produced lengthy accurate e-mails. This stage showed that
T-S To practice writing for • Ask Ss to write an application email using their students could use your target language and copy the model that was
S accuracy. notes individually. provided. Theses show that the lesson worked. For peer checking you
S-S • elicit Ss answers to the ICQ “What do you have can design a check list for them to use to make the task clearer and
to do?” easier to complete.
• Share screen 7th slide
• Share link for padlet in the chat box
• Monitor
• Give Ss few minutes
• Stop screen sharing
• Get Ss attention
• Ask Ss to read their partner’s email and correct
mistakes in the breakout rooms.
• elicit Ss answers to the ICQ “What do you have
to do?” “Do you have to do it in pairs or alone?”
• Share screen 8th slide
• Put Ss in breakout rooms S-W to compare their
• Sweep groups to ensure all Ss are in a breakout
room and working.
• Monitor
• End breakout rooms
3 Content feedback • Get Ss attention If you want students to tell you what is the best e-mail ask them to
T-S To indicate the end of • Share whiteboard check for this when reading the e-mails.
the task. To highlight • Highlight Ss correct sentences
students’ • Give Ss content feedback

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Procedure Sheet
7 Emerging Language • Get Ss attention You managed to do a little emerging language good!
S-S feedback • Share word document with sentences to discuss
T-S To upgrade students’ error in pairs
language accuracy. To • Send the sentences in the chat box
provide language • Ask Ss to discuss errors and some good
relevant to the examples of good language as well
students’ needs • Put Ss in breakout rooms
• Sweep groups to ensure all Ss are in a breakout
room and working with another S
• Monitor
• End breakout rooms
• Elicit corrections
NB: if there is not enough time Ss will get the sentences
with the error in the main room to correct them.

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